| A/N // Surprise!!!!! |

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Hey guys!

It's official. This series has ended.

It's been a long journey — I've been working on this book since March 29. Six months. Half a year...I actually thought this series would take longer but, surprisingly, it hasn't. That's good, though!

If you want the approximate time it's taken to write this book, it's been 6 months, 184 days, 26 weeks, 4,416 hours, 264,960 minutes, and 15,897,600 seconds.

Anyway, I'm really proud of the result. This series has been hard to write, but it's been totally worth it. Everyone who has been here since the start, or anyone who may have even joined us on this book or book 2 or 3, thank you for riding along with me. Your comments and votes make me so happy. They inspire me to write and I just really enjoy everyone's feedback.

Also, people are asking permission to make fanart? Of course you can make fanart !!!! That would be so awesome if you did !!!! wink wink nudge nudge.

Thank you to everyone for sticking around and not giving up on me. This actually is the first ever series I've finished on Wattpad, so I'm proud of that too!

Now, onto the good stuff!

There's going to be a guide!! It's going to be published immediately because I'm really excited to haha. It has character bios, book bios, theme songs, facts and mistakes, fanart, and more! That'll be published tonight so wait for that! (It's published now, you should go check it out!)

Now onto the really good stuff!

I've told you since the ending of Perceptions and the beginning of this book that Theories would be the last book of the series.

Well, it is the last book of the main series, but I'm making two side books!


They're called:

Warriors | Before [Prequel] and Warriors | After [Sequel]

Before is about Duskfur's life and how she came to be the way she was as Acorn's mother.

After is about Oliver and Chelsea's life in ThunderClan. Remember Chelsea, a cat in this book that Lightning doesn't kill, but Twister does? Well, that's who the book is about! Chelsea. It revolves around he and his brother spying on ThunderClan for BloodClan, but Chelsea makes an unlikely friendship on the way that makes him question his loyalty to BloodClan ...

I can't wait to write these books! They should be out fairly soon, although I don't have an exact date. Sorry! (Before has now been published c:)

I hope you guys liked this book, and the three before as well! It was so fun for me and I think the end result was pretty good.

Also, Thoughts has just reached 49k views !!!!!!!!! Thank you guys so much !!!!!!! It means the world !!!!!

You're awesome! Don't doubt it.

Love you and thank you for reading this series <3 it chose well (yes the book chooses you don't doubt it)

Goodbye, and stay tuned for Before, After, and the Guide to the Thoughts Series!

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