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Acorn looked slightly confused, flicking his tail and pausing. Lightning took his paws off of his head and looked up at Crow. The black tom shot an icy glare at Lightning, sending the golden tom reeling back. The black tom looked back up at his father, awaiting for permission to speak.

⠀⠀"Traitor?" Acorn echoed, staring at Lightning.

⠀⠀Crow nodded. "Yes."

⠀⠀Acorn looked around, calling over Gorse, Cougar, Twister, and Flynn. "Go check the area," he ordered. "Make sure there aren't any other ThunderClanners." His voice ended in a snarl, narrowing his eyes and sending them off.

⠀⠀The brown tabby tom turned back to his son, sitting down and wrapping his bushy tail around his small paws. "Speak."

⠀⠀The black tom shifted his blue-green eyes over to Stormwatcher. Lightning let out a muffled whimper.

⠀⠀"This cat—" he began, indicating toward the ThunderClan tom, "and Lightning have been meeting up for the past few nights."

⠀⠀Acorn sat still as he nodded for Crow to continue. "I couldn't hear them, but I believe Lightning knew about the attack the whole time. I'm confident he wanted to join Stormwatcher and rally against us."

⠀⠀The golden tabby tom sprang up, lashing out at Crow and drawing blood. The black tom hissed in pain and stepped forward, tripping Lightning and holding him down.

⠀⠀Crow looked back up at his father. "See?"

⠀⠀"You're a liar!" Lighting spat, tears streaming down his face. "You don't know what it's like to lose someone you trust!" Granted, Lightning had only known Stormwatcher for a few days, but still ... when you're as lonely as him, anyone that pays attention to you is trusted that easily.

⠀⠀"Traitor," Crow snarled, his claws sliding out. "You deserve this."

⠀⠀I didn't do anything ... I wasn't going to rally ... why can't anyone understand me?

⠀⠀Acorn is staring at Lightning, unblinking and lashing his tail. His father was angry. Angry at Lightning for being a traitor. His own son.

⠀⠀"Even if I can't prove he was going to join in on the attack," Crow continued, "I do know he was meeting up with Stormwatcher. And they weren't just coming across each other — they deliberately talked. I wouldn't be surprised if Lightning shared BloodClan's secrets to this dirty rogue." Crow lazily looked over at Stormwatcher. "It's a good thing I killed him before any real damage could be done."

⠀⠀Lightning let out a yowl of anger and threw Crow off of him. The golden tom leapt on his "brother" and raked his claws against the black tom's flank. Blood splattered on the ground but Crow didn't even seem to be hurt — he was ... he was enjoying this.

⠀⠀"You bastard!" Lightning hissed, biting into Crow's neck. The black tom wrapped his paw around Lightning's throat and threw him off, twisting the golden tom over and pushing him into the muddy ground.

⠀⠀"You're weak," the black tom growled. "You can't even defeat me?"

⠀⠀Echo was standing farther off, blue eyes wide in dismay. She would help ... she would have ... she would help Crow.

⠀⠀But something came over her. Her own paws wouldn't allow her to move — she would't be able to make herself fight Lightning. Not her own brother ... no matter how big of a traitor he was, she would not allow herself to.

⠀⠀Seeing Crow insult Lightning hurt her heart but she didn't dare step forward to defend him. She would look like she was a traitor, too.

⠀⠀"Enough," Acorn boomed, standing to his paws and walking forward. He smacked Crow off of Lightning as hard as he could. The black tom gasped and fell to the ground, staring up at his father.

⠀⠀Acorn narrowed his mossy-green eyes at his son. "You're a disappointment," he hissed, grabbing Lightning's scruff. The tom was limp, most likely too sad to even move.

⠀⠀"Bandit, Vixen," the brown tabby tom called out. "Open the cellar."

⠀⠀The two BloodClanners exchanged glances. "The cellar ...?"

⠀⠀Acorn snarled, turning to the two cats. "You know what I'm talking about. Open it or face the consequences of taking too long."

⠀⠀The tom and she-cat nodded, scrambling away to where the "cellar" was. Acorn grabbed Lightning's scruff and dragged him after the two toms. Lightning cracked open his eyes. The only thing he saw were Crow's cold blue eyes.



⠀⠀There was a loud creaking noise. Vixen and Bandit opened the door of sorts, waiting for their leader to enter. The brown tabby tom walked in, nodding for his two Clanmates to follow.

