♛HE [04] : GROWN UP♛

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A tall, beautiful young woman, that has long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and fair skin. With an ample bust and a curvy physique brand new temporary foreign-language teacher was introduced by Karasuma to the class.

"I am Jelavić Irina. Nice to meet you all." she lovingly said.

"What a knock out!"

"Why's she all over him?"

"Pisses me off..."

The woman was all over Koro-sensei as she hugged his tentacle, and flirted with the octopus teacher...in Nagisa's surprise, Koro-sensei turned pink, as he was bewildered.

"He's just plain smitten!"

"There's no mistaking that face."

"How human of him."

Koro-sensei's weak point

5) Boobs

"The more I look at you, the more I like what I see...Your beady eyes, like two diarrhea pills. Your undefined joints. Why, you're positively captivating~!" she says.

"How embarrassing~!" he says.

Don't let her trick you, Koro-sensei!

No woman finds those things attractive!

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

Karasuma and Jelavić were at the corridor, looking outside of the window as they watched the class playing.

"That girl...she's an assassin, isn't she?" the blonde asked as she referred to the girl with a red scarf.

"Yeah, did she caught your attention...Jelavić?" Karasuma asked.

She lit up the cigarette stick as it was stuck on her mouth, then a slight smirk played in her lips.

"Who knows..." she said.

Her legs began to walk to the staff room as Karasuma spoke. "Anyways, we'll have you do some teaching to keep up appearances."

"I'm a professional. My job will be done before I need to resort to teaching." she says confidently.


"Hup! Pass!"

"Hup! Kill!"

Koro-sensei passed the ball to Karma, as the student shoot Anti sensei BBs, which he successfully dodged it.

"Hup! Pass!"

This time, Koro-sensei passed it to Angel, who kicked it back to him with two anti-sensei knives in hand.

"Hup! Kill!" She said happily as she sprinted to Koro-sensei to attack him but he dodged her blows, as always.

"Koro-sensei~!" A loud, flirty voice was heard by the class and the teacher as they stopped playing.

"Karasuma-sensei told me you're very fast! Is that true?" the English teacher asked.

"Well, not that fast..." Koro-sensei humbly says.

"Could you do me a favor? I'd love to try some real Vietnamese coffee...Won't you bring me some while I'm teaching English?" she said.

"Why, of course. I happen to know a great cafe in Vietnam~!" he said.

The love-struck teacher flied up and went to his destination to fetch Jelavić a Vietnamese coffee, with his speed which is Mach 20.


The bell rung as it was time to start for another class. New subject, new lessons, and new headache.

"Um...Irina-sensei? Class is starting. Shouldn't we go back in?" Isogai asked.

"Class? Oh, right. Just make it a study hall or something...And can you not call me by my first name?" she said.

A gasp escaped some of the class' throats as their teacher turned cold, they were shock at her attitude now.

"I won't be playing teacher unless that octopus is around, so you are to call me Jelavić-neesan."

"So what are you going to do, Bitch-neesan?" Karma teased.

"No nicknames!" she shrieked.

"You're an assassin, right? The entire class working together can't kill this monster, and you're going to kill him all by yourself?" Karma said, with a slight smirk on his face.

"Brat. Grown-ups have their own grown-up ways of doing things...You must be Shiota Nagisa?"

She went up him, cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips.

Everyone's eyes wide opened as Jelavić kissed Nagisa, some were disappointed, surprised, annoyed, and joyous.

5 hits
6 hits
16 hits
18 hits
29 hits
30 hits

"Come to the staff room later. I'd like to see what you have on him. The same goes for anyone else with key Intel! I'll give you something good in return."

Three men who are heavy armed with weapons walked up to Jelavić.

"I can even swap a man in for you girls, it's a pro's job to have both techniques and connections." She stated as the class could only stare at her, in awe.

"You brats go watch from the outfield. Oh, one more thing...Interfere even slightly in my assassination and I'll kill you."

The class had something in common about what they felt to the new teacher.

They hated her...

After talking to her tough-looking companions, she turned to the class as someone caught her eyes. Her eyes widened as she walked towards her and abruptly grabbed her red scarf, making her look in her eyes. She had a serious expression on her face.

"Who are you?" 

"Yuuki Angel."

✦ ✧ ✦

"I wonder what Bitch-neesan wanted to talk about..." Karma wondered.

"I don't know, maybe it's important.." Angel replied.

"Dunno..." he said.

"After school, come and meet me at the staff room...we need to talk."

"Talk? Can't we do it now?"

"Shut up, Brat. You don't decide what to do, I do."

"You really are a bitch..."

"But you know what Karma? I have seen her face before...but I don't know where..."

I swear I saw her before! But where?

Then a image of a blonde woman flashed to her head as a gasped escaped her lips.

"Is she...one of those victims?"

✦ ✧ ✦

"Irina-sensei~! Here's the Indian chai you requested..." Koro-sensei chirped.

