♛HE [13] : GOOD LUCK♛

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The rainy seasons have finally ceased as the weather started getting hot, there will be a baseball tournament to be held next week as the Class 3-E were discussing about it.

"Exhibition?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, class E doesn't get to enter into the tournament."

"Due to the splendid reason that there'd be an odd number of teams, instead we'll play the game at the end."

"I don't get it..." Angel said, as she doesn't understand the school's policy,

"The entire school watch as we pit against the Baseball club, and the girls play against the Girls' basketball club."

"That's unfair!" she stated.

"For us, not to them." Nagisa answered to her comment, as he let out a sigh.

"If it's baseball, the one we can rely on is Sugino. Got any secrets we can use to win?" Maehara asked as he turned to Sugino, who turned to his direction.

"It's impossible, our baseball team is pretty strong." He stated, as he looked down on himself again.

"Especially Shindo, our current club captain. He caught the attention of the famous high schools...A star pupil, and a star athlete—it's like, unfair."

He ended his sentence as the class turned quiet, not knowing what to do.

"Then, is this Shindo guy strong?"

"Yeah, Angel...To a baseball player like me, I'm nowhere near his level."

He looked down, his eyes were filled with agony and misery, then Angel walked up to him as she watched him looking down on himself again.

"You're looking down on yourself again, if you keep that attitude up, nothing will change." she told him.

Sugino couldn't say a word, he just bowed his head in silence. A vein popped on her head as her fist bumped with his head.

"O-Ouch, what are you doing...Angel?" he groaned.

"All we have to do is to win!" She said, as her eyes looked at the fallen Sugino, he massaged his bumped head as he looked up to the girl in front of him.

"I don't give a damn about this Shindo guy, heck I don't even know him. But that doesn't really matter, all we have to do is win, that is all it matters."


"She's right Sugino, all we have to do is win!"

"Yeah, we have to win!"

"What about you?" Angel asked as he turned to Sugino once again.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to win?"

His dark blue eyes stared at the girl as he opened his mouth to give his answer.

"I want to win, I don't want to lose at the baseball that I love." He declared as he clutched the baseball tightly on his hands.

"Win like you're going to kill them!" She protested loudly with a huge grin on her face as the class agreed.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Good luck on your game, Angel." Nagisa said to Angel as he cheered for her.

"Yeah, you two Nagisa. Show them who's the boss!" Nagisa nodded as he ran back to his teammates, Angel was about to walk to her team as well when a hand grabbed her wrist. In a blink of an eye, she saw the face of Akabane Karma.

"What do you want, Karma? Our game is about to start any seconds now!" She stated in annoyance.

"You're mad already? That's no fun. I just wanted to give you a little bit of my good luck charm~" He chuckles as he sent the girl his sweet smile.

"Where's this good luck charm?" she asked.

"I know you want it~ I'll give it to you, be grateful." He stated as he cupped her face with his right hand, he planted a kiss on her rosy cheeks.

H-He kissed me?!

Her cheeks turned red from the thought itself, his soft lips left her cheeks, then he gave her a smile. Not a mischievous one, but a sincere one.

"K-K-K-K-Karma! Y-Y-You!"

"There, you're good to go. Make Class 3-E proud, okay?" He whispered to her ear as her cheeks turned redder due to his actions, oh how bold he is.

Karma helps himself stroking her soft, silky black raven hair and stares deeply into her crimson red eyes with a smile painted on his handsome face.

She decided to push her thoughts out of the way as she looked up to Karma with a grin on her face.

"I'll show them who's the boss!" she said as the blush faded on her cheeks.

"Yeah, good luck." he said.

"You too. Show them who's the best! If you guys lost—I'll kick your butt!" she told him about the consequences of losing.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. We won't lose, trust me." he flashed him a smile.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

The girls tournament finally took curtains as they have won the match.

"Hmph! They're all bark and no bite, they're not even worthy enough to lick my feet." Angel stated as she walked with the girls of Class 3-E.

"You were awesome earlier, Angel! It was barely—but we actually won." Kayano stated, as she complimented the girl with red scarf.

"Thank you, I was able to pull it off because you girls are there, with that thought alone...it made me happy."

They smiled at the girl as they gave their gratitude to her.

"Now then, I wonder how the boys are doing."

"They're probably fine, Hayami! I mean—they've practiced baseball everyday, they'll win."

The girls went to the court to watch the boys play baseball. The tables had turned as the game turned rough for the boys of Class 3-E.

"Wha-What's with they're formation? Isn't that too close?!" Angel said as the enemy of their class was too near.

"Yeah, it's because of Principal's instructions...we can't disobey, no one can if you are in this school." Nakamura explained to the girl as all the girls could do was to stay quiet.

"That's unfair!" she said.

