Ch. 14: Pete & Pat's Place

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{AN: Hey all of our beautiful readers!!! I just wanted to quickly apologize for such a late update, I promise they'll be quicker in the future. School has kept us busy lately. Also, there are a few characters in this chapter that haven't really been spoken about since chapter 2, so if you need a refresher just go ahead and check out that chapter. Hope you enjoy the update!}

"Bella, can you please tell Nicole to stop talking about that Monopoly game from the beach house? It's been almost a week and she's still accusing me of cheating," Jasper pleaded as he strolled into our video class.

"I mean I can try, but that girl is relentless when it comes to competitive games," I laughed.

"That would be much appreciated," he said sliding into the rolling chair next to me, "Whatcha doin?"

"Editing a video feature for the chalk art event. Mr. Hanks asked me to interview one of the artists and highlight a few of the best drawings."

"Oh cool! Can I help?!"

I giggled in response to his childlike eagerness. It was so adorable how much he loved this class.

"Normally I would say yes but I'm actually just adding the finishing touches so I can get it in to Mrs. Hanks by the end of class."

"Damn. Okay well then the next time you have a special project you need to let me know so I can share my brilliant expertise with you," he declared as he puffed out his chest.

"Is that so?"

"It is."

"Mmm, maybe. I'll just have to think about that one."

"Connor!" Jasper gasped, "Do you hear the sass this child is giving me?!"

Connor couldn't help but chuckle, "Who, sweet little Bella? That could never be."

"Exactly," I smiled innocently.

"Whatever, I guess I'll just keep my genius ideas to myself then."

Connor leaned back in his chair as if he were about to faint, "Oh no, how ever will we go on without your brilliant mind?"

"I'm sure Bella has got plenty of ideas," Jasper nudged me.

"Well I did learn from the best."

"Why thank you madam," he bowed.

"I was referring to Connor."

At that point everyone in our group busted up laughing. Well, everyone except for Jasper.

"I'm sorry Jasper, you know we love you."

"Yeah, yeah. I really feel the love through the sarcasm. Oh hey Connor, are we still on for tonight?"

As Connor and Jasper began discussing their plans for the evening I felt my phone start to vibrate. Tuning out the conversation, I checked my recent messages and found an urgent one from my mom.

From: Mama♡
Hey beautiful! I know it's Friday so you most likely have band practice, but we're super short on staff tonight so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind filling in for a shift?

A smile began to spread across my face as I read through my mother's text. Back in the 90s, my grandparents opened up a cute, little, authentic 50s diner called Pete & Pat's Place and it actually gained a pretty steady amount of popularity. Once Michael and I were sent off to Vail Oak our parents decided to take over the restaurant, giving our grandparents the opportunity to retire. My mom knows how much I love the place, so she never hesitates to give me a reason to visit.

To: Mama♡
I wouldn't mind at all! It's review night at practice, so I'm sure my section leader won't have a problem with me helping y'all out. See you at 5:30 :)

Ever since I became old enough to work I'd been an official employee at Pete & Pat's Place. However, I take a few month break each year due to marching band season first semester. You could say I've always been one to keep busy.

After shooting my mom a quick reply I tuned back into the conversation. At that point it had shifted from what tonight's plans are to how dreadful freshman PE was. Not exactly sure how that conversation segwayed, but it was definitely something I could ramble on about.

"Look all I'm saying is that I'm a musician, so I'm never going to need to play sports in my life anyway. So why am I being forced to play them at school?"

"I completely agree with Jasper on this one," I piped in.

"Oh look who's finally back. Hi Bella! How was your trip to lala land?"

"Quite nice actually. I'm considering buying some land there. I was even conversing with a very wise and informed realtor."

"That's no fun, just go build a house out of cotton candy on a pretty little hill somewhere and you'll be all set."

I cracked up at his response, "Why do I feel like I'm talking to my brother?"

"I do spend a lot of time around you two, the weirdness starts to rub off," he crinkled his nose in response.

"That I cannot deny. Poor Nicole never even saw it coming."

Just then the bell signaling 4th period rang. Stupid killjoy. Can't it see that I'm having a nice time talking to my friends at the moment?

Ellie groaned, "Ugh, I don't wanna leave. This class is my happy place." 

"Agreed. Let's all just go to my cotton candy house in lala land."

"Sounds good to me!" Connor perked up.

"Cool, meet y'all there in ten," I smiled as I walked towards the door.

Up next I had US History, which I was definitely better at than World History. Maybe that's just because I clicked with my teacher better this year. Her name is Miss Ramona, a single, independent woman, barely reaching her thirties. I always had the best time talking to her.

