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The voices of the students that were practicing echoed, they swing they're knifes in eight different directions.

"Karasuma-san, is there any point to all this training? And should we be doing it right in front of our target?" Maehara asked as they stopped practicing and took a short break.

"It's the same in assassination as in studying. Isogai-kun, Maehara-kun, step forward." Karasuma said.

The two stepped forward as they're teacher instructed.

"Try hitting me with those knives." he said.

"Eh..are you sure?" Maehara asked.

"As a team?" Isogai stated.

"Those knoves won't hurt us humans...If they give me so much as a scratch, you can go home for the day." Karasuma said, loosening his tie.

The two students looked at each other as they hesitated.

"U-Uh..if you say so." Isogai strikes the knife towards Karasuma who dodged it swift fully. Then, Maehara went in to strike when Karasuma grabbed his arm and pushed him away.

The duo began to attack Karasuma but none of they're blows reached him, then the two of them rushed to Karasuma as he quickly grabbed their wrists and flipped them as they're backs touched the ground.

"If you can't hit me, your chance of hitting him at Mach 20 is slim to none." he huffed.

Then a girl rushed to the front as she quickly jumped in and kicked Karasuma who defended himself with his arms, surprised of her sudden act of violence against him.

"You have a good reflexes, but can you handle this?" She said as she kicked his arms as his defense broke, then she thrust her knees to his face as his back touched the ground, she stood up, victoriously.

"What the heck...that's the infamous Ministry of Defense strength? What a let down..." She sighed, as she expected that Karasuma is a strong sparring partner, everyone gasped as they witnessed Angel's strength. She unbelievably manage to outdone Karasuma.

"Well done, Angel. You manage to hit me, I have high expectations for you." he says as he stood up from the soil, dusting the dirt off his clothes.

High Expectations in killing people, you mean? she thought.

The bell rung as the class was dismissed, they walked back to they're classroom.

"Wow, your amazing Angel! You manage to hit Karasuma-sensei!" Nagisa beemed, complimenting the black haired girl while he, her, and Sugino were walking together.

"I only manage to hit him because he is weak, and I do not like picking fights against the weak." Angel huffed, clearly displeased and unsatisfied.

"There is nothing amazing about that." She isn't boasting about what happened earlier, it's just brought her to disappointment.

"Hey Angel, tell me some tips to hit Karasuma-sensei!" Sugino said, while he hang his arms at the back of his hair, as he was grinning.

"What? Do I have to...?" she said.

"Oh, come on! Please?" he begs.

"Jeez, fine. Since there isn't anything interesting to do..." she gave in.

They stopped walking as they saw a new person in class who's standing while holding a strawberry juice box in his left hand as his other hand is tucked in his pocket.

"Hey, Nagisa-kun. It's been a while." 

"Karma-kun...you're back!"

A boy that has pale skin, short red hair, and pale sharp eyes that is colored mercury. He wears a black blazer and a male's uniform of Kunugigaoka junior high.

"So that's the infamous Koro-sensei?" He beamed as he started to walk past the students as they began to stare at his every move.

"Whoa, he really does look like an octopus." he snickered.

"Akabane Karma-kun...is it? I'd heard your suspension was up today, but you shouldn't be tardy on your first day back." Koro-sensei warned.

"Haha, it's hard to get back into the swing of things." He laughed nervously, as he smiled naturally.

"Feel free to call me by my first name. Nice too meet you, teach!"

"Likewise. Let's make this a fun year."

The moment their hands touched each other, Koro-sensei's tentacles exploded. He was shocked by the sudden killing attempt, then he threw his juice box in the air as an anti-sensei appeared from his wrist that is hidden inside his blazer, then he went in to a strike the teacher as he swift fully dodged his attack.

"Wow. You really are fast..and those knives really do work...I sliced one up really fine and stuck the pieces on, but to be caught by such a simple move."

He showed the teacher the rubber knife that he sliced and is taped on his palm, as he smiled mischievously.

"And to jump back all the way back...what are you, a scaredy cat?"

