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The night was eerie as coldness crept in their skin, the class were still dumbfound about how high the mountain that they are about to climb.

"It's too dangerous—we're up against a real professional!" Karasuma said.

"True, it will be the wisest to hand me over, what do you think?" Koro-sensei spoke to Karasuma's statement as the class were still worried about how high the mountain is.

"But...this is..."

"It's too high!"

"It's too hard to climb all the way there!"

"They'll be dead before they reach the hotel." Jelavić said as she turned to Karasuma who is indeed troubled.

It's no use, we have to send him those two...we have to give up. he thought.

"Nagisa-kun, Kayano-san...I'm sorry but—" His sentence was cut off as he saw Angel swift fully climbed the mountain as her classmates were awestruck.

"We have come this far, don't give up now. It makes me feel like a sour loser, you know!" Angel said as she turned to everyone with clear determination that won't seem to falter.

"If your going to give up, think about what made you hold on!" she finished, as she continued to climb again, leaving them behind.

Some of the class looked at each other and nodded as if they decided what to do. They started to climb up the mountain as they were easily moved by what Angel just said.

"Karasuma-sensei, it won't be easy, but can you be our commander?" Isogai asked in a polite manner as he climbed up the mountain.

"They're not your ordinary students, you have sixteen students at your command." Koro-sensei chirped.

"Sixteen?" Karasuma asked.

"Don't forget about me!" Ritsu said as she appeared in Angel's phone as Koro-sensei chuckles.

"Attention! Our objective is atop of the hotel, our mission will shift from a sneak infiltration to a surprise attack! The only in differ is our target, you have thirty minutes to memorize the map. Begin!" Karasuma announced as a loud agreement pierced in the air as they have themselves a agreement.

"Hey Angel-chan, let's have a showdown!" Okano said.

"Sure, what kind of showdown?" Angel asked.

"The one who finished climbing the mountain first, wins!" Okano stated, as Angel nodded in agreement.

"You're on! Don't be so bitter when you lose~" she grinned.

They raced up to the mountain hurriedly, maintaining balance.

"Angel, wait for me!" Nagisa yelled.

"Your slow, Nagisa, hurry up!" Angel yelled all the way down to Nagisa as he began to climb.

After climbing for awhile, he grabbed a sharp rock which him flinch in pain.

Suddenly, he was out of balance as he was startled and yelped, causing some of the class' attention to turn at him.

"Nagisa, look out!"

"Karasuma-sensei, Nagisa is about to fall!"

"Someone help him!"

His hand slipped as a horror like expression appeared on his face as gasp escaped from his classmates' throats. Hurriedly, Angel climbed down to Nagisa's level as she quickly grabbed his hand and gripped on it tightly.

"Don't you dare to let go!" she yelled.

"Angel...how...?" he asked, survived.

"I'll always come and save you whenever your in trouble." she told him.

Angel pulled him up and helps him adjust back to his climbing. "I can climb on my own now, thank you for saving me."

"Are you sure?" she asked him.

"Yes, I am." slowly, she lets go of his hand as he began to climb on his own.

"Hey Nagisa, if your enduring something heavy, I'll be glad to hear them out if it'll help to lessen your pain." she flashed him an assuring smile as Nagisa blushed heavily.

"Hey Angel, hurry up! Your going to lose against me!" Okano yelled from atop.

"Not when I outrun you first, Hinata!" she yelled back as she started to climb up again, but before she can really leave, she turned to Nagisa.

"Are you really sure you can climb on your own?" she asked him again.

"Yes I am. Thank you for worrying about me." he told her.

"I'll go ahead, see you atop!" she told him and rushed up to the top.

After climbing the tall mountain, Okano won as Angel utterly lost.

"I want a rematch! Again!" she said.

"You sure are bitter when you lose, Angel~" Angel glared at Okano who was smiling victoriously,

While they're fighting like cats and dogs, Karasuma ordered Ritsu to run a final check in their route.

"It's impossible to use the elevators, they require a password for each floor. We'll take the stairs though they're scattered throughout the hotel, so we'll have to walk."

They successfully infiltrated the entrance quietly.

