| Character Q&A |

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If you have any questions you'd like to ask me or the characters, go ahead! All questions will be submitted in this part :)

Here's how you set it up:

Question To: (author/character - Acorn, Duskfur, Sage, Lightning, Stormwatcher, Antstar, Echomask, Grasstuft, etc.)

Very easy! Go ahead and ask :)


Dear Acorn, how did you feel when your own mate betrayed you? Were you mad, or did you just not care?
(from sleepykittystudios )

Well, I wouldn't have cared if she hadn't started a rebellion against me! Of course I was angry — Sage? Betraying me? To be honest, I'm impressed — I didn't think she had it in her. I don't know how her little paws held me down, but if I could've just gotten her off of me I would still be leader of BloodClan. I do hope she dies a horrible death.

Dear Sage, what did you see in Acorn that made you stay his mate so long?
(from OJLikesFoxes )

I've seen corrupted cats before — Xander was definitely one, I'll say. Saber was a little softer on her cats, but even then, she still had the same mindset — destroy the Clans. I thought hard many nights, wondering if I should leave him, wondering if I should just run away ... but I was too afraid. When he began to change I feared he'd kill me out of anger if I left him. When we took over the ThunderClan camp I could see his pride; he was happy we'd destroyed the Clan. He was greedy for more territory. It changed him. I knew Acorn would never be the same again, but a small part of me always loved him, and a large part was afraid of him.

Dear Thawpaw, would you forgive Acorn?
(from The_Warrior_Writer )

StarClan, no! Are kidding? The stupid little cat ruined my whole life — I was going to be a warrior, become deputy, then get nine lives! Now I can't do that and I'm stuck in boring StarClan, no thanks to him.

Dear Crow, what made you defend your brother at the last moment?
(from The_Warrior_Writer )

I think the word I'm looking for here is loyalty. However, I'd rather not tell the rest of the story ... especially when Lightning was in the cellar.

Dear Lightning, would you have liked Cinder if she wasn't so mean?
(from The_Warrior_Writer )

Probably! I haven't really thought about it — if she didn't have her temper I think she'd be a pretty likeable cat ... most of the time, anyway.

Dear Acorn, are you a republican?
(from @_Skyecho_)

What do I look like, a Twoleg? Keep your silly politics to yourself.

❼  Dear Duskfur, I hate you. Will you please go die in a hole?
(-CloudOfWinterSkies- )

Keep your unnecessary hate comments to yourself and go do something productive with your life.

❽  Dear Acorn, you were my cinnamon roll. Where did my precious cinnamon roll go?
(-CloudOfWinterSkies- )

I've changed for the better if you ask me. I was weak and afraid of every little thing. Now I'm strong and I have lots of power — what more could I ask for?

  Dear Acorn, how exactly do you feel about all of this? At first you seemed confused, scared, and without control of yourself. Now you're dead.
(from o0LunarWolfie0o )

What a way to rub it in, being. Anyway, I was young and "innocent". I had killed a cat but I didn't know what it was like to have real, true power. I was a runt  that had no idea what I was getting myself into. I guess I'd have to actually thank my past self! If I hadn't done what I'd done, I never would've turned into the cat I am today — powerful and mighty. So I'm pretty happy and content with myself (even if I'm in the Dark Forest).

  Dear Stormwatcher, how do you feel about Lightning? He grieved for you, but didn't know you already had a mate. How do you feel about it?
(from GoldenAlphaCat )

I'm like Acorn's age so

Dear Grasstuft, how did you feel when Acorn killed Thawpaw? Did you know he didn't mean it, or did you resent him for it?
(from Thunderclan4Life )

To be simple, I was horrified. At first I didn't believe it, and then when Antstar explained to us how it happened I did. I was disappointed and terrified of Acornpaw. He had killed the first cat I loved. I never forgave him.

Dear Duskfur, are you proud of what your son has become? Taking leadership of BloodClan and taking over the Clans?
(from KrackedP )

Are you stupid? Why in StarClan's name would I be proud? I always hated Acorn from the start. I knew he'd grow up to be a terrible cat someday. I'm not saying it wasn't my fault, or Antstar's, but I would never be pleased with what my son has done. This is why he should've dropped dead a long, long time ago.

Dear Echomask, if Acorn hadn't turned evil would you have been mates with him, even against the medicine cat code?
(from @unitedparcel_service)

That's a hard one, but the answer is yes. I loved Acorn too much to let him go, and I would have definitely broken the code for him back then. But now? He's simply a monster.

Dear Antstar, you should have never banished Acorn. Why didn't you let him speak for himself and say it was an accident?
(from @WarriorFever)

Of course I should have banished Acorn. I'll never regret it. He was a murderer, and we couldn't have killers in ThunderClan. I did let him speak, but it was too late. The Clan already knew of his crimes, and he looked guilty. Acorn coming back for revenge definitely showed me he was never a good cat to start off with.

Dear Author, who is your favorite character, least favorite character, favorite book, and least favorite book in the series?
(from @CrazyFlamefur)

Thanks for asking! I haven't yet received a question...
Anyway, this is really hard! I love all my characters so much that it's hard to choose a favorite or least favorite, but I'll try and choose. For favorite, I'm gonna have to say Duskfur (I may get hate comments for this lmao). I feel a lot of empathy for her and when you find out why she is the way she is, you may also like her.

My least favorite character ... hmm. That's also hard. I'm gonna have to say Thawpaw? Honestly, who didn't hate him?

For my favorite book, I'd say the original and first book, Thoughts. That one has always been my favorite. Before is a close second. My least favorite to write was probably Theories and the first half of Perceptions. Besides that, I'm happy I managed to finish them!

Thanks for your question! :)

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