6.Unbelievable; A sister's care

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"Don't do that again!! You hear me!?"-Alexandra Garcia

3rd person

Due to Sendo's skills, Kagami's having a hard time keeping on with him. The ball was passed to Izuki and he dribbled it to the Ryogan's ring. Then, their no. 12 guarded him. He passed the ball to the outside, and by that, I mean to Hyuuga. Their no. 5 immeidately guarded him and Hyuuga stepped back and make a three-point shot. But, the no. 5 stopped his shot.

'What the heck?!' Hyuuga thought. 'His arms are really long. Kussu, Ryogan's a tough opponent.' then Kuroko stole the ball from Fukuda and passed it to Hyuuga. Ryogan's no. 5 guarded him with a smug look

"What now? You can't pass through my arms~" Kuroichi stated making Hyuuga click his tongue and pass the ball to Kyoshi.

'Junpei's in trouble. He can't pass through that guy's long arms. What should we do?' Riko thought carefully.

"Sendo!!" that snapped Riko's heavy thinking and put her attention at the teens. Kagami focoused on the ball as Sendo continuesly dribble it. After that, he passed through Kagami and dunked the ball to the ring

"OI! BAKA!! JOTO MATE!!" Kaiga stopped Sendo as they heard creeking sound.

"Akio!! Stop!!" Alex yelled as the ring droped causing Sendo to fall with it.

"T-T-Time out!!" Kaiga called for a time out and the referee blew the whistle. Alex rushed to Sendo who was walking to the bench. He stopped infront Alex and stare to her eyes. It's full of anger and worry.



He was cut off when Alex slapped him

Kagami's P.O.V

We we're having a discussion on how to beat Ryogam when...


Alex slapped Sendo. It got eveyone's attention, even the referee. Then there's a moment of silent

"Don't do that again!! You hear me?!" Alex yelled at Sendo pointing her index finger at him.


"You could have yourself hurt! What if that ring top you up?! Akio, you should think about your actions first before doing something reckless!! You could have injured youself!" Alex lectured Sendo as he just look at her blankly.

"I don't care! As long as I play, I can do that. So don't interup my lif-" then Alex didn't controled herself and slap him again. But this time, harder.

"IDIOT!! I CARE FOR YOU AS YOUR SISTER SO DON'T TELL ME TO DON'T INTERUPT YOUR LIFE. DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID, AKIO!! You want to get injured!? Fine" she said and run out the gym. I can't believe she could be like that. And what's the problem with Sendo? People tell me I always make women cry. Sendo's worst. His own sister


Poor Alex-sama. Sendo go apologize to her or you won't go fishing for month. Plus, no basketball!!

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