"Oh, thank you Koro-sensei! Just what I wanted for my afternoon tea." Irina smiled happily.

She run towards Koro-sensei as the teacher just came back from Vietnam and has the coffee that the blonde wanted.

"Actually Koro-sensei, I'd like to speak with you...Could you come to the shed during 5th period?"

"Speak with me? But of course. 5th period, right? I'll be there with certain-tea! Because that's chai tea, get it?"

✦ ✧ ✦

The class were having shooting lessons on there own as Angel and Nagisa spotted Koro-sensei and Jelavić together.

"Isn't that the Bitch and the octopus?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, there going to the shed." Nagisa said.

"Hey Nagisa, what do you think that bitch is up to?" she asked again.

"I don't know...seducing Koro-sensei and stab him in the shed?" he answered.

"As if that'll work...that octopus is as fast as hell." she said.

✦ ✧ ✦

Irina started to reveal a little of her skin as she takes of her coat, as her fair skin was exposed.

"I always fall for exceptional people..."

She leaned at Koro-sensei who turned bright pink and began to panic. He had to admit but he was excited.

"With your body, your strength, you're so exceptional, it was love at first sight."

"Oh, er, um..."

"Do you think that makes me a strange woman?"

Turn his attention to me, even by force, so he won't notice what's really going on...I spent all night just to hunt you down, target of mine.

"You're a bad boy, Koro-sensei." she teased.

"W-We can't do this—not here!" he says, blushing.

You foolish man, farewell...

"Give me a minute to take all this off." she said.

"ALL?!" he exclaimed.

"Relax...I'll be all done in a minute." she hushed.

She hid behind the blackboard, leaving Koro-sensei flustered, then a huge sound of guns were fired at him in a blank range.

Firing complete in 3,2,1...

Her eyes widened as the countdown stopped, her target was alright, none of the bullets had an affect. Not leaving any sightliest scratch...

"Unfortunately, Irina-sensei, lead bullets have no effect on me. They just melt inside my body, and take a good look on my face." Koro-sensei said.

"You have four eyes?!"

"No, two of those are nostrils."

"Who can tell?!"

"There's a metallic odor in the shed that wasn't here until yesterday, an old-man smell whose incongruity opened my nostrils." he told her.

"For having no nose, Koro-sensei has a wicked scent of smell...be careful."

"By pretending to be caught in your trap, I could easily uncover my assassin, in other words...as a pro, you clung too tightly to common-sense assassination. My students' attempts are far more flexible and formidable." he said.

Outside the shed, the class heard a huge gunshot inside the shed.

"My retaliation takes the form of care and grooming."

The poor, bitchy Irina shudder in fear as Koro-sensei's tentacles began to move towards her which made her back touched the wall.


"What's that?"

"Gunshots, a scream...and now a slithery sound!"


"She's getting slithered but good!"

"Let's check it out!"

Some of the class ran to shed as the door opened to revealed a pink face sensei.


"How are those boobs?!"

"I wish I could have enjoyed myself a little longer...but I'm really looking forward to our classes together." he said.

"Hey octopus, what happened with the bitch?" Angel asked.

A figure walked out of the shed as a blonde female whose wearing a wholesome, retro gym outfit is in daze as her cheeks were red.

"To think he did all that to me in only one minute...He loosened my stiff shoulders and back, gave me a lymphatic oil massage, got me changed at top speed...and then to do that slithery thing with his tentacles?"

She fell on the ground, tiredly.

"What thing?"

"Oh, the bitch is down." Angel said as she squatted down and poked her teacher's cheeks.

"Koro-sensei, what did you do?" Nagisa asked sheepishly.

"Oh you know, grown-ups need grown-up care." Koro-sensei says with a guilty face.

"That's the face of a guilty grown-up!" the class said.

They went back to the classroom as Irina suffered such an unsightly failure.

I will get my revenge!

✦ ✧ ✦

Jelavić began to tapped her device, desperately thinking of a new plan to get her revenge back.

That octopus better not think a pro like me is already out of ideas, I'll need all-new supplies.

"Dammit! Why doesn't this backwoods school have Wi-Fi?" she scowled loudly, disturbing the class.

"You're trying awful hard, Bitch-neesan. Your pride must be in tatters after that..." Karma said as he rested the back of his head on his hands.

"Sensei?" Isogai called

"What?" Irina huffed.

"If you won't teach us anything, could you swap with Koro-sensei? We've got entrance exams this year." he said.

"Ha! You want that vicious creature to teach you?" Irina said as she cuts Isogai off, which made him silent.

"You think your exams are to compare at all to a planetary crisis? Must be nice being a clueless kid!" She stood up from her seat, placing her device on the teacher's table as she smirked at the class.

"Besides, I understand you Class E students are the school's loser misfits...There can't be any point to studying now." she harshly says.

The class could only look at her blabber stuff.

"If my attempt succeeds, I'll give you 5 million yen to share! That's far more that you'd gain from any pointless schoolwork, so shut up and do as I—"

A girl stood up from her seat, as she cuts her teacher's statement due to annoyance.

