♛HE [18] : VIRUS♛

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The sun shines brightly in the blue skies as it was a perfect day to travel to an island, it will too perfect—if only they didn't have a target.

"Oh, look—It's an island!" Angel cheerful beamed as she pointed her index finger to the sight she was seeing.

"Your right, you can see the resort over here." a red haired boy said.

"Right~" she replied.

Karma glanced at her, a glint of excitement and happiness is written all over her face, he let out a small smile at this sight.

"Your wearing a pretty dress, are you going to seduce someone? Or perhaps—"

He leaned down near her ear due to this, it took her attention, his hot breath hitched her neck as his husky voice radiated in her ear.

"Am I the reason why your looking good today?"

Hurriedly, she pushed him away as her face was glowing bright red.

"D-Dream on! I'm not going to seduce anyone or anything." she stuttered.

"Oh? Well your cute, I mean it." he chuckled.

Once more, Angel blushed furiously and began to punch Karma in a playful way. As Karma could only grin.

"Why do you always find a reason to fight with me?" Angel asked angrily as she was tired of his teasing, just when will he give it a rest?!

"Don't worry when I fight with you, worry about when I stop...because there is nothing for me to fight for."

"Huh? What do you mean?!" she asked.

I hate the fact that the girl that I love is her... he thought.

"Nothing, idiot."

"Who are you calling idiot?!"

"You, who else?"

"Damn you, Karma!"

It's kinda funny that the person you met once, is someone who played a huge role in your life.

They've finally reached the Island as the staffs welcomed them with a warm smile plastered in their faces.

"Welcome to the Fukuma Resort Hotel! Please enjoy this tropical juice with our compliments." the waiter said as he placed a drink in every students' table, some of them leisurely took their sweet time doing the things they want.

"Group 1 is doing a good job of throwing him off." Sugino said as the class' assassination plan have already started.

"They sure are—and with a little assassination mixed in, they're not drawing the other groups' attention." Karma commented as he lend Angel a pair of googles, she took it immediately and put it on.

"It's our turn! Do what we need to do and get changed." Kayano said.

"Roger, Kaede!" Angel saluted as they went in the water.

They looked like they're having fun, but they were dead serious of killing their target.

They've split in four groups, different strategy, and places. In their unique ways, they tried to corner Koro-sensei but no avail.

No matter how many efforts they've done, Koro-sensei is just so stubbornly strong.

That's why it's worth killing an artificial life form with a bounty of 10 billion yen.

Due to their busy schedules, the beach is utterly deserted. Which made Jelavić distressed as she was wearing a very seductive swimsuit for nothing.

"Isn't there anyone in this beach—there's no one here!" she retorted.

"The last guest just left. The Class E has rented out the hotel and it's environs." Karasuma answered.

"You know that's not relevant! Why does this happen when I make my swimsuit debut?!" Jelavić showered Karasuma lots of complaints as he ignored it by reading the class' plans for the assassination.

"Hey Karasuma, I want to bewitch someone~!" the blonde said.

Hurriedly, Karasuma carried Jelavić, she was surprised by his actions.

"Just because we're alone with each other, I didn't think—"

She was cut off when he threw her in the water, without delicacy, he threw her as if she's in the way—a trash.

"What was that for?" she growled, completely soaked.

"There's something I need to ask you, Irina." Karasuma said seriously.

"What is it?" the woman says.

"You said that it's not often that your work goes as expected." he started.

She plopped in the pool, slightly irritated. "Do I look like I'm just having fun? I'm going to steal those brats' sweet points, and I won't let it get away."

Karasuma somehow felt kind of worried about the class, and hoped the assassination will go smooth.

✦ ✧ ✦

Time skip

The class traveled to the chapel using a shipboard. During the ride, they've started to eat dinner and preparing for their comeback to their target.

Koro-sensei shed his once-a-month skin and regretted it afterwards as the students wondered why haven't they killed this screw up yet.

They entered the chapel as the assassination had officially started.

