♛HE [16] : STUDYING♛

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The middle exam terms are closing in, the Class 3-E students were studying like the house is on fire. While studying, Sugino received a phone call from his friend from the main campus, Shindo.

"Hey what's up? Haven't seen you since the tournament." he greeted.

"Yeah—hell of a game. I'm worried you might not be able to step in High School" Shindo said from the other line.

"Still high and mighty, huh?" he sighed.

"So listen...Class A is in a conference room for a study session, with them are the geniuses called the Big Five" Shindo said.

Asano Gakushū
-1st Place
-Student council president

Araki Teppei
-2nd Place on midterms
-Media club president

Sakakibara Ren
-3rd Place
-Student council secretary

Koyama Natsuhiko
-5th Place
-Has a grudge againts Karma
-Biology club president

Seo Tomoya
-6th Place
-Meeting leader

"Shindo, I-Is that you announcing?" Sugino was flabbergasted.

"Yeah—I've always wanted to try announcing, anyways...the most dangerous and top spot is—"

Asano Gakushū, the 1st place top student of Kunigigaoka junior high, thus his the principle's only son. With his features, intellect, and strategic mind is well known throughout the country.

"Right now our goal isn't to get out of the Class E." Sugino said as he looked at his classmates with a smile on his face.

"We will beat Class A's points, watch us, okay? We'll put up a real fight!"

"Knock yourself out. The Class E's fight isn't my problem" Shindo huffed.

Then the call ended from the other line as they went back in studying.

"Hey Angel, I've been wondering—who gave you that scarf?" Nagisa asked.

"Eh, This scarf...?" Angel asked, grabbing on the fabric.

"Hmm-mmh." he hummed.

Angel was taken back to Nagisa's question as she thought about the person who gave it to her.

"It must be from someone really precious to you..." Nagisa said.

"Precious to me...?" Angel asked.

Then a unknown young boy's face flashed through her head where she obtained the scarf took place, yet...

"I can't remember, before I knew it—it's always been with me!" she said.

"You can't remember?" he asked.

"Yes, but it's like what you said—it's precious." she smiled.

"If your memories are precious to you, why did you forget about them in the first place?"

✦ ✧ ✦

"Principle, I have been raising the scores just as you want...are you satisfied?"

"Asano-kun, what I need are the results. Reporting without results is meaningless—All students in main campus occupies the top 50 and best all five subjects."

The principal interjected to his son, Gakushū. He was now kicking the soccer ball with his feet while engaging with a conversation with his father.

"The Class E can't be better than any other class, I sincerely doubt they can be any match for us." Asano said.

"Sometimes the strong and weak can switch sides, just like that. Staying in the strong camp is hard." The principle said.

"I shall fulfill your conditions, and may I ask you not as a student, but as your son a question?" the younger one said.

"Hmm...are you leaning on your father?" the Principle asked.

"No, that's not it. I'm just curious—about Class E, and Yuuki Angel...are you hiding something?"

He kicked the ball mid air as it was caught by the principal in one hand.

"You made lots of dealings with them this year, you're not involved to something but education, are you? Nothing sketchy? I've heard there is a suspicious person hired here..."

"Yuuki Angel is another secret that is yet to revealed—if your curious, find out yourself." the principle smirked at him.

That girl? How is she a another secret...?

"Let's just say—She is another puzzle piece of your past, a precious one."

"I can't comprehend with you! I'll find out your deepest secrets and use it to control you—expect for it."

✦ ✧ ✦

The Next Day

"Well, if it isn't the Class E! This library is a waste for you." a guy from Class A coed.

Ugh...Isn't this the Big Five?

They're really are jerks!

"Move it. Those are our seats, get lost!" he arrogantly said.

"If you're gonna be a smart ass, first you need to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass." Angel said as she crisscross her legs and glared at the big five.

"W-What did you say?!" they said.

"We reserved this seats first, we have the right to be here!" Isogai protested their rights as Koyama remembered some of their faces in mid terms.

"I get it, so you're not entirely without an academic skill—in one subject only."

"Let's make a bet, shall we? The class that gained the top spots over all five subjects gets the loser do what they want." Seo walked up to Angel with an overly confident smug written on his face.

"What's wrong? If I remember 'you're all bark and no bite' is your line isn't it...We can put our lives on the line." he confidently stated.

The Class 3-E students pointed a sharpened pencil near the big five, ready to stab them.

"Those who can easily put their lives on the line, is an utter fool." Angel muttered.

"Then we won't! We have ourselves a deal..."

"We'll make you do something worse than death."

"You can't run!"

"You'll regret this!"

They run out of the library like cowards running for their lives.

"Fool, there's nothing worse than death..." Angel said seriously.