She actually attended Vail Oak not too many years ago herself. According to gossip, she was one of the most popular girls on campus with perfect grades, the cutest face, and high participation in various athletics. Then once senior year came around, apparently Miss Ramona found more peace in the simpler things in life. So throughout college she laid  low and took on the life of a 70's hippie.

Normally I wouldn't indulge in teacher gossip, but I can't get enough of the stories on Miss Ramona. She hardly ever shares personal stories, but when she does they line up perfectly with the theories on her. I should ask her about her high school life sometime, but I think it would wreck me if the rumors weren't true.

"Hey Miss Ramona, what it is?" I chirped as I strolled into class. Miss Ramona's class for me was like Tennessee for a southern girl. I couldn't help but slip into the hippie slang that lingered in the atmosphere.

"Not so ace for you guys. I'm assigning an essay on the responsibilities of The Man today."

"Awe common Miss Ramona, you know that's a boge idea."

"Well I guess you'll all have to keep on truckin through it then. I have order I have to keep."

I slumped down in my seat, "Bummer. I guess I'll just make you a deal then. We write this essay on presidential duties and then you come eat at Pete and Pat's place around 6:30 tonight so I can show you my far out waitressing skills."

She shook her head and laughed, "Alright I can dig it. However, I'm catching the drift that you just want a dang good tip from your favorite teacher."

I shrugged, "That does sound like an ace idea, but I was just hoping to see a familiar face during my shift."

"I'm down, so I'll catch ya then. For now though," she slipped me a paper, "here's your essay assignment."

Thankfully enough, I actually zipped through the essay and straight into lunch. Yet of course whenever you have big plans on a Friday night, the soul crushing school clock always enjoys taking it's sweet old time. So the rest of my day did not fly by as quickly.

At least I had English to look forward to at the end of the day. Our current until was tilted "Poems of the Past," which in my opinion is highly unoriginal but I'm a big fan of poetry so I don't really mind. As long as I get to spend some class time enveloped in the wondrous words of Robert Frost or Maya Angelou my teacher could call the unit Happy Poem Fun Time for all I care.

When the last bell finally rang it conveniently interrupted my silent reading, yet for once I wasn't upset. I actually couldn't of been more relieved, school has made me a bit of a stress case lately. Spending a night in Pete and Pat's Place will be a breath of fresh air, that's for sure.

As I began my journey from the English hall to my dorm, I heard a familiar voice a few feet behind me.

"Hey Bella!"

I slowed my speed walk to a light stroll, turning around slightly to find Jasper stumbling across the courtyard like a baby deer.

He's definitely got that Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde effect to him. One minute he's some hot, sarcastic, mysterious musician then out of nowhere he's this adorable mega nerd you can't help but giggle at.

After a few more seconds of him bumping into various benches, trash cans, and teenagers he fell into his "cool guy stroll" right by my side.

"I'm surprised you made it over here in one piece Bambi," I giggled, "Your glasses could use some help though."

His fingertips met with the white frames as he adjusted them on his face. He appeared a bit frazzled about something, which is odd considering he doesn't take most things too seriously.

Finally he blurted, "You going to practice tonight?"

I slowed my pace again, wondering why he would want to know whether or not I'd be at practice.

"Actually I am not. I'm working a shift down at my grandparent's old diner tonight. Why'd you ask?"

He was just standing there fumbling with the hem of his navy blue Fender shirt when realization dawned on me. Him and Connor were talking about their plans for later tonight, he's probably planning on skipping practice too.

"Ohh you're planning on skipping huh?"

"Uh yeah, that's actually what I wanted to talk about..."

I placed my hand on his shoulder to reassure him, "Dude it's cool, we all miss practice sometimes. I know you're a section leader so it's probably stressful, but missing one night of review won't hurt."

His worry filled eyes finally met mine as his hand dropped down to his side. Then after one frozen minute in time later he cracked a small smile, "Uh yeah, you're right. Thanks Bella, I needed that."

"Anytime," I smiled, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go get ready for work. Have a nice night with Connor!"

"Have a nice night being a servant to the masses!"

"Uh that's server not servant," I corrected him.

"If you say so," he chuckled and went back to his day.

With two hours left until I needed to report for my shift, I headed back to my dorm to enjoy a regenerating nap. I needed to ensure that I'm in my best mood with the customers at all times. So I might as well do up my hair while I'm at it. I'm not usually prissy, but a good hair day is always just a good day in general.

At around 4:45 I was doing the finishing touches on my work worthy appearance when Nicole barged through the door fumbling with a large stack of papers. Her good friend Maya shortly followed carrying two cups of Starbucks coffee.

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Maya told me both those coffees are for you," I joked at Nicole without even glancing away from my makeup mirror.

She huffed in response as she dumped the various school related papers in an unorganized pile on her bed. It's a good thing I was on my way out because that set my OCD off like no other.

