Chapter 25- "No Fuck Ups?"

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Chapter 25- "No Fuck Ups?"

[Be sure to check out the Author's Note at the end! I've got important news to share! Also, this chapter is embarrassingly long, sorry.]

I sighed. One more dress out of the way. Nothing seemed to fit me the moment I needed it to. One of the dresses actually made me look like a whale. "Rhea, can I please just sit and cry?" I whined and chucked another sequinned dress across the room.

"Of course not. Get up, I'm calling Samayra. If there's anyone who can help, it's her." Rhea shook her head and called out, "Sam! There's a fashion emergency!"

Samayra burst open the door. "Did I actually hear what I heard?!" She glanced at me and her face fell. "Honestly Di, sometimes I can't believe you are my sister." I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out.

"Now, now, don't be indignant. Consider it a blessing that I'm helping you even though I'm not your plus one this evening." She turned away from me and started rummaging through the racks.

I sighed. I felt guilty about leaving Samayra behind but the invitation only allows a plus one and not plus twos. There's no way I could take her along except, of course, if I smuggle her in.

"Don't even think about sneaking me inside. If I'm going, I'm making an entrance. Nothing more, nothing less." She shrugged, throwing clothes, left and right.

Caught in my thoughts, I said, "Of course not. I was thinking that Rhea might be able to help with my plan more, that's all." I got up and walked towards my mirror and started on my makeup.

"Seriously Di? I can top Rhea Di's sarcasm any day. Try me." She laughed. "Hey, not fair!" She shrieked as Rhea threw a pillow at her from the other end of the room.

"Joking! Anyway, why'd you stay away from us for so long Rhea Di? It's so unlike you." Rhea looked down and started brushing off imaginary dust from the blanket. "Well-" She trailed off. Samayra gave an encouraging nod.

Rhea exhaled and her face clouded over with embarrassment. "Well, I- I threw a tantrum, a meaningless one, if I'm being frank. And I was too ashamed and proud to apologise for what I'd done." She said, eyes filling up with regret.

I kept my eyeliner down on the table and went to sit on the bed. "It's okay. It's all in the past now." I smiled and hugged her, feeling happy that everything had finally worked out.

"You sappy dumb heads. What's this master plan you guys have cooked up that I can't be a part of?"

"Oh Sam, you really don't want to know." Rhea giggled. I frowned at her and threw a purple dress, lying on the bed, at her. "Shut up. It's amazing, okay." I said and went back to touching my eyeliner up.

"Please stop with all the suspense and just tell me, will you?" Samayra said, irritated.

"Sure thing. So you know how smart Mira is and what wonderful ideas she can come up with, right? Well, Miss Wonderful Ideas has decided that her master plan is crying and apologising to both Raghav and Dhruv, till they let her back on the film. There you have it. Opinions?"

"What?! I'm looking for an apology dress? Why didn't you just say so? Di, just go in those tasteless pjs you are wearing. If sorry were a person, you would be the proud owner of the title, I'm sure."

I whirred around. "Don't y- Oh my god." Stunned, I stared at the dress Samayra held up. It was a little red number, with a daring neckline that flaunted just the right amount and studded with little sequins where it ended just above my knees. "Wow, I-"

I rushed to the washroom to get changed. When I entered the room, Rhea's eyes bulged out. She said, with utter disbelief, "What have you done with my best friend and why do you look so uncharacteristically hot?!"

"What do you mean 'uncharacteristically'? I was born hot." I struck a pose and pouted.

Samayra and Rhea looked at each other. "Nah." they said at the same moment and burst out laughing. I huffed and plopped down on the bed. "How mean. Thanks Sam." I pull her into a hug. "Yes, yes, okay. What about your hair? It looks like an eagle's nest, Di."

I sat up and sent my best 'please-do-my-hair' at her. Samayra raised her eyebrows. "How the hell are you an adult?" She trudged towards the dresser and came back with my brush.

Within minutes, my hair was pinned up into a sophisticated and elaborate princess braid. "Now go. Rock the carpet, Di. Love you."

"Me?" Rhea looked at Samayra with such sadness that Samayra went up to her and hugged her. "You too, Rhea Di. Make me proud y'all. And Di?"

I put on my black strappy heels and turned to her, one heel in my hand. "Hmm?"

"Please don't grovel and cry." I chuckled at the concerned look on my sister's face. "I'll try." I said and walked out. I grabbed my car keys from the kitchen table, kissed my Mom and Dad goodbye and with Rhea in tow, I walked into the garage.

We pulled out of the driveway and waved to my family. "Back before midnight, Mira." My Dad said while my Mom nudged him slightly. "You enjoy, honey. We trust Rhea to take care of you." Mom smiled. Rhea fake bowed and we sped off.

Hailey's party was just a few streets away. We reached the party, fashionably late. I handed the keys over to the valet and presented myself on the red carpet, Rhea by my side. The reporters hollered question after question but we smiled politely, posed for a couple of pictures and waved goodbye.

