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A yellow alien like octopus was in charge of the homeroom, after the huge gunshot, he announced the class that they're having a new transfer student today.

"Transfer student? I wonder if it's a boy or a girl..."

"What kind of person is this transfer student?"

"Is the new student here yet?"

the teacher coughed, trying to hush the excitement of the students as they shimmered down.

"You can come in now..." he called.

The door opened as the eyes of the students were fixed on the entrance, then the new student came in. Behind her, the Ministry of the Defense and his underlings followed.

Her long black hair reached her waist as a signature long red scarf was wrapped around her neck, she was wearing a polo that reached her wrist and a black tie.

Her gray colored skirt with black linings at the ends reached her creamy legs that showed most of her skin, her red sneakers were high cut and it was the support for her feet.

During her entrance in the classroom, the yellow alien like octopus wrote her name in the black board neatly.

"Class, this is Yuuki Angel. A Professional Assassin that will be your classmate for the rest of the year."

Yuuki Angel was the name of our main protagonist of this novel, she lifted her chin and her eyes stared weirdly at the homeroom teacher.

He has the appearance of an octopus, he is about 3 meters tall and has a large, bulbous head with a large smile and small beady eyes. He uses two feelers as arms, with two fingers each, and uses the rest of his tentacles to walk with. He wears an black academic dress, a small black square academic cap with a yellow tassel and a black tie with a yellow crescent-shaped moon on it.

"I am the one who blasted your moon." he nonchalantly said.

The girl stared at him blankly, as if she's trying to figure out the situation.

"I plan to do the same to the earth next year. But now, I'm the class 3-E's teacher. It's nice too meet you, Yuuki-san."

The teacher was confused why the girl was silence, not saying a thing. Then, her eyes sparkled.

"Wow! You really look like an octopus, amazing!"

She beamed with a bright smile, the class sweat dropped at the new student's reaction.

Whoa. That was unexpected..

Well, anyone would think like that.

"Hey there, I'm Yuuki Angel. You can just call me Angel for short, I hope that we could all be friends." she laughed sheepishly.

Everyone seem to smile as he lifted on of his octopus tentacles and pointed at the empty seat.

"Angel-chan, You may take your seat at the back. The vacant one on the right side."

Crimson eyes searched for the seat which is at the back, there were two vacant seat at the back like the teacher said.

She lifted her shoes and quietly made her way at the back, taking a seat.

"Let's start the class, shall we?" he says.

✦ ✧ ✦

The bell rung as it was the sign for lunch time, the teacher stopped writing formulas on the blackboard.

"Ah, it's lunch time! I'll just pop over to China for some mapo tofu, any aspiring assassins are welcome to hit me up on my cell." he chirped.

In the speed of the wind, dust appeared as the octopus with the speed of Mach 20, flied to China.

Some of the students went up to Angel, as they exchanged names with her, she fits in the class quite well.

"Hey Angel, what do you think of our teacher?"

"I think that the octopus is pretty good at teaching, Nagisa." She said to the blue haired girl wearing the boy's uniform.

"Right? He taught me math after class and I did great on my test!" A wavy orange haired girl with emerald eyes said as she showed her results in her test.

"Yeah, but..we are the E Class."

Angel turned her direction to the speaker, he has a light tangerine hair styled in a bowl cut and emerald eyes, he was called Mimura Koki.

"Trying our best won't do much."

The one who spoke has a short, black hair in a butch cut and thick eyebrows, his name was Okajima Taiga

"What's wrong guys? What's with that gloomy faces..."

The atmosphere dramatically changed, it was surprisingly gloomy.

"You see, Angel...Class 3-E is consist of students who either failed to keep their grades up or were punished for breaking school regulations." A petite framed boy with light blue hair and azure eyes, his hair length goes past his shoulders as he keeps it in two pigtails, his name is Shiota Nagisa.

"Why are we the only class kept in the mountains?" she asked.

"That's because we are Class E, only smart people get to stay in the campus." A boy with a spiked black hair and dark blue eyes replied to the red eyed girl's question, he was Sugino Tomohito.

"Why?! That's unfair..." she whined.

"That's how the rules work in here..." A girl with a short stature, that has a hazel eyes and green haired which is always fashioned in unique, cat ear-styled pigtails, Kayano Kaede said.

Angel opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out of her lips.

Even in this normal classroom, regular people are discriminated and isolated as well...

A boy that has short, spiky, black hair which is dyed blonde around the sides, he has a bulky body and emerald eyes, Terasaka Ryoma walked up to Nagisa with his groupies.

"Hey Nagisa. Come with us, it's time to put our assassination plan into action." the bulky guy casually says.

"E-Eh? Alright..." the blue haired boy says sheepishly.

✦ ✧ ✦

5th Period

"All right, then, compose a short poem to go along with our theme. The final line should be was tentacle all along."

"Huh?" The class was confused at what the octopus teacher said.

"Once you're done, you're free to go home!" he added.

"What? Seriously..."

"How are we going to write that?"

"Now, now—aren't any marvelously slithery phrases coming to mind? Slither, slither, slither, slither~!"

