Chapter 9

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Two days later, Collin loaded up a truck he had full of supplies. Food, medicine, and even toys, and clothes. Kayla had Rudy in his bundle and got into the passenger side seat. The village was only a short drive away. It was a collection of small trailers and even a few huts. They could have easily passed it by; it was set off the road and a few clusters of trees boarded it.
Collin drove along the main road that wound through the village.
Many people were walking by and greeting each other.
People he knew.
The place was peaceful, yet still bustling. People talking, kids running around playing games, laughing.
Kayla watched with wonder. She wondered if she had ever seen kids so genuinely happy. When she was young and would play in the yard area in the prison, the happiness felt fake and constricted. Here, kids were running up to the truck after it was parked, laughing, screaming, and racing with the other kids as they played, their faces filled with joy.
Her smile was shy but sincere. She missed that feeling of freedom. That feeling of being able to just run around freely, doing as she pleased without anyone telling her what to do or how to behave.

Collin reached into the bed of the truck and pulled out a box of treats; powdered juice, candy, and snacks to give away. The kids took candy treats. A few adults gathered around and took the food and medical supplies. Then, kids of all ages lined up to pet Rudy. Collin told Kayla everyone's names.
"The kid with the bow is Samuel. I helped his hunting party take out a croc that was too close to the village." Stopping, Collin picked up a toddler-aged girl with braids.

"And this is Colleen. Her parents decided to name her after me because I delivered her."
"No way!" Kayla said.
"It's true. Her mum was in labor and they had to choose between me at the outpost or the dangerous drive to the main base. They chose me."

"That sounds scary. But it seems your job here saved their lives," Kayla said.
Colleen smiled at Kayla and put a beaded necklace around her neck.
"It's pretty! Thank you, sweetie." Kayla said, kissing Colleen on the cheek.
Before everyone knew it, it was time for Collin to pack back up and head back to the outpost.
Collin glanced at Kayla as he drove. She gazed out the truck window.
"Everything okay?" He asked softly. She turned towards him.
"Yeah. Everything is good." She replied. He gave a half-shrug. She smiled lightly.
He parked the truck.
Kayla climbed out as he locked the doors and grabbed his bag.
"Do you want me to make dinner tonight will you?" Kayla asked, walking into the house.
"Sure. What kind of cook do you think I am?" Collin smirked, following behind her.
"Oh please," she laughed.
"What kind of cooking are you going to do?" Collin questioned.
"I don't know. What do you have?" She asked, heading into the kitchen.
"Um, well...I don't know, I guess we'll see...maybe pasta or something. We've got eggs, milk, meat, flour..."
"Pasta it is, then," Kayla said, starting on the food.
"You want some help?" Collin offered, leaning over the island and looking into the pot.
After dinner, they washed the dishes together. She sat on the edge of the counter and watched as Collin dried off the last plate, and put it away in its cupboard.
"You wanna go outside and look at stars?" Collin asked, putting the plates down.
"Of course!" Kaya replied smiling.
Night in the desert was often dark and clear. There were so many stars and the moon was so bright and beautiful.
He led her outside to the porch and laid out a blanket. She stared up at the sky as he lit a candle as he did.
They sat down together on the blanket. He sat next to her and they faced outwards.

"Wow..." She said under her breath.
"This is cool, isn't it?" Collin responded. She hummed a response. After a few moments, Collin reached for her hand. She took it cautiously but smiled warmly at him. Collin squeezed her hand gently.
"Thank you for everything. For letting me stay here and for taking care of me." She said, staring at him. He smiled. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"You don't have to thank me. Just seeing you happy and safe makes it all worth it. This is the life I want for you," Collin whispered to her. She closed her eyes and leaned closer to him. She held onto his hand tightly.
He stroked a piece of hair out of her face and held her close. She rested her head against his chest. He held her for a long time before she stood.
"I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."
"See you in the morning." He agreed. They both went inside.
She changed, brushed her teeth, and put herself to bed. Collin followed suit.
He lay awake for some time, thinking about things. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts occupied with Kayla.

The next day, he woke up early. He dressed quickly and took care of the morning chores. The day that followed was uneventful. That night, Collin stayed up late in case travelers came. He had gone to get something from upstairs when he heard a sound coming from Kayla's room.

Collin went into the dark room; the nightlight in the hallway allowed a small amount of light to shine onto the bed. Kayla was crying in her sleep; her body convulsing with sobs and a weak scream threatened to escape her lungs. Collin shook her gently.