Once inside, Hailey appeared with a flourish, a charming smile on her face. "Why hello, Mira! And Rhea too! It's wonderful seeing you two together again! Enjoy the party and if there's absolutely anything, please don't call me."

We laughed and she hugged both of us. She was about to greet another guest who had just arrived but instead she turned back to us. "Raghav's out back at the pool, just in case." She winked. I simply stared at her.

Rhea pulled me along. "If you are going to cry, let's get at it right away. Don't save the embarrassment for later." We walked across the humongous living room and towards the pool which was so huge, you could fit in ten whales and there would be still space for a baby dolphin.

I stood gaping at the huge pool in front of me. I suddenly heard Rhea squeal and felt her roughly elbowing me. "Ow, what the hell!" I rubbed the side of my stomach and looked up to find Raghav walking towards me.

I mouth flew open, my hand dropped by my side and my knees started shaking. You are an actress, Mira! Start crying for god's sake!

I shuddered and tried my best to cry but I couldn't force a single tear. Raghav was now standing before me and he chuckled. "Your face-"

"What? What's wrong with my face?" I said, suddenly conscious.

"Nothing. You look prettier when you have your eyes all scrunched up." He said and smiled.

"And this is my cue to leave. Have fun, you two. Or you know, just talk maybe. What with a baby on the way. Hahaha- Okay I'm not making this any better. Bye sweethearts." She winked and skipped away towards the bar.

I blushed and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ears. "Sorry about that. You want to talk?"

"Um yes, definitely. Let's go somewhere quiet." We walked in silence towards a small, well-tended garden. The smell of roses and lilies floated in the air. If we were standing there under different circumstances, it would almost feel romantic.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have quit the movie. It was very unprofessional of me. I hope you can forgive me, please. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore. Just please forgive me, I-" I launched into it without a second thought. He put a hand on my shoulder silencing me.

I shiver ran down my spine. As abruptly as he hand touched my shoulder, he took it back. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He sighed. "Don't you understand, Mira? It's not about the movie. It never was about the movie. I- I called you here because-" He stopped.

My heart was in my throat. "Because what, Raghav?"

"Since the day I met you Mira, I knew you were different. You weren't afraid. You had strength and it shone in your eyes. I didn't like you, I'll admit but how could I not? You cost me my relationship. Tanvvi-" I saw the pain flash across his eyes as he said her name and I flinched.

He looked down at his hands and traced small circles with his foot. "Tanvvi didn't like the industry. She didn't like my face being splashed over all the latest magazines and gossip sites with news of me allegedly cheating on her.

This is our life in Bollywood, Mira, the struggle, the love, the friendship and everything in between. And like it or not, we have to live with it.

What happened with Tanvvi wasn't your fault, I know. It would've ended even if it wasn't you. But I was hurt and broken and I needed to vent it out on someone. And I thought you were someone I could boss over.

I was in for a pleasant surprise. You took over, Mira. You helped me through it. Even when we were inside the lighthouse, you were there, calm as an ocean. Even when we were on Hailey's show and you embarrassed me on national radio, you were there too, your eyes silently encouraging me. You made me feel happier, lighter.

You are smart, funny, kind and you are strong. You've weathered so many of your own emotions and yet, you still managed to save me from mine." He gulped and in two long strides, he stood close to me, our breaths mingling. "I-" He stopped again, his eyes looking anywhere else but me.

I reached out to hold his hand. "Raghav, it's okay." My heart hammered against my chest.

I think I know what's happening.

"I never thought I'd be saying this to someone again. I love you, Mira. I hope I am enough for you. I promise, if you'll have me, I'll make you happy. I'll work on myself. I'll be a better man than I was yesterday. And even if you don't, I hope I can still be your friend. I just don't want to-"

I pressed my lips against his, interrupting him. Happiness swelled in me as I stood up on my toes and tangled my arms around his neck. He pressed himself closer to me and I could feel his heart thundering against my chest. Sparks flew in all directions as fireworks exploded in the night sky. We broke apart and looking up, I saw him grinning at me.

"Can I take that as a yes?" His eyes glazed over.

I could feel a sob rising in my throat as I threw my arms around him again and hugged him tightly. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!"

He laughed lightly as he picked me up and twirled me around. He set my down on my feet and touched his forehead against mine. "I love you, too." I said, running my fingers through his hair. In the background, Haley Reinhart's Can't Help Falling In Love played softly.

"No fuck ups?" He whispered.

"No fuck ups." I replied and broke down, my sobs ringing lightly in the garden, enveloped in Raghav's arms.






I always thought that writing 'the end' would be so satisfying. But now, after I typed it in those big, bold letters, I feel empty. It feels like a part of me just isn't there anymore. It feels like I just let go of my firstborn. I cannot begin to describe the void I feel inside me but it has to be done. It makes me sad to think that I will never be uploading another chapter. And I will not let this happen. So get ready for a bonus chapter!

Don't thank me. I love you too ;)



Love, hugs and happy endings,


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