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The room was so dark that you can't see a thing yet she opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness.

"Where am...I?" she mumbled, she tried to sit up but she can't, there were chains on her wrists and ankles that prevents her in moving. Suddenly, someone came inside the room as she flinched, knowing she can't defend herself in her state.

The one who came in opened the lights as it surround the room with bright light, eventually, the girl hugged Angel which surprised her.

"I missed you so much, Yuuki-san. It was so hard to find you but it was worth it." a pink haired girl said as she cuddle with the captivated girl.

She was so happy that she had a chance to be with her friend again.

"Y-You're...Soraru Rin, right?" Angel said, so surprised that the girl who just came flopped her arms to her.

"Yeah, sorry about the way I acted when I first came to your school. I have to maintain a facade to Takaoka-san..." she apologized to her, showing a big smile as Angel was creep out by her, who wouldn't be? If you were kidnapped, then to find yourself on a bed with chains around you and someone flopped their arms around you?

"Hey Yuuki-san, how about we have a trade?" she started.

"A trade?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, if you come with me, I'll give the remedy to your friends. Doesn't sounds bad, doesn't it?" Soraru said as she smiles.

Angel hesitate about her deal, yes she wanted to get the remedy, but she doesn't want to sacrifice herself, none of her friends would want that either.

"If you be come mine, I'll give it to you for free, in that way...your friends won't go all the way to Takaoka-san." she said while twirling her black tresses as she was very delightful.

"R-Rin..." Angel said.

"Hey, Yuuki-san, are you hungry? I'll go get you something." she said as she stood up and walked out of the room to grab some food.

This is bad, I need to get out of here. The others are probably worried. Angel thought.

Out of the blue, her cellphone rung, she manage to bring it out and hit the call button.

"Hey Angel-chan, are you okay?"

"K-Karma...is that you?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's me."

She felt a wave of relief splash on her as she was glad to hear his voice.

"Where are you?"

"I don't know where I am..." she stated.

"Tch, your worthless."

"W-What? I was knock out unconscious, what can I do?" she retorted.

"Jeez, just sit tight, I'll be there."

"Hurry up, NO—!" someone grabbed her cellphone as Soraru was the one who answer it.

"Angel-chan? What happen?"

"I don't know who you are, but can you not interrupt us, will you?" Soraru said.

"Who's this?"

"Later." she ended the call as Angel's eyes were filled with horror.

"I got rid of the trash, Yuuki-san." she threw the phone on the ground and sat on her stomach, making her unable to move.

"Say Ahh~ Yuuki-san!" the pink haired girl said as she scooped a spoonful of food and began to feed her.

"I don't want to..." she trailed her voice as Soraru was feeling unpleasant.

"I don't want to become yours!" Angel yelled.

With that, Soraru's eyes were filled with despair.

"You decided to go against me, huh? You've been bad." she stood up from her stomach as she turned to her direction.

"Meet me at the 6th floor, there is one apartment with green door, we will talk with our fist." she said and threw a key on the bed where Angel is lying.

"Use that to free yourself and come straight to the designated place." Soraru coldly said. With that, she says no more and left without a trace.

I knew there will be a day that I will fight Rin...how cruel the world can be, huh?

She tried her best to grab the key with he right hand, successfully, she manage to grab it. For awhile now, she finally unlock the chains as she was now free.

I hate these scars...it reminds me of how hard my life is with those chains pinning me down. she shrugged the thought, then she grabbed her phone and went out of  the room.

✦ ✧ ✦

"We will split in two teams. The first team will be saving Angel, and the other team will proceed with stealing the remedy." Karasuma said, renewing their team formation.

"No—I'll go alone." Karma said, which made everyone surprised.

"What are you talking about, Karma-kun? It's too dangerous." Koro-sensei stated as Karma shook his head in reply.

"I have a trace of her, go ahead and steal the remedy, we'll be back." he told them.

"Karma-kun, Koro-sensei is right. It's too danger—" Nagisa was cut off.

"There is a time limit in taking back the remedy, Nagisa-kun, go take it before it's too late." Karma cut him off. The class thought about it for awhile as they finally agreed.

"Alright, if things got rough, don't hesitate to call us, okay?" Karasuma said.

"Got it, Karasuma-sensei." with that, Karma run ahead to find Angel with a trace.

"Karma-kun really likes her..." Kayano said as she watched Karma run desperately to find Angel.

