♛HE [22] : FEAR♛

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Two people dash through the corridors with great speed, they were racing each other.

"Hurry up Karma, we're probably left behind by now!" Angel said, running.

"Yeah, surely." Karma says as he continued running behind her.

"Don't be so discouraging and keep running!" she snarled.

After running for sometime, they've spotted their classmates.

"Hey~ were back!" Angel called as they turned around to see them running towards their direction.

"Both of you are finally back—what happened to you, Angel?! You're all banged up!" Nagisa said.

"It's nothing." she said as if it was no big deal.

Then Karma lightly kicked her ankle as the pain surge throughout her body which made her flinch.

"That hurts!" she yelped as she grabbed her ankle that was kicked by Karma.

"Koro-sensei, she is injured, do you have any medicine kit there?" Karma said, asking their teacher.

"Oh, sorry Karma-kun, but I don't have any medicine kits.." Koro-sensei said.

Nagisa walked up to Angel and wrapped a piece of cloth around her ankle.

"I don't have a bandage or anything, but this could lessen the blood lost...but please indulge it for awhile." Nagisa said as he finished wrapping the cloth.

"Thank you, Nagisa...well, I don't need anything like that, I can manage on my own!" she said.

"Okay...we'll have to use the VIP only emergency stairs to reach the next floor, we'll go through the concert hall on the 8th floor." Ritsu announced the plan as everyone nodded in reply.

✦ ✧ ✦

"So that girl manage to escape, how stubborn can she be?"

His eyes looked in the screen as it was monitoring the students caught in the CCTV camera.

"Rin is so useless, she can't even hinder one open, well...it doesn't matter now, she can't move after all."

He scratched his face hidden by the mask, while laughing darkly.

"How are you going to beat this, Yuuki Angel?"

✦ ✧ ✦

The sound of the released bullet echoed through the concert hall which made some of the students frightened.

"Just so you know, this hall is soundproof. I'll shoot you all dead before you get saved by anyone." the man said, then he twirled around his gun in his hand.

"I know some of you excluding Angel, doesn't have any experience of killing anyone. Come out like good children." he was cut off when a bullet almost hit his gun, which made him startled.

I missed! I was aiming for the gun. Hayami thought as she was troubled.

Angel brought out her gun and was about to aim when she realized the gun wasn't loaded with bullets.

"Shit, I ran out of bullets...luck isn't on my side." she cursed as she remembered that she wasted the bullets to defend herself against Soraru.

The man opened the lights as it almost blind the students.

"Finally, a job that I'm motivated to do...so intriguing." he laughed darkly as he shoot at Hayami, but missed.

He fired through that tiny gap? she thought.

"I never forget the position of an enemy once they've fired. I'm an army man, you see, all that time taught me how to pinpoint my enemy." he said as he licked his gun as saliva came out from his tongue.

"There should be one more gun there..." he said.

"Hayami-san! Remain on stand by. You were wise not to fire just now Chiba-kun. He still doesn't know where you at, I'll eye at him and tell you when...Nurufufu~" a voice said.

Where's that coming from? his eyes landed on Koro-sensei as he was at the front row.

"Quit staring at me on the front!" he kept firing at Koro-sensei as the target could only laugh, knowing his bullets were futile.

"An expert gunman versus a trained kid for assassination and junior high students? There is an advantage here..." the man clicked his tongue, frustrated.

"Kimura-kun, run five seats left."

"Terasaka-kun and Yoshida-kun move three seats to either sides!"

"Kayano-san, move two rows forward into this gap!"

"Karma-kun and Angel-chan, move eight seats right!"

"Isogai-kun! Five seats left!"

He's shuffling them around? He's telling me the names and positions, I'll memorize them.

"Student twelve, move right and continue preparations!"

"Student four and five, film the target from between the seats! Use Ritsu-san to tell Chiba-kun what's going onstage!"

"Ponytail, move to the front left."

"Motorcycle fan, you, too—two seats to the front left."

"The girl who soaked Karma-kun's notes, yet you never told him because you wanted to gag him. Make a racket!"

Angel punched the seat in anger as her secret was exposed by the none other Koro-sensei. "DAMN YOU OCTOPUS, I KNEW I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU THEN!!!"

"Nurufufu~ that's if you can..." Koro-sensei laughed.

She felt an dark aura beside her as she gulped loudly. "Oh, I see...so that's what happen. Here I was, wondering how my notes got soaked—your prepared for the consequence, right?" he chuckled darkly.

"K-Karma...I-I can explain!" she said.

"No can do, Angel-chan, punishment time~" he stretched her cheeks and pinched it hard as she yelped in pain.

"O-Ouch...my cheeks are going to be torn off, stop!"

I have no idea where anyone is! the assassin thought, confused.

"Chiba-kun, it's time. When I gave the command, fire."

Argh? Where are you, damn it! he thought.

"Hayami-san, look where to block the enemy's movements. Here's an advice for both of you who don't show their feelings." Koro-sensei said.

Chiba and Hayami turned to Koro-sensei and listens to him. "When you failed shooting me earlier, you began to doubt your own skill. You don't make any excuses so your classmates forced their confidence on you, thinking 'they can do it' without noticing your sufferings."

✦ ✧ ✦

Hayami's Memories:

"For someone with these grades, you're not in anguish, it was a fool of me believing in you!"

Chiba's Memories:

"He doesn't make any excuses, I don't know what is on his mind!"

✦ ✧ ✦

"But it's alright, don't bear the pressure alone. If you miss, we'll start over again, you have allies that share your experience."

"HE'S RIGHT!!" Someone shouted, the voice belong to the one and only Angel.

"You're not alone, we're here for you, don't forget!" she yelled.

