♛HE [12] : I LIKE YOU♛

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The sun brightens up the sky as it was a good weather that their having today. Birds chirped happily as the classes had begun in a certain classroom named Class 3-E.

This isn't going to work...believe me.

She approached the yellow octopus like teacher with a cheerful smile,

"Hey Koro-sensei, can you teach me question #13? I can't seem to understand it." Angel said.

"Oh why sure, Angel-chan. Hand it to sensei." Koro-sensei said.

"Thanks a bunch, sensei!" she smiled.

While she obtained his attention, her eyes signaled a pair of red and blue haired students as their operation had started.

The boys sneaked in each side behind Koro-sensei as they swayed their knife to hit their target, but it was only dodged in no time.

"Nurufufu~ Getting my attention and sneak in to assassinate me? That won't do, with that speed of yours, that is." he said.

Green stripes appeared from his face as he had his usual grin plastered on his face. They were utterly defeated, they sat down on the empty seats, sighing.

"It was worth a try." Nagisa interjected, as he glanced at Angel, who was disappointed.

"So...what's the next plan?" Karma asked as he sat beside the empty seat next to Angel, who was sitting next to Nagisa.

"Dunno...I'm confident about my skills, but I haven't killed a octopus with a speed of Mach 20. It's frustrating." Angel said, as she rested her chin on the table, looking glum.

"What's this~ perhaps are you giving up? Well, I kind of understand you." A vein popped in her head as the boy was underestimating her, again.

"What did you say? Give up? Nuh-uh...such a word is nowhere found in my dictionary!" she stood up from her seat and glared at him.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" he asked.

With what he said, the girl sat down, also not knowing what's the next plan.

"I dunno." she answered.

"If your that so desperate, I don't mind helping you...that's if you beg for it." he whispered as his hot breath was felt by her ear, the girl flinched as she stood up away from the speaker.

"Shut up! I don't need you." she said those harsh words, yet the boy wasn't fazed.

"You might not need me, but I need you...a lot." he seduced her by standing up and snaking his arms on her waist, pulling her in a hug.

"Y-You perverted freak! L-Let go, damn it!" her face was burning in heat as she struggled to break free from his grip, a hand reached grabbed her chin as it made her look up to his eyes.

"Let's make love, shall we?"


A sigh was heard from the background as it continued to speak.

"If you two are done in flirting, come and join us in studying." Nakamura interjected to the two love birds who were flirting.

"But we are not done yet, we are about to sneak out and make out."

"Karma!" She managed to break free, as she pointed her index finger towards him.

"I'm going to repeat this: I'm the one who's going to kill Koro-sensei!"

"Let's see about that, shall we?"

"You will see, hmph!"

She walked away from him, clearly pissed from all his sexual harassment, seductive antics, and pranks thrown at her.

Seriously, when will he give it a rest?  Was what she thought as she puffed her cheeks, she sat beside Nagisa and the others as their study sessions have begun.

"I hate that jerk! He pisses me off!"

"It's like what they say; the more you hate, the more you love." Kayano pipped in as she looked up to her from her book.

"Tch, me? Love him? Nah...no way in hell. First of all, why is he always teasing me?!" she complained.

"Don't you get it? He likes you! He's clearly flirting with you." Nakamura stated, as Angel could only roll her eyes.

"If liking me is being an asshole for a whole freaking day, damn—he did a good job." she huffed.

"Isn't that great? I've always wanted a love story like that, sadly, it only happens in anime." Fuwa interjected as she mixed anime and reality again.

"I don't get it, how did you guys come up with a conclusion that he likes me? I mean—he is always teasing me, it doesn't make sense at all." she said, confused.

She's so clueless that it freaks me out.

Well, that guy is into you...what else?

See his true motives, damn it!

"I forgot to ask the crucial part, do you like Karma-kun?" Nakamura asked, immediately Angel answered.

"Heck no, I would rather die than to like him!" she said quickly.

"Eh~ You don't like me? Why is that?" A voice purred as he sat down on the empty seat next to Angel, his arm snaked her shoulders.

"Your an ass, that's all."

"That's harsh! After all I have a genuine interest in you...makes me want to cry."

"Jeez...what's with you? Get your arm off me!"

"Your so shy, how cute~"

"Am not!"

Here they go again, really these two...

What a way to display affection in public...

The bell rung as they went back to their proper seats, Jelavić entered the classroom as everyone was silence.

"We'll continue this later, Angel-chan~" He said with a wink, as shivers went up through her spine.

He is scary... 

Was a very out of character thought of hers, but that was only for a moment.

No waitHe creeps me out, I want him dead right now.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time skip

"That's all class, pardon me." Jelavić said as she went out of the room as lunch time had finally started, the sky was getting darker as it seems like that it was going to rain.

"Hey Angel-chan, here are the notes you lend me. It was helpful!" Maehara said as he handed back the girl's notebook.

"Nah, I'm cool with it. It's nice to be helpful!" She beamed with a cheerful smile on her face, causing him to slightly blush.

"Thanks a bunch! I'll do the same when you need some notes." he sheepishly said.

"Okay!" she smiled.

They continued talking as a pair of gold eyes were watching them, a slight of pain hit his chest which made him clutch his shirt.

What's with this feeling?