He's the second...the second one to hurt Koro-sensei!

"I heard they call you Koro-sensei because you're unkillable...But what's this? Are you a pushover after all?" He said, as he was mocking the teacher, his face turned red as it was clear he was pissed.

"Nagisa, what kind of person is this Karma-kun?" Kayano asked as she walked towards Angel and the others.

"Well...we were in the same class in our first and second years, but then his continued violent behavior earned him an expulsion and those students end up here in the Class E, but here, he might just be a star student."

"What do you mean?"

"When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play, Karma-kun's got us all beat."

He spun his rubber knife as he put it inside his pocket as he smirked, walking away.

Don't run away Koro-sensei, I'll show you what it means to be Killed.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

The class are having a test in English, as they heard a soft punch coming from the teacher.

Koro-sensei's weak point

4) His punches are soft

"Ugh—enough, quit with the squish-squish! We're taking this damn quiz here!" Angel growled angrily, as she glared at her teacher who stopped punching the wall.

"S-Sorry, Angel-chan!" Koro-sensei apologized as he was flustered by her complaint.

"Hey Karma, you sure about this? That monster is pissed."

"This is all on you, man!"

"Sure you're not better off holin' up at home?"

Karma turned to Terasaka as he has his usual smile. "You'd be pissed too, Terasaka. If someone started to kill you...Not like a certain someone who screwed up and wet himself."

Terasaka punched his table as Karma turned his attention back to Koro-sensei. "I did not wet myself! You want a fight, pal?"

"You there! No loud noises during a test." Koro-sensei shrieked.

"Sorry, Koro-sensei. I'm already done, so I'll just sit here quietly and eat my gelato!" Karma casually said as he brought out a grand gelato.

"Not during class, you won't—That's the gelato I brought back from Italy yesterday!" Koro-sensei exclaimed.

Karma licked the gelato, as he looked at Koro-sensei. "Oh sorry, it was just chilling in the staff room."

"Sorry won't cut it! I took pains to fly through the coldest stratosphere to keep that from melting, too!"

"Huh...so, what are you gonna do about it? Hit me?"

"I will not! I'll just have what's left. Come now, hand it over—?!"

Koro-sensei's tentacles exploded as he stepped on a hail of anti-sensei BBs bullets, then Karma began to shoot Koro-sensei who dodged the bullets quickly.

"Ahahaha, gotcha again!"

He stood up as he began to walk towards Koro-sensei.

"I'll just keep using the same old tricks. Even if it interferes with the class." The gun on his hand touched his neck tie as he froze.

"If you don't like it, kill me or anyone else here, but the second you do...No one will see you as a teacher anymore, you'll just be a murderous monster."

He thrust the gelato in his uniform as it left a mark, then it fell on the floor. "You, the teacher, will be killed by me."

"What has your mouth been running earlier? That octopus is getting killed by me, stupid!"

A girl declared as her eyes were filled with passion and desire to kill her teacher. The boy flinched as he looked to the speaker.

"Remember this, Karma. I, Yuuki Angel, will be the one who will kill that octopus, and you're not getting in my way!" She finished while pointing her index finger at the red head, she was not letting him get the best of her. A playful smirk formed his lips as he looked at the young girl.

"Let's see about that, shall we?" he says.

He handed Koro-sensei his test paper as he began to walk out of the room.

"Here's my quiz. Probably got 'em all right...See ya, Teach. Let's play some more tomorrow."

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

"See you, Nagisa, Angel!" Sugino bid his goodbye as he waved at his classmates.

"Yep! See you tomorrow!" Nagisa cheerfully said.

"Goodbye, Tomohito~!" Angel chirped while waving her hands.

Then Sugino started to walk home.

"Hey, look! It's Nagisa!"

"Right at home down in the Class E."

"Barf. He'll never make it back to our class like that."

Some random guys from higher level class started to talk about him, Nagisa felt fear and discrimination from them.

Angel was seemed to be displeased as she made her way towards them with an grumpy face.