I knew it for a quite awhile now that he has feelings for her... Nagisa thought, as he knew how Karma feels about the girl.

I also like her, but...I couldn't do a thing to help her. he thought.

✦ ✧ ✦

Angel reached the 6th floor, then she grab the key that Jelavić gave her.

I have to settle things in my own. with that in mind, she unlocked the door and pushed it open.

She went inside, leaving the green door wide open. Her eyes landed on a pink haired girl standing in a botanical garden.

"You can't spell laughter without slaughter." she said, turning to Angel.

"If I beat you, you'll hand me the remedy..." Angel said.

"What happens if you lose?" Soraru asked.

"You can have one request from me." she said.

"Then...can you be mine?" the pink haired girl asked.

"W-What? Are you a lesbian?" the black haired girl said.

"No, I'm not...I just wanted to be with you." Soraru said.

Damn, she's a certified lesbian! Angel thought.

"I won't lose, not to you, or anyone." she said, getting her knife out of her pocket. Angel gets ready her twin guns hidden in her clothes.

"Let's fight each other to death, Yuuki-san." she rushed to Angel with great force as she wield the knife to her, Angel defend herself with both of her guns.

S-So fast, but...too weak!

She triggered the gun as bullets came out, Soraru swift fully dodged them without breaking a sweat.

After that, she distanced herself away from her. Once more their guns and knives clashed each other with a brawl.

"I'll ask again, why didn't you came back for me then?"

"I tried to, but the guards were too tough, I almost died just to save you!"

A spiral of ammo destroyed the glass figures such as glasses, portraits, vase, mirrors, and torn some of the leaves of the plants.

They rested for awhile as they were exhausted from the physical fight; cuts, wounds, and bruises were visible on their skins. Brawling once more, Angel shot Soraru's left hip which made the girl yelped.

"That hurts!" she yelled as she sliced a little bit of her face, leaving a fresh wound.

Blood dripped out of her cheek from the cut. I need to beat her quickly!

Suddenly, her vision turned blurry as her senses began to be blunt. That's when she was out of balance and fell on ground, Soraru landed on her stomach.

"This is the end!" she was about to use the dagger to stab Angel. However, when she was about to deliver the finishing blow—she was ambushed from behind and was poisoned by a red haired boy with a bouquet of flowers that seems to be poisonous, which made her collapse, falling unconscious.

The boy lifted the pink haired girl and lay her on the ground away from Angel.

"K-Karma! Why are you here?" she asked him.

"To save your butt, what else." her savior, Karma, came when she needed him the most.

"H-How did you knew where I was?"

"GPS, I need to know the location of my belongings."


His eyes landed on her clothes as it was torn, bruise and cuts were visible in her skin. Hurriedly, he hugged Angel which surprised her.

"Sorry if I was late...I won't let anything like this happen to you again." he said as his voice was faltering with nervousness.

"Okay..." was all Angel could say as her face turned bright red when Karma hugged her without warning.

"H-Hey Karma, mind if you let go? it's a little bit embarrassing..." she said.

Karma was all red but lets go of Angel, she stood up and dusted her clothes, and then Karma handed her clothes. "Your clothes, hurry up and change into it...or do you want me to change it for you?"

"I can do it myself, you pervert!" she said.

With that, she grabbed the bag with her clothes and went to the nearest comfort room. After dressing, she walked out of the room, crying.

"Karma...my scarf is gone!" she cried, as she lost her favorite  scarf.

"I happen to like that one, it's my favorite scarf!" Karma walked up to her, wrapping her scarf around her neck as she stopped crying.

"I have it with me, dummy."

"My scarf...it's the real deal."

"Of course it is, stop that crying." she wiped her tears with her hands and smiled happily at him.

"Thank you, Karma."

"Your welcome."

She finally stopped crying as he began asking her, "How did you enter in this room, Angel-chan?"

"Irina gave me the key, I had no idea that it leads to this room." she said, showing the key on her hand.

"I see, let's catch up with the others, they're waiting." he said, grabbing her hand and running out of the room, they dash through the corridors fast as they can.

✦ ✧ ✦

The rest was walking ahead as Angel was behind at the back.

Karma happened to be in front of her as he turned to face her with a sincere smile on his face.

"I might just be your friend, but...if anything happens, I'll be the one to protect you."

A smile curved in Angel's lips as she walked ahead of him, while waving her hand as her back was facing him.

"I'm not expecting anything." she said.


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