♛HE [14] : LIAR♛

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The sun shone at the fields as the students were training in thrusting their knives properly, Karasuma marked a numbered of students who is good in overall.

They were attacking each other as a pair, let's go with our main protagonist in this story, shall we?

Her red scarf clings around her neck as she was wearing their P.E. tracksuit, she thrusts her knife to her opponents cheek, chest, and neck. But, to be only dodged by the infamous prankster named Akabane Karma, who was her opponent in the moment.

"You have to be faster than that, Angel-chan~" he cooed.

"Shut up, mind your own business, Karma!" she yelled.

He grabbed her wrist and spun her in a split second, now his anti-sensei knife was near her throat which made her freeze.

"Caught you, Angel-chan~" He whispered to her ear as his hot breath was felt by her slender neck that is covered by her red scarf.

"L-Let me go, Karma!" she began to squirm in his touch.

"I can't do that. I need to search for your weapons, you might have at least one right?" She felt his hand traveled through her back as a gasp escaped her lips, it went up to her stomach up and now was going to her breast which she grew panic.

T-This perverted jerk! I-I need to get out of this, quick!

She slide her knife through his face as he dropped his weapon and gripped her wrist hard that made her drop her weapon right away.

Karma pushed her to the ground as he shield his arms through her sides, preventing her to get away.

"You look so cute in this state, Angel-chan~ don't fret, I won't bite." He smirked as his sharp teeth is a little bit visible to the girl's sight. Beads of sweat rolled through her face.

H-He's definitely going to try something! Calm down, me...think, how are you going to escape someone's arms who's larger than you?

"Aren't you going to escape? Oh~ perhaps, you ran out of ideas...?"

Then she smiled inwardly as she thought of a plan, she sneaked her knee near his stomach as she jabbed it. His grip lets go of both of her wrist as she swung her knife through his face as he backed away from her.

In a split of second she thrusts her anti-sensei knife to his stomach as she won the duel.

"The first one who hits their opponent with the knife, wins...that means I won." A smile crept through her face as she was victorious.

"Shear luck, I'll get you next time." he huffed.

"Yeah, yeah, if you can." she boasted.

The bell rung as it was the end of training, Karasume started to walk to the classroom from the field.

"Man, I just can't hit him."

"Karasuma-sensei is, like, zero chinks."

Karasuma stopped and turned to the assassin. "Angel, you did well...keep up the good work."

"E-Eh? Uh...yeah." she said.

With that, Karasuma continued to walk to his destination.

"You're so luck, Angel-chan! Karasuma-sensei acknowledge you!" Kurahashi said as she was slightly jealous of her friend.

"Nah, I bet he just wanted me to kill that octopus quickly." Angel replied.

"You think? I bet he really wanted to compliment you."

"Dunno...that slant eyes is hard to read."

Then a figure close in to Karasuma as it greeted him. "Yo, Karasuma!"


A large man that claims lots of bag of sweets in hand, in the first glance he seems to be very friendly but...is he really?

"Hey, I'm Takaoka Akira, and I'll be assisting Karasuma as of today. It's nice too meet you, Class 3-E guys." He introduced himself, which made his colleague, Karasuma, confused by his sudden appearance.

"W-What are you doing here, Takaoka?" Karasuma asked.

"The government sent me here to help you out." Behind him was a girl with a lack of presence. He grabbed this girl's shoulder and pushed her to the front.

"This is girl is my apprentice, her name is Soraru Rin."

The man introduced the girl who was beside him while his fingers traveled through her hair, the girl just kept quiet.

Karasuma was taken back by this girl, he didn't noticed her presence.

Who's this girl? I didn't noticed her.

Karasuma eyed the girl, she is young with pink eyes and long pink hair styled in pigtails, two hanging as frontal locks featuring a pair of red bows, and the back pigtails left bare. She wears a blue shirt with a ribbon on her chest accompanied by a blue skirt with high socks. She looked a normal girl, but...Is she really normal?

"For starters, lets have a snack." The man said as he placed a mat and the bag of sweets as he invited the students to eat.

"Are you sure? They look so pricey."

"It looks delicious~!"

"Go on, eat up! I emptied out my wallet for it, don't hold back." he said.

"You sure know your brand name sweets." Nagisa said, grabbing a cake.

"Honestly, when it comes to me and sugar...it's love~!" He stated while playfully sticking out his tongue as the students began to grab some food.

"Cake~" Takaoka turned around to see the infamous octopus drooling, wanted to eat some cake as well.