"Angel...your a big idiot." Hayami muttered.

"...Yeah, Thank you." Chiba mumbled.

Suddenly, their fingers finally stopped trembling after hearing Angel's loud voice.

Heh. Thanks for that. It gave me time to figure this out...student twelve is the only one who hasn't moved.

"Alright, here we go—Student 12, stand and fire!" the dummy stood up as it got hit by the bullet.

"Aim for him now, Chiba-kun!" Ritsu said.

"Okay, Ritsu..." he triggered the gun as the bullet flied to the man, then the brackets ambushed the man from behind.

He was about to fire when his gun was shot by someone, Hayami got him this time. Then the man fell unconscious, as they began to taped him up.

"Every human being has a number of opportunities to break out of their shell and grow. But they can't make the most of those opportunities on their own." Koro-sensei said as he and Karasuma watched the students overjoy by the victory.

"You were so cool, Rinka, Ryūnosuke!" Angel beamed happily to them as she was glad they were safe.

"I want to be a teacher to provide them dreams and trustworthy friends." Koro-sensei smiled.

"It's nothing, Angel...you're far more greater than us." Chiba said.

"Don't be so humble, Ryūnosuke, but I appreciate the compliment." Angel laughed.

"Anyways, you have a gun with you right? How come you didn't shoot..." Hayami asked.

"Ugh...that's..." Angel trailed her voice which made the two curious.

"I used all of the bullets..." she lowered her voice.

"What? So that's why you have lots of wounds, but I didn't paid attention to it because you were running fast earlier as if you weren't injured." Hayami said as she was now worried.

"Why did you used it?"

"Isn't it obvious? To protect myself, she was about to kill me."

"Who's she?"

"Soraru Rin."

Some of the class started listening to their conversation as Karasuma walked up to them. "What happened back then, Angel?"

She didn't respond, which made the teacher curious and worried.

"She said if I became hers she'll give me the remedy." Angel told him.

"What?" the man was surprised.

"Of course, I was against it, I'm not the type to follow someone's instructions...and she was going to kill me, too." she muttered.

"Then...why are you so wound up?"

"We fought each other, if I win she'll hand me the remedy, but if I lose I'll become hers..."

"You won right? Where's the remedy?" Kayano asked her.

"She doesn't have it...I think." she said.

"What? You didn't confirm it."

"It's just my instinct, but I know she doesn't have it...after all, she doesn't care about anyone."

"How are you so sure?"

"Remember what I said earlier, my instincts never failed me." Angel said as her eyes pierced his soul, captivating him.

"I would rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret." Karma said as the others agreed with him.

"If your that sure Angel-chan, let's get going, we don't have much time left." Koro-sensei said as the class started to walk out of the hall.

✦ ✧ ✦

Karasuma chocked the guard as he fell on the ground, unconscious. They saw the way to the top floor.

"Hey, I've come to realize something...that the mastermind isn't an assassin." Angel said which made the class gasped and confused.

"What do you mean, Angel?" Nagisa asked.

"You see Nagisa, lookouts and guards aren't jobs for assassin's like me, it's crappy." she said.

"It's like Angel-chan said, if their potential was used to the fullest, we were defeated, no doubt." Karasuma started to assign roles for each student, then Nagisa noticed that Terasaka was having a hard time.

"You're burning up, Terasaka-kun. Are you infec--" Terasaka covered his mouth, before he finish his sentence.

"I got stamina to spare, this will go away, I don't want to drag anyone anymore." Terasaka muttered.

"How cool. Your like a hero." Angel mocked him with a smirk on her face.

"I like your courage, feel free to knock yourself out." she added.

"Don't tell anyone, Angel!" Terasaka growled.

"I won't tell a soul." shel said.

✦ ✧ ✦

The class walked in silence as they didn't panic despite the crucial moment, they kept a calm face. Which made Koro-sensei so proud of his students.

Everyone readied their stance to steal the remedy as Karasuma took the responsibility to shoot his arm if his going to grab the remote.

"Itchy...maybe it's because my wounds are open that made my senses keener." he said as he threw the class with lots of remote controls.

"I'd come prepared to kill the one with the bounty...I had a spare of remote controls if just in case one is stolen."

"What are you doing, Takaoka?!" Karasuma shouted while pointing a gun at Takaoka.

"Figures that you were the one who's behind this..." Angel said.

"How did you knew, Yuuki Angel?"

"Rin was also in this, it didn't took me awhile to know that you were the mastermind."

"Oh, Rin, huh? She's useless...she can't even hinder one student, how disappointing. Is she even an trained assassin? How weak...I bet she didn't did her best to hone her abilities."

"Give it back...."


"GIVE IT BACK WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT HER!" she yelled which made her classmates flinched.

"How can you say that? She's been intro a lot, what do you know about Rin?"

"What do you know about her?"

"I've known her since we were held at the prison...yeah, she tried to kill me but I know there is something behind it. So give it back!"

"Sure, I'll give it back, if you manage to defeat me."


"Let's go up to the roof, shall we? I'll give you all some summertime tutoring."

Due to fear, they followed him to the rooftop, not going against him.

"I'll beat you into pulp, you bastard." she growled.

"Still have that dirty mouth? Oh well, let's go ahead." he went upstairs ahead of them as some of the class were scared.

"Angel...I'm kinda scared, fear is evil, isn't it?" Kayano said, as she was trembling.

"Fear is not evil, it tells you what your weakness is. Once you know your weakness, you can become strong to overcome your fear." Angel said, as fear doesn't exist in her dictionary.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Of what?"

"To Takaoka-sensei?"

"Not really, I won't let fear decide my future."


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