Nysa Coltrane

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The General

Nysa Coltrane






She usually wears a deep, dark wine red shirt underneath a black leather jacket, along with a thin brown belt and faded denim pants. She tends to wrap her hands and ankles in white bandages to give her look more of an intimidating feel. Nysa doesn't tend to wear shoes, but when she does, it's usually something easy to move in such as slip on sneakers or sandals.

Hybrid Animal

Nysa is characterized by her rebellious yet charismatic personality. However, Nysa can be rather cold, as she puts up a lot of walls to keep people from getting too close to her. She is generally aloof and indifferent when it comes to her own thoughts and morals, though she is not incapable of expressing emotions when troubled. She is iron-willed, and she has an incredibly strong sense of determination. She is clever, yet hot-headed, often letting her temper get the best of her. She rarely thinks her situations through, causing her to get in trouble. Because of her hard past, Nysa has an extremely hard-edge and tough exterior. Although she hides it, she is very considerate of others, especially those she cares for. Nysa is a person who is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect the people close to her. She is extremely loyal. Additionally, Nysa is courageous and daring. She won't hold back, as she has no sense of self-preservation. She is incredibly stubborn— she will always stand for what she believes in.

Nysa is a member of the Royals.

Nysa has enhanced senses of hearing, sight and smell, thanks to her cat-like features.
She has the ability to see in the dark.
Nysa was trained to fight, and was also trained to use most types of weaponry.
Nysa also has cat reflexes, allowing her to move more gracefully and a lot faster than most people.

Nysa owns no pets— although she wouldn't mind having one for company.

Nysa was born a beast, but she was soon abandoned by her family as a infant. She was taken in by the Hunters, and raised in their group. She was trained to fight from a young age, becoming one of the best soldiers of the Hunters. She became a ruthless machine, carrying out any task they wanted. If she refused to do the Hunters bidding, she was treated harshly by them, but she never could leave, as it was the only life she had ever known. As she grew older, and as the war started, she started to notice how the Hunters kept her in the dark about the rest of the world, and about the other groups. She started to resent the Hunters for their mistreatment of her. As soon as she got the chance, she ran away from the Hunters to see what she was missing. Nysa eventually wandered onto enemy territory— specifically the Royal's territory. She was taken prisoner, but slowly came to trust them once she realized that they were different from the Hunters. She decided to join them, and proved her worth as a valuable asset to their group.

Nysa has a huge crush on her friend, Saturn, but she hides it out of fear that it'll ruin their relationship.

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