♛HE [20] : COOL GUY♛

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The class successfully beaten Grip and proceeded to the 6th Floor, with no problems so far.

"There's a stairway to the VIP floor inside a lounge here, the back entrance is locked, we'll have to go the other way to unlock it." Ritsu explained calmly as it was a big pinch for the class.

"We'll sneak into the lounge and unlock the back entrance, no one would suspect us, it will be fine." Angel interjected calmly as the other girls agreed.

"Girls going alone makes it dangerous." Karasuma said as he was really feeling weak in the moment.

"You have me, if anything happens, I'll protect the girls with my own hands." Angel said, swearing to protect them with her hands.

"Hey Angel, come here for a sec." Kataoka said as she dragged Angel to the comfort room.

Time Skip

The girls entered the bar together as one guy saw their entrance.

"Come on, Angel-chan, you said your gonna protect us with your own hands."

"I-I can't...why do I have to wear these clothes? It's too flashy." she stuttered.

"Don't be shy and come here!" Kayano grabbed her hand and pushed her in the front.

"Uwaah~ I knew it will look good on you!" Kataoka said as she was amazed by Angel's appearance.

"Why do I have to wear these clothes?" she asked her.

"Just because."

"Does it really matter? Your cute in it."

That girl is really cute, she's not used to this butshe's refreshing. a teenage guy thought as he followed the group of girls, he catch up to them and grabbed Angel's shoulder.

"Hey, where did you come from? Want to grab a bite? It's on me." the guy with short brown hair and small dark eyes said as his cheeks were flushed.

"Really?" surprisingly, Angel asked as her eyes sparkle gleefully.

"Yeah, yeah, really." he told her.

The girls could only sweat drop in how clueless their classmate could be, makes them want to smack her.

"Go ahead with him, Angel." Kataoka pushed her to him as she looked back to her.

"What are you talking about, Megu? If I do that, our plan to unlock the back—" she was cut of when Kataoka glared at her, telling her to shut up.

"Y-Yes, I will go with him." she stuttered.

The two of them have begun to walk away as the man with her was really delightful.

"So you're name is Angel, I'm Yuji."

"Yeah, that's me. Nice too meet you, Yuji!"

Seriously, Angel is no stranger to people she just met.

Be more self cautious, seriously!

✦ ✧ ✦

"Drink up, it's good." Yuji said as he handed her a drink.

"What's this?" she asked, staring at the glass of cold drink.

"Tropical cold beer, haven't you drunk one before?" he asked her.

"No, but I heard it was really good." she told him.

"Why don't you give it a try?" like what he said, Angel stare at the liquor as she whiffed its scent.

"Hey Yuji, are you here with your parents?" she asked.

"Like they have time, my old man is a famous TV personality. He's such a big deal...He was bragging about grabbing a woman's ass the whole day." he told her.

"Is your dad has a grudge against asses?" Angel stated as she sipped some of the drink, slowly.

Stupid Yuji, you imbecile! Can't you hit on a girl without mentioning your dad? so lame... he thought.

"Damn, this drink is so bitter! What's wrong with this?" she complained as Yuji gets a cigarette from a box and stuck it in his mouth.

"That's...not a regular cigarette, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, at my age, if you know this, you're awesome." he grinned.

She took the cigarette from his hand as she looked directly at him. "You know, our teacher said that smocking isn't awesome. It makes your life harder."

"Life's already hard for us men!" he said as he slammed the table with his fist as Angel flinched.

"We have to make ourselves cool, being compared to my old man is worse. You girls are lucky, all you have to do is pick a cool guy." he added.

"Why do you have to make yourselves look cool in the first place?" she asked him.

"So people would like me, why else would I try?!" he yelled.

There was a long silence between them, Yuji bend down his head as he looked on the ground. His hand balled into a fist, he bit his lower lip hard till it bled.

"So people would you like, huh? Then do you like you?" she asked him.

The noise from the background rung in his ears as he felt his feet went cold, he was taken back by her sudden question. Yuji didn't know how to answer Angel's question, it was a simple question yet he doesn't have an answer to it.

"The truth is you don't like drinking and smoking, do you?" she asked again.

He didn't answer because simply, he doesn't know what to say. Strangely, she can see through him and read his life as if he was an open book.

"What am I supposed to?! I just wanted to be liked by everyone! What's wrong with drinking and smoking? It's what everyone does, right?" he said.

Angel grabbed his tropical cold beer and poured it down on the floor, the liquid left a stain. She dropped the cigarette on the ground and smashed it with her shoe.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" he said.

"You don't have to try so hard to change yourself so others could like you." she said as she was finished smashing the poor cigarette.

She looked at him seriously that made him flinched a little, "I think being who you are is really cool than forcing yourself to do something that you don't like!"

Yuji was deeply moved by her words, his eyes softened as his cheeks turned bright red. He was staring at her, intently. Strangely, he can't advert his eyes away from her. He was stunned by how straightforward she was.

"You truly think that?" he asked her.

Crap. This isn't good. That hit me harder than I expected. I might actually cry. Yuji thought.

"Of course!" she smiled at him.

