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The super creature, called Koro-sensei, was sitting down on his chair while he was reading an English newspaper he got from Hawaii, he sipped his drink as the soft wind caressed his tentacles and clothes.

There were two students hiding behind a tree, sneaking in to kill they're target.

"Good luck, Sugino-kun."

"You got it, Nagisa. That 10 billion yen is mine!"

Sugino raised his left leg up in the air as he posed himself like how a genius baseball player strikes, at a quick pace, he threw the baseball with anti-sensei in it to his target, fastly, and quietly as he can.

In the blink of an eye, the octopus who was resting earlier was nowhere to be found, but to be seen at the two student's back.

"Good morning!" He beemed, as the two flinched.

"Remember, speak up when you greet someone!" he says.

"G-Good morning..Koro-sensei." Nagisa stuttered.

"Embedding those anti-me in the baseball BBs into the baseball? A fine idea! It won't make the kind of noise an air gun would... However, I had all this time to kill waiting for the ball to arrive, I popped over to the equipment room to grab a glove." he smirked.

The two was shocked as they're teacher can almost do anything.

"I hope you can kill me—"


Suddenly, someone came down from the branch of the tree as she kicked the tentacles of Koro-sensei as it exploded.

Numerous tentacles were blasted as he quickly reacted from it and distanced himself from the attacker. Her feet reached the ground as she stood up straight.

She's the first...the first to inflict harm to Koro-sensei!

"Hey, sensei. Did you liked my surprise sneak attack?" Angel asked.

"Nyurufufu~ Yes, it is indeed very tactical. Did you had a hidden anti-me BBs in your shoes?" Koro-sensei says.

"Yeah, I sliced one earlier...I may not look like it, but I excel in killing." She stated, as she grinned like an innocent kid would.

Of course plain old sneak attacks wouldn't work on him, you dummy! Your so stupid Angel! You need to think a new plan to successfully kill that octopus! She mentally scolded herself, as Koro-sensei began to walk to out of the woods, while holding a baseball as he was wearing a baseball glove.

"Now then, time for homeroom."

"Yes, sir."

The school's bell can be heard in the forest that is not that far away from they're classroom.

"Damn it. Guess my ball won't do the trick after all..."

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

"I have some business to take care of today, so if you'll excuse me..."


"Yes. I'm catching a game in New York."


He fled as dust spread throughout the room, the class coughed at the dirt.

"Hey Nagisa, want to grab a bite? I know a cafe nearby!" Angel sweetly asked to the blunette as the boy gave her a smile.

"Oh sure, I'm kind of hungry myself!" he said.

"Sweet!" she replied.

The two were about to exit the classroom but stopped when someone suddenly entered.

"Oh, Karasuma-san!" Nagisa greeted.

"How's it going? Any clues on how to kill him?" Karasuma asked.

"Well, Angel manage to blast huge numbers of Koro-sensei's tentacles earlier. Unfortunately, Koro-sensei managed to escape before her next attack." Nagisa reported to Karasuma, as he remembered the event that happened earlier.

"Eh? Really?" the man asked.

"Of course, I am a professional assassin. I'll kill him before march comes." She said confidently, as she trusted her abilities and strength.

"As expected...continue on killing him everyone, I and the government will support you with our abilities." Karasuma said.

"It's impossible, Karasuma-san!" The male class president stated that it was impossible.

"Yeah. He is way too fast..."

"There is no way we can kill someone with a speed of Mach 20!"

"We can't kill someone like him!"

The class was discourage as the octopus speed overwhelms them. That's when she spoke...

"I'll help you everyone with your assassination, in return don't say I can't for the rest of your life...That's a bad phrase that holds back your potential."

✦ ✧ ✦

The Next Day

Sugino sat alone on the stairs outside of the classroom as as he closed his now empty packed lunch and sighed.

Then a ball was sent flying as it hits the back of his head, he turned to the direction where the ball came from.

"All polished up, Tomohito." Angel said with a grin on her face as she called him by his first name.

"Ouch...that hurts—where did you found this, Angel?" he asked as he held the baseball tightly in his palm.

"At the staff room, it was placed on Koro-sensei's desk." She said as she walked towards him and sat beside him. Sugino began playing with his baseball as he tossed it up in the air and it landed back on his palm, he did it again and again.

"What are you doing outside, all alone? Shouldn't you be in the classroom with everyone...?"

