Prologue: Monster Island

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Third Person POV

There were four Atlas ships flying towards an island. These four ships carried massive amounts of students and professors. From Shade, Haven, Atlas, and Beacon Academy. Out of the teams that was sent was team RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, CVFY, CRDL, and NDGO. They weren't the only ones going. Ozpin, Ironwood, Goodwitch, Winter, Port, and Oobleck all came along. Ironwood also had scientists and soldiers coming in. while unknown to them, a girl with ice cream hair snuck onto the ship.


Ruby: Ha. The ocean view is beautiful.
She said as she leaned her head on her hand, admiring the view.

Blake kept to herself as she read her book.

Yang: Yeah. It sure is.
She said, patting Ruby's back.

Weiss on the other hand was talking to Winter. While the rest of the teams were sitting on the deck, the professors were talking amongst themselves.

Ozpin: So you said this island is unexplored territory.

Ironwood: Yes. I'm sure this island is unexplored territory.

Goodwitch: Really James? Why did you bring a team of scientists then?

Ironwood: Research purposes. We don't know what might be on the island.

Ozpin: Now you tell us this. You have no idea on what's the island.

Ironwood: Yes.

Goodwitch: Damn it James. Why did you want to come to the island first of all?

Ironwood: Every once and a while, atlesian ships disappear when they fly through this area.

Ozpin: So you....

Ironwood: I want to see what made them disappear.

Ozpin: Fine. We see what is on the island then we leave.

Ironwood: What do you mean Ozpin. We could potenitally use this island to expand the kingdoms.

Ozpin: Your kingdom James.

Ironwood was about to talk until they heard the intercom come off.

Intercom: Sign of land. Landing in 10 minutes.

Ironwood: Let's go check the view.
He said before heading off to see the island.

On The Deck

All of the teams stood on the deck as they saw the island.

Ruby: Look there's land!
She yelled.

Yang: Looks we're here for an exploration.
She said as she pat Ruby on her shoulder.

Blake: Wow. The lands look beautiful.
She said as she saw the beaches of the island.

On The Island

Unknown to the people on the Atlas ships, there were people on the island. Not just them but their neighbors. There was one person standing in room full of weapons. He was sitting down on a chair as he sharpened his katana. While he was sitting, a woman in red armor came into the room.

???: Y/N. We have three atlesian ships coming towards the island.

Y/N: Get Nergigante. Lagiacrus. Lunatra. Teostra.

???: Yes sir.

To Team RWBY

The ships landed on the shoreline and the explorers explored the area.

Ruby: Whoa.
She said in awe as she sees new creatures.

A/N: I don't own this!

Yang: What is that?
She asked as she saw the creatures. Suddenly the creatures turned around to look at them. RWBY backed up in fear as they saw the creatures starting to approach them. The girls backed up as the creatures came closer.

Ruby: What do you think they are doing?

Weiss: What do you think you dolt! We're food to them!
She yelled as she pulled out her weapon. The rest of them did the same. They went to attack the creatures. Ruby slashed through one and it fell to the ground as blood bled onto the ground. Weiss summoned a glyph and it crushed one. Blake stabbed one through the stomach and it growled as it died.

Ruby: That was a lot easier than planned.
She said as she strapped her scythe to her back.


The four girls suddenly stood in fear as they heard a roar. They started running towards the direction of the roar. As they ran, the roar grew louder. Then they got to the area where the scream was coming from. There they saw Atlas soldiers shocking a lizard as it roared out in pain.

Ruby: What are you all doing to it!
She yelled at them.

???: We're taking it back to Atlas for experimentation.

The four girls turned around to see Ironwood standing there with Ozpin, Goodwitch, and Winter while the other teams stood behind them.

Blake: For what!?

Ironwood: For experimentation.

Ozpin: We didn't agree to this.
He said to him.


CRDL: More animals to put down.
They said arrogantly.

Ironwood: Yes we did.

Goodwitch: You didn't even tell us about these creatures!

Ironwood: So. Experimentation on these creatures can help Atlas and the military.


Ironwood: They could be useful as soldiers. They'll be the ones that we'll use to end the white fang.

Blake clenched her fists, knowing that the military will use the creature to wipe out the white fang.

The atlas soldiers continued to shock the Jagras as it roared out in pain, unknowingly alerting the others in the area.

Ironwood: Load it up.
He commanded the soldiers. A bullhead hovered above them as the creature was forced into a cage.


The atlesian ships suddenly exploded, alerting the others. There they saw an animal with black spiky wings as its mouth hung open as there were two other animals in the air.

Ironwood: What the hell are they!

"The animals that will tear you apart if you don't let her go."

Here is the prologue of Their Protector! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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