Chapter 13: Wrath Of Gore Magala

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Third Person POV 

In an atlesian experiment laboratory, there were screams filling the rooms. In each of the rooms, there were girls in armor that were screaming in agony. However as the screams continued to fill the rooms, there was one girl in a white cloak with pink hair. 

In the room, she was screaming in pain as many of the altesian scientists were picking at her skin. Trying to experiment with her. However she wasn't alone. 

In another room, there was another girl in blue armor that was screaming in agony as the scientists were experimenting on her. 

Tziti-Ya-Ku: NO! NO! NO! LET ME GO! 
She screamed as she thrashed around, trying to get out of the chair she was strapped to. 

The scientists didn't listen as they were experimenting on the human hybrid. Tzitizi-Ya-Ku was screaming loudly in agony as she was trying to get out of the chair while the scientists and soldiers continued to experiment on her. While in another room, there was another monster that was strapped into a chair. This monster was in a room with reinforced steel and kept pounding against the door, trying to get out. The monster had a light blue web surrounding it as it tried to get out of the room. This monster was no other than XenoJiva. The youngest Elder Dragon. That was taken from Monster Island. 

Xenjiva: P-P-Please. L-L-Let me out! 
She pleaded as she banged on the reinforced steel doors. While she kept banging on the doors, the scientists were laughing at her attempts. Her attempts trying to break down the doors. One of the scientists pressed a button and Xenojiva screamed in agony as she felt a massive shock. Xenojiva fell onto the ground as the sceintists were laughing at her. 

Scientists 1: Can't believe a monster like her is so weak. 
One laughed. 

Scientist 2: With her DNA, Atlas will be the most powerful! 

Scientist 3: Thank Ironwood for that research. 
He said to his colleagues. 

The scientists cheered together as they watched Xenojiva get up again to try to get out. 

Xenojiva banged on to the door once again, trying to get out of her prison. 

Xenojiva: P-P-Please. I-I-I just want to go home. 
She pleaded. 


Suddenly the labratory started shaking heavily. 

He yelled as another scientist pulled up a camera. 

Scientist 2: W-W-What the hell is that? 
He said in fear as he saw another monster on screen. A monster that was covered in dust. A monster that had fire coming out of its mouth. And it slowly crushing the atlas robots outside as another burrowed underground. 


Suddenly the monster that burrowed under the ground, broke through the floor that holding Xenojiva. 

Xenojiva: D-D-Diablos? 
She said as she saw her friend. 

Diablos: Let's get out of here. 
She said as she grabbed Xenojiva. 

The scientists activated the weapons but Diablos moved throughout the facility. 


Suddenly the room was ripped apart as Xenojiva held onto Diablos. Xenojiva slowly looked up and saw Gogmazios looking down on her as she looked back at her. 

Gogazmious: Diablos. Get Xeno back to the Island. 

Diablos: What about you? 

Gogmazious: We'll take care of it. 

Diablos nods and burrows under the ground, leaving Gogamazious alone. 

Seeing this, the scientists were trying to hurry out of the room but saw that the other test subjects were out. 

Scientist 3: We need to get the other two! 

???: I'm afraid that won't happen. 

All the scientists turned to see a man in armor. A black armor that had red eyes. Holding a sword in hand. 

Scientist: W-W-Who are you? 
He said in fear. 

???: Me? I am Death. 

Before the scientists could do anything, the man charged at them with high speeds as he held his sword in hand. The man slashed one scientists in the leg, cutting off his leg as he screamed in agony. The two other scientists ran but was shot in the legs with a bow.

Scientist 2: AHHHH! 
He screamed as he held onto his leg that had an arrow in it. 

As the last scientist ran for the door and was able to get out. However as he got out, a red blur suddenly grabbed onto him and chewed onto him as blood splattered across the walls of the facility. 

Scientist 1: W-W-Why are you doing this!? 
He yelled at the unknown stranger. 

The stranger took off his mask, revealing his E/C eyes and H/C hair. This was no other than Y/N. 

Scientist 1 :W-W-Who the hell are you? 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: Good thing you're still alive. Because he's still hungry. 

Scientist 1: Who? 

Y/N pointed towards something behind the scientist as he slowly turned around to see the monster behind him. There he saw a monster with back mist surrounding it as purple glowed around certain parts of it. 

Scientist 1: W-W-What the hell is that? 

Y/N: Gore Magala. Kill him.

Gore Magala wasted no time and killed the sciencetist as he ate the scientists as they screamed in agony. Y/N stood there as he watched his fellow monster kill the scientists. After killing the scientists, Gore Magala looked at Y/N as it rubbed its head against his hand. 

Y/N: Good boy. 
He said as he rubbed his head. 

Y/N started walking out of the facility with Gore Magala but saw many atlesian tanks and soldiers in front of it. 

Y/N: Looks like you have snacks. 
He said as he looked at Gore Magala. 

Y/N: Kill them all. 

Gore Magala charged at the soldiers and tanks as they started firing at him. Gore Magala tore the tanks apart as it killed the soldiers. As it was fighting the soldiers, Gogmazious destroyed the facility by walking through it as Y/N looked at her. 

Y/N: What a beautiful sight. 
He said as he looked at Gogmazious. 

Gore Magala continued to kill the soldiers as it crushed a tank under its weight. As it fought them, many of them were infected. Infected by the ferocious nature of the virus. The Frenzy Virus. Created by Gore Magala. As Gore Magala stood in the middle of the many dead soldiers, Y/N petted its head as it rubbed it against his hand. 

Y/N: Good boy. 
He said as he looked at a soldier slowly crawling away as there was a trail of blood behind him. 

Gore Magala growled as it looked at him. 

Y/N: It's okay. You're done for the day. 
He said as he smiled at Gore Magala. 

Gore Magala nodded before slowly turning into mist and absorbed itself into Y/N. Y/N walked towards the soldier as he held his great sword in hand. Y/N kicked the soldier and made him face him. 

Soldier: W-W-What are you going to do to me. 
He spat at Y/N. 

Y/N didn't answer as he planted his foot on the soldier's neck, strangling him. 

Y/N: It's not what I am going to do to you. It's how much of are you left to be a message. 

Y/N pulled out a sword as the soldier tried to get out of his hold. Y/N stabbed the soldier in the stomach as he screamed in agony. Y/N dragged the sword across his body, ripping it throughout his sides. Y/N pulled out his sword as he started walking away. Leaving the soldier to die. As he started walking, Valstrax landed in front of him. Y/N climbed onto the elder dragon as he saw Gogmazious walking back towards the island. 

Valstrax: What now my protector. 

Y/N: We go home. 

Flashback Ends 

Y/N: So that what happened to them. 
He told Ruby as they were flying. 

Ruby: O-O-Oh. 
She said, realizing what Y/N did. 

Ruby clung onto Y/N, realizing why he hated the humans so much. 

Valstrax landed and Ruby looked up to see a land covered in some form of mist. 

Ruby: W-W-Where are we? 
She asked as she saw Y/N getting off. 

Y/N: Welcome to the Rotten Vale. 

Here is chapter 13 of Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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