Chapter 14: The Rotten Vale

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Third Person POV 

Y/N and Ruby walked into the Rotten Vale as Ruby covered her nose. 

Ruby: W-W-What is that smell? 
She asked as she covered her nose with her cape. 

Y/N: The smell of the dead. 
He said with hints of anger. 

Ruby: W-W-What? 

Y/N: Just look. 
He told her. 

Ruby did as he told her and look among the land. Gasping as she saw the rotting bodies of the vale. 

Ruby: W-W-What is this? 

Y/N: The Rotten Vale. 
He said as Ruby looked to him. 

Y/N: Where many of the monsters come to die. 
He said with anger in his voice before jumping down. 

Ruby jumps down along side with him as she follows him.

Ruby: W-Why do they come here to die? 
She asked them. 

Y/N: Nature. 
He said wit anger as he continued to walk until he got to a ledge, showing the underground area. 

Ruby: H-H-How are we going to get down there? 
She asked. 

Y/N didn't answer as he jumped down as Ruby rushed to catch him. Y/N took out a grappling hook and used it to slow his fall. Y/N landed as he looked up to see Ruby still on top of the ledge. 

Y/N: Come on. We don't have all day. 
He said. 

Ruby: O-Okay. 
She said as she looked around, trying to take another way. 

Ruby: Hey wait up! 
She yelled as she saw Y/N walking away. 

Y/N's POV 

I stopped as I heard her yell and turned around to see her yelling as she grabbed her scythe and slid down the wall. 

"Finally got down here." 
I said. 

Ruby: Hey! That was no fair. 
She pouts. 

"Come on. We need to find Girros. Where ever she may be."
I said as I continued to walk. 

Ruby: It stinks. 
She said as she covered her nose with her cape. 

I said as I saw nothing but rotting bodies. 

Ruby: W-W-Why are there so many dead bodies? 
She asked. 

"What do you think?"
I asked as I flashes of the past. 


All I saw was bright light as I heard roars of pain. I looked around and saw many of the monsters running as I saw grimm chasing after them. 

???: Y/N! LET'S GO! 
I felt someone yank my arm. 

I looked and saw Gammoth as we ran through the wasteland. 

"W-Where's everyone else?" 
I asked in fear. 

Gammoth: They'll meet us at the Coral Highlands. 
She answered. 


Gammoth: Y/N! Just listen to me. I know you're scared but you just need to listen to me. 
She said as she cupped my face. 


I saw Valstrax landing in front of us as she looked at us. 

Gammoth: Valstrax will take you to the others. 
She said as she put me on top of Valstrax. 

"B-But what about you?" 

Gammoth: I'll come back and get you. 
She said with a smile. 

Before I could reply, I saw a nevermore charge at her but she blocked the attack with a hammer. 

Gammoth: GO! 

Before I could do anything, Valstrax took off into the air as I watched her stay behind. Fighting the grimm alone. 

Flashback Ends 

Third Person POV 

Ruby: Y/N? 
She asked as she noticed his silence. 

Ruby: Y/N? Are you okay? 
She asked as she touched his shoulder. 

Y/N: Yeah. I'm okay. Let's just find Girros. 

He said as he continues to walk. 

Ruby nods as she follows behind hi, taking in what he just did. 

To Yang 

Yang: Where's Ruby! 
She yelled. 

Weiss: I don't know. 

Blake: I don't know. She was gone this morning. 

Yang: Maybe that bastard kidnapped her! 
She yelled. 

Ozpin: Ms Xiao Long calm down. 
He tried to calm her down. 

Yang: My sister is gone and you're telling me to calm down! 
She yelled at him. 

???: Why don't you shut up and listen. 
She heard a female voice standing behind her. 

Yang: And who are you. 
She said with anger. 

???: Bazelguese. 

Ruby's POV 

I was following Y/N as I continued to hold my cape to cover my face. 

"How far is she?" 
I asked Y/N. 

I waited for an answer but didn't get one. 


I looked up and I saw him standing in front of a rotten body. 

I asked as I saw him going to a kneel. 

Y/N's POV 

"Hey Nargacuga." 
I said as I saw her face smiling at me. 

"Just like it was yesterday when we last saw each other." 
I said, thinking about her. 


"Where are you?" 
I asked as I walked into the forest, looking for her. 

I heard her giggle as I walked through the forest, trying to look for her. 

???: Right here. 

I turned around, expecting to find her but saw no one but the green plants of the forest. 

???: Right here. 

I turned around once again, expecting to find her but didn't see her there. 

"Come on. Come out." 
I said, looking for her. 

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see her looking at me with her big eyes.

???: Boo! 

I yelled as I fell to the ground. 

???: There. 
She chucled. 

"No fair!" 
I yelled as I looked at Nargacuga. 

Nargacuga: Got ya! 
She said as she hugged me tightly. 

"Ah! C-Can't breathe!" 
I yelled, trying to get out of her hug. 


I suddenly heard something that sounded like a bomb. 

"W-What was that?" 
I asked as I looked at her while she looked to the side with her widen eyes. 

Nargacuga: Let's go Y/N. We have to go. 
She said as she pulled my arm. 

Flashback Ends 

Third Person POV 

Y/N got up as he continued to walk while Ruby looked at him with worry. As he walked, many memories of the past flashed through his head. Ruby got up and slowly followed him as she looked at him with worry in her eyes. Y/N wiped his tears as he continued to walk until he heard a groaning. Hearing this, Y/N started walking towards the groaning as Ruby slowly follows behind him. 

Ruby: Y/N? 
She asked with a worried tone, seeing how quiet he was. 

Y/N didn't answer as he walked towards the groaning to see Girros on the ground. 

Y/N: Girros. 

Girros stirred away and saw Y/N. 

Girros: Y/N! 
She yelled as she brought him into a hug. 

Y/N: Hey girl. 
He said as he hugged her back. 

Girros: I missed you! 
She said. 

Y/N: I missed you too. 

Girros: So how ar- HUMAN! 
She yelled as she took out a dagger. 

Y/N: Girros NO! 
He yelled as Girros charged at Ruby. 

Girros and Ruby clashed against each other as she glared at her. 

Girros: I'LL KILL YOU! 
She yelled as she put more pressure onto Ruby's scythe. 

Y/N: Stop! 
He told Girros as he pulled her back. 

Girros: Why are you helping a human! A HUMAN! 
She yelled with rage in her eyes as her fangs started to show. 

Y/N: Shh. I know. 
He said as he hugged her. 

Girros sobbed into his chest as Ruby looked away with shame, knowing how many of them were killed off. 

Girros held onto Y/N as she cried into his chest while he comforted her. 

Girros: I-I'm sorry. I-I just miss them. 
She said as she looked at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. 

Y/N: I know. I miss them too. 

Suddenly the area around them started shaking violently as a beam cut through the area. Y/N immeidately shoved Girros out of the way as he stepped out of the way. 

Ruby: What is happening!? 
She asked. 

Before Y/N could answer, a large bone like structure fell onto Y/N. 

Girros/Ruby: Y/N!
They yelled. 

As the light cut through the island, Dalamadur and Gogmazious awaken due to the ruckus. 

Dalamadur: What is happening. 


Valstrax landed in front of them as she looked at them. 

Valstrax: A giant grimm shot a laser and it cut through the island. 
She told them. 

Groaning in annoyance, Dalamadur got up and walked out of the room. 

Valstrax: Where are you going? 

Dalamadur: Get Nergante, Gogmazious, Bazelguese, Vaal Hazak, Kushala Daora, Teostra, Lunastra. 

Valstrax: Why? 

"Grabbing a snack." 

Here is chapter 14 of Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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