Chapter 8

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Kayla was still sitting on the edge of the examination table, looking out the window when Collin came back into the room and sat next to her.
"I know that was uncomfortable for you. I'm sorry. That was necessary."
"I understand. Did you get word in?" Kayla asked.
"Yeah. The unit can't make it for about a month. I'm still here though."
Kayla breathed heavily, her shoulders shaking. Collin took her hand.
"It's okay. I'm not leaving." He said. She was so grateful. When she calmed down again, Collin took her back to the house. She sat down at the kitchen table.
"Do you want me to make you anything for lunch?" He asked gently.
"No. I think I'm just going ito rest for a while." She didn't want to eat. She was exhausted.
He nodded and left the kitchen.
Kayla went to her room. She lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and let sleep take her away.

Collin had been alone in the house most of the day. He let Rudy out on the porch, checked for notices, and dozed off on the couch once or twice.
"Collin?" a voice drifted from the back door. Kayla opened the screen door and walked into the kitchen. "It's close to dinner." her voice shook a little.
He reached for her.
She shook her head.
"I'm all right." She walked out the back door and slowly made her way to the porch. She squinted in the bright late afternoon light. She felt strange like she was floating.
Then she looked up and gasped.
The sun was setting.
"It's beautiful," Kayla said.
"Yeah." Collin agreed.
"When I was at the prison, all I had was a little window. They would let us outside a few times a week. Mostly, we'd be under sunlamps so we could get tan, or at least look healthy.  I never really got to see the sun so much." Kayla said quietly.
"Now you can see it as much as you want," Collin said. Cautiously, he laid his hand on her shoulder. Kayla saw it but didn't jerk away.

He smiled at her. She smiled too.
He guided her back inside the house.
You need to eat something." Collin said kindly.
"Okay," Kayla said, heading back into the house. She went to the kitchen and Collin followed, not too far behind. Collin got some cans of soup out of the cupboard.
"If you're still woozy from being dehydrated, I'll make you some soup or something that will be easier on your stomach," Collin said as he stirred the soup together. He glanced at Kayla.
"Alright." She said quietly. Collin was quiet a moment.
"When your feeling better, you can pick out anything you want for dinner." He added cheerfully. "Just some basic spices will be good though."
Kayla felt her eyes well up with tears.
Collin turned and went to the cabinets to get her a bowl and spoon.
She didn't want to appear weak or vulnerable.
"Alright, munch on this and we'll see what we can make later," Collin said, handing her the bowl. Kayla didn't know what to say. She looked at her bowl of vegetable soup and tried not to cry.
"No one's ever been this kind to me. Collin.....when will the bad memories go away? When will I feel normal?" she asked. Collin took a deep breath.
"I don't know. But I'm not going anywhere." He said.
"What are you going to do to me?" she asked softly. Collin looked at her intently, trying to convey his sincerity.
"I swear, Kayla; I'll never hurt you. Never think you owe me anything."
He sat next to her, holding her hand. She struggled with the tears. "I'm going to find those bastards who did this to you. I'm going to hurt them. I'll do whatever I can to make you feel safe." Collin sat down at the table with her.

She smiled back. She desperately tried to clear her feelings of confusion and longing. She didn't want Collin to see her like this, and even if she did, didn't know how to respond. He was being incredibly kind to her, even if she didn't know quite why.
She couldn't understand why. She couldn't seem to get her thoughts straight. She didn't understand what she felt, and she didn't know what it meant either. Her emotions were all jumbled up. She wasn't sure which feelings belonged to which emotion.
Kayla ate slowly, trying to keep her mind busy and calm. Collin had an idea to cheer her up. He came back up from the basement with Rudy in his bundle.

"Hope you like animals, " he said, letting the little kangaroo poke his head out. Kayla cooed at it. Collin set him down on the kitchen floor.

"This is Rudy." He said, smiling.
"How come you named him Rudy instead of Joey or Jack?" Kayla asked.
"He just looked like a Rudy."
"He's so cute! I heard kangaroos can get pretty big." Kayla said, reaching for Rudy.
Rudy ran around the kitchen floor and hopped out of her reach. He looked back, his tiny black eyes meeting hers with a sparkle of mischief. She giggled and held out her hands to him.
"Can I pet you?" She asked sweetly. She reached out and stroked his grey fur.
He leaned into it and nuzzled against her arm. "You're so soft," Kayla murmured to him, petting him gently.
After a few minutes, Rudy finally moved to stand next to Collin. Rudy walked around a little before coming and flopping his head onto Collin's lap.
"I'm going to the village in a few days. Would you like to come with me? It'll get you out of the house for a while." Collin asked. Kayla wiped off her cheeks.
"Okay." That was all she said. Collin smiled.
"Rudy will like it, too."
She smiled back. She desperately tried to clear her feelings of confusion and longing. She didn't want Collin to see her like this, and even if she did, didn't know how to respond. He was being incredibly kind to her, even if she didn't know quite why.

She felt so overwhelmed. There was too much going through her head, and she didn't know where to start.
"Are you okay now?" Collin asked. She nodded.
"Yes. I am." She said, smiling. He relaxed.
"Good. I'm glad," Collin said happily.
They finished eating. Kayla stood up slowly and headed to her bedroom.
"Where are you going?" Collin asked.
"To my room," She answered. Collin raised his eyebrows.
"Okay...It's not very late though. Do you want to watch a movie?" Collin asked.
"Sure." She answered.
"Which one?"
"Whatever you want," she told him. "Just nothing too....tense."
Collin nodded. He figured because of Kayla's trauma, she might be a little sensitive about stuff that happened before. And there were times when he didn't mind watching movies.
They settled on The Princess Bride.
Kayla got comfortable on the couch,  while Collin started the movie. Kayla closed her eyes after the credits rolled.
Collin watched Kayla and kept looking at her.
She was breathing quietly.
He knew it was important for her to sleep. His heart clenched a little bit. He sighed. He looked away from her. He shook her shoulder gently.
"Hey, let's get you to bed." Kayla walked sleepily to her room.
He went to bed with the lights off and the door unlocked.
In his dreams, he found himself sitting next to her again. He wanted to hold her, to comfort her.
But she was asleep. So close, yet so far.

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