"Hey trashes, mind repeating those filthy words of yours again?" She said, as her red eyes were furious. As the random guys looked at her.

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Wait...isn't she the new transfer student in Class E? You fit perfectly with Nagisa!"

"Oh, really? At least we aren't shitty people who discriminate others, how infuriating." Angel spat.

"What did you said? Want us to teach you a lesson, girl from Class 3-E?" they seem to be angered by how rudely she talked.

"Want me to hit you, shitheads?"

"Hit us? How? With those flimsy arms of yours? Your just a weak girl—?!" He stopped talking as a fist landed on his stomach, his bag fell on the floor as Angel jabbed him.

"Should I punch harder next time?" She said as she cracked her knuckles. Quickly, they ran away like cowards.

"Ahahaha, pathetic! You guys are all bark and no bite?" She stated as the boys from earlier ran away, then Nagisa walked towards her.

"Angel, you didn't have to do that! What if those guys reported you? Harming other students is prohibited!"

"Don't give a damn bout it, I didn't liked the way they act towards you.."

"Nice punch there, Angel-chan." A voice said as the figure walked towards them, the two turned to him.

"Karma-kun..." Nagisa said, as he didn't expect to see him here.

"Hey Nagisa-kun, there's something I wanted to ask you..." Karma says.

✦ ✧ ✦

"I understand that you know a few things about Koro-sensei."

"Uh, well, kind of."

"Does he get mad if you call him an octopus?"

"A octopus? Hmm...on the contrary, I think. His self portrait is an octopus, and he picks octopus in games..."

"Eh...what do you think, Angel-chan?" he asked as he turned to the girl walking along with them.

"Nah, I don't think so...I always call him an octopus, but he doesn't get angry, he's always making jokes about octopus...I think octopus is kind of his trade mark, I guess?" she says.

Then Karma smiled as he thought of a new idea. "Hmm...that gives me a little idea."

"What are you up to now, Karma-kun?" Nagisa asked as he knew that he is always up to no good.

Karma turned to the two shorties that were behind him, "I was wondering what I'd do if he were just some monster, but turns out he's an actual teacher...And I get to kill an actual teacher. I mean, since the last one up and died on me."

✦ ✧ ✦

The Next Day

"Good morning!" The teacher greeted as the students were silent, not greeting him back.

"What's wrong class—" He was cut off when he saw on his table an dead octopus with a knife stabbed on it's head.

"Whoops...my bad! I mistook it for you and killed it instead. Bring it here—I'll dispose of it." Karma beamed cheerfully, as Koro-sensei sighed and grabbed the deceased octopus.

"All right." he said.

Bring it on, Koro-sensei. I don't need to kill your body right nowI'll start slowly by killing your soul.

Koro-sensei's tentacles spun as Karma flinched, in Mach 20, Koro-sensei whipped the octopus, and started to feed the red head as he just spit it out.

"Karma-kun, what I do is tend things, take care of them. Keep killing me in the earnest all day, every time you do, I'll take care of you."

✦ ✧ ✦

1st Period: Math

Karma pointed his gun at Koro-sensei as he quickly snatched it away from his hands.

"Oh, Karma-kun? It takes too long for the fired BB to hit, and since I had plenty of time, I gave you a little nail art."

✦ ✧ ✦

4th Period: Home Economics

"How'd you do, Angel-chan?" Koro-sensei asked as he went towards Angel who was cooking.

"Well...it's good, I guess? However, the color changed into black..."

"Hmm...let me try it." Koro-sensei said as he scooped a soup that Angel made.

"Well, why don't you start over? Toss that batch out, and—" Karma hits the food that the girl made as he thrusts the knife to the teacher, but in the blink of an eye, he was wearing a cute apron.

"You forgot your apron, Karma-kun." he said.

A blush crept his face, as he was shocked. A gasp escaped his mouth at Koro-sensei's insane speed.

"Ahahaha. You look adorable in that apron, Karma!"

She laughed happily as he blushed more, he took off the clothe tied on his hair as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

✦ ✧ ✦

5th Period: Japanese

Karma attempted to kill Koro-sensei as his tentacle touched his forehead, making him freeze.