"I'm not saying that both those coffees are for me because they're not, but even if they were, I would have a legitimate excuse because TAing for an AP teacher is a lot of work."

"My only concern is that you don't lose yourself in that stack of papers, I'm off to work and I need you alive when I get back."

Nicole slipped a laugh as she began nursing on her coffee, "Don't worry, Maya will be here to help keep me alive and well."

"Perfect, much thank to you Maya," I smiled.

As if it were on cue I got her sweetheart smile in return. We've never really said much to each other, but it didn't take much to realize how nice she is.

By the time I had completed my look it was 4:50, meaning I needed to hurry. Thankfully Michael finally saved up enough money for his own used car, I use to leave an hour before my shift even started to swing by his place and offer him a ride. I can definitely say I feel like the oldest sibling at times.

"Hey Nicole, is it cool if I take the Jeep for the night? I'm going down to the diner," I asked whilst pocketing the keys.

"No Bella, you pay for only half the Jeep so you only get it for half the night."

"I'm running late as it is, I don't have time for your sass, nerd."

"Yes of course you can take the car Bella," she chuckled, "Have fun, tell Michael I said hi!"

"Will do," I shouted over my shoulder as the door to our room came to a close.

The traffic was light so I managed to make it to work just barely on time. Of course Michael had already been here for hours, he has a way of floating around to be wherever he wants whenever he wants. I guess that's just the life of a guy who's only real priorities in are to eat, play music, and maintain his job at In-N-Out.

"Yo look who it is! My baby sister the band geek!" Michael slid across the back counter and into bear hugging me.

"Sup?" I managed to wheeze out, I guess all those hours of guitar playing can really add some strength to a man's arms.

"Nothin' muc-" he gasped mid sentence, "Wait! Does this mean little goodie two shoes has gone rogue and skipped band practice?!"

I shoved him aside with my hip managing to slip out of reach of his iron strong grasp. A little trick I had to learn to provide me with an escape route from his "big brotherly love." Basically meaning when he feels the need to express his love for me through nougies or wet willies.

"Oh shut up, I see no problem with following the rules."

"Which is exactly why I prefer Olivia spending time with her sister," my mom piped in smiling.

"Mom!" I rushed over to the kitchen door to engulf her in a hug.

"I've missed you Bella," she said smiling into my hair, "You ready to work?"

"Hell yeah I am! Uh I mean um, sorry. I've been spending a lot more time with Michael."

"Wow! Thanks Bella! Way to throw your favorite person ever under the bus!"

"Oops," I smirked.

My mom couldn't help but laugh, "Okay you two are on the clock now so no more fighting."

"Good luck with that one," Michael scoffed.

"At least behave yourselves when your dad brings Olivia in for dinner."

"Olivia is coming?!" I shouted with excitment.

My mom noded in response.

I hadn't seen my little sister in close to 2 months, which to some would sound like a major blessing. I however, have missed her like crazy, which I guess is a positive alternative to living with her and barely being able to stand her.

"I'm so excited! Miss Ramona promised to come in later tonight too," I squealed.

"Well it looks like you're going to be pretty popular tonight."

"Oh you have no idea," Michael nudged me smiling like the Chesire Cat on crack.

"What are you smiling at?"

Grabbing both my shoulders, Michael spun me around in the direction of the door. Walking in was none other than Jasper, Connor, and two girls who I assumed were their dates. So that's why Jasper was talking to me about skipping practice.

"Dude, we are going to have so much fun with this."

"Oh hell yeah we are," Michael high fived me.

"Let's just hope they're seated in one of our sections."

"I mean it shouldn't be too hard considering Breana is the only other server on staff tonight."

"What happened to Mia?" I asked about our other on call waitress getting sidetracked.

"How should I know? You need to be focusing though look, they're being seated in your section!"

"Oh! Show time!" I sang.

I decided to make my rounds before getting to their table. Checking how every other customer was doing while skillfully dodging both Jasper's and Conor's line of sight. After a good 7 minutes I decided they had waited long enough. It was time for some fun.

"Well howdy y'all, fancy seeing ya here!" I perked up in the best southern drawl I could manage.

Connor looked up from his menu almost immediately and began to stifle the laugh threatening to escape his lips. Jasper on the other hand, could of cared less to look up from the intense game of tic-tac-toe he had going on with some really pretty brunette chick I had never seen before.

"What can I start y'all off with to drink?!"

"My girlfriend and I will each have a glass of water and we'll be sharing one of your famous chocolate malts," Connor smiled politely.

"I'll be sure our cook whips up the best of the batch for you sweethearts. As for you Jasper?"

That finally got his attention. His head shot up faster than our school's quickest track star. I could have sworn his eyes were the size of bowling balls until he realized who his waitress was.

