The Disastrous Aftermaths

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Hello there sweethearts😊❤️. Thank you so much for your votes and comments . do share your thoughts on my storyline. so here comes the next chapter .

Move fast God Dammit !!!....
We have a whole army of Devil's behind us......
Drive faster.......

Said the girl from the backseat said to the driver .

the driver looked at her from the rear mirror view with annoyed expression and said

Do I look like an idiot to you ......
I know the Devil's are behind us
why do you think I am taking a longer route for....

This territory belongs to The Knights ...
Rai Singhania's Arch Enemy
It will be  the hardest place for them to enter.

So let me drive peacefully to the place .
and shut your mouth.......
and keep an eye  on that sedated beauty.....

The girl then looked at Aravya who was still unconcious and said

But what do you think Big Boss told us to kidnap her
She looks like an innocent angel....

The driver looked at Aravya's face and said

And that's the reason She is here.....

Because in hell Angel's become prey
Because it's innocence is always considered as weakness.


After about two hours they reached an abandoned building .
the driver stop his car and said

We reached......

Saying so he unlocked the door and that's when he noticed Aravya who was gaining conciousness ....

Beware .......
She is waking up......

Aravya woke up from her a hazy phase
She felt as if something heavy was placed on her heart
And as if her head would would blast in seconds .

She clutched her head in her hands trying to remember
What's wrong with her ......

She looked at her surroundings and found herself in the car

She got scared looking at the car she looked hastily at her side omly to find the familiar face of the girl.....

The tutor ....the tutor
Who kidnapped her.....

Her breathing quickened looking at her and she in second to short to blink reached out for the car door and dashed outside....

She was about to run when a harsh grip on her wrist stopped her...
Aravya whimpered at the hold on her hand
She tried to yank her hand out but the Man tightened his hold on her hand and said............

Where do you think you are going ....
You think you can run away....


you can't noone is coming to save you little mouse.....

As soon as he said that a gunshot was heard and the man yelled as the bullet hit his hand the hand with which he was holding Aravya .........

He fell back clutching his hand and looked around only to find themselves surrounded by black cars

Aravya shuddered looking at thr scene
she turned towards the source only to find ......

her eyes moistened looking at the person.......

It was Rudra

Her Rudra.......

Rudraansh was glarind daggers at the person who dared to hurt his butterfly

How dare that garden gnome touch his precious.....

He shot his bloody fucking arm all though he wanted to do much more but he controlled his temper as not to traumatise her.

His gaze went towards Aravya and he softened

She was shuddering in fear and was crying hard.

Seeing her in such a vulnerable state broke his heart into million pieces....

Aravya started moving towards Rudra but couldn't ...
She felt too dizzy to even stand straight

Rudraansh who looked at her state passed his gun to Shivansh and ran towards her .......

He immediately took her in his arms hiding her compeletely in his embrace.

Aravya burried herself in Rudra's arms and started crying hysterically .

Rudraansh carresed her head and started soothing her with sweet words.'s ok Butterfly

Shh ...Don't cry my little Petal.....

I am here right......

None would dare to touch you .....

Stop crying My Fairy........

Aravya clutched on his suit lapels tighter and said

I was sacred Rudra....I was.....

And she again started sobbing. Rudraansh took a deep breath controlling his temper and the demon inside him which was telling him to kill every f*cking thing around him .
to burn the whole world down for his fairy was hurt. His hold tightened around her as he started soothing her ....

That's when he noticed that she was going limp in his arms .
He hurriedly brought her face in his view only to find her struggling to keep her eyes open

And that's when the first time in his life

The Mighty Leader of Knights felt fear......

Fear of losing the only person in his life whom he love with everything he has.....

Rudraansh immediately brought her closer and started patting her cheeks.

Hey..Heyy....Butterfly ...

Yahh don't close your eyes stay awake ....

Come on petal ......

Stay with me ....

Keep your eyes open precious....

But Aravya couldn't she immediately felt unconcious in his arms...

Rudraansh eyes widened looking at her
and he yelled .



Arhaan get the car!!!!

And call the doctor and tell him if didn't reach the mansion within 5 minutes . I will burn him alive....

And then he turned towards the hostage with such hostile eyes which caused dead shivers in their heart.

Pray to your God for yourself and your Master.....
Because you did the biggest mistake in your life

You dared to hurt My Oueen .....

So now be ready to face the consequences....

Saying that he picked up Aravya bridal style and said.

Shivaansh take those bloody ba*tards in the torture cell.
Arhaan inform Vansh about Aravya ...

He sat on the backseat of car with Aravya on his lap and said to the driver....

To The Mansion fast.


Rudraansh reached the mansion and hurriedly went inside with Aravya in his arms and Arhaan following him behind .

Rudraansh went inside to find the doctor with his team in the living room and said

Come in my room.....

The doctor followed his order and they went inside his room
whereas all the maid were shocked after seeing a girl in their Master's arms.

Rudraansh went inside his room and placed Aravya softly in the middle of the king sized bed and covered her with her thick duet...

Rudraansh sat near her head and took her one hand in his and said to the Doctor in a cold tone .

Check her and tell me what's wrong ....

The Doctor shivered at his cold tone and started checking her
At the same time the room's door burst open Rudraansh was about to snap at the person but calmed down when he found out the Rai Singhania's standing there

Aman immediately rushed towards Aravya and sat down near her.
he gulped down the tears in his eyes and kissed her forehead gently

My baby bird.....

He whispered .....

All of the brother's fighted the tears in their eyes as they looked at their little sister in such a vulnerable condition .

They saved her today but what if something bad would have happened to her.

Vansh controlled his emotions and asked the doctor .

What's wrong with my Sunshine...

the Doctor bowed down infront of her .

She is absolutely fine Sir .
the drug which was used on her made her weak
And she also went under a panic attack
That's why she fainted ..
Don't worry Sir I will give her injection and let her take some rest
She will be absolutely fine.....

The doctor took an injection and injected in her hand.
she whimpered in her sleep...

Rudraansh and Aman immediately started soothing her..
Rudraansh glared at the doctor and said

Can't you be a little gentle.......

Vansh kept an hand on Rudraansh shoulder telling him to calm down

You can go now
The doctor immediately went away handling the prescription's to Anish...

Anish: Bhai I will get these medicine from store.

Rudraansh : Tell it to some guard they will bring them.

Anish: No I don't trust anyone right now....
Bhai I will be right back.....

Vansh nodded his head at him and Anish went to get the medicine

Rehaan : Where are those fucking ba*tards....

Arhaan: In the torture cell ....

Rudraansh looked at the evil smirk and said

So ready to face ....

The Disastrous Aftermaths ....

From the DEVIL'S...............


so here comes the next chapter....


New villian in the territory or shadows
of past.....

Stay tune to know what happens next......

Till then sayonnara buddies 🤗 💕 💖

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