"Take a seat Koro-sensei, we'll begin with a movie."

"You won't be able to get out, were surrounded by water after all."

Koro-sensei has high expectations for his students as there was still a smile plastered in his face.

"Nurufufu~ what are you going to do?" he asked.

"First, we'll start with a movie, then the top 7 tester will shoot the promised tentacles, it will be a signal for us to jump in action. Is that alright?" Isogai explained their plan to kill off Koro-sensei, as he plainly laughed.

"It's time to die, Koro-sensei." Angel snickered.

"I'm looking forward for your attempt, class." he stated to Angel's statement as he sat down.

They've shut the lights as the video rolled, while Koro-sensei was focused in the screen. He noticed that there was something odd.

You underestimated me, I can smell the Class 3-E's top snipers are not here. he thought as he smirked.

"This video is well done, did you narrated and edit this, Mimura-kun?" Koro-sensei asked.

"Yeah, it took me lots of time to finish it—there's a billion yen in line after all!" Mimura said.

This video was contained of Koro-sensei's embarrassing moments, which made the educator bewildered. And what's worst? It will be going on 1 hour straight.

"What's with that? Porn, cross dressing, do you have no shame, Koro-sensei?" Angel grinned.

"I told you not to tell everyone about this, Angel-chan!" Koro-sensei cried.

"Sucks to be you." she says, laughing.

Time skip

Koro-sensei was emotionally tired after watching the embarrassing clips. He snapped back to reality as he noticed that the water was pilling up in the chapel.

"Water? But I didn't sense anyone pouring it—couldn't it be...high tide?" he gasped.

The top seven students who aced the exams walked inside the chapel with a gun in hand.

"A promise is a promise, let's not be dodging now."

"You've been really reacting slow, you know, Koro-sensei."

"Commence Operation!" Ritsu announced as her timer was set on.

Hurriedly, the promised tentacles were destroyed as the official plan has started.

Karma and the others turned the gear on as they drive, removing the wooden chapel's walls in an open area in the middle of the ocean. Hurriedly, the students that were hidden in the water came up with fly hover boards in their feet, rinsing their target with water, creating a hydraulic cage.

"Commence position, taking aim. The area around Koro-sensei: 1 meter in total—fire!"

After Ritsu's signal, they simultaneously fired multiplied bullets at Koro-sensei, blocking the escape areas that he can go.

"Game over!"

Two bullets from afar shoot their target's range. Their plan was perfect—but Koro-sensei still has a plan under his sleeves. The students were thrown away with such distance from Koro-sensei's location.

"Don't let your guard down! He still can regenerate." Karasuma yelled as he and Jelavić run up to the kids.

They've witnessed a bubbling effect in the water, as it came up...it was Koro-sensei. He became really small, like a ball.

"What the heck is that?"

"My trump card of all trump cards: my perfect defense form!" Koro-sensei announced.

Perfect Defense Form?!

"You won't be able to kill me, because in this form, I'm absolutely invincible!" he explained how things would work, as the chances of kill him today is 0%.

"Invincible my ass! This will surely break." Angel said as she grabbed Koro-sensei and stabbed the shield with a real knife in hand.

"It's no use. Your knife won't do the trick—even a nuclear bomb wouldn't leave a dent."

"You and your damn shield! So infuriating!" she growled as she continued stabbing him but to no avail.

"No weakness means we're out of options." Karma said as he signaled Angel to hand over him, she did what he wanted her to do.

Karma showed him a picture of Koro-sensei who was feasting his eyes on a dirty magazines with gravure idols as it's head page in his cellular phone.

"I can't cover my face without any hands—Stop!" Koro-sensei blushed furiously.

"Sorry, sorry! Then I'll just stick this sea slug on you." Karma smirked as he stuck a sea slug on Koro-sensei as he yelped in horror.

"Angel-chan, go find me a filthy old guy!"

"Why do I have to?"

"I'll jam this thing down his shorts!"


