Chapter 9: Reminders Of The Past

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Third Person POV

Y/N was petting Xeno Jiva as it slowly looked at him. As it looked at him, it whimpered.

Y/N: Shh. It's okay. They won't hurt you anymore.
He said as he continued petting her head.

Xeno Jiva laid its head on the ground as Y/N continued patting its head, comforting it. As he continued to pet her head, Kushala and Valstrax landed beside him.

Y/N: Are they gone?

Valstrax: Yes. Wish we could still kill them.
She said with venom.

Kushala: You should have let me do it.
She whined.

Y/N: I needed someone to be a messenger.
He told the two elder dragons.

Valstrax: Why?

Y/N: Evidence.

Valstrax: Oh.

As the three were talking, Neo stood silently to the side as she twiddled her fingers seeing Y/N pet Xeno Jiva. 

Y/N: Neo. 

Neo jumped as she saw Y/N looking at her with purple eyes. 

Y/N: How do I know you won't sell us out.
He said with a dark tone. 

Neo stood there in fear as she looked at him. 

Neo: I-I-I-I

Y/N got closer to Neo as she looked at him with fear. 

Y/N: Because if you sell us out. Nowhere on Remnant will protect you from Gore Magala and Dalamadur. 
He said with a dark tone. 

Neo nodded repeatedly as she looked at him with fear. 

Y/N: Good. Let's go back. 
He said as he turn to see Valstrax waiting for them. 

Neo stood at the same spot as Y/N looked back at her. 

Y/N: Are you coming or what? 

Neo quickly ran up onto Valstrax while it glared at her. Neo looked away in fear as she held on tightly to Y/N. As Neo held onto him, Valstrax immediately took the air as Neo screamed. Neo tighten her hold on Y/N as he held onto Valstrax. 

Y/N: Good girl. 
He said as he rubbed Valstrax's cheek. 

As Valstrax flew through the hair, Neo was able to see the entire island from above. 

Neo: W-Wow. 
She said as she looked across the island. 

Neo: W-W-What is that?
 She pointed to the desert. 

Y/N: That' the Widspire Waste. 

Neo: W-W-What? 

Y/N: Wildspire  Waste. 

Neo: W-W-What lives there? 

Y/N: Its who. 
He responded harshly. 

Neo looked down as she tightened her hold on him. 

Y/N: Diablos. Black Diablos. Barroth. Glavenus. Kulu-Ya-Ku. Pink Rathian. 

Neo: O-Oh. 
She said as she looked at Y/N. 

Neo continues to look at Y/N and saw that he was still looking at the wildspire waste. 

Neo: Is he thinking about someone? 
She asked herself. 

Y/N's POV 

I looked at the desert and flashes out of the past flashed through my mind. 


I was walking through the wildspire waste with Glavenus while she held her sword in hand. 

"Mind telling me why we're out here? It's so hot." 
He whines as he looked at Glavenus. 

Glavenus: If you're going to be the next protector, you're going to need to do this. 

"Do what?" 


I watched as Glavenus roared in the wind. I stood there with my ears covered. 

"W-W-What was that for?" 

Glavenus didn't answer me until the ground started shaking heavily. As the two of us stood there, something exploded out of the ground. As we stood there, I saw a creature with horns coming out of the ground while a monster with two legs walked towards us. Then a monster with two legs and feathers came towards us. 

"W-W-What are they?" 

Glavenous: If you're going to be a protector. Then you need to know the ones that live in the different areas. 
She said as she slowly turned around to look at me. 

Glavenus: This is Diablos. 
She said as she pointed to the one with horns. 

Glavenus: This is Barroth. 
She said as she pointed to one with mud all over it. 

Glavenus: This is Kulu Ya Ku 

I stared at them as they looked at me. 

Suddenly there was another monster that started sliding towards us. 

"W-Who is that?" 

Glavenus: That is Jyuradtodus. 

