Ch. 13 Beaches and Brothers

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Nicole's POV
I groan as I wake up to a full ray of sunshine in my eyes. Bella knows not to wake me up so she now opens the blinds and plays the TV as she waits for me to wake up. We've both grown to like this system since playing music in my ears results in me throwing her phone across the room, her jumping on the bed ends up with me kicking her off off of it, and pulling my covers results to a punch in the stomach. It's not pretty. I would feel bad, but it's her fault for trying to wake me up...

I sigh as I stretch away last nights sleep in one of the most comfortable beds I've ever slept in. I grab my black Metallica muscle tank top and some denim shorts before hopping in the shower. After almost bashing the touch screen to adjust the temperature and other settings with an overly priced shampoo bottle I finally figure it out and quickly dry myself off.

I change and walk down the white wooden stairs. After momentarily getting lost, I discover the kitchen where I find Josh, Jasper, and Bella.

"Oh my god it's alive!" Jasper yells.

"Why does everyone say that?" I groan sitting on the bar stool next to Bella.

"Well I mean we do have reason to." Bella laughs.

"It's only 10:30!" I complain.

"Exactly! It's 10:30 we have tons to do today! So I made some pancakes you can eat and we can go!" Josh smiles, already having a plan for the day.

"Oh I don't like pancakes... Or breakfast." I laugh embarrassed.

"What kind of freak of nature are you?! Who doesn't like pancakes?" Jaspers jaw drops.

"Me." I slightly blush.

"Well what did you have planned today Josh?" Bella asks saving me from the embarrassment.

"Well, since I have permission to use the boat we're going tubing to start, then we'll take a walk on the board walk so we can stop by this amazing authentic ice cream place, and the rest is up to you guys." Josh says looking through a quickly scribbled list.

"You have a boat too? Do you by chance have Calum Hood buried somewhere in here?" I gawk at this boys endless amount of luxuries.

"How about Demi Lovato?" Bella speaks up.

"You guys are weird.." Jasper mumbles, quietly sipping his orange juice.

"At least I didn't trip over Ms.G's power cable."

"That was one time!"

"Um guys, I'd like to get to the ocean soon ya know." Josh coughs.

"Oh... Right. We'll go change." I grab Bella's hand and drag her up to our shared room. "Please marry this boy, he can buy us concert tickets!"

"First, I'm trying. Second, in my dreams and we're not using him for money!"

"It was just a suggestion.." I mumble grabbing my bright pink swimsuit top that ties around the neck and my black bikini bottoms.

"I know, now get ready you nerd." She laughs grabbing her bright coral swimsuit.

"Wait.. I wonder what Fringe and Parker are doing.."

"I almost don't wanna know." Bella says rubbing her temples, pretending that Michael gives her headaches, which I wouldn't be surprised if he did. That boy is a handful.

Parker's POV

I miss you I miss yoooooouuuu

"Michael, turn off your stupid Blink- 182 alarm off!" I shout, pulling a pillow over my ears. I could be playing football right now, or sleeping. Why on Earth did I agree to this? I'm sleeping next to a grown man with no understanding of his life and weirdly styled hair. Nicole chose a great family to get close to. Better yet, she chose a great family visit weekend to ditch our parents.

We always go home and watch tons of movies with our parents then go out for a nice dinner. I drive the whole 5 hour car ride while Nicole tries her best not to puke her guts out. She's always had really bad motion sickness on long plane and car rides. It's actually something I've come to really enjoy, we always jam out to the radio and have fun on our little brother and sister bonding car rides. It's scary to think this is my last year to do it.

"And I'm so sorry!" Michael sings the lyrics lazily before turning the song off. "Rise and shine we have sisters to watch over!" He grins throwing my pillow across the tent.

"They're 16... Close enough to adults."

"You realize they're hanging out with a senior."

"Rise and shine what a great day to be alive!" I almost immediately jump out of my attempt of a bed and salute to Michael.

"That's what I thought... We'll just pay a little visit, ask what they're doing, and come back here. After we watch them leave we'll then follow our prey." He replies making strange hand signals.

"What classes did you take in high school again?"

"Uh math, English? That kind of stuff. I took that video class Bella's taking for one year too but I don't really remember much. Oh! I was the school mascot my junior year!"

