Caelan Valar

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The Traitor

Caelan Valar






In his true form, he typically just wears a dark colored shirt and a silver necklace with a ring attached to it. However, his clothes will change depending on what he's shapeshifted into.

Hybrid Animal

Caelan is a laid-back street smarts trickster and he is always up for an adventure. He can be very greedy. Caelan is a schemer, he always has this con-artist persona up. He is incredibly manipulative and decisive. He can twist any situation to go his way, and always uses his silver tongue to get what he wants. Caelan is calm and collected, he doesn't let people see his true emotions often. He's mature and levelheaded. He is an intimidating presence, but underneath all his walls, he can be kind. However, Cael is very formidable, and will take no bułlshit from anyone. He is also shown to be inconsiderate, and insensitive. He always does what he wants, with no regard for anyone's safety. Caelan isn't motivated by humanity or morality, he has a very morally grey compass. He is very neutral, always on the side that allows him to have the most fun screwing with others, or that gives him perks. However, he's very loyal to a select few, and will do anything for those people. He's honest, but that causes him to be very blunt and direct. Caelan often acts or says things before thinking, and doesn't regret the things he says. He is sharp and quick-witted, noticing details that others tend to overlook.

Caelan is not loyal to any one side. His services can be brought or earned. He is a spy, who uses his talents to go undercover and help out his benefactor, for the right price.

Caelan has the ability to shape shift into anything he desires.

Caelan owns no pets, he resides alone, since he is mostly undercover or traveling the beast's territory.

Caelan was born in the beast's territory, and discovered his ability to shape shift at a rather young age. He spent his childhood causing mischief and trouble, getting on the nerves of everyone around him. He spent most of his time alone, entertaining himself with his antics on the townsfolk and any unlucky souls who happened to pass through the area. When he was around 16, a group of mercenaries came through his town. They were the first people able to see through Caelan's shifting act, and instead of harming him, they enlisted his services, using him as a way to earn the money from the guy who hired them. After they got their fee, they paid Caelan a fair sum for his work, leading Caelan to get the idea to take his services all over the planet, earning money and rewards for the right price.

Caelan is a fantastic liar. It takes a lot to call out his bluffs, or to know if he's telling the truth or not.

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