Epilogue- "Let's Get One Pair Married Today, Shall We?"

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Epilogue- "Let's Get One Pair Married Today, Shall We?"

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, leaves rustling, squirrels squealing and that of the shower running. I yawned and squinted towards the window. The sunlight hit my face directly leading me to turn the other side and flop upside down.

I heard the shower stop and a door open. A smile spread across my face as I waited. The gentle footsteps walking around the room would have been missed if I wasn't up already. I sat up slowly on my bed, rubbing my sleep stricken face.

"Hi, you. Good morning," Mira smiled. A wet towel draped her head. She wore a light yellow saree with red velvet borders studded with crystals. She was standing near the dresser, trying to slip on her heels and cursing when it slipped out of her hand and clattered across the floor.

I laughed and got off the bed. "You look beautiful, Mira," I said and walked over to hug her when she screamed a little and backed away. My eyes flew open as I stared at her.

"What?" I asked, my voice deepened due to oversleeping.

She looked down, a tad bit embarrassed. "You didn't wash yourself up yet," she said and pointed towards the washroom.

I groaned as I trudged away slowly. "You seem to have no problem with me and my body on other times. Why today?" I whined and gathered my towels and soaps.

"Shut up. I never said I liked unwashed you," Mira said, her eyes crinkling.

How lucky was I to have her? She looked wonderful, was wonderful and made my life beautiful.

"Babe, you love all of me. Fight me," I said and turned to face her, hands on my hips.

"Raghav, sweetheart, as much as I'd love to fight with you at 8 a.m. in the morning, we have to go shopping, remember?" She said nonchalantly.

"Seriously? Clothes? At 8 freaking a.m.?!"

"Raghav, tell me you did not forget what today is," Mira said, anxiety clearly visible on her face.

"Uh, okay. I did not forget what today is," I shrugged my shoulders and sat back on the bed.

"The f- Raghav, get inside the washroom and wash yourself within five minutes. Now," She half screamed, half threatened. Her eyes were dilated, a sign she would start hyperventilating at any point of time.

I ran inside and washed myself up, barely looking at the mirror. When I came out, drying myself, I saw that Mira had already chosen a black suit and tie for me. She had left a note on top of it. Ah, finally a sweet message.

I will kill you if you don't come down in ten minutes. It's 8:16 now.

So much for a romantic good morning message. I rolled my eyes and put on the coat she'd left for me. I grabbed a box off the dresser, containing something I'd brought for Mira. Looking at the clock, I realised it was already 8:25. Great, I thought, I should start printing my funeral invites.

I raced down the stairs, not stopping to brush my hair, with barely a minute left on the clock. Mira was waiting for me in the car outside, the picture of elegance. While I just looked like I had woken up in a dumpster. I sighed as I slid inside next to her in the car.

Mira nodded at the driver and we sped off. She then turned towards me. "It's 8:27 but I'll let you go this time. What's that in your hand?"

I brought out the velvet box in my hand. I cleared my throat and set the box between us. "Mira, we've known each other for two years now, a duration that has made my life so much more better. I've started waking up before 10, stopped hanging out at weird lighthouses," and as I said that, I saw her eyes light up.

"You've made me so much more calm, composed, happier and lighter than I was before," I said and made a whole show of trying to get down on one knee while in a moving car. "Mira, will you make me the happiest man alive?" I flipped the box open as her eyes filled with tears which she was trying hard to contain.

A split second later she started laughing and smacked me on my head. "I should've known you were kidding. You are an actor after all," she said and took out the red ruby encrusted earrings I had brought for her.

"That's what you get for waking me up at 8. Never mind that, do you like the earrings? I had them specifically made for you. I saw you were wearing the yellow and red saree today so I decided to bring it along," I ran a hand through my hair and rested it on the back of my neck, waiting for her response.

"I love it, Raghav. Thank you," She said and started to put on the earrings. The holder of one of them fell down and I bent to pick it up. "Here, let me help," I said and brushed her hair aside. She shivered slightly as my hand swept over her nape. I attached the earring and moved away.

"You look amazing, sweetheart," I said and kissed her forehead. "Now will you tell me where we are off to?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Gaurav is getting married today, Raghav."

"Shit. Yes, right. Oh my god, that's why I overslept, isn't it? I had a hangover, of course," I said and slapped my head. I patted my pockets for my phone.

"Yeah, it seems like you boys had a wild night at Gaurav's bachelor party. You called me on my phone fourteen times and in each one of those calls, you kept saying 'Babe, I love you. Can we get married tomorrow and steal Gaurav's show?'"

"Oh wow. Okay, so that's why you thought I was proposing?" I asked, my body shaking with laughter and embarrassment. She nodded, laughing and I asked her, "Do you have your phone on you?"

I quickly dialed Gaurav's number and uttered a string of curses for getting me drunk and stupid on his bachelor party. "But congratulations dude. Finally settling down. I love you, okay, please take care of your wife. I'm honestly scared for her," I joked.

"Really? That's your word of advice? I'll take it though. And come over fast. We can't get started without you both. Okay, I have to go. My soon-to-be in-laws are here. Wish me luck," Gaurav said and hung up.

I turned to Mira. "That's my man. My best friend. My brother. Getting married," I chocked through the words and nearly ended up crying. "Prashant," I addressed the driver, "stop at The Star Wars Galaxy before you take us to the hotel, please."

Mira smiled already knowing what I was upto. "You don't want to buy a gift?" I asked.

She reached inside the storage near the handbrake and produced a sparkling yellow bag. She wiggled it in front of me. "Way ahead of you, son."

"Now that would be a weird relationship," I watched Mira turn pink as she realised what I just said. We stopped at The Star Wars Galaxy where I went for a quick shopping spree. Within twenty minutes of my call with Gaurav, we arrived at the hotel.

I rushed inside, dodging security, to find Gaurav surrounded by members of our families, his colleagues, his clients and our childhood friends among others. I pushed gingerly past all of them to reach him.

Spreading out my arms, I engulfed Gaurav in a bear hug. "You do know that I am so proud of you, right?" Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I saw the happiness in his eyes.

"Okay, Raghav, calm down. This is hilarious, stop crying, what the hell," Gaurav said as he smiled at another guest who had just come in. "Where's Mira?" He asked.

I turned around to find Mira crying over the soon-to-be bride's shoulder. "Ah," Gaurav said, "birds of a feather flock do stick together. Come on, let's go over to them."

We walked towards the two girls, laughing, crying and hugging. As soon as she saw me, Mira rushed towards me and fell in my arms. "Rhea is getting married. Can you believe it?" She said tears glistening in her eyes.

I stroked her hair while Rhea walked over to hold Gaurav's hand. They stood there, Rhea's head resting on Gaurav's shoulder, while Mira sniffled. Although I had a crying girlfriend covering my suit in tears, I realised that at that moment, all of us were perfectly happy.

Soon enough we heard an unearthly shriek, followed by a running Samayra, topple over us. "So, lovebirds. Let's get one pair married today, shall we?"



hi you wonderful human beings! here's the much awaited epilogue for TSCIB. i can't promise a bonus chapter for three months because of my boards coming up.

those of you from india know how much 12th grade matters. so we aren't looking at a bonus for the time being.

but as soon as i'm done with them, i'll start working on three/four bonus chapters for TSCIB. until then,

love, hugs and ruby earrings,


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