"Maybe I should think of a plan.." I sigh.

"No we're sticking with mine! This was my idea."

"I wish I hadn't agreed to this.."

"You'll be happy you did, now let's go!" He grins stomping out of the tent.

"Antonelli! You don't have pants on!" I sigh. This is going to be a long weekend.


Nicole's POV

"Why do girls take forever to change?" Jasper questions, practically dragging Bella out of our bedroom.

"No that would just be Bella, she has a habit of doing this." I laugh.

"Can't I just look nice?!"

"You're going in the ocean..." I sigh

"For once I agree with her." Jasper replies, directing his thumb to point behind him.

"Whatever, let's go tubing!" Bella grins, marching out the door. I grab my towel only to hear a shriek. What now?!

I run outside to see Bella head to toe soaked in what looks to be ice cold water since she's shivering. "Michael!!" She screams.

"Nice to see you too baby sister." He chuckles with a sly smirk.

"Fringe, we came here to have a good time and honestly Bella is feeling so attacked right now."

"Tell me about it!"

"We just wanted to check on you." Michael pouts.

"We? I don't see Parker?" I ask.

"He's right- Jacobs get the hell over here! Don't back talk me Mr! It's your sister!" Packers tiny figure soon comes to my full view and I shake my head.

"You're doing a great job of protecting me big brother."

"Oh I know, I'm the best." He grins.

"So what are you losers going to do today?"

"Well Michael said... I don't know what he said I tuned him out as soon as he started."

"Yep we're definitely related." I laugh.

"Exactly why I'm going to do this."

"Going to do wh-" before I could even finish my sentence I heard the squeak of a hose being turned on and next thing I know Michael is full on spraying me with it. I scream trying to run away from the freezing water but with no solution he only follows me.

I hear Bella laughing at me so I hide behind her but we both end up drenched and laughing in the sand. Jasper and Josh soon grab us and run into the ocean.

The entire planned day turned into the 6 of us having water wars, walking the boardwalk, and enjoying the sunset with the most amazing ice cream ever.

"If I get hypothermia I'm blaming you." I say glaring at Michael.

"Love you too."

"Why didn't you guys help us?" Bella sighs, looking over to Jasper and Josh.

"I found it amusing." Jasper laughs.

"You guys are cool and all but, I didn't want that cold water all over me." Josh chuckles.

"Get it! Cool! Cause we had cold water all over us! Ha! C'mon no one laughed at that?" I frown.

"Your jokes still suck." Michael replies.


"Now I know why JT thought you guys were dating."Parker chuckles.

"JT thought you guys were dating?!" Jasper practically falls out of his folding chair.

"Yeah that was strange, I mean I hate Michael's guts." I laugh.


"Wait is JT the guy that you sit next to in graphic?" Bella questions.

"Yes he is."I slightly smile.

"He's the one who said you have a nice dress!" Bella has a moment of realization.

"Um... Yeah?"

"He's trying to steal my thunder and get her to cheer for him at the games instead of me." Parker pouts.

"It won't happen, don't worry about it ok?"

"This would be cute if I knew what this guy looked like." Bella nudges my side.

"He's just a boy Bella, I don't like him I swear."


"Guys we should really turn in for the night." Jasper yawns. I click my phone to see that is indeed 11. After all the running and swimming I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was exhausted.

"Alright, we'll go. We'll leave you guys alone tomorrow, enjoy your last day." Parker grins, grabbing Michael by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey wait I didn't agree to this!" Michael squirms.

"Well you are now. I'll buy you ice cream, now let's go!" He groans trying to push Michael while he digs his feet deep into the sand.

"You guys definitely have some strange relatives." Josh laughs.

"Tell me about it." Bella and I say in unison.

"Is this a roommate thing?" Jasper raises an eyebrow.

"Well I don't know cause like-" Bella starts.

"We finish each other's sentences sometimes, her mom didn't know which one of us were talking once." I laugh.

"Well that's not creepy at all." Jasper replies with a quizzical face.

"What's creepy is that thing Parker and Nicole do where they continuously say the same thing." Josh chuckles.

"You guys are just jealous." I stick my tongue out while grabbing my towel. I'm assuming tomorrow will be a relaxing day since we've done nothing but run around and be idiots for the past  2 days.