2nd Floor Corridor

"They're lots of guards out there than I expected..."

"It will be hard for each of us to pass through without being caught."

"We just have to go through." Jelavić nonchalantly said as the class gasped.

"Do you have a grasp of the situation, Bitch-sensei?"


Jelavić began to walk towards Angel with a smile tugging her lips.

"I'll leave the rest up to you." she said as she held her hand to Angel which made the class confused.

Angel just shrugged the thought and grabbed her hand, she felt a metal pierced her skin as Jelavić lets go of her hand. Her red eyes saw a key in her hand which Jelavić handed to her,

A key? Where does this go to? she thought.

"See you later, rotten brats..." the blonde female said while she turned her heels and she confidently walked in.

I coincidentally found that key laying around the entrance earlier, I suspect someone might have dropped it...go and find where that key takes you to. Jelavić thought as her time to shine has finally come.

She timidly walked in the hotel, like a drunk lady, yet she didn't drink any liquor. She caught the guard's attention glued to her, she 'accidentally' bumped to the guard.

"I'm sorry, I had too much liquor in my room earlier..." she said. Her face was flushed, as if she really drink some.

"Oh, er, think nothing of it, miss." the guard blushed.

"I'm the pianist scheduled to perform here next week, I came here to take a sight seeing." she heard some of them whispered in silence as she smirked, she made her way up to the piano and sat down on the stool.

"Could I play a little, please?" she asked.

"Well, let me check the front—" the guard was about to leave when she grabbed his arm.

"Aw, come one, I want you to hear me play, then critique me."

"Critique you?"

"Yes—carefully and if I'm in wrong, will you punish me?" her hands lightly caressed the piano as if touching a baby, softly.

She grabbed everyone's attention to her, while playing the piano.

"An assassin who not only has obvious skill, but knows too well, using her body in such a bewitching way as she plays—It's aural seduction!" Koro-sensei explained as the class was awestruck.

"Aural seduction, what's that? Is that delicious?" Angel asked innocently as Nagisa turned to her with a small smile on his face.

"Umm...that's not a food, Angel." he sweat dropped.

Jelavić stopped playing for awhile as she turned to the guards.

"Come closer and make sure that I do well~" she purred as the guards walked up to her, then she signaled the class a sign.

I'll buy you 20 minutes, go. was what she meant as the class left her behind.

They've managed to get through, safely.

"I didn't knew Irina can play the piano that well, heck I didn't knew she can play an instrument!" Angel said, surprised.

"Your right, Angel! It was surprising!" Kayano said to Angel as they smiled at each other.

"The woman that's been teaching you conversation skills is a top notch honeypot master in the world." Karasuma noted.

"Honeypot? Lame..." Angel scoffed.

"Hey, it's not that lame! It's pretty cool if you ask me." Kayano said to Angel's comment.

"Assassin's with fighting skill is way more better, you just have to beat your target down! So simple." Angel said as she stretched her arm up in the air, as she was bored.

"Nurufufu~ There's no problem at all even when I can't move."

✦ ✧ ✦

3rd Floor Corridor

"We'll just have to walk like regular guest." Karasuma commanded to the class.

"Walk around acting like those spoiled kids, who are looking down your noses at the world!" Koro-sensei chuckled.

They started acting like those kinds of kids then Koro-sensei told them to take precautions. They walked around the 3rd floor central hall like regular costumers.

"Walking around here is cinch!"

"We have Angel and Karasuma-sensei, they'll figure out what to do."

"We're out of time, we should get in there already!"

"Hey...that's the guy who served our drinks earlier!" Angel said as she pointed her index finger at the man in front of them.

Terasaka and Yoshida run ahead as Fuwa shouted. "Terasaka-kun, Yoshida-kun, watch out!"

Karasuma went ahead pushing the two of them at the back as a poison spread to them.

Gas?! he thought.

Then Karasuma distanced himself away from the man.

"I show no blood lust as I pass by, how did you know, helmet girl?" the man said as he reveals his mouth from the towel.

"Angel mentioned that you are the man who handed our drinks, thanks to her I was able to confirm it..." Fuwa said as the man turned to Angel, she was oddly familiar to him.

