Chapter 7: A Deal

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Third Person POV 

Y/N and Sarah were standing in front of the student's and professor's holding cell as he held his weapon in his hand. 

Y/N: Since you all came to this island. I have a proposal. 

Ozpin: What is it you propose? 

Y/N: You help me relocate these animals where there is no human interference and I will let you all go free. 

Ironwood: Absolutely not! 

Y/N looked at Ironwood with a glare as anjanath and the others came into the room as they glared at the general. 

RWBY/CVFY/JNPR/NDGO/Winter/Goodwitch: W-W-What are they doing here? 

Y/N: Ever since you all came here. They've begged me to do one thing.

Ozpin: W-W-What is that one thing? 

Y/N: To kill you all. 
He said as he held his long sword in hand. 

Everyone: WHAT! 

Ozpin: No. Please. They're just innocent children. 
He pleaded. 

Y/N: Then would you help me relocate them. 
He said as he pointed to Sarah and the others in the room. 

Ozpin: O-O-O-Okay. W-Why are you relocating them? 

Y/N: Because of people like Ironwood and Adam Taurus. People like them want to experiment on them. 
He said with venom. 


Suddenly Ironwood was grabbed by the throat fro behind. They all turned around to see Nergigante choking Ironwood from behind the bars. 

Nergigante: You've killed millions of my friends. Five of them with nightmares every day. 
She said with venom as she continued to strangle Ironwood. 

Y/N: What is it going to be Ozpin. 
He said as Nergigante continued to strangle Ironwood. 

Ozpin: O-O-Okay. I'll do it. 
He said. 

Y/N: Good. As a result. 
He said as he stepped in front of the cell door. 

Y/N: But heed this warning. Tell the other kingdoms about these creatures and I won't hesitate to unleash Kushala, Dalamadur, Fatalis and the others all over Remnant, killing as they please. 
He said with venom. 

Ozpin/Goodwitch/RWBY/CVFY/JNPR/NDGO/Winter: O-Okay.
They said with fear. 

Y/N: Good. 
He said as he unlocked the cell gate, opening it for the prisoners. 

Y/N: Follow Sarah to the shoreline. 
He ordered. 

The professors and students followed Sarah out of the building until he heard a team say something. 

Cardin: So he get to bang a hot ass. Sweet. 

Hearing this, Y/N grabbed Cardin by the head and smashed his head onto the ground, scaring everyone. 

Y/N: Say anything about them or touch them. I won't hesitate to kill that person. 
He said as he looked at them with his E/C eyes turning red, resembling another monster. 

Sarah: Sh. Calm down. 
She said as she touched the side of his head, calming Y/N down. 

Y/N: I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you again. 
He said as he let go of Cardin. 

Sarah: You won't lose me. 
She said as she walked out of the building. 

Y/N: Teostra. Diablos. Follow them. 

The two nodded and followed the group as Y/N tossed Cardin into the cell with Ironwood. 

Y/N: Good Riddance. 
He said as he walked out of the room, heading to another cell. 

To Sarah 

Sarah led the group of professors and students to the shore line and stopped, facing them. 

Ozpin: So why are we here? 

Sarah: Because our protector doesn't trust you to not do anything stupid. 
She said. 

Weiss: WHAT! We're not children! 

Sarah: Apparently when the last group of people came here. They started attacking the animals. 

Goodwitch: So you're saying you don't trust us. 

Sarah: Yes. We're on the brink of Extinction. So we will not risk of having someone stupid. 

Sky: HA! Not like you'll catch us doing it! 

Suddenly Sky was tossed into the water, scaring the others. They Teostra looking at them as fire surrounded her.

Sky rose from the water as he struggled to swim. 

Sky: Help! C-Can't swim! 

Goodwitch: Help him! 

Sarah: I don't need to. 

Suddenly Sky was forced underwater and he tossed onto the shoreline, coughing up violently. 

Ozpin: W-W-What grabbed him? 

Sarah: Oh nothing. It's just my lovely friend. 



They all looked to the shoreline and saw a monster crawling out of the water as it looked at them. 

Everyone: What is that! 

Sarah: Now. She's a friend of ours. Lagiacrus. 

Suddenly Lagiacrus started shape shifting into a human like figure in front of them. 

Lagiacrus: Be happy I didn't chomp you down. 
She said as she held her sword to Sky's neck. 

Ozpin: W-W-What are you? 

Lagiacrus: Lagiacrus. An underwater monster. Sarah. Why are they with you. 

Sarah: Y/N wanted me to show them around. 

Lagiacrus: Why don't you have the handler do that? 

Sarah: I suppose so. 
She said. 

Sarah: Follow me. 
She said as she started walking towards the village. The girls didn't ask, out of fear as they saw Lagiacrus holding a sword to Sky's neck.

Goodwitch: What do you think they're going to do with us? 

Ozpin: Hopefully Y/N sticks to his word. 
He said. 

Winter: We have to get out of here. 

Ozpin: I'd rather not risk the creatures of this island's wrath. 

Winter: GR! 

Y/N's POV 

I stood in front of her cell as she looked at me with her red puffy eyes. 

"Don't give me that look of regret." 

Neo: I-I'm sorry.
She said with sadness. 

"No you're not. If you were, you would have came back for me. You didn't." 

Neo: B-B-But I-I-I did! 
She yelled as she held the bars. 


"Yet you've abandoned me for the lowly criminal. And even risking working with the white fang who is working with Salem." 

Neo: I-I-I 

"Not like you cared about me in the first place." 

Neo: I do care! And still! 
She yelled as she reached for me. 

Neo: I always cared about you! 
She said as tears started streaming down her cheeks. 


I turn around and saw Valstrax looking at me. 

"What is it?" 

Valstrax: Salem's minions are here. They'e in the elder's creek. 
A/N: The creek where Zorah Magdaros was defeated in story mode. 

"So you've led them here."
I growled to Neo. 

Neo: I-I-I had no idea they were here. 


"Go back if you want. And I won't hesitate to cut you down like the rest." 
I said as I walked out of the room, jumping on Valstrax heading to the Elder's recess. 

Valstrax: What do we do?

"Protect XenoJiva. They're most likely here for her. Get Nergigante. Dalamadur. Vaal Hazak. Shantien. Lunastra. Girros. " 

Valstrax: Will do. 

"They want a war..........I'll give them one." 

































"Gore Magala?" 

Here is Chapter 7 of Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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