Chapter 8: Sending A Message

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Third Person POV

In the Elder's Creek, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Tyrian, and Hazel were walking through the the opening separating the Elder's Creek and Elder's Recess.

Cinder: This should be easy.
She said with a grin.

Tyrian: Oh. Mistress would be so pleased.
He said with a sadistic tone.

Suddenly a crystal was knocked over.

Hazel: What was that?

Mercury: Well. Let's go check it out.

Mercury walked over to see what made the crystal fall over.

Mercury: WHAT THE!
He yelled as he fell onto the ground, seeing a monster eating a crystal.

The group went over and saw a monster in light blue color.

Cinder: Disgusting.
She said as she saw the dodogama eating the crystal.


Suddenly the dodgama started to roar in pain as the group stood there.

Emerald: What. We didn't do anything.


The group turned to look at Tyrian stabbing it with his weapons.

Hazel: What are you doing! 

Tyrian: Just doing what Mistress pleases.
He said as he continued to assult the dodogama. The dodogama swung its tail at him but he dodges out of the way. He continues to assault the dodogama as it continued to roar out in pain.

The dodogamama spun around, sending Tyrian back to the group.

Tyrian: Oh. Giving me a fight. I like that.

Tyrian charged at the Dodogama once again and went to slash at the creature. He lunged at it as the dodogama whacked him away with its tail. 

He said with a grin. He charged at the dodogama and lunged at it again. As he got closer, it spat at him. 

Tyrian: AHH! 
He screamed as he crashed into the ground. 

The dodogama ran away into a tunnel as the group stood there in shock. 

Cinder: Go after it. 
She told them.

The group ran after the dodogama and came into a cave with lava all over the floor. 

Emerald: W-Why in here? 

Mercury: It seems like its trying to escape us by going into the heat. 

Cinder: Well. Then we'll force him to come out. 
She said as she started walking in, despite the heat. 

Emerald and Mercury both looked at each other and shrugged. The three walked in as the heat was blowing against their skin. 

Emerald: It's so hot in here. 
She said as she tried to cover herself. 

As they walked, they saw the ground moving. 

Mercury: Uh. Did you two see that? 
He asked as he saw the ground move again. 

Emerald: Saw what? 

Suddenly the ground exploded knocking the three onto the ground. 


The three looked up and saw a monster covered in lava as it looked at them. 


Emerald: W-W-What is that? 

Cinder: Looks like a lava monster. 
She said as she formed a bow. Cinder held her bow as she held an arrow, about to release it. 

As she was about to release it, the lavasioth jumped back into the lava to avoid the arrows. Cinder kept firing but had no luck hitting the lavasioth. As she kept firing, she didnt' the lavasioth coming from behind her. 


The ground exploded behind Cinder and sent her to the ground.

Cinder: AHH! 
She screamed as she felt the hot skin of the lavasioth hit her. 

Emerald: CINDER! 
She yelled as she went to help Cinder up.

Emerald: We have to get out of here. 
She said as she helped her up. 

The three walked out of the lava area as the lavasioth swam around, keeping its eyes on them. The three walked out of the tunnel and saw something that made their jaw drop. 

Emerald: I-Its so beautiful. 
She said as she saw a large crystal. 

Cinder: Looks like something is in there. 
She said as she pointed to the large crystal. 


They all looked up and saw a dragon looking down at them.

Emerald: O-Oh my god. 
She said in fear as she saw Kushala looking down at them. 


Kushala Daora landed in front of them as it growled at them. 

Emerald: H-How many are there? 
She said in fear. 

Kushala lunged at them, forcing the three to separate again. 

Mercury: We have to get to the crystal! 

Emerald quickly rushed to Cinder as Kushala was focusing on Mercury. 

To Hazel 

Hazel was healing the burned Tyrian as he laid on the ground. 

Tyrian: Let me go. I have to go get it. 
He said as he tried to get up. 

Hazel: Stay still. 
He told the scorpion. 

Hazel continued bandaging up Tyrian as winced in pain. 

???: Well. Well. Isn't it the minions of Salem. 