"Oh, you must be Koro-sensei, come and eat—but we'll still end up killing you." he ironically stated.

Angel grabbed a strawberry shortcake as she bit it, heaven slipped in her tongue.

"Hmm-mmh~ It's so good." She commented, she noticed someone was staring at her—heck she was right, it was the girl with Takaoka. She was dead quiet, not speaking a word, just staring at her.

If staring can kill, I'm dead meat.

"What are you looking at?" She asked her, yet she kept quiet, continued to stare at her.

Wha-What's with her? She's so creepy...

Despite what she thought of her, her face was awfully familiar, she felt a wave of nostalgic hit her chest.

Soraru Rin, huh? I've heard that name before...but where?

✦ ✧ ✦

The Next Day

"Everyone, we will now have a new schedule!" Takaoka said as he held papers with printed schedule for each student in the class. Some of the students were awestruck by the sudden changes in training.

"Let's get to work—" he was cut off as soon as someone else spoke.

"This is impossible!" A voice interrupted him as he looked at Maehara who just spoke up.

"With so little time for learning, our grades will fall, and no free time? We can't do this—Wha?" Takaoka grabbed a fistful of his hair as he kicked his abdomen which made Maehara cough, a gasp escaped some of the students throats, some of the class glared at the teacher with hatred.

"We're a family, and I'm the dad. If you don't want to be in my class, you can leave. I'll bring in new students to replace you—But I don't want that, were family."

He walked towards Kanzaki and Mimura as he hugged them which caused the two to flinched.

"Let's save the world, together—as a family." he said.

You only need two things to win over your apprenticeAffection and fear.

"You're coming along with your old dad, right?" He asked Kanzaki as she stood up, fear was written all over her face, yet she mustered the courage to smile.

"I don't want to. I prefer Karasuma-sensei's class." Kanzaki said.

In a split second, Takaoka slapped Kanzaki on the face which made her fall on the ground, her cheek gotten red.

"Kanzaki-san!" Sugino yelled as he and Nagisa rush to her aid.

"The only answer here is yes. If you become my apprentice like Rin, everything will be solved. If that's a problem, we can talk it out with our fist."

"Stop it, Takaoka!" Karasuma said as he run to Kanzaki, distress was written all over his face as he glance at Kanzaki.

"Are you okay, Kanzaki?" he asked.

"Y-Yes." Kanzaki said.

"How about you, Maehara?" he asked again.

"I-I'm fine." Maehara said.

Takaoka, with a smile plastered on his lips, spoke once again. "I'm going easy on them, Karasuma—We're family after all."

He was getting in her nerves, Angel couldn't just stand there and watch her friends to be smashed, so she did her role to take Takaoka down but, before she did...

A knife swayed in her direction, she barely dodged the surprise attack. She stopped and stared at her opponent.

"I won't let you land a blow at Takaoka-san." the girl, Soraru Rin said.

"Damn you...how dare you interfere?" Angel growled.

She was aiming to slice her, no doubt...she was going to kill her, and she's not stopping.

"Let me ask you: Are you really Yuuki Angel?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's me." the black haired girl said.

"I see...Takaoka-san, can I kill her?" her pink eyes darted to the man's eyes, a playful smirk appeared on his lips.

"Yes, you can. If only she interferes with my training." he replied.

"Understood." She hid the knife back in her pocket as her eyes followed the girl's every movement.

"Let's get up with the training, shall we?" Takaoka smiled creepily.

Fear clung too tightly in each students hearts as they followed his instructions. They started to do 300 squats as some of them gave in in mid way, like Kurahashi.

"Karasuma-sensei, help me." she begs, unable to continue any further.

"Hey, now." Takaoka said.

"Eh?" she gasped.

"Karasuma's not part of our family, punishment time—This what happens to kids who don't rely on their dads alone." He was about to land a hit on the girl as the girl covered herself with her arms, waiting for the impact, but none reached her.

"That's enough, if you want to get violent, get violent with me." Karasuma scowled.

"Damn you, Karasuma...Rin!"

A knife stopped cold at Karasuma's neck, it was fast that none see it coming, one slice and he is dead meat.

"Karasuma-san, please let go of Takaoka-san immediately. If you don't—this knife would kill you instantly." Karasuma valued his own life as he lets go of Takaoka's arm.

"That's enough, Rin." Soraru hid the knife once again, following his trainer's instructions, which she believed is right.

Guess it's time for that...