He stood up from his seat as he walked towards the door to exit the classroom, Angel noticed his presence leaving and she spoke.

"Hey Karma, where ya going?" she asked him.

"I can go anywhere I want,  can I?" He stated, not looking back. He shut the door in silence as the chatter and laughter continued.

"Wha-What's with him? Here I am being polite here, and yet...his rude!"

"Dunno, maybe his going to skip classes." Maehara stated.

She bit her lower lip as she followed him and exited the classroom. The hallways were empty, no signs of a certain red head were spotted.

She ran, ran as fast as she can, yet there's a part of her asking why was she following him?

She reached the forest as she spotted a red haired guy wearing a black blazer.

"Karma! Wait up!" She called, but he didn't stop as he continued to walk. All she could see was his back.

Angrily, she untied her red sneakers and tossed it to Karma's direction, it hit his head as he looked back.

"What the heck?!" he groaned.

"You finally stop, took you long enough." she scoffed.

"What are you doing here, Angel-chan?" he asked.

"I should ask you the same, I called you earlier but you didn't heard me...so I threw my shoe, hand it back!" he stood up after picking the shoe that fell on the ground.

"Eh~ I don't know...you came all over here just to toss it to me, why do I have to hand it back?"

"Duh. It's mine!"

"Then, get it!" She sprinted to Karma as she reached for her shoe but he raise it up high that she can't reach.

"Give it back, damn it!"

"Say: Please give it back, Karma-sama~ Maybe I'll think about it."

"Heck no!" She grabbed his clothes to drag him down, her hot breath hit his face.

He blushed, as he froze in his tracks. Taking this chance, she snagged the shoe from his hand.

"Yay! Got it~!" She cheered, she put on the shoe as a liquid fell from the sky.

As it continued to fall, the sky darkens and the rain stared pouring up above.

"D-Damn it, it's raining!"

"Let's go over there, Angel-chan!"


It rained harder as they've reached a shelter nearby.

"I shouldn't have followed you!" she argued as her clothes were slightly soaked.

"But you still did." He snickered from her statement.

They sat down on the bench in the shelter as the coldness crept up to their skin.

"The rain isn't letting up." she says.

"Yeah." he answered.

They shared a moment of silence, until she sneezed.

"Achoo!" She hugged her legs as the cold crept up in her skin.

"You cold?" he asked.

"Nah, not really. Just dust." A black clothing fell on her face as he threw his blazer to her.

"Use it, it's not that soaked." he told her.

"I-I'm fine really—" She stopped and froze as his glare is like being stabbed itself.

"I get it, I'll use it..." She said as she puts on the black blazer, it was surprisingly warm, it warmed her up.

"Aren't you cold?"

"Why, are you worried?"

"Nah, as if!"

"But, I wouldn't mind if you hug me to warm me up. My arms are open, honey~"

"As if I'll hug you!"

Until now, his still teasing her, she wondered when will he stop.

What if he was really cold? He should've not handed me his blazer! He'll catch a cold.

"Hey, Angel-chan...mind if I ask you a question?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Karma.

"What is it?" she asked, the rain continued to fall harder every second.

"What if I told you, I like you...what would you do?"

"Dunno...you haven't told me that you like me, so I wouldn't know."

"I-I see..."

Silence filled them once more as the girl was curious about his sudden question.

What's with him? Saying all of that...what a weirdo. A sighed escaped her lips as Karma turned at her.

"Can't be helped, huh." She wrapped her arms around him which startled him.

"A-Angel-chan?" he blushed.

"Don't take it in a wrong way, you might catch a cold, not that I care...but still—uh, never mind!" she said as she slammed her face on his chest, she might be small but it was enough for him to feel her warmth.

A pair of arms hugged her tighter, she didn't mind and let him do as he please.

"If only time stops right now...I wouldn't mind." He whispered softly as in his arms is the one that he likes.

"Hmm-mmh, did you said something?"

"Nothing, stupid."

"Who are you calling stupid?!"

"Who else, you."

"Damn you!"

They kept arguing as they finally stayed in silence for awhile once more.

His hand touched her cheek as he turned her attention to him.

"Hey Angel-chan~ do you know what I wanna do now~?"

"What is it?"

He leaned down to her as their foreheads were touching, same with their nose.

"I want to kiss you~"

He purred as he seduced her once again, her cheeks turned bright red as she distanced herself away from him.

"Y-You pervert!"

"Hahahaha, your blushing!"

"Am not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not, damn it."

They continued to get heat from each other as they hugged, they sat in silence as they waited for the rain to cease. After waiting for awhile, the rain have finally stopped as the sun shine up in the sky.

"Ah, the rain stopped." He said as the soft rays of the sun shone at him,

"Angel-chan, let's go—"

He stopped in his sentence as he saw her sleeping peacefully in his arms.

His golden eyes stared at her sleeping figure, her rosy cheeks, her long eyelashes, her small but cute nose, his eyes stopped at her red lips...

His next move caught him surprise as his lips automatically pressed her forehead. He backed away, blushing. As he lets her sleep.

Guess killing Koro-sensei can wait...

He thought as he ruffled his hands through his hair, blushing.

His mercury like eyes fluttered as he helps himself by caressing her raven hair, few sweet words escaped his lips as his face was now flushed.

"I like you, I really do."


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