Tyrian and Hazel both turned around to see a man in armor as he held a long sword in his hand. 

Hazel: W-Who are you? 

Y/N: No one of importance. Just....

Hazel: Just what? 

Y/N: You're never escaping this island alive. 

Tyrian: HAHA- 

Hazel turned around and his eyes widen in horror at the sight in front of him. 

There he saw a monster. A monster with a dark color to him. The monster holding a dead tyrian in its mouth as it looked down on him. 

Hazel: T-T-The n-n-necromancer. 
He said with fear in his voice. 

Y/N: That's right. The Gore Magala. Or in other words. 

Y/N: The God Of Punishment. 

Hazel turned to look at Y/N as he held the long sword in his hands. 

Hazel: W-W-What are you? 

Y/N: Their Protector. 

To Cinder 

The three were panting heavily as they were hiding in the crystal as Kushala was walking around the crystal, growling. 

Emerald: We *pant* should be safe in here. 
She said as she panted from running. 

Mercury: SHOULD! We're anything but safe! 
He yelled at Emerald. 

Cinder: ENOUGH! We came here to do one job. That is to find Xeno Jiva. 

The two went quiet as Cinder started walking. 

Cinder: We will find her and we'll take her power. 
She said as the two started walking with her. 

The three slowly started walking deeper into the crystal and saw her. Xeno Jiva. However she wasn't alone. 

Cinder: NEO! 

There they saw Neo standing there as she looked at Xeno Jiva. 

Neo turned to look at them as they all walked to her. 

Cinder: So you found her? 

Neo nods. 

Emerald: Well. What are we doing here? Let's get her out of here. 

Cinder smirks as she pulled out a white glove and walked towards the sleeping Xeno Jiva. 

Cinder: You'll be a perfect puppet for mistress. 
She said as she held her hand up to Xeno Jiva's face. 


She yelled as she saw Neo stab Cinder in the stomach. 

Neo threw Cinder to them as she held her umbrella, facing them. 

Neo: Salem will never have her. 
She replied as she held her umbrella. 

Mercury: Then you'll die traitor. 
He growled. 


Neo got ready to fight them but a crash was heard. Mercury and Emerald looked behind them and saw multiple monsters. 

Mercury: W-W-What the? 

???: Well. Well. Neo. I didn't expect you to betray them like you did. 

Emerald, Mercury, and Neo turned to see Y/N standing in front of the monsters as he held the head of Tyrian. 

Mercury: W-What happened to H-Hazel? 

Y/N: Oh. The idiot. Oh. He's probably dead by the boat by now. 

Mercury charged at Y/N as Emerald held the dying Cinder in her arms. Mercury kept throwing kicks at Y/N but missed as Y/N kept dodging. 

Mercury: STAY STILL! 

Y/N did nothing but smirk as he kept dodging. As Mercury threw another kick, Y/N grabbed his leg and stabbed Mercury in the stomach. 

Emerald: MERCURY! 

Y/N held the body of the now dead Mercury as he looked at Emerald with nothing but anger. 

Y/N: How pitiful. 
He said as Mercury fell onto the ground. 

Emerald didn't say anything as she had tears of her own. Seeing that she's the only one alive as she held the dying Cinder in his arms. 

Y/N: You'll be the message. 
He said as he touched Emerald. 

Emerald: AHH! 
She screamed as black veins started covering her body. 

Emerald continued screaming until she passed out from the amount of pain she was in. 

Y/N: Nergigante. Take the two back to the boat. Make sure Lagiacrus make them go back to their ship. 

Nergigante grabs the two minions and takes them back to the ship as Y/N turned to look at Neo, who was standing in silent. 

Neo stood there in silence as she looked at Y/N in fear. 

Y/N: I didn't expect you to turn on them. 
He said with seriousness.

Neo looked at him as tears started to slowly creep down her cheeks. 

Y/N: Let's go. 

Neo: W-W-What? 

"Let's Go Home Neo." 

Here is Chapter 8 of Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all should happened next? 

1. Lemon? 

2. Talk To Ozpin about deal? 

3. Explain how and why Raven and Summer were on the island? 

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