This commotion spread throughout the school afterwards.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Study properly, Karma-kun! You have a good chance of getting the overall best score." Koro-sensei said angrily as Karma was being lazy again.

"I would anyway, your way of teaching are top notch—but you've been going on top this, top that...you're sounding like a regular teacher, crappy and boring." Karma reasoned out, as Koro-sensei stopped teaching.

"What's the plan? Those Class A have something up their sleeve." he asked.

"Nurufufu~ I have an idea about that. We'll hand them this." Koro-sensei showed the school's pamphlet, how he wanted the students to aim high.

"An assassin must aim high and take it down!" he said.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

"How is it?"

"Wrong, try again."

"I don't wanna~ It's boring!"

Angel whined as she complained to Karma who overlooked her work.

"Aren't you the one who told us to have a study session?" Nagisa said as he lift his head and turned to Angel.

"Yes, I did but—it's boring!" she pouted.

"If we managed to take the top scores in 5 subjects we'll win, isn't it worth it?" Kayano interjected the fact, while reading a book.

"I know that, but~" A sighed escaped her lips as she felt bored and tired.

"Didn't you said you'll ace this exam earlier? Where's the burning passion you had went to...?"

A voice whispered in her ear as she was taken back in his presence. She felt that person licked her ear as shivers went up to her spine.

"That expression you're making...it's adorable~" he smirked.

"What do you think your doing, Karma?!" she shrieked.

"Marking you, what else?" Karma stated boldly as he winked at her with a smirk on his face.

"Just to remind you, we aren't here to watch you two flirt." Nakamura scoffed as she was slightly irritated by the view in front of her.

"But you guys are, right, Angel-chan~?"

"No they aren't, Karma!"

She managed to get away from his grasp as she was blushing furiously.

"Oh, look at the time—I'm going home Angel." Sugino said as he fixed his stuff in his bag, the others did as well.

"Same here, we still have classes tomorrow." Kayano said as the gang stood up. They started walking out as Angel guided them out her apartment.

"Let's do our best in the finals, okay?" Angel said as they were outside.

"Yeah, let's give our all!" Nagisa said as the crew agreed, they waved their goodbyes as Angel went back and closed the door, but before she can, a foot blocked its way.

She opened the door to see a meddlesome classmate of hers—Akabane Karma with a smirk on his face.

"Karma, what is it?" she asked.

"I forgot something, mind if I get it back?" he stated.

"Yeah, sure." she nodded.

She opened the door for him as he entered, then she closed it and walked towards the living room that he was at.

"Did you found what you're looking for, Karma—" She halted as she witnessed him reading his notes, studying.

"Oh hey, Angel-chan."

"Don't 'hey' me! I though you forgot something?"

"Don't you want to be with me, Angel-chan?"

"No, not really."

"That's harsh~"

She sat beside him, as she turned to the guy next to her.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"You." he replied.

Angel was blushed by his reply, but decided to shrugged the thought off.

"Don't make fun of me!" she pouted.

"Just kidding, your so fun to tease." he chuckled.

Maybe...just maybe, he wanted to accompany me since no one's here with me. she thought.

"Alright, I'll ask you a handful of questions, prepare yourself." he said.

"Eh...? Uh, okay." Angel sighed.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Which country was defeated by Japan in late 1904-1905?"


"Incorrect, it's Russia."

✦ ✧ ✦

"Who became the prime minister of Japan on April 26th 2001?"

"Oh I know—Kakuei Tanama?"

"Incorrect, it's Junichiro Koizumi."

✦ ✧ ✦

"How is the Japanese Emperor's Throne known?"

"Hmm...as the White Throne?"

"Incorrect. It's Chrysanthemum Throne..."

✦ ✧ ✦

He asked several questions, yet she has not answered at least one correct. Due to this, she is in distress.

"I didn't know that someone amazing like you exists! I asked you lots of questions yet you answered everything wrong." He said, his voice was filled with sarcasm.

"What am I going to do about it?! I never studied like the house is on fire!" she yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." he nonchalantly stated.

Time Skip

Karma woke up as he saw Angel asleep, he heard a huge droplets of rain from the ceiling.

She's already asleep! Well...can't be be helped, it's the middle of the night.

He placed a blanket on the sleeping girl as a smile was plastered on his handsome feature.

Soft breathes escaped from her lips as she was sound asleep, he leaned closer to her ear and whispered.

"I really like you, Angel-chan."

✦ ✧ ✦

The days of examinations were finally over, it's time for the results to bare it's fruits. Let's see how the students' went in Class E, shall we?

"Your scores in all subjects, have arrived...let's start with English, shall we?" The class eagerly stare at the results in Koro-sensei's hands as he took out a paper.

"The first in class and grade—Nakamura Rio!"

The class applaud at her as Koro-sensei handed them each of their paper.