"The red frog, having failed again, was making its way back..."

Koro-sensei started to groom Karma as he was terrified.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

Karma gritted his nails as he sat at the branch of the tree, he was desperate to kill Koro-sensei.

"Karma-kun don't sweat it. We'll all do it together, he's not like other teachers..." Nagisa said.

"Don't worry, I'll kill Koro-sensei, eventually..." Angel said.


"Akabane, you're right! Though you are combative, with your share of behavioral issues...As long as you're in the right, I'll be on your side!"

"Heck no, I want to do it. Nothing ticks me off more than him dying in some random place..." Karma persisted.

"Why do you refuse to accept help from others? It is right in front of you, yet you won't reach for it...Does the betrayal of that person you trust, hurts so much?"

Karma flinched to Angel's words, but replied none. The girl walked towards him as she sat beside him on the edge of the branch.

"Anyone who is betrayed by the person they trust will be, no doubt, will get hurt...We betray the people who trust us as the people who we trust, betrays us. Don't you think it's irony?"

Silence filled the air as wind gushed out as her scarf floats, then a familiar voice spoke.

"Karma-kun...I've certainly taken good care of you today, haven't I? You can still try to kill me, you know...I'll polish you even shinier." Koro-sensei said as he approached the three students.

"Just to make sure...you are a teacher, correct?" Karma said as he stood up from his seat.

"Yes." Koro-sensei replied.

"And you would, say, risk your life to protect your students?"

"Of course, I'm a teacher, after all."

"Okay, good. Then I can kill you...For sure."

He fell on the branch of the tree with a gun on his hand. During that moment, everything was like frozen... An unexpected prediction had happen,

She was falling...

Falling indeed, falling from the branch as the two fell in mid air.

"N-N-N-NO WAY!" Angel screamed on the top of her lungs as the two of them are falling.

"Wha-What are you doing, idiot?!" Karma was flabbergasted.

"You are the idiot! Do you want to die?!" Angel yelled.

In the speed of light, a net made out of tentacles formed as they're saved. It was sticky, they couldn't move. So Karma couldn't shoot Koro-sensei.

"I was scared..."

A faint, soft voice said as he felt his polo get wet, that's when he realized the girl on top of him was...crying.

"Do you want to die, asshole? Your so reckless...I'm glad your alright."

The red head was shocked that the girl on top of him was crying because she was worried. He realized this kindness, as he let out a smile, not a mischief one, but a innocent one.

"Sorry, for making you worry."

"Karma, you idiot!"

She just dug her face on his chest as her tears stopped flowing.

"Karma-kun, letting you die is not an option. Believe in that for your next flying leap..."

Light shown on the teacher's face as the skies turned orange. He stared at his teacher, then at the girl on top of him.

It's no use. He won't die and can't be killed...Not the teacher part of him, anyway.

✦ ✧ ✦

"As far as I can figure it, that would've been my best chance at killing him." Karma hummed.

"Oh? Out of ideas already? I have plenty of grooming tools to use in retaliation...you're kind of a pushover yourself, aren't you?" Koro-sensei smirked.

Karma stood up with a smile on his face, "Oh, I'll kill you—maybe even tomorrow."

Karma began to walk as he tossed the wallet up and down on his palm.

"Let's head back, Angel-chan, Nagisa-kun. We can eat on the way!" he says.

"That's my purse!" Koro-sensei shrieked.

"Then don't leave it in the staff room unattended!"

"Give it back!"


Karma tossed back the wallet to Koro-sensei as he caught it on time with his tentacles, when he opened it, there's nothing inside.

"But...it's empty!"

"There wasn't much in there. Call it a donation."

Koro-sensei began to whine as Karma and Angel laughed.

"Karma, nice one!" Angel said as she gave him a thumbs up, as he returned her a thumbs up as well.

The girl was indeed happy to have lots of friends, when she was younger, she didn't have the chance to go to school and make friends...

With her friends, her world's saturation has increased.


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