Chapter 1: The Protector's Arrival

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Third Person POV

Ironwood: What the hell are they!

"The animals that will tear you apart if you don't let her go."

The students and professors all turned around to see a man in armor as he looked at them.

Ironwood: And who are you!

???: I'm the protector of the creatures on this island. Let the Jagras go.

Ironwood: Who are you to demand of me?

???: Oh. I know of your pathetic attempts to experiment on these animals. And all of your pathetic attempts were nothing but food for them.

Ironwood: GRR! Soldiers fire!


The Teostra and Lunastra all exploded, killing the Atlas soldiers. This also scared the students and professors, seeing them kill without mercy. Ironwood stared in shock as he looked back at the stranger.

???: I'm going to tell you one more time. Let the Jagras go or......

Ozpin: O-O-Or what?

???: All these lovely creatures are going to have a great meal.

Team RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, CVFY, and NDGO all gulped in fear.

Cardin: So. I've bet I can take them on!

The stranger in armor then waved his hand through the hair. Cardin ran at him and slammed his mace onto him. The stranger side-stepped and kicked his leg in. Cardin screamed in pain as the stranger grabbed his mace. The stranger slammed Cardin with his own mace and tossed him into the water. Cardin reached the surface as he tried to stay afloat.

Cardin: Is that all you got!

The stranger did nothing but stand there. Cardin continue staying afloat until he was forced underwater.

Jane: W-What just happened?

Suddenly Cardin was slammed against the tree as he laid there unconscious.

Ruby: H-How d-did that happened?
She asked with a hint of fear.


The group slowly turned around and saw a creature that made their eyes widen in fear.


The ships aimed their weapons at the Lagiacrus as it looked at them with a glare, sending chills down the girl's spine.

As the ships were about to fire, the engine was blown out. Ironwood looked and saw the three elder dragons attacking the ship. Nergigante tore the guns apart as Teostra and Lunastra destroyed the engines. Ironwood turned around to aim at the stranger as he stood there.

Ironwood: You'll pay!

???: If you think killing me would solve anything. It won't.

Ironwood: DIE!

Ironwood was about to pull the trigger until his hand was shot with an arrow.

Ironwood: AHHH!
He screamed in pain.

???: Thanks Sarah.

Ironwood stood there in pain as he held his bleeding hand. The ships slowly crashed into the water due to engines being destroyed.

Ozpin: James. Stop attacking this man.

Ironwood: Not until we get the creature out!
He yelled as he pulled out his gun. Before he was able to pull the trigger, the stranger was in front of him and pulled the gun. The stranger broke Ironwood's arm before taking the gun away from him.

The students and professors all looked at the man with fear as he casually broke Ironwood's arm.

???: Now. Tell me why you all are here.

Ozpin: W-We were here to investigate.

???: More like take the creatures and experiment on them.
He said harshly.

Ruby: Hey. We're not here to hurt them.

???: Actions speak louder than words. I'm not stupid. I saw you guys kill those animals back there.

Ruby: Y-You know about that?

???: Of course I do. I know everything that goes on this island. At least your mother didn't go and start killing animals mindlessly.

Ruby and Yang gasped at the man mentioning their mother.

Ruby: Y-Y-You knew her?

???: You want answers. Better release her.
He said, looking at them with a glare.

As he stood there, Ironwood threw a punch at him. The stranger grabbed his hand and held a sword to his throat.

???: Do that again. And I'll send all the animals here to kill every single one of you.
He said with venom.

Everyone gulped in fear as they looked at him.

Ozpin: Ironwood. Stop attacking this man!
He demanded.

As they were looking at him, the three elder dragons landed behind him as the Lagiacrus went back into the water.

???: You three. Go release her. And go get those four.
He told the three elder dragons.

The three elder dragons nodded and flew to the Jagras. Nergigante slashed the cage open, letting the Jagras get out. Teostra and Lunastra flew into the water to get team CRDL out of the water. The two elder dragons dumped team CRDL onto the ground and left them.

Ruby: S-So b-beautiful.
She said as she looked at Lunastra.


The students all looked to the side and saw two more people.

Odogaron girl: You all think you could get away after capturing one of our friends.

Kirin girl: All of you humans are disgusting.

???: Girls. Not here. Wait til we get back to camp.


They all suddenly hear a scream as a beam of blue light flew through the sky. The stranger looked at the light and whistled. The three elder dragons all started running back to him as they lowered their heads to allow him to climb onto their heads.

???: Lunastra. Teostra. Guide them to the camp.
The stranger said before taking off. The girl in Kirin armor stayed while the girl in Odogaron armor climbed onto Nergigante with the stranger.

???: If any of you try to escape. The monsters on this island will find you and hunt you down.
He told them before flying off.

The students and professors all nodded in fear as they saw the stranger fly off.

Kirin girl: Now follow me.
She said as she started walking towards one direction.

Ironwood: We're not going anywhere with you.
He said.

Ozpin: Ironwood. What are you doing!

Ironwood: I'm not following some people in a forest.

As Ironwood was going to strike the girl, he was suddenly knocked down. The students saw Lunastra stepping onto Ironwood as fire slowly started forming around it.

Kirin girl: Want to fight me. Then you'll have to fight these two first.
She said as she turned around, facing them.

Kirin girl: Now lets go. And they might let you live.
She said as she started walking once again.

The students and professors all started walking, out of fear.

To Y/N

The stranger and girl in odogaron armor were on Nergigante as they were going somewhere.

Odogaron armor: You heard that roar Y/N?

Y/N: Yes. You did too Zoe?

Zoe: Did you think it was her?

Y/N: It shouldn't be happening. Could it be because of them?
He asked as he thought of one monster.

"What happened to you. Vaal?"

Here is chapter 1 of Their Protector!  Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think?

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