"Next up is Japanese, first in class is—Kanzaki Yukiko!"

Her brown eyes widened in surprise as Koro-sensei cuts everyone up.

"But the first in grade goes to Asano Gakushū of Class A!"  he handed her paper and complimented her efforts.

"In social studies, first in Class E goes to Isogai Yuma, as for the grade—congratulations! You beat Asano-kun."

Now the class is two out of one, the stage has been heated due intense battle. Let's see what will be the outcome, shall we?

"First in Class E for science is Okuda Manami! And...superb! First in grade is also you!"

The results for Math was given, unfortunately, Asano took the top spot as Karma was utterly defeated.

✦ ✧ ✦

Karma leaned his back on the tree as he clutched his test papers, regret and anger was written all over his face.

"The Class A is mighty indeed, the test questions have raised their difficulty. No lazy student could able to keep up." Koro-sensei said as Karma could only look down on himself this time.

"What are you trying to say?" he said.

"You thought, I'm so cool--I'll ace these exams, no sweat? How embarrassing!" Koro-sensei teased.

His face turned bright shade of red like the color of his hair.

"You contributed nothing, not to this assassination and not to this wager. Is that understood?" He poked Karma's hair as green stripes appeared on his face as he teased Karma.

"An assassin who neglects to sharpen his blade is no assassin at all!" He laughed as he continued to tease him with his flaws.

"Angel-chan aced higher scores than yours, she managed to ranked 5th in overall grades...Doesn't it bother you that the person you taught got higher, than the mentor itself?"

He clicked his tongue as he slapped his tentacle and walked away, angry.

"Isn't that too much?" Karasuma said as he over heard they're conversation.

"I just cut him down because I know he'll spring back again, thus he is gifted with so much talent...but he lacks experience, if he knows the great failure, he can become something great!" Koro-sensei stated as he watched Karma walked away, but now someone came to him.

"He has someone to cheer him up, so I'm not worried—that girl is indeed precious to him."

Karma saw Angel with a huge smile that he really loves, she went closer to her and showed her exam results.

"Hey Karma, look! My grades got higher. Amazing, isn't it?" She said cheerfully, as indeed she was very grateful that Karma did all the effort to teach her.

His eyes widened when he saw the good grades that she gained, it was indeed, higher than his.

"Hey, how did it go?" she asked him.

"Great, I guess...?" he shrugged his shoulders.

She stared up at his gold eyes, it was filled with despair, she knew it right away...that he didn't liked his results.

In her surprise, he leaned in and used her left shoulder for his support. His actions made the girl froze in her tracks.

"K-Karma, what's wrong...?"

He didn't replied, he just needed someone to lean on.

"Let's stay like this for awhile."

Angel let's Karma what he wants for the time being, then after some moments passed by, she tapped his back.

"I think your alright now, stand up Karma! I can sense that someone is watching." she said, blushing.

"I'll get them back later..." he muttered softly.

"Eh~ seriously?" she whined.

The truth is, Karma just didn't want her to see his blushing face. After all, he doesn't want to be teased by her.

"Nurufufu~ Youngsters are so bold these days!"

✦ ✧ ✦

Angel was running like there's no tomorrow, she was indeed left behind by her classmates.

"Damn, I'm late for the crappy meeting!" she suddenly tripped from the stairs as she stumbled forwards, in her surprise, she bumped to someone.

She expected to hit the hard ground but instead she landed on something soft.

"D-Do you mind to stand?" the person beneath her spoke, her eyes shot opened to lock with violet irises orbs.

She quickly stood up as he requested, dusting her clothes.

"Sorry about that, pal. I'm in a hurry you see—can you stand?" she was still unaware but the students saw what happened as they just stopped and stare.

"You're one of the Class 3-E students, aren't you?"

"Yeah—here, take my hand."

She held her hand out for the strawberry blonde, but he only slapped it.

"I won't take any help from a student in Class 3-E!" the guy stood up as his eyes pierced hers.

"You seemed like you don't know me, I am the 1st ranked in Year 3, known as the Ace of the Class A, Asano Gakushu."

"I am the proud member of the famous Class 3-E that you people step on, Yuuki Angel."

"Oh, I know you—you're the idiot who fearlessly bashed the once-a-month meeting, I won't be able to forget you, your figure is burned in my mind after all."

"Sorry, was I supposed to be offended? Unfortunately, in order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion."

"You talk big despite your size, I'll show you your place."

"I already found my place, it's in this class. I'll take on every insult you jerks throw at us, and surely pay you guys a two-fold favor. It might not be now, or tomorrow—someday I'll will...until then, enjoy your life."

She left him awestruck, no one has ever dared to talk back to him like that, be them in his class—yet she was in the lowest class, he found her amusing.

Yuuki Angel, I'll make you regret those words...I'll have my revenge!


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