???: Whose the cutie? 
I hear a female voice. 

I turned to my right and saw a girl wearing some type clothing. 

???: Who are you cutie? 
She asked as she stood in front of me. 

Glavenus: Kulu. Quit messing around. 

"T-T-This is Kulu Ya Ku!" 
I yelled in confusion. 

Glavenus: Yes. Well. Y/n. Since you know about the inhabitants of this area, let's get going. 

Flashback Ends 

To Sarah 

Sarah was standing in front of the professors and students while they were eating. As she stood there, she only had one person on her mind. Y/N. Her protector. 

Sarah: Where are you Y/N? 
She asked as she looked up in the sky. 

While she looked at the sky, Winter was observing Sarah as she looked back to Ozpin. 

Winter: We need to get out of here. 

Ozpin: If you want Y/N to kill your general, by all means do so. 

Winter: Why are you not helping? 
She growled. 

Ozpin: And risk Y/N unleashing all of them on Remnant. We just need to wait. 

While the others were talking, Cardin walked up to Sarah and touched her ass. 

Cardin: Come on baby. Bet we can make you feel better than that loser. 
He said as he groped Sarah's chest. 

Before he knew it, he was kicked in the face and crashed into the ground. 

???: Do that again and I'll kill you. 

Sarah turned to see Zoe standing in front of her. 

Ozpin: W-Why did you do that? 
He asked out of fear. 

Zoe: Dare touch her again and I'll kill you. 
She said with venom as she planted her foot on Cardin's throat. 

Sky, Russel, and Dove charged at Zoe as she still had her foot planted on Cardin's throat. Before they could get to her, they were suddenly knocked to the ground. The professors and students looked in fear as they saw Y/N wielding a switch axe in hand while Nergigante and Valstrax was behind him. 

Y/N: What did I say. 
He said with venom. 

Cardin: Fuck you! 


Y/N switched the switch axe into its sword mode and stabbed Cardin in the stomach. 

Ozpin's eyes widen as he saw Y/N stab Cardin deep in the stomach. 


Y/N: Obvious. His existence is nothing but a plague. 

Ozpin: But you didn't need to kill him! 

Y/N: Just evidence that I will never let any human or faunas hurt my family. Oh. Here's one of your enemies dead. 
He said as he threw Tyrian's head at Ozpin. 

Ozpin: T-T-T-This is- 

Y/N: Tyrian. Yeah. My. My. My. He was a lot of fun to kill. Just hearing him scream as he tried to run from Gore Magala. 

The students all looked at Y/N with fear as they looked at the head. 

Ruby: W-Why? K-K-Killing is wrong! 

Y/N: Coming from the girl that killed four innocent baby jagras. 
He said as he looked at Ruby with a glare. 

Y/N: Now then. Let this be a warning. Touch or violate anything or ANYONE here. I won't hesitate to kill you. 
He said before walking away. 

Zoe: Where are you going? 

Y/N: I'm going to go see her. 
He said as he started walking towards the forest. 

Sarah: Do you think he's going to go see her again? 

Zoe: Most likely. 

Ruby: W-W-Who? 

Zoe: None of your damn business. 
She told Ruby. 

Ruby looked down as the two girls crossed their arms. 

Y/N's POV 

I walked to her tomb once more and sat right in front of it. 

"Hey Summer. It's been a while since we last seen each other. Just wanted you to know I'm doing fine." 
I said as I looked at her name engraved into it. With a rose engraved while two dragons stood beside it. 

"Because of you, I was able to survive." 
I said as I thought of her. Thinking about how we met. 


Third Person POV 

On the shores of the island, a bullhead slowly landed and two women stepped out of the bullhead. A lady with silver eyes with black hair with red tips while there was a lady with a sword. 

???: So Summer. What was this mission Ozpin told you about? 

Summer: Raven. You asked about that so many times. 

Raven: I'm just be cautious. 