Luck isn't on my side today, seriously, she is here? the mysterious man thought.

"So your the one who gave us the virus, aren't you?!" Kayano accused him.

"Your evidence is weak, there's lot of opportunities to slip that stuff." Kayano flinched as he was true.

"No, Kaede is right...your the bastard that gave my friends the virus, that's plainly obvious." Angel said, as she only followed her instincts.

"Mind showing me proofs?" the man asked.

"Unfortunately, I don't have one, I'm just following my instincts." she said while scratching her hair, with a silly smile on her face.

"Then there is no proof that I'm the one who—"

"—My instincts never failed me thought, so I know it's you." She cut of his statement as Fuwa was the one who will be explaining.

"The only time we all ate or drank the same time was with those drinks and our shipboard dinner. Mimura-kun and Okajima-kun worked on the video through dinner and they're both sick, meaning those daytime drinks...the culprit is you, mister!" she pointed her index finger at the man as he was shocked.

"Your like an detective, Yuzuki!" Angel squealed.

"Amazing, Fuwa-san!" Kayano compliments.

"Thank you, Angel, Kayano, when you read lots of Shonen manga, you learn to adjust quickly to unusual situations!" Fuwa explained.

Karasuma fell on his knees as the class was shock.

"You've uncovered my identity. It's too late, one whiff and you're a living statue guess I'll tell my boss." he was about to walk away when the class covered his escape routes.

They're fast... he thought.

"When encountering a enemy..."

"Block their escape paths..."

"and cut off communications!"

Angel walked up to the man, cracking her knuckles, in satisfaction.

"I'll show you not to mess with me or my friends, you'll learn well." she dash to the man and ended it with a single smack on the face, which case his jaw to bleed.

I didn't knew those small arms contain much power...kids these days are so terrifying! he thought as he fell on the ground, his nose was bleeding.

"Your pathetically weak, here I though that things are starting to be interesting!" she sighed in depression, she was plainly disappointed.

They started to walk forward after they hid the man under the table.

"Hey Octopus, are weaklings gonna continue to appear in our way?" Angel asked.

"Nurufufu~ indeed your strong, but don't underestimate your foe too much, bad luck strikes." Koro-sense said.

"Nah, they're just small fries." she huffed.

In silence, they walked through the hall, slightly worried.

"It sure feels like summer vacation, right?" Koro-sensei said as the kids were pissed off, they pointed their fingers at Koro-sensei who was being held by Angel.

"Well, aren't you happy go lucky?"

"Says the one who's absolutely safe!"

"Angel, twirl him around till he's sick!"

Hurriedly, Angel spun Koro-sensei in a fast speed. Karma grabbed her hand, stopping her.

"Terasaka, I'm jamming him in. Shorts off and spread those cheeks!" Karma grinned.

"That'd kill me!" Terasaka retorted.

"Why does this feel like summer?" Nagisa asked.

"A student and teacher isn't a cozy relationship, if you apply what you learn in gym, they are few enemies you'll fear, you can beat it." Koro-sensei answered.

✦ ✧ ✦

"Start with a rich seafood, add plenty of green onions and a spoon of minced garlic...and a gun!" the man pushed the gun in the ramen, then lick the soup that's stuck in the gun.

"Love the souped up gun and when that soup trickles through the rifling...Mmm!" he said.

"Well, it makes my blood run cold. It's loaded, right?"

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. Won't cause any problems when it comes to shooting."

"You're a weird one, are your two buddies the same?"

"Yeah, well...when you've pulled off as many jobs as we have, you develop your hangups. For example, Smog makes his poisons, even has a lab on his own."

"Really? How about, Grip?"

"Even as assassin's go, that's an odd one..."

They both keep quiet for awhile, as she spoke...

"I have returned, boss." a pink haired girl spoke.

"Welcome back, Rin."

The girl with pink hair glance at the assassin seating on the couch, as she turned back her attention to her boss.

"Can I take Yuuki-san's head for myself?" she asked for permission.

"You may do as you please."

"You have my gratitude, boss." she was grateful that she had the chance to cut her friend, it will be very exciting.