"Your annoying, if your just going to continue your lame ass speech...get lost!" she yelled.

"What? Your just a brat, don't talk back to a grown-up like me!"

"Your just an bitch, don't talk to kids like us as if you know us. It makes me sick..."

That's when the other students began to throw stuff at Irina.

"Like what Angel-chan said!"

"Get out, you damn bitch!"

"Bring in Koro-sensei!"

"She's such a bitch!"

"Where'd all this come from? I'll kill you all!" Irina growled.

"We'd like to see you try!"

"Yeah, that's right! Down with the big boobs!"

"That's your complaint?!"

✦ ✧ ✦

"What's with Angel and those brats? They're sharing space with a fine woman like me...and they're not grateful?!" Jelavić screamed, complaining to Karasuma who was busy typing in his computer.

"They're not—hence the classroom chaos, go apologize to them. If you want to stick around for another attempt, that is." Karasuma said.

"Why should I? I have no teaching experience...let me focus on the assassination!" she said.

Karasuma let out a sigh, displeased at how unladylike the woman in front of him acted.

"Alright, then. Come with me." he said.

Karasuma let Jelavić see how Koro-sensei makes test to each student, so fast and swift fully.

The class was playing the assassination badminton that Karasuma taught them.

"If you can't be both an assassin and teacher...Then this is the worst place for a pro like you."

"Get ready, Angel!" Isogai yelled.

"I was born ready, Yuma. I'll throw you a super secret technique!" Angel boasted.

"Then, here I come!" Isogai tossed the Koro-sensei ball and hit it as it flied towards Angel, she jumped in the air to reach it but it flied passed her.

"Ahh!" she shrieked .

"You okay?" Karma said as he laughed while he and Okuda were watching the others play.

"Jeez!" She went to pick the ball, as she pouted.

"What happened to the super secret technique you were talking about earlier, Angel-chan?"

"I-I'm about to unleash it! I just s-slipped that's all..." Then the class laughed at her, as she blushed.

"What now?" she growled.

"Nothing, Angel-chan!"

"I wonder what your super secret technique looks like."

Jelavić could only watch them play, happily.

✦ ✧ ✦

Jelavić entered the classroom, as the class stopped talking, then she began to write something in the board.

You are incredible in bed.

Was written on the board, she pronounced it and make them repeat it.

"When I assassinated a certain VIP in America, I first turned on the charm to get close to his bodyguard. Those are the words he said to me, they mean...You're great in the sack!"

Angel's face heat up at what the foreign teacher just said.

"It's often said that the fastest way to learn another language is to get yourself a lover who speaks it...You want to know what they're feeling, so you try your hardest to understand what they say." She began to explain the kids her lessons, calmly.

"Let that octopus teach what you need for your exams. The only thing I can teach you is practical conversation skills...And if you still don't think of me as a teacher, I'll give up on my assassination and leave, and I'm sorry about all that stuff." Jelavić apologized as the class laughed which made her confused.

"Why so nervous? You were just threatening to kill us!" Karma cooed as Jelavić flinched.

"We can't call you bitch-neesan anymore."

"It is rude to call a teacher like that!"

"We should change what we call her!"

"I know...let's call her Bitch-sensei!" Angel beemed as Jelavić flinched.

"Um...how about we move away from the whole bitch thing? Just call me by my first name, I don't mi—"

"But your still a bitch, it won't change..."

"Well, there you have it, welcome, Bitch-sensei!"

"Let's get started, Bitch-sensei!"

"I hate you all so much!" she yelled as the class laughed.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

"Then, what do we need to talk about?" The girl with red scarf asked as she was at the staff room like what the blonde requested.

"You see...I was hospitalized 2 weeks ago, I asked one of the doctors there who brought me and those girls with me...he said it was a girl named Yuuki Angel, and that is you, correct?"

The girl nodded, in reply. The woman's eyes sparkled as a smile crept her lips.

"What I want to say is...Thank you, even if you didn't mean to save us in purpose, I just wanted to say it..." she said.

She was holding back her tears from overflowing as she flashed her a smile that is full of gratitude.

"Sure, I'm cool with it...but how did you end up that way?" Angel asked.

The blonde averted her gaze from the raven haired, as the pain began to penetrate her.

A blonde entered the bar with her peers, they talked about random stuff, and laughing hilariously.

She was surprised that her peers' were somewhat very tired, their cheeks were flushed red as they fall on the ground,

That's when she realized that there was a drug in the liquor...

A loud bang crashed her head as her vision blackened out, seeing nothing but black.

They were locked in an abandoned building, as they were drugged and the suspects began to abuse them in every way...

It was a scary experience that the victims felt.

"Oh...I shouldn't have asked that, my bad." Angel says.

"It's fine, you came and saved us after all..I'm really grateful." Jelavić said

The girl just let out a smile, as the pieces come together.

So she's the one I saw before...that's why I remembered seeing her.


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