Karasuma snatched Koro-sensei from Karma's hands. "For now, I and the top brass will talk about this."

"Throwing me in a pool of anti-sensei? It won't work, it'll blast everything nearby like earlier." Koro-sensei smirked as Karasuma clicked his tongue in frustration,

"Oh come on, don't frown, Angel-chan. It makes you ugly...in fact, you should be all proud, even the armies of the world can't reach this level." Koro-sensei said.

"I know that, but—it's really frustrating!" she clenched her fist as anger well up in her, the plan utterly failed.

"We were just one more step and we'll be able to kill you..." she muttered

✦ ✧ ✦

Everyone returned to the hotel, no one dared to speak among them.

"Sorry, Angel, the plan failed." Chiba said as he was miserable about the plan failing.

"Nah, don't sweat about the little stuff, same goes with you, Rinka." Angel said.

"B-But you did all the effort to teach us an accurate firing!" Hayama said, feeling bad about the foiled plan.

"I wanted to test your skills, efforts, and most of all—your courage...indeed you two are gifted with shooting skills." she paused her statement as her eyes pierced them.

"There will always be a wall called 'Experience'—exceeding takes lots of risk, though, not bad for a newbie, you have my compliment." she grinned at them.

"I've been wondering, why didn't accompanied us in our firing?" Hayami asked as bullet of sweat dropped formed Angel's forehead.

"U-Um...It's not like I-I mistook the anti-sensei as real bullets...I didn't forgot it or anything!" she stuttered as she adverted her gaze from them.

"You left it, didn't you?" Nagisa said which made the girl gulped.

Rats! They got me... she thought.

"Yeah, I left the anti-sensei bullets and took the real bullets instead." she said while lightly scratching the back of her hair.

She's no different to Koro-sensei!

What a scatter brain!

Check your stuff before you leave, dummy!

Everyone thought as she could only laugh sheepishly, then some of their classmate was kind of tired from what happened today.

"I'm just so exhausted!"

"Let's head back to our room and rest."

"Don't be so glum. We did what we need to do, we can have fun tomorrow."

"Oh yeah! I'll take in some swim suited beauties for sure!"

Nagisa noticed that there was something odd as he leaned closer to Angel and whisper something in her ear.

"Hey Angel, something's not right. Everyone is way too exhausted." Nagisa whispered, as Angel turned to take a look.

"Your right, wait a sec." she stood up as she felt something heavy weight on her.

"Can I rest on your shoulder, Angel?" Maehara asked as his face was bright red.

"Eh—Hirito!" Maehara's chin fell on Angel's right shoulder for support as he leaned his body to her.

"H-Hey, say something, Hirito!" she said.

"I just wanted to go to my room and rest, but you know, my limbs won't move an inch." he muttered.

She touched her forehead as it was burning. "Whoa. Your burning!"

"That's weird...I didn't remember having a fever, sorry but, can you lay me down?" he asked for a favor to her.

"A-Alright." she made him seat on the chair that she was sitting earlier.

In her surprise, everyone suddenly fell ill. "What the heck...is going on?"

Suddenly, her cellphone rung, she took it out of her pocket to check the caller.

Unknown Number
Incoming Call

Normally, she wouldn't answer a phone call from a stranger, but mysteriously she answered this one. She hit the green button and put her cellphone near her ear.

"Hey Yuuki, your classmates seems to be in wreak."

"Who the heck are you?!"

"Who I am doesn't matter, your class aren't the only ones that are after that marked man."

"You bastard—you did this?!"

"It's an artificial virus, it will be over once your affected...it's a shame that your classmates' will die in vain."

"Bullshit. If you have something against me, come to me, don't drag any of my friends into this!" she cursed as she caught some of her classmates' attention.

"Who is that, Angel?" Karasuma asked.

"Another pain in the ass." she replied.

"Hand it over." she handed her phone to Karasuma as he began to speak.

"Who is this?!"

"If I remember clearly, I called Yuuki's number, not yours, Karasuma."