Summer: You worry too much. 

Suddenly a sword was thrown at them and they both dodged. 

Raven: Who threw that!? 

Summer: I don't know. Is anyone else there? 
She asked as she searched the area. 

Suddenly a boy came out of the forest, holding a sword in his hand that was strapped to his back. 

Summer: Who are you? 
She asked as Raven grabbed her sword. 

???: The real question is what the hell are you doing on my island. 

Raven: YOUR Island!? 
She yelled as she charged at the man in armor. 

Raven slashed at the man but he blocked it with his own and kicked her at the stomach. Summer quickly rushed to her friend as the man held his sword. 

???: I'll give you a chance. Leave the island. 

Summer: B-But Ozpin told us to come here. 
She told him. 

???: What Ozpin does, does not concern me. 
He said as he started walking away. 

Summer: Hey! Wait! 

???: If you wish to live, then you will leave. 

Flashback Ends 

I sat there as I remembered when we first. 

"It's been so long."
I chuckle to myself. 


"Come out. I know you're there." 

I looked to the side and saw the same girl walking out of the bushes. 

"Why are you out here." 
I said as I held my switch axe at her. 

???: H-H-How do you know my mother? 


???: I-I-I was never able to meet her. 
She said as she looked at me with tears. 


???: Please. I-I just want to know one thing about her. 

"Ask away." 
I said as I placed my switch axe down. 

???: Why was she here? 

"She was here on a mission." 

???: W-W-What mission? 

"To explore what was going on here." 

???: R-R-Really? W-W-W-What happened? 

"The beginning of the end." 

???: W-W-What? 

"There were many monsters before. Odogarons. Girros. Narcrugas. Until you all came." 

???: H-H-How? 

"The white fang. Atlas. Salem. All because of Ozpin, they all came here. And one day, she died." 

???: H-H-How? 

"Defending me." 

???: R-R-Really? 

"To defend me. *chuckle* Someone is suppose to protect the others. And how I treated her, I don't deserve the love she gave me." 

???: O-Oh. I-'m sorry. 

"Don't be. Now run off little one." 

???: I'm not little! And I'm Ruby! 

"Well run now little Ruby." 

Ruby: BYE! 
She said as she started running. 

I chuckled as I looked back at Summer's grave. 

"She's so much like you Summer." 

As I sat there, I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck. 

???: Hello my dear protector. 

"Hello Zoe. How are you feeling?" 

Zoe: Lonely. Thought we can spend some time together.
She said as she looked at me. 

"Is Sarah fine with this?" 

Zoe: What do you think we were talking about? And plus, she's fine with you dating all of us. 
She whispered into my ear. 

"Whose us?" 

Zoe: You know. Shantien. Valstrax. Lagiacrus. Angel. Tobi-Kadachi. 

"I see." 

Zoe: How about you and I spend some time together tonight. 
She said as she kissed me on the cheek. 

"Why don't I reward you for helping Sarah." 

Zoe: I'll like that. 
She said before kissing me. 

I felt our kiss quickly heat up and she climbs into my lap. 

"Wow. You're forward." 

Zoe: Then why don't you punish me. 
She said with a seductive tone. 

"With pleasure." 

???: O-Oh. 

We both turned to see Neo standing in front of us with a red face. 

Neo: S-Seem like y-y-your busy. 
She said and started walking away but Zoe grabbed her. 

Zoe: No. No. No. You witness it. You're going to stay. 
She said as she held Neo tightly. 

Neo looked at me with a dark  red face while Zoe held her down. 

Zoe: Y/N? Why don't you have fun with us tonight. 

Neo: Y-Y/N? 

"Why not?" 

Here is Chapter 9 of Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

1. Lemon 
With who? 

2. Have Salem witness what happens? 

3. Ozpin goes to Beacon, forward with the deal? 

4. Ironwood TRIES to kill Y/N? 

5. White Fang try to attack the island? 

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