"Nicole, I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone is." Bella sighs, rubbing my back.

"Wow feeling the love over here."


"Jasper shh, you'll wake her up." I hear Bella slightly giggle.

"Josh are you sure you're ok with this?" Jasper asks.

"Go for it." Josh chuckles. I groan, pulling the covers over my head.


"3....2.....1." Bella whispers.

Next thing I know I'm fully drenched with ice water. I let out a small squeal at the teeth chattering cold. "I h-hate all of y-you!" I shout at the 3 idiots that stood before me.

"Morning sunshine!' Bella grins.

"We thought you could use a little bit of motivation to get up this morning." Jasper smiles.

"Now get ready! We're going skate boarding on the board walk!" Bella shakes my shoulder and runs out of the room with Josh and Jasper. I sigh removing the soaked covers and opening my overly packed suitcase. I grab a pair of shorts and a simple grey sweater. I walk downstairs to see Josh still laughing about the entire incident.

"If you weren't letting me stay here I would punch you right now." I grumble.


"You're welcome."

"Stop being a Negative Nicole and let's enjoy our last day of weekend alright nerd?" Bella sighs.

"Ma'am yes ma'am." I reply.

Josh brings us to his garage to show us the several skateboards at his disposal. Of course Bella chooses the bright pink one while I snag the black one before Jasper has a chance to grab it, forcing him to use the pokladoted one most likely meant for a smaller child.

"Let's ride!" Josh exclaims, riding onto the street like it's nothing. I've never been skateboarding before, so to sum it up, I'm doomed. Jasper tries to look cool as he rides the small skateboard, following Josh.

"Try not to hurt yourself alright?" Bella laughs as she follows the others after a little stumble or two. She just recently learned how to ride her penny board.

"Here goes nothing." I mumble. Right off the back I almost fall off the drive way. Luckily no one saw me and I just went very slow from there on.

After the others complained that I was going to slow for about 30 minutes we finally reached the boardwalk and I was beyond exhausted. Skateboarding isn't easy at all.

"Let's go Nicole, by the time we get to the end I'll have already graduated." Jasper jokes. He did have a point, he probably would.

So after continuously falling on my face and going back and forth on the peer we came back home around 2. We have a few hours before we all have to drive home. I plop on the couch, exhausted.

"That was... Exercise." Josh pants, grabbing a bottle of water.

"What else do we have left to do today?" Jasper asks, lying on the floor next to the couch.

"Game day!" Bella grins.

"Did someone say game day!?" I exclaim.

"Oh wait maybe that was a mistake." Bella has a sudden realization.

"No let's play some games." Josh smirks, walking upstairs to grab several board games. He walks back down with monopoly, a deck of cards, and Jenga.

"You're all going down!" I shout, jumping up from the couch.

"Please don't throw the Jenga blocks at me again." Bella gulps.

"That was one time!" I groan.

"You threw a Jenga block at her..." Jaspers jaw drops.

"She lost so she threw blocks at me."

"Oh my god." Josh gasps.

"Let's just start with Monopoly.." I groan.


By the time 8 rolls around we pack all of our belongings and head to our cars. "Well, thanks for having us." I smile, giving Josh a slight hug.

"Anytime, maybe we can do it again soon."

"Bring Calum Hood next time." I laugh reaching to give Jasper a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow in Graphic."

"Yeah, don't drive off a cliff." He chuckles. I grab Bella and I's stuff and throw it into the trunk of the Jeep. I grin watching Bella hug Jasper and Josh. I honk the horn making them all jump, but Bella gets the idea and runs into the passenger side.

"I don't wanna go home." She sighs.

"I know, but hey Homecoming and One Direction are really soon."

"Yeah, I know I know."

The drive back was quiet and slow. I look over to see Bella full on asleep, probably from the tiring skateboarding and my constant shouting at the others for 'cheating' in Monopoly. We have so much coming up I honestly hope we don't die from excitement and exhaustion.


Votes/ comments/ and shares mean the world to us!!

Sorry that this chapter was kind of just tons dialog. And kind of messy. But I hope you enjoyed the sass and comedy though ahaha

I love you :))



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