"I can't wait to hear her scream, I wonder what's her dying face would look like...?"

✦ ✧ ✦

A foreigner with wavy blond hair and light eyes. His hair reaches past his chin and is parted, he has a beaded necklace and wears black clothing.

"Hey, why's he just standing out in the open like that?"

"That vibe his giving out."

"I can totally call it now..."

"Kill or be killed." Angel finished as she looks at the enemy in front of them.

"You failed your part as a commander, Tadaomi, not bringing a real gun and bullets is dead flag itself." she took out her gun that is hidden under her clothes as she reloaded it with real bullets.

"You have one with you?" Karasuma asked.

"Of course, duh! I always have these guns with me. Even in school, I bring them." suddenly, the man cracked the window which made the students flinched.

"If I can hear your footsteps, you're not tough enough for me, a special forces teacher and a trained kid for assassination are taking the lead, hmm."

Karasuma's tongue clicked, frustrated as Angel smirked, finding this man intriguing.

"Guess Smog's gas got better of him, wish the assassin was affected too. Come on out, hmm." the blonde assassin ordered.

He cracked the window with his hand!

But more than that...we're all too afraid to say it, well...

The class were in wreak as they were nervous as Angel yawn, slightly sleepy.

"You sure say 'hmm' a lot, buddy!" Karma broke the ice.

There it is! Thank God for Karma! the class was relieved that Karma spoke, but it wasn't over yet.

"I heard it would make me sound more like a samurai, hmm." he said.

"Oh, so he's not japanese..."

"No wonder he can't speak fluently."

"Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't mind, hmm. After I kill you all here, I can drop it with no shame, hmm." the assassin said.

"Bare hands...those are your killing tools, then?" Koro-sensei asked.

"Passing through pat-downs has distinct advantages, hmm. I'll snap their necks, I could crush their skulls, hmm." He said as he cracked his fingers.

"The more you train your strength for killing people, the more you feel like using it for something else, right, Yuuki Angel?" the assassin said.

"You bastard...how did you know my name?" she growled.

"Against a mighty foe—to death, but how disappointing, hmm. Seeing who I'm against, lost my will to fight..." He gets his phone from his pocket to contact his boss.

"I'll call my boss and my colleague to kill you all, hmm." then a rubber weapon hit the communication device as it smashed the glass.

"Hey buddy, hmm. You're pretty average for a pro, aren't you?" Karma said as he held a rubber weapon on his hand, those words made him irritated.

"Breaking glass, busting skulls? I can do that, too. If your opening move is to call in reinforcements, maybe you're too scared to take on a junior-high kid alone." he said, provoking his foe which caused the class to gasp.

"Hey Karma, don't steal my target, damn it!"

"You're just too slow, Angel-chan."


Grip took of his jacket, as he began cracking his knuckles. "Let's see what you can do..."

"If you insist..." the silence between them was very eerie, Karma made the first move as he hit him with a plant that he plucked out from a pot.

But the assassin grabbed the plant, stopping the attack as he destroyed it. "Too soft, you'll have to find a better weapon, hmm."

"Don't need one." Karma said as the plant that was crushed, fell on the ground and was now forgotten.

Grip began to attack Karma as he swift fully dodge and block his blows.

Grip strength capable of crushing skulls...once he gets his hands on me, it's game over. At first it's seems unwinnable, but switch our positions around, it's no different from the impossible game we play. he thought.

"Not bad for someone who isn't trained for assassination." Angel said, she was awestruck in how Karma can move so agile against an adult.

"Wow, he's blocking and dodging the attacks!" Kayano exclaimed as she was surprised.

"That's your defense technique, right, Karasuma-sensei?" Koro-sensei asked as Karasuma nodded in reply.

"Self defense is low priority for assassins, though, I don't remember teaching it in class." Karasuma stated.

Akabane Karma...even in Class E, his talent for fighting is next to Angel's strength...those two would be strong foe if they team up. he thought while he observes Karma fight on his own.

I can dodge him...but if I move in to attack, he'll grab me. Karma thought.

They stopped for awhile as they took a rest.