⠀⠀Acorn flattened his ears, ducking his head so he could fit in the small circular hole in the side of the ground. Darkness covered Lightning's vision — for a moment he panicked, letting out a muffled cry until Acorn silenced him sharply.

⠀⠀He was scared of the dark.

⠀⠀He knew it was dumb, but it really wasn't his fault.

⠀⠀Lightning knew where he was going, too.

⠀⠀The cellar was a place the worst traitors were put in to rot until they died. Lightning had just wanted to be killed — living in a small hole for the rest of his life wasn't exactly what Lightning was craving.

⠀⠀If only things were simpler ...

⠀⠀They walked in the damp tunnel for a long time. The tunnel was so narrow that even Lightning's whiskers scratched against the wall. Soon enough, the tunnel opened into a much larger one. The smell was rank, but the golden tabby tom didn't dare to speak.

⠀⠀The three cats walked to another small tunnel in the side of the now larger one. Vixen and Bandit, using all of their weight, pushed against the edge of the bars to make a small opening. Acorn shoved Lightning in, and the two BloodClanners let go. The bars fell back into place with a loud bang.

⠀⠀Lightning stared out at his father. The tom's green eyes made the golden tabby tom recoil into the shadows.

⠀⠀This was worse than death. Much worse. He would be in here alone for the rest of time to rot and die slowly. He would receive no water and no food — he would die of starvation or dehydration. He would die a long, painful death.

⠀⠀Lightning wished he was dead.

⠀⠀"Based on your crimes, you will be in here for as long as it takes for you to die. You have betrayed BloodClan entirely. You met with Stormwatcher secretly and sided with him rather than us. You didn't kill any ThunderClanners during the attack, or even really harm any. You cried over Stormwatcher, a cat who never cared about you. You attacked your own brother. Like Crow said—you deserve this," Acorn spat.

⠀⠀Something was clear in his voice.




⠀⠀Something unlike my father, but I couldn't quite put it.

⠀⠀The three cats turned away from me. Bandit flashed me a sympathetic glance and left with his leader, the dark ginger-furred she-cat following closely behind.

⠀⠀Lightning felt his heart fall in his chest.

⠀⠀He's really leaving. My father is leaving me to die. Lightning felt his throat burn again. Water dripped from the ceiling onto his pelt, and his paws were soaked already. He fell to the ground, water splashing over his golden pelt. He curled into a ball and let out sobs. He hated his life. He was truly alone. Forever. Until the day he died.


⠀⠀Hours had passed.

⠀⠀Lightning felt his stomach grumble but he curled up tighter. The smell didn't bother him that much anymore; the dripping lulled him into sleep. He let the water run over his fur and felt like he had no energy. The thought of sitting up seemed hard to him.

⠀⠀He didn't want to be down here. He wanted to return back to the surface, feel the wind in his pelt, feel the grass under his paws, feel his whiskers wisp in the breeze. But he never would again.

⠀⠀Live together, die alone.


⠀⠀The tom's ears perked up when he heard a loud creaking sound. Still not having any energy, the tom decided to ignore it, but Lightning still had hope. Was Acorn coming back down to apologize and take him out? Or was this his death sentence?

⠀⠀The golden tom was hoping his father would give him mercy.

⠀⠀He closed his eyes and mustered up the strength to stand to his paws. He shook his fur out, water splattering the concrete around him.

⠀⠀Two cats came into view. It was Cedar and Twister; the two toms narrowed their eyes at Lightning. He raised his head. "What's going on?" the golden tom asked.

⠀⠀They didn't answer. Twister lifted the heavy metal bars with his paws and Cedar beckoned Lightning to exit. The golden tom ducked his head, scrambling out. Cedar stared at Lightning for almost too long. It made his pelt ruffle.

⠀⠀They flanked Lightning as they walked up the first tunnel. Lightning began to shiver; he hadn't realized how cold he was until now.

⠀⠀The gray toms opened the door and shoved Lightning out. I can finally breathe again ... He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh.

⠀⠀"Move," Cedar spat. The golden tom's ears flattened and he stared at his paws as he was led back to camp. The grass felt good, the wind was strong today, the sun was shining on his pelt through the trees, but Lightning felt like he was going to throw up. He was going to die, wasn't he? This was the day he was killed. By who? His own father?

⠀⠀He felt angry at Crow. He didn't mean to do what he did ... Lightning had been desperate for anyone to listen to him. He and Stormwatcher had a connection.