"Karasuma, choose the best student you've trained. They can fight Rin, if their knife touches her, I'll acknowledge that you're better and leave." Takaoka said as he unzipped his bag, he gets a knife inside.

"In order to kill her, we'll be using a real one...a real knife."

"Enough! They're not prepared to kill a human."

"Relax—just when her back touched the ground is a win. If you guys managed to defeat her, you'll have the right to fight me."


"If those kids can't beat this girl, then their chances of beating me is...zero."

They've begun to be quiet for awhile, the silence was eerie, none of them dared to speak.

"Pick one, Karasuma! Then the battle between that student and Soraru Rin will begin." He threw the knife on the ground near Karasuma's feet, he picked up the knife that can kill a human.

He glance ay each student, unclear who'll he be choosing. His eyes stopped at his best student.

His feet dragged him towards her, she looked up to him. Red eyes of hers pierced his. "Angel, can you do it?"

"I just have to kill her, right?" she asked.

"N-No! Just make her back fall on the ground will count as a hit." he panicked.

"Fine." She took the knife from his hand and walked up to her opponent.

"You tried to kill me...you wouldn't mind if I kill you, don't you?"

A wide smirk appeared in her lips as her eyes were filled with many ways to kill this girl. Her pink eyes just stared at those red eyes.

"I wouldn't be happier. If you lose, don't be so bitter about it." Soraru gets the knife out of her pocket as both of them wield a blade in hand.

"Hey, hey, are they serious?"

"They're going to kill each other!"

"Come at me, Yuuki-san." Soraru said, in her right hand is a knife. Ready to slice her up.

"You come at me, I'll wipe that smug in your face." Angel stated.

"Understood." Soraru sprinted up to Angel, she swayed her blade to her as Angel blocked it with her blade.

They're knives began to clash each other with such speed. None of them give grounds, as they kept fighting.

"You forgot about the promise, didn't you?"

"Promise...?" she asked.

They distanced themselves from each other and rested for a moment.

"You promised to come back and save me, and...I was waiting for you." Soraru said, as her bangs covered her eyes, sadness tightened her chest.

"I'm Soraru Rin! The girl from the auction, don't you remember?"

Her red eyes widened from what she just said, as it all came back to her.

"Y-You're...that Rin?"

It all happen on a certain day, inside a certain cell, there are two kids around the age of 7 locked in.

Chains bind them from leaving the chamber, making them powerless.

"Hey you, what's your name?" A certain black haired girl with red eyes and matching red scarf asked.

"Rin...Soraru Rin." she said.

"Rin, huh? The name's Yuuki Angel."

Silence filled the spaces between them, as she broke the silence.

"Let's run away, together."

"...Run away...?"

"Yeah, so we'll be free!"

"Where would we go? The life of the outside world is hard, we might encounter more hardship than now."

"Then, I'll leave and come back to save you. I'll make sure we'll survive the outside world."

Soraru looked up the girl, her eyes glimmer, full of determination.



"I will be waiting for you."

"Yeah, I'll be back!"

Then the next day she managed to escape that place, leaving Soraru behind. Soraru waited for her to come back...But in the end, she broke the promise she made. Which caused her heart to ache in distress.

"Why did you lie to me back then?" Soraru asked, enraged.

"I didn't lie to you—" Angel was cut off when she shrieked.

"YOU'RE LYING!" She yelled which made Angel flinched.

"Oh~ You know her, Rin?" Takaoka said, surprised.

"Yes." she answered

"Finish her." He commanded.

"Understood." Soraru said.

Angel hid the knife in her pocket and went straight to Soraru, she fought her backhandedly. Her hands gripped her pink tresses and pushed her on the ground, her shoe stepped on her abdomen, preventing her to move.

"Your back fell on the ground, means you lose, Rin." Angel said as Soraru only gritted her teeth in frustration.

"I don't mind if you want a rematch, but isn't this enough?"

Rage filled those pink eyes as she quickly gets a pepper spray from her thighs, before Angel could react, a spray showered in her eyes.

"Ah! It hurts!" She yelped in pain, her eyes were burning like hell. Soraru pushed her away as she stood up.

"As expected of the student who I taught the longest, excellent." Takaoka said, he let out a sinister laugh as he stared at Angel's suffering.

"Takaoka!" Karasuma yelled.

"Don't like it, Karasuma? Then pick a student to challenge me!" he smirked.

"What?" he was confused.

"Didn't I told you? Once you beaten Rin, you guys have the right to fight me." Takaoka reasoned out.