"Wake up, It's alright, Kayla." He said. She awoke with a start, a strangled sob tearing from her throat. "Kayla, it's alright; I'm here." He said softly. He was trying to speak softly and calmly in a lulling voice; it was too dark to see her face at the moment, but he could hear her and feel her body shake. Kayla put her arms around him; clinging tight. When her breathing returned to normal, her grip relaxed on him.

"Please, can you stay with me until I fall back asleep?" she whimpered.
But she had not shied away from him.

"Sure," he answered, getting into the bed with her. He was happy he was in his t-shirt and not shirtless like he usually was; he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. It had been hot, and Kayla was just in a bra and underwear. He could feel the heat of her naked skin through his shirt.

"Try to sleep now."

Collin rubbed her back while Kayla breathed heavily, her breaths ragged, and uneven. Collin listened intently for any sounds of her tossing and turning. His ears strained for any noise, whether it be a whimper or a cry. In times past, he used to do the same thing. About fifteen minutes passed as he held her. She had stopped crying now, all that could be heard was Kayla's labored breathing. Soon, Collin also drifted off.
Then suddenly, she bolted awake, crying out with a frightened gasp.

"W-what's wrong?" he asked, sounding confused.
"I had a nightmare." Kayla whimpered.

Collin rolled over onto his back.
"I'm's just a dream." He assured her softly.
She curled in on herself more, tears running down her cheeks. She clutched at his T-shirt and cried. Tears continued to flow. Collin held her and rubbed her back, saying soft words of comfort in her ear.
"'s're safe...I won't let anything happen to you, Kayla....don't're okay....everything's fine." He cooed. Gradually, she calmed down.
Collin held her closely, listening to her heartbeat.
"Can I hold you, sweetheart?" he asked quietly.
"Yes, yes please..." She murmured.
"You have to tell me about whatever it is that's keeping you up. Maybe it will help you sleep better." He said. She nodded.

"I was in my room back at the prison. I was sleeping in the bed, just laying there, and all of a sudden, I had this crushing feeling of panic and helplessness. It lasted for a few moments, then I felt like I had to get up. Someone was there in the room with me. I could t see them, but somehow I knew they were there." Her voice trembled.
"I can't remember what happened after that. After that moment, I don't remember anything. Just not being able to move or breathe." Kayla suddenly started shaking and he put his arms around her. She stiffened, but then relaxed against his strong body; feeling safe and protected.
"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I don't know what I'm doing."
Collin felt her shoulders shake.
Kayla buried her face in his chest.
He rubbed her back rhythmically as she sobbed quietly into him.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything." He said.
She nodded again.

"I'll always be here, baby, no one will ever hurt you again," Collin said; his lips touching her hair, finishing his promise with a soft kiss on the top of her head. It was a comforting kiss; nothing more. Kayla sighed and turned around in his arms, her arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. She didn't care what he knew; she needed to feel his warmth and safety.
Kayla laid her head down on his chest. She felt safe and secure as his arms hold her tighter.
Kayla lay there in the darkness, comfortable. She could hear Collin's even breathing, and feel his strong arms around her.

Collin was beginning to realize that there was something different about this girl. He couldn't quite put his finger on it yet, she was more than just a visitor to his home. He liked her and wanted to keep her by his side for as long as possible.

"When the rest of the troops come, will they be able to save the other girls?" Kayla murmured, snuggling in the blankets around them.

"Yeah, we should have a team coming within a few weeks. They'll get the men and shut down the building. You'll be safe here, Kayla. " Collin said, wrapping his arms around her.
Kayla let out a small sigh.
"You're not going back, Kayla. I promise you." All the tension and fear left Kayla's body as sleep lifted itself back off of her mind. She wasn't afraid anymore; she was safe and warm.
"Thanks, Collin," Kayla mumbled quietly.
Kayla fell asleep in Collin's arms. Collin stayed right where he was; watching over her in silence.  Collin lay there for a few minutes; enjoying being near her, listening to her soft and steady breaths. As soon as she slept peacefully, Collin slowly moved so that he wouldn't wake her. Once he was sure she was asleep, he carefully got up. He felt like he was leaving her when he went to sleep on the couch in the living room. But he would never leave her. No one would hurt Kayla or hurt him. He had promised to protect her. Other people depend on him too; the tribe, the unnamed women, and the kids at the prison. He would save and protect was everything to him.

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