⠀⠀But now he was dead.

⠀⠀Lightning felt like he wanted to cry but he didn't allow himself to. He didn't want to be weak in his last moments. No. He hoped this was a quick death; he didn't want to suffer. He really didn't. But he had no control over what happened to him.

⠀⠀They entered the camp and all heads snapped toward the golden tom. His electric yellow eyes widened but he tried to ignore his Clanmates. Twister and Cedar lead him to the middle of camp, cats crowding around them. Acorn leapt off of the Highledge, staring at Crow with hatred. His fiery eyes switched to Lightning, long, glinting claws sliding out. It was dusk; the sun was just about to set, casting the cats' shadows across the grass.

⠀⠀"While you were down in the cellar probably self-pitying, we had a vote; whether you should be killed for your crimes or not." Lightning looked over at his sister, who was crying into her mother's fur. Sage had her bushy tail wrapped around Echo, murmuring words to the tortoiseshell she-cat. Crow was in the shadows, head bent, looking guilty.

⠀⠀Lightning knew what would happen.

⠀⠀Acorn went on. "It was decided that you would be punished for your crimes."

⠀⠀Lightning looked at the circle of cats around him. These would be the last faces he ever saw. This was his fate — being killed by his own father. He knew someday it would come to this. The golden tom just wasn't fit to live in BloodClan.

⠀⠀He would miss Sage, Echo, and Crow. Even if his brother turned him in he still loved him; there was no doubt about it. As for Acorn? He could go to hell, right where he belonged.

⠀⠀Lightning's ears flattened. "I suppose this is it, 'father'."

⠀⠀Acorn scratched the grass. "Yes. Son." His eyes reflected sadness, but if it had been there before there was no sign of it now.

⠀⠀The brown-russet tom looked around at his Clanmates. "Don't interfere," he snarled. "If you do, you'll be killed."

⠀⠀The camp was silent.

⠀⠀Acorn whipped his head back toward his son, curling his lip. Should I fight back? I know he expects me to just ... let him kill me ... but if I do retaliate he'll only get more furious. Is it worth the risk?

⠀⠀Lightning had no time to think as Acorn leapt toward the golden tom, claws outstretched. Lightning leapt out of the way, watching Acorn land in dirt. He really had thought Lightning would give in to death so easily.

⠀⠀Maybe ... maybe I'm stronger than I think! Than anyone thinks!

⠀⠀Acorn tried to grab Lightning's throat but he slashed his claws over his mossy-green eyes. Acorn yowled in rage and slammed his son to the ground, placing a large paw on his shoulder. No! I can't end up like Cinder!

⠀⠀The tom kicked Acorn but it was no use. He was too strong. This was it. His own father, going to kill him. Lightning closed his eyes, bracing for a pair of jaws around his neck, ready to clamp down and kill him.

⠀⠀The only thing he heard was a startled yowl.

⠀⠀The golden tom opened his eyes. A flash of black fur in the corner of his vision caught his attention. This cat rammed into Acorn, sending the small tom flying.

⠀⠀It was Crow!

⠀⠀Lightning scrambled to his paws, staring at his brother. Crow nodded at Lightning; there was grief evident in his eyes. Maybe he really did feel guilty for turning his brother in.

⠀⠀Crow turned his head and leapt on his father, snarling viciously. He scratched and bit, trying to wound the tom. Acorn grabbed Crow's paw and yanked him forward, sinking his teeth into the black tom's throat. Crow let out a muffled and distorted yowl of shock and pain. A spasm rippled through his body as Acorn dropped the novice.

⠀⠀His green eyes shone hatred. No grief. Not like Lightning had seen before when Acorn was about to try and kill him.

⠀⠀"I told you that if anyone interfered, they'd be killed," Acorn spat, watching the blood pool around his son.

⠀⠀Lightning was horrified. Acorn just ... he ... he killed Crow ... his own son ... the son he always favored the most ...

⠀⠀The golden tom felt like his legs might buckle beneath him. An angry shriek snapped him back into reality. He twisted his head around and watched Sage let go of Echo and slam her body into Acorn's. She grabbed the tom's throat and shook him around, kicking him in the muzzle and placing her foot on his head to hold him down.

⠀⠀The calico she-cat looked around at her Clanmates – she was definitely in grief, but anger was evident in her expression. She looked like she was done. Completely done with everything and everyone.