Karasuma could only glare at Takaoka, who has a gleeful smug on his face.

"Choose, Karasuma! I promise you, I will really leave if the student win against me."

Karasuma grumbled as he took the knife, Angel covered her eyes as she stood up.

"Hey Slant eyes...I'll do it." she said.

"You can't. You did well, it's you're job to rest." he said.

"Angel!" Kayano called.

"Just take a rest!" Nakamura said.

They restrained Angel, her eyes really hurts like hell that tears were flowing out. It burned her eyes that she can't even looked at someone's eyes.

Karasuma walked to Nagisa, who was lowering his head down.

"Nagisa...will you do it?"

Nagisa looked up to Karasuma with a knife in hand.

"I won't force you to take this knife, I'll make every effort to treat you as junior high students."

His blue eyes stared at his dark eyes, he admired this man's eyes, he took the knife knowing he can trust him.

"I'll do it." Nagisa said.

I don't even know if my knife would hit a real pro, but I can't forgive him about Kanzaki-san and Maehara-kun...especially, his apprentice hurt Angel! There's no way I'll let him slip after what she did to her...!

"Bring it on." Takaoka said as he stance himself to fight Nagisa.

Fear gripped in Nagisa's heart as a wave of anxiety fluttered in his chest, he wasn't sure how to handle a real knife.

...I just have to kill him...

A smile appeared on his face, he normally walked up to him like it was a daily routine to school, in a split of moment, a knife swayed in his direction.

Nagisa pulled down his shirt as he circled around behind him and pointed a knife on his neck.

"Got you!" he smiled.

A gasp escaped from each students' throats as they were surprised.

"You were so cool, Nagisa!" A voice beamed with a huge smile, Nagisa looked up to see Angel gazing down at him.

"Angel! You okay? Does your eyes still hurts?" he asked as he quickly lets of Takaoka and rushed towards her side.

"I'm okay, her pepper spray wasn't tough to leave a scratch on my eyes." she boasted.

"Oh, so that's why you were crying and saying: Ah! It hurts!" he joked.

"S-Shut up! I just have a little problem..." Angel snagged the knife from Nagisa's hand.

"You shouldn't hold a real knife, it's dangerous." She said as she twirled the knife through her hand.

The class went up to Nagisa and cheered for him, Takaoka stood up with an angry expression written all over her face.

"You brats...turning your father and rejoicing in some fluke victory?! Again!" Takaoka stated.

"If we fought again, I'd lose for sure. You and your forced father role doesn't come across half as warm as Karasuma-sensei. I'm sorry, but please leave." Nagisa said as he bowed his head. Takaoka is really pissed, he lift his fist to smack Nagisa...before he did, a hand stopped his attack.

"Is that all your fist gonna offer? You're nothing special." She said as her fist crashed across his face, he fell on the floor aftermath.

Takaoka looked up and saw a shadow forming in her eyes, it was intimidating.

"Get lost, scum." she sneered.

Karasuma walked up to them, apologized about his colleague's trouble,  "I'll negotiate with my superiors to resume my teaching position."

"You think I'll let you get one over me like that? I'll—"

A foot stepped on his face, as he was surprised.

"Be quiet, losers don't have the right to speak. Stay on the ground, you asshole." Angel said, she was showing her superior mode, which made the class shiver.

"I'll make sure that I won't mess with Angel."

"She ain't normal!"

"So scary..."

"There's no need to negotiate." A voice said as they turned they're head to the speaker, Angel's foot left his face as she turned her attention to the person who just arrived.

"Hey, isn't he...?"

"What's he doing here?"

"Principal Asano!"

Asano walked up to Takaoka, he wears his famous smile that was really cold.

"I was curious how the newest teacher was doing, and saw everything." He squatted down to Takaoka and grabbed his chin and held it close to him.

"Takaoka-sensei, your lesson was a joke. Fear is a must in education, but a teacher that can only instill fear through violence is the lowest ordeal."

He stuck a paper inn his mouth, harshly.

"Your walking papers. The Ministry of Defense has no hiring rights here, I called the shots here, don't forget." Asano said as he walked away, wiping the saliva away with his handkerchief. 

Takaoka grabbed his bag and ran away, cursing.

The class cheered that Takaoka is fired, Soraru Rin followed Takaoka, but stopped and turned to the class.

Her cold stare pierced Angel's eyes as she had her full attention.

"Let's meet again, Yuuki-san." she said as wind passed through her skin.

"If destiny allows us...that is."


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