"Enough with the slithering!" A boy with wavy, mid-short, both of his hair and eyes are hue in orange-brown, Maehara Hirito, yelled.

"Sensei! I have a question.."

"Ah—yes, Kayano-san?"

"This is a weird question to ask now, but...what's your name?"


"How else can we tell what teacher we're talking about?"


The class glanced at each other, not knowing the teacher's name.

"Hmm...I don't really have the kind of name you tell people. Go ahead and give me one. But right now, focus on your school work." he replied.

The octopus went pink as he was sleepy, so he took a break. Nagisa stood up from his seat and walked to the teacher,

Terasaka grinned, as Kayano saw that he hid a anti-sensei knife behind his notebook.

"Nagisa's going for it..." Angel mumbled as she knew that Nagisa will strike the unguarded target.

Quickly, Nagisa thrusted the knife to the teacher as his tentacle grabbed his bare arm. As Nagisa throw his arms around the teacher, around his neck was a grenade, then Terasaka clicked the switch as the bomb was denoted. Numerous anti-sensei bullets showered in the class as they covered themselves with their arms,

"Yes! We did it!" Terasaka cheered as the plan succeeded as they planned, the class were shocked.

"Nagisa!" Angel yelled as her red eyes widened as her friend was blown up.

"Terasaka! What have you done?" A boy with spiked black hair with two small hair antennae at the top, and has pale gold eyes, Isogai Yuma, yelled angrily.

"Bet he never expected a suicide bomber!" Teresaka grinned.

"What did you give to Nagisa?" Kayano stood up from her seat as anger was written all over her face.

"Huh? A toy grenade, but I beefed it up with gunpowder, so it'd shoot 3 hundred anti-sensei bullets at crazy-high speed!"

Angel went up to Terasaka as she was clearly angry, she grabbed his collar, and made him face her.

"You suicide maniac! Why did you gave Nagisa a grenade?!"

"Relax. It's not strong enough to kill anybody...my 10 billion yen will cover his medical bills."

"What the fuck is wrong with you...aren't you guys comrades?!"

"Terasaka...look..." A boy with short hair braided in every side, he has some pupils that is colored black, Yoshida Taisei, said as if he's watching a horror movie.

Terasaka turned to the direction that he was looking as his eyes widened, he freed his collar from Angel's grip as he squatted down to take a look at Nagisa who was saved inside a membrane. Angel rushed quickly to take off the membrane from Nagisa.

"Nagisa, you okay?"

His eyes fluttered opened as his azure eyes made contact with crimson eyes.

"Yeah, I think so.."

Then a voice spoke which made them shudder and looked to the direction of the speaker.

"I shed my skin once a month, I protected Nagisa-kun by covering him with my old skin."

The octopus that is at the ceiling, smiling hideously. His faces was dangerously black as the atmosphere darkens.

"Terasaka, Yoshida, Muramatsu. You three are behind this, yes?" he asked.

"No! It's all Nagisa's idea!" the students denied, pathetically.

In the speed of the sound, he went out of the classroom and came back with the nameplates that he stole from each of the students' houses.

"My agreement with your government says I won't harm you, but if you try another assassination like that...I might just harm someone else. Your family, your friends, or I could wipe out the whole planet apart from you."

In that moment, all of the students knew that there was no running to the ends of the earth for us. If they really wanted to run, all they could do was kill him.

"What's your deal, anyway? Showing up I'm gonna blow up the earth and Assassinate me! What's wrong with using an annoying method to kill an annoying guy?!"

The octopus' face turned red with a circle, as he went back to normal.

"Annoying? Your idea itself was a very good one. Especially you, Nagisa-kun." he chirped.

His tentacles patted the bluenette as he was awe struck, "You made it right through the chink of my defenses—However!"

He pointed his tentacle to the three students, which they flinched.

"None of you looked out for Nagisa-kun, not even himself. Students like that aren't fit to assassinate anyone. Fulfilling the assassination is a must, but your comrades safety is more important, right, Angel-chan?"

Angel stood up as she turn to the octopus, "Yeah, if you guys don't help each other, the plan is bound to fail."

"What I need is an assassination worth smiling about—one to be proud of! Just a piece of advice from your teacher and your target."

"If you..If you would give your time, go teach those children... What splendid tentacles, with hands like these, I'm sure you'll be a splendid teacher."

"I have a question for you, Angel-chan. If the target for assassination is in front of you, what are you going to do?"

Angel's eyes slightly widened as her lips parted as a gasp escape her mouth.

I've never assassinated an unknown species before, but you know..the one in front of me is a strange one.

"Before you destroy Earth..I'll kill you." she smirked.

Green stripes formed his face as he laughed, "Then do it now! Once you've killed me, you're free to go home!"


"Just like that, huh?"

"You know we can't kill you!"

The class started thinking of ways to assassinate they're teacher.

"An unkillable teacher...Korosenai...Koro, Oh! How about Koro-sensei?" Kayano suggested.

"I like that, then it's decided! Starting now till the end of the year, we'll call you...Koro-sensei. The Unkillable Teacher!" Angel said.


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