"Bella? Wait, this is the old diner your grandparents own."

"Yup, the one and only. Now would you and your date like something to drink or would you rather just swap saliva?"

I could hear Michael from behind the counter bust up at that one. Although Jasper's cheeks only heated up to a slight shade of pink, so I knew I could do better.

"Um I'll have a Dr. Pepper, what would you like Stephanie?" He asked his date.

"I'll just take a water thank you," she sounded a bit flustered. I'll have to keep that in mind for future jokes I make.

"Sounds good. I'll have those out in just a minute."

I skipped back to where Michael was inside the kitchen. As soon as I got through the door he was patting me on the back.

"You, my geek of a sister, have got some game, I'm not gonna lie."

"A bit grotesque I know, but I couldn't help it."

"BELLA!" An abrupt yell sounded followed by an intense tackling from my very small yet powerful little sister.

"Hey Olivia! How are you cutie?!" I smiled wrapping my arms around her.

"Really good. Mama said I get to help make the ice cream sundays tonight. Isn't that cool?"

"Very! Maybe one day we'll be able to run the diner together."

"As long as I get to make the ice cream, you got a deal," she shook my hand wildly.

"Well I'm glad to hear it. I think we both better get to work right now though.

"Yeah, so we can train more!" She beamed.

"Exactly, I'll talk to you later okay? Love you."

"Love you too!" She ran off in the direction of the freezer.

Just then Michael unloaded a tray of drinks onto me. I managed to take the unexpected weight and almost smack him in the face with the tray at the same time. Neither of which were an accident.

I made my way over to Jasper and Connor being sure to have only the best comebacks resting in my mind. I'm sure they'd mainly be directed at Jasper though, Connor was too sweet to humiliate.

"I'm back!"

"That was longer than a minute," Jasper remarked.

"Well I guess somebody doesn't want his Dr. Pepper," I teased in a baby voice.

"You wouldn't dare."

"You're right I wouldn't. I'm too nice, unlike some people..."

"Damn Bella, firing all the shots tonight aren't you?" Connor laughed.

"I try. So are y'all ready to order?"

"I know I am little chickity," a woman replied from behind me.

"Miss Ramona! You showed!" I ran over to give my favorite teacher a hug.

"Well duh," she retorted in her valley girl impersonation.

"I'll be right over to take your order."

The rest of the night continued on in a movie scene fashion. When I wasn't harassing poor Jasper, Michael made sure to stop by their table and provide me with some back up. Miss Ramona was a pleasure to have around as always, keeping our conversations about The Beatles and world peace quite extensive. Before I knew it, the clock read 9:30 meaning only 30 more minutes until closing.

Miss Ramona asked for a check after her 5th malt and head out shortly after. Connor and Jasper finished up their double date right around the same time, providing me with enough time for one more round of jokes.

"Here's your check, I'm so sad to see y'all leaving. It's been a real pleasure," I smiled as innocently as I could.

"I would have to agree," Connor returned the smile.

"I'm pretty sure Stephanie is my favorite person at the moment."

I placed my hands over my heart, "Awe, come on Jasper, you know you couldn't live without us."

"Yeah okay sure," even with the embarrassed undertone to his voice, Jasper couldn't help but smile.

"See you both on Monday!"

"See ya Bella!" They replied in unison.

I decided to start cleaning up the tables considering we would only be getting a few stragglers between now and 10. I was sad to see the night end, but was looking forward to a nice shower and a long night of sleep.

Just as I had finished cleaning my last table, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a boy about my age stroll through the door. I assumed he was either a stoner here to satisfy his munchies or a tired student looking for a place to relax after a late night of studying. That's the usual crowd of teens we see at this time.

For the millionth time that day I had heard another unexpected yet familiar voice call me out, "Bella?"

I glanced up into the pair of soft, warm eyes belonging to Josh. I couldn't help but smile when he came around, even if I wasn't technically supposed to be into him at the moment.

"Hey Josh! How was practice?"

He practically jogged over to hug me before replying, "Boring as review usually is. I didn't realize you would be working tonight. Actually I didn't even realize you had a job."

"Oh yeah," I smiled sheepishly, "My grandparents are the owners of the diner so I work here when I can."

"That's sick, ya know, having a stable job like that."

"I couldn't agree more. So what brought you to Pete and Pat's Place?" I leaned on the counter trying to keep my cool.

"I originally came in for an after practice snack but I have something else in mind now," he leaned in closer.

"Which is?"

"How would you like to go stargazing with me?"

AN: I realize it has been months since our last update, so I could never thank everyone who is still reading enough. We really do love what this story is becoming and hope our readers are as well. I promise we'll try our best to keep a good pace going with updating!

Be sure to favorite, comment, and share :)


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