"For us, not them." Kataoka stated, as she flashed Angel a silly smile.

"Hey, isn't this playing dirty, Principal?" A familiar voice asked as Angel turned to the speaker.

This voice...it's Karma's!

"They're taking up defensive positions that clutter up the field, and the teacher is acting as a umpire that hasn't given them any warnings...Don't you guys think it's weird, too?" Karma stated, then he suddenly chuckled as the students from other classes turned to his attention.

"Oh, I get it. You guys are morons, that you don't even understand defensive positions and stuff, do you?" He angered the students from other classes as they got ticked off.

"Quit whining about the little things, Class E!"

"It's an exhibition game!"

"Quit trying to dispute the defense!"

"If you've got a problem, then show us you can produce real results."

Karma turned back to Koro-sensei who is hiding in the grass, like a ball. He stuck out his tonge as his plan failed.

"Don't think it's working, Coach." he said.

"It's fine, the important thing is to speak out, and protest loud and clear." Koro-sensei said.

After playing for awhile, the guy from the enemy team imitate Class 3-E's bunt move. Which caught them surprise, now the girls are showing distress in their faces.

"I'm so kicking they're ass!" Angel said but the girls stopped her,

"Don't Angel!"

"It will make things harder!"

"Relax for a bit!"

Koro-sensei appeared from the land as Karma saw him.

"Karma-kun, it's time for your provocations to be in good use." he told him.

"Oh, I see." Karma smirks.

They started the game again as the boys from Class 3-E putted a tight defensive positions.

"We're clearly defending in positions that would disrupt the batter's focus, but when you guys did it earlier, the umpire didn't say anything... You've got no problems with this, right, Principal?" Karma asked as he looked at the principle, who has his usual cold glares and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Feel free, mere changes in defense will not rattle those who are chosen." Asano stated.

"Wow, tough words. Then we'll take you up at your word." Karma said as he and Isogai went closer to the batter, not letting the enemy team do what they want.

"Don't mind us, superstar. We won't get in the way of the pitch." he said.

"What a worthless bluff, swing away without a care, Shindo-kun." The principal said as he chuckled darkly.

"Even if it breaks his bones, it will be Class E that gets penalized for obstructing the batter." The principal ended his statement as Shindo turned serious.

Think they can mock me like this? If I swing big and scared them, they'll back down for sure!

Sugino tossed the ball, when Shindo was about to swing, Karma and Isogai barely moved to dodged him.

"A slow swing like that won't cut it. Next time, try swinging like you're going to kill us." Karma threatens him.

After taking turns, they manage to win in one go.

"Class E...won against the Baseball club!"

"They did it!"

"You were great, boys!"

"Hooray, we won!"

Angel hurriedly ran up to them and gave Nagisa a big hug. "Yay! I knew you guys would win, congrats, Nagisa!"

She beamed happily as she flashed him a cheerful smile, causing Nagisa to blush.

"Y-Yeah, thank you...Angel." he said.

"Aren't you going to congratulate me, Angel-chan?" A voice interrupted them, as Angel lets go of Nagisa.

"Eh~ Do I have to?" She teasingly joked as a vein popped on Karma's forehead.

"Ahahaha just kidding, congrats Karma! You were really cool earlier." she said as she grinned at him, Karma turned red, as he turned 180°c while covering his mouth with his right hand.

"What's wrong?"


Sugino walked up to Shindo, "Sorry for turning it into such a crazy game, but I know—You're a way stronger player than I am..."

"I don't think I won against you with this or anything." Sugino said as he smiled at Shindo.

"Then, why trouble to win? Weren't you showing to me that you're stronger?" Shindo said as Sugino stopped for awhile before continuing,

"Angel is always there to help me when I'm in trouble, same goes with my friends in Class E. She and Nagisa accompany me in my baseball practices. Karma and Isogai's reflexes are amazing and everyone's good at bunting...I wanted to brag a little. About my current friends, to my old friends."

"Tomohito!" A voice called as the girl run up to her.

"Remember this Sugino, next time we play will be in high school!"

"You got it!"

If Earth's still here by the time we hit high school. Sugino thought.

"What are you guys talking about? Did I miss something?" Angel asked.

"Nah, it's nothing." Sugino said to the girl as he stood up, he held his hand to Shindo as Shindo held his hand and stood up.

"You guys are friends, don't belittle each other. It can ruin your friendship!" Angel said, as Shindo smile at Sugino apologetically.

"Sorry about the harsh stuff I told you, Sugino. I also, just wanted to brag about my current friends to my old friends."

"I'm cool with it!"

A single mistake can make you lose your friends forever, you might get them back, but things wouldn't be the same.

Remember to treasure your friends, without them, you can't survive a jungle called Life.


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