He kept quiet as he let the guy from the other line to speak. Then the phone conversation was in audio thanks to Ritsu.

"Nevermind, those brats are going to die after a week, shredding the cells, and ending to death..."

Nagisa and the others have started aiding their wounded classmates.

"Though, there's a remedy, but I'm the only one who has it. You'd better come and get it."

Nagisa showed the location where the guy was being held at as Karasuma looked at it.

"There's a hotel on top of the mountain, bring me the one with the bounty. Come up to the top floor in the next hour."

They turned to Angel's direction as she was holding the one with the bounty on her hands.

"You seem pretty tough...especially Yuuki, she smells danger itself. So I want you to hand me your two shortest students, one boy, and one girl with the bounty. Follow the rules and I'll hand you the remedy in exchange of the target, if you contact any outsider or be late, the remedy will explode..."

They gasped at his statement as the man in the line was grinning darkly.

"Looks like time is on our side."

Then the line was cut off as Karasuma handed back Angel her phone.

"That bastard—I'll show him not to mess with me." Angel gritted her teeth angrily, she was definitely in rage.

The situation is indeed, dire. Half of the class was affected by the virus as the other half was still standing.

"It's no use, Karasuma-san. The hotel claims of privacy protection." the woman that rushed to Karasuma informed.

"Knew it..."

"Knew it?"

"That the hotel is a noted site for illegal negotiations." Karasuma stated, as he kept quiet.

"They have connections with governments and higher-ups, even cops are hands off." he added.

"Hmm, they're not going to cooperate with us." Karma said as he leaned his back on the wall.

He noticed that Angel isn't speaking for a quite awhile now, her bangs are covering her eyes, staring at nothingness as if thinking of something.

"What are we going to do? We didn't come to this Island to be killed!"

"None of us are going to die, Yoshida-kun, come up with something and solve this."

"Yeah, sorry Hara..."

Everyone was in pinch, not knowing what to do.

"Send these runts to him? These squirts? We'd just be handing him a hostage!" Terasaka said angrily as he pound his fists on Nagisa and Kayano's head lightly.

"Hey Tadaomi, let's get everyone to a Tokyo hospital!" Angel said.

"Your really dumb, are you, Angel-chan?" Karma chuckled.

"What did you say, Karma?!" she growled.

"We will be wasting time in bringing the sick to the hospital which could hurt then more." Angel flinched at what Karma has just said. He is right, he is always right.

"It's just like what Karma said, Angel, we'll treat the symptoms so you'd better hurry and get the remedy." Takebayashi stated as he began to treat the sick, reducing the risk of the symptoms.

"Kōtarō..." Angel said as she looked at the ground, gritting her teeth in frustration, unable to do a thing.

What should we do? We only have on hour... Karasuma thought as he massaged his temples.

"There is a way out of this..." Koro-sensei said as Angel's phone open, causing Ritsu to appear.

"Koro-sensei, it's all set."

"It looks like Ritsu-san's prep work is done, all of the healthy students, forward." Koro-sensei began to grin as their plan to steal the remedy has begun.

✦ ✧ ✦

The cars stopped near the mountain as the students were unloading the vehicles. They looked up and saw how high they're going to climb.

"I infiltrated the hotel's computers and saw the interior, complete with guard locations!"

Then the interior was represented by the students' cellphone, individually.

"A large number of guards are at the main entrance, so it's impossible to enter the hotel without passing the front desk. However, there is a way, atop the ledge."

"It's been awhile since I had a infiltration mission, it will pump a huge adrenaline!" Angel grinned happily, so excited.

✦ ✧ ✦

A pair of pink eyes stood on top of the hotel as she witnessed the class' infiltration.

"So they're finally here.." she muttered in her low voice, she looked up to the sky, as she saw a crescent moon.

"The best way to heal a heart that has been broken...is to kill the person who made it happen."

She held a hatchet in her hand as her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"That's why I'll be the one that will kill your very existence." she muttered.


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