"Well...It's kind of hard to breath so I went outside to get some fresh air."

"I see..." Angel's eyes stared at the clouds above them, it was clear blue.

"Hey, are you in the baseball club?" she asked him.

He stopped at playing his baseball as his face slightly frowned. "I used to be."

"Used to?" The girl looked at him, as he started to look down again.

"The Class E isn't allowed to be in clubs out at this satellite campus. Our bad grades got us here, so we're supposed to focus on studying."

"That's unfair! Just because we have low grades doesn't mean we can't be in clubs..."

"It's all right. You saw it yesterday, how slow I am? So slow that I pitched nothing but strikes and got benched...I lost interest in studying, and wound up in old End Class."

"But you haven't given up yet, right? As long there is a little bit of hopes and dreams, you can do it..."

The boy was speechless, not knowing what to say, then a smile formed his lips.

"I don't want to give up..."

"Give up on what?"

"On baseball, and my grades!"

Then an octopus walked towards them as he had his normal smile on his face.

"Nyurufufu~ I'll give you a piece of advice." he said.

✦ ✧ ✦

Nagisa walked out of the classroom as he saw Angel staring at Sugino, who was being strangle by Koro-sensei's tentacles.

"What are you doing, Koro-sensei?! What about your pledge not to hurt your students?" Nagisa shrieked.

Koro-sensei just chuckled as he turned his direction back to Sugino.

"Sugino-kun, that unique pitching form I saw yesterday. Your copying major-league pitcher Arita, aren't you? But you know, the tentacles don't lie."

He freed Sugino as the boy sat down on the ground, staring at his teacher.

"Your shoulder muscles are out of whack compared to Arita's." he commented after measuring him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sugino huffed, slightly offended.

"You won't be able to pitch his super fastballs with that body, no matter how much you try to imitate him." Koro-sensei said.

"He can throw fastballs that this Arita guy your talking about! I know so!" Angel yelled.

"No, he wouldn't...for life."

"What do you know about Tomohito? He plays baseball wholeheartedly, how can you be so sure?!"

"How, you ask? That's because I checked the man himself." He said as he grabbed a newspaper from his clothes and showed it to the students.

"I see...I just don't have his talent..." Sugino sighed.

"Your elbows and wrists are more flexible that Arita's. Train well and you could far surpass him...Find an Assassination that suits your talent."

✦ ✧ ✦

The Next Day

Koro-sensei is planting tulips as he accidentally picked the ones that the students were growing.

"Hey Nagisa, what are you writing?"

"Ah, Angel. I thought I'd list down Koro-sensei's weak points."


She peeked to see what Nagisa was writing.

Koro-sensei's weak point #1

When he shows off, things get shaky

"How the heck is that supposed to be useful?" Angel scowled.

"What do you mean? They could come in handy!" Sugino said as he snatched Nagisa's list, he began to read the information that Nagisa took.

"What the hell is this?" he huffed.

"Told you, it's not useful..." she sighed.

"Not for now..." Nagisa said.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

Koro-sensei was tied with a rope and hang in the tree as the students begun to attack him. Angel went up on the branch as she ripped it as Koro-sensei fell on the ground, flat.

"You guys can thanks me later!" Angel said with a smile as the class began to kill him,

Koro-sensei's weak point

1) When he shows off, things get shaky

"Aah! Too dangerous! Too dangerous!" Koro-sensei began to struggle desperately, trying to break free.

Koro-sensei's weak point

2) Has a unusually short fuse

"Hey...wait! M-My tentacles are tangled up in the ropes—Why you little..." He flied up in the air as he managed to escape.

Koro-sensei's weak point

3) No tolerance

"I'm doubling tonight's homework!" he announced.

"How petty!" the class whined.

The girl didn't know yet but killing this octopus in front of them will be the saddest ending...

✦ ✧ ✦

"Those are the circumstances. You must not speak of them to no one, if this gets out, you will be made to undergo a memory-wiping operation."


"All members of the Class E have received the same explanation, they're already part of this mission. Once your suspension is over, you will return to the Class E, and you will given an assassination assignment."

"Hey, does this rubber knife really work?" The boy asked as he stretched the anti-sensei knife.

"Yes. It's harmless to humans, but we guarantee it will work on him."

"Oh...I don't really care if he's not a human."

He stabbed the knife in the paper that they handed him, as he grabbed it.

"I've always wanted to try...to kill a teacher..."


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