⠀⠀"What are we doing?" she asked, voice laced with venom.

⠀⠀Cats exchanged glances but didn't respond

⠀⠀"Why are we allowing this terrible cat to run our lives?" She turned her gaze to her mate, pushing his head into the ground harder. "Allowing him to kill our kin? His own kin? His own children?" She held back a sob. "That's madness. Tyranny. We cannot let this go on any longer! We must fight back. Why would you be loyal to him? Has he ever done good for you? No — he hasn't. Has he ever shown you mercy? Has he ever stopped making death threats to you? Has he ever not shown his own ego? No. Because Acorn is a selfish, corrupt, lying leader that has no right to have his position."

⠀⠀Her gaze swept over her Clanmates. "We need peace. We can control our borders, but we should show mercy — let cats explain themselves — choose better leaders! To put it simply, we suck."

⠀⠀"But this is BloodClan! How can we change?" a cat cried from the back.

⠀⠀"We don't have to be bloodthirsty anymore," Sage replied, kicking Acorn's side harshly to get him to stop squirming. "We can change. We're capable of it. You are all strong and gifted cats, and I understand that you've been raised a certain way, but do you want your kittens to grow up in this environment? Be terrified of being killed for small things? We shouldn't have to worry about this. We should trust each other for once."

⠀⠀Sage let Acorn up and backed away. Echo slowly padded up to Lightning, eyes wet, but looking stronger. Like she had something to live for.

⠀⠀"I agree," Echo responded to her mother's speech. "We should show Acorn that he isn't going to be in control of us anymore."

⠀⠀Cats began hesitantly stepping up. Acorn snarled, standing his ground as his Clanmates gathered around him. They were realizing that Sage was right. Acorn had been a terrible leader from the start — he needed to go. Forever.

⠀⠀Lightning was okay with this. Acorn wasn't his father. He was a cat that would die alone like he deserved.

⠀⠀"You're all traitors!" the russet-brown tom growled, curling his lip. "You'll be punished for this!"

⠀⠀"By who?" Sage challenged.

⠀⠀There was no reply.

⠀⠀Lightning watched Twister shove his Clanmates aside, lashing out at any cat that came too close to him. He padded beside Acorn, staring at his brother, Nelson, who sided with Sage, with burning hatred. "Acorn's right. You're all traitors."

⠀⠀Acorn narrowed his eyes.

⠀⠀Sage lashed her tail. "You're a fool to side with this monster. You'll regret it, Twister. Join us while you still can."

⠀⠀Twister bared his teeth. "You'll have to kill me before I betray my leader."

⠀⠀Acorn stepped up. "See? This is what a loyal cat looks like — join us before you regret it."

⠀⠀No cat moved and Acorn grew furious. His claws dug into the ground. He knew this was it. He knew this was how he would die; betrayed by every one of his Clanmates but Twister.

⠀⠀"Your choice. But you killed my son and attempted to kill the other. And I cannot forgive you for that," Sage spat, narrowing her honey-amber eyes. "Kill him!"

⠀⠀And they all followed her orders. This would be the last cat they killed; but Sage knew that if they let he and Twister go, Acorn would return with a huge army to take down BloodClan or take back his leadership. She couldn't allow that to happen.

⠀⠀Both Twister and Acorn fought against their Clanmates, trying to defend themselves, but it was no use. Twister had already been killed and Acorn was being attacked from all sides. He stood no chance.

⠀⠀Lightning watched, frozen. He wouldn't attack — he was too horrified — but he was sure of one thing. Acorn had put this upon himself. He should've known his cats would rebel against him one day, and he should've prepared for it.

⠀⠀But Acorn had finally fallen. Blood stained the ground as Acorn fell. A ripple traveled through the russet-brown tom's body before his cold, mossy-green eyes closed and he took his last dying breath. Acorn was finally dead. BloodClan could be ridden of their tyrannical leaders and become a whole new Clan. One like the originals.

⠀⠀This is a new start. Crow may be dead and our Clan will grieve for his death, but it meant something. He will be remembered for starting a whole new era for BloodClan. Every generation will remember this day. It'll be passed down for the rest of time.

⠀⠀Not only are we going to change, but we'll be something better. No cat will have to fear being killed anymore.

⠀⠀We are the new BloodClan. You may fear us, you may resent us, you may even want to destroy us, but just know this — you will never stop us from reaching our goal.

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