"You'll never get past me if you don't attack, hmm!" Grip said.

"You think? I mean, I could be doing my best to distract you while the rest of us slip past a few at a time..." Karma says as he glanced at his classmates.

The man glared at Karma as he was angry.

"Relax, no underhanded jinx here, it's my turn." he cracked his knuckles as he jog, posing his attack move.

"Barehanded, like you. We'll settle this fair and square..." Karma assured the impatient assassin.

"I like that face of yours, young warrior, hmm. I might have a chance to experience a good fight, hmm." Grip said.

Karma went ahead him and started to attack him, swift fully, he kicked his leg as the man was hurt and backed away. Karma though this was the right chance, so he went up to him to meet a surprise attack. He whiff the gas as the class gasped, Angel's eyes widened in horror as her friend fell on his knees.

"Karma!" Angel yelled.

Grip caught his red hair and clutched a fistful of his hair, he dropped the cartridge of gas on the ground as bottle rolled on the floor.

"That is not fighting far and square, it's unfair!" Angel protested as Grip raised Karma up in the air.

"I never said I only fight bare handed, hmm." Grip said as Karma was captivated by his strength.

"One mustn't get into a hang up, another key to stick around in this business, you'll never defend against a spray of gas if you don't see it com—"

Gas appeared from the cartridge that Karma was holding.

"What a coincidence! We were thinking the same things." he smirked.

"How...did you get that...hmm?" Grip asked,

He gets a pocket knife from his clothes and began to attack Karma as he twisted his arm and pushed him down on the ground, weighting him down.

"Come on, Terasaka—make it snappy! We'll need duct tape and sheer numbers to beat this monster." Karma said.

"Yeah, I'm on it." Terasaka sighed.

The male students sat on top of Grip as they weight him down. Now the man was tied in a rope, immobilized.

"I filched an unused cartridge from that poisoner guy. It's so handy, I wish it weren't a one time use kind of thing..." Karma said.

"How did you see my gas attack coming, hmm?" Grip asked.

"I was on guard against everything but bare hands, you really did want a bare handed fight, but you would stop us by any means." he sat down and a small smile appeared on his face.

"You are a pro so that's way I was on guard." Karma said as Koro-sensei was proud of him.

"You grew so much from that one defeat, you'll make a name for yourself someday." Koro-sensei told him.

"I may have lost but I enjoyed our time together—"

"—What are you talking about? The fun's just beginning!" Karma cuts him off as he grabbed a wasabi and mustard.

"I'm going to put this in your nostrils, I'd been guard all the time, now that your tied up, what's the point?" Karma began to fix him in the way he likes.

"I'll plug your nose with a special clip, stuff your mouth with ghost peppers. Then I'll gag you!" a smirk appeared on his lips as the man was struggling.

"Hey buddy, hmm. Now's the time to show your willpower as a pro!" Karma is about to put the wasabi on the man's nose as someone grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Stop it, Karma, it's creepy!"

"Oh hey, Angel-chan. Come and join me, it's fun!"

"I don't enjoy this kind of thing, it's really disgusting."

"Aw, don't be like that, join me."

"No way! I don't want to..."

Koro-sensei and the others watched the two quarrel.

"Koro-sensei, Karma-kun hasn't change a bit." Nagisa sweat dropped.

"Yeah he hasn't. Though, I'm not worried, because he has someone special with him." Koro-sensei smiled.

Karma snake his arm around Angel's shoulder as he laughed with her.

"Hey Karma, you okay? Did you got a scratch or something?" she asked him, looking in his golden eyes.

"You shouldn't waste your time in worrying for a sadist like me, but it gives me pleasure for being concern of me." Karma smirked at her.

"Wha-What?! I'm not concern about you or anything." she stuttered, blushing.

Karasuma coughed, making everyone turn to him.

"Let's go now, if we are a little late the remedy might really explode." he stated, as the class began to march their way to the next stage.

Angel was walking behind the rest as Karma turned around to her and said.....

.....With that said, Angel's lips curved in a smile as she walked ahead of him, waving her hand while her back was facing him.

"I'm not expecting anything." she said.


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