That was enough for him to fall in love with her in a heartbeat. Then he leaned in closer towards her, his face was approximately close to the fact their noses were touching. The girl was indeed surprised by the sudden contact, her cheeks turned bright red.

"H-H-H-Hey! What are you doing?!" she blushed furiously as she stuttered. His hot breathe touched her face, it smelled like beer.

Before Angel could push him away, someone already has. She looked up to see Karma slamming his face on the table.

"Son of a bitch." Karma curses under his breath, he was indeed pissed.

"Karma? What are you doing here?!" Angel said, completely surprised.

Though he didn't speak a word as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him, he dragged her along with him through the bar.

"What was that?!" she asked him as he continued dragging her.

"The girls have forgotten about you so I came in to get you, and to only see you flirting with a guy. Have you forgotten about the mission already, huh?"

"I-I'm not flirting with Yuji! He was the one who leaned in to kiss me!"

"But it looks like you actually liked it, didn't you?"

"What?! No, I didn't! Why are you acting like this?"

He gripped on her wrist harder as she flinched from the pain, she doesn't have a clue in why he was so angry at her when she didn't do anything wrong.

"Who is he anyways?!" he asked her, not turning around to face her.

"I-I don't know...all I know that his name is Yuji, that's all!" she answered.

"Wow, flirting with a stranger? How cute." he coed.

"Like I said—I'm not flirting with him! He has issues. I was trying to give him an advice!" she raised her voice to him.

Then he finally turned around to face her, "Why did he leaned into you in the first place?!"

"How could I know?! And why do you care? It's not like you to act like this..." she said.

Angel was right, realizing her point. He lets go of her hand as he turned around, his back was facing her. "Your right...it's not like me to act like this..."

"Ugh...Karma, I...um..." she stuttered as a sweat trickled her forehead.

"Let's go, the others are waiting." he told her as he tucked his hands in his pockets, he began tp walk towards the exit. Leaving Angel dumbfounded.

What the heck is his problem?! she thought.

✦ ✧ ✦

They exited the bar from the backdoor as they met up with the others, their classmates turned around and noticed the two of them walking towards them, in silent.

"Angel! I'm so sorry that we forgot you in there!" Kayano apologized.

"It's fine." Angel replied as she flashed her a small smile.

She walked towards the class president, "My clothes." she said.

"Here are your clothes, Angel. Hurry up and change." Kataoka said, giving the girl her clothes.

"Yeah, I will do that." she spoke.

She bumped into Nagisa as he saw her face, it was blazing red. "Whoa. Your face is bright red, Angel. What's wrong?"

My face is red...? she thought.

"I'm fine, Nagisa. I'm just a little bit dizzy." she honestly said as she began walking to the restroom room to change her clothes.

Was it because of that drink earlier? Dang, I was too careless, if more strong foes comes in our way, I couldn't protect them. she thought.

Then Karma walked towards her as he in leaned his forehead against hers as their nose were touched. She was surprised.

"Your temperature is alright, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I-It's nothing..." she mumbled as Karma's face was close to hers, making their classmates' blush at the sight.

"I-I'm gonna go and change, later." she said as she walked to the girl's restroom.

"Hey did something happen to Angel?"

"I dunno...she seems really tired."

"I hope she's alright."

The scene that happened between them earlier keep replaying in Karma's mind. He leaned his back on the wall as he run his fingers in his red tresses.

"How could I know?! And why do you care? It's not like you to act like this..."

He looked down on his feet as his bangs covered his eyes, "Why did I act so hostile at her earlier...?" he muttered under his breath.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time Skip

They waited for Angel's return, five minutes has passed yet there's no sign of her.

"Don't you think Angel-chan is changing really slow?"

"Five minutes has passed yet she's still not here."

"Maybe something happened...?"

Kayano and Yada looked at each other as they nodded and run towards the girl's restroom. When they reached the place, there was no one there. There was no sign of Angel, which made them worried.

"Look Yada-san, this is..." Kayano said.

"Yeah, Angel's scarf." Yada replied.

They noticed that both of Angel's previous clothes were lying on the floor.

"I'll go get the others, I'll be back." Kayano said as Yada nodded, Kayano rushed back to everyone which made them anxious.

"A-Angel....She's gone!" she announced.


All of them rushed to the girl's restroom as Kayano was right.

She was nowhere to be found, the white dress that she wore at the beginning of the trip was lying there. And her most valuable treasure...Her red scarf was seen laying on the floor, untouched.

"She was kidnapped for sure, otherwise there's no solution that she left her scarf alone, for her it's a treasure." Karma was stating the fact as everyone was worried.

"B-But who would kidnap her?" Nagisa asked, worriedly.

"It's just a guess but...it might be the girl that came in our class a month ago, Soraru Rin." Karma replied, stating his theories.

"W-What? Her?"

"No way..."

"Soraru-san kidnapped her?"

I'll do whatever it takes to find you, Angel-chan. Karma thought as he grabbed the red scarf on the floor.

✦ ✧ ✦

Right now, Angel was knocked out by someone as the tall figure carried her like a sack. Her eyes slightly opened as her eyesight was blurry.

"Hurry up and save me..." She mumbled as she wasn't in her complete state, her vision was still fuzzy.



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