Ch. 15- 113 Degrees

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Nicole's P.O.V


"Nicole!!" My lovely roommate screeches.

I groan in response.

"Do you know what day it is!?"

I sigh thinking of the week so far. I almost fall out of bed and jump up to my feet. "1 day until the One Direction concert!"

"Yeah!! I can't believe I'm going to see them for the first time!" She smiles, still in her pajamas.

"Second for me,  go me." I laugh, giving my self a high five.

"Why am I friends with you again?"

"Cause I get us One Direction tickets?"

"That's a valid point." She grins, taking a glace at the clock. "Crap! We've got twenty minutes to get ready!"

"Pft, twenty minutes. Honestly Bella, learn from the master. Oh wait, how did that star gazing thing with Josh go last week. You mentioned it to me, but I forgot to really ask about it."

"Oh it was really nice, he had a blanket and everything." She smiles. "It was probably just a friendly gesture though."

"Mmhm." I smirk, raising my eyebrows.

"Shut up."

After Bella practically tore apart our entire closet trying to figure out a quick outfit to wear we finished getting ready and ran to math class.


"T-minus 28 hours until we jam at an awesome concert." I cheer setting my backpack on our lunch table.

"I still don't see what you see in them." Maya sticks her tongue out at me.

"Maybe someday you'll understand me."

"Are you going to kiss Niall, Bella?" our friend Chris asks. Most of my friends have known him since middle school, but he just recently started sitting next to us again. He's a loud Mexican that pushes your limits and buttons, but he's like a brother to me.

"Dude, I wish." Bella grins. "But, I'm going to party with my concert buddy here, we'll send you pictures of Nicole crying." She laughs, eating her pretzels.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes.

"Wait, so you guys are skipping Homecoming?" Alexis frowns.

"Worth it." I shrug, finishing my sandwich.

"I mean we can always go next year? Plus we went sophomore year remember?" Bella inputs.

"That's always true." Alexis shrugs. "Oh! Nicole did you make the basketball team?!"

"Yes I did." I grin from ear to ear. "They'll post positions next week."

"Congrats!" Everyone around the table congratulates me on my success some with high fives. 

Bing. Bing. Bing.

"They need to make lunch longer! I barley have time to finish my sandwich." Maya sighs, wrapping the rest up and throwing it away.

"Or maybe you just need to eat faster." I reply.

"Calm down sarcastic pants, don't you have to go design some graphics." Chris chuckles.

"Not exactly... But, I'll just go do that. See you losers at the game!" I cheer, making my way to Graphic Design. Since my class is so spirited and practically just full of jocks, everyone is wearing red and gold for the upcoming game. I take my seat and log into my computer, waiting for further instruction.

"Alright class, as you know we're making real life models out of the one's that you made on the program last week. So please remember to get supply's if you can. I have a few things, but supplies are very limited. Beg your roommates and siblings if you have to." Ms.G grins.

"When is this due?" Jordan asks.

"End of Monday. So divide and conquer, today finish up the final touches on your digital version and discuss with your groups what you need and who's getting what. Go ahead and start now."

"I can bring tape and a ruler." Matthew starts us off, finally putting his book down.

"Uh I can bring cardboard, I have a lot left from when I shot rockets in the park!" Adam grins, seeming to be more excited about the old rockets rather than the project.

"I can bring the actual clay, I have some from another project." JT shrugs.

"So uhh.. about that." I speak up.

"Oh wow Nicole is gonna bail on us and make us do all the work! Saw this coming!" JT throws his arms up in outburst, trying to embarrass me.

"Actually, I just can't any supplies this weekend, I'm going to a concert with my friend and we're not gonna have time for really any stops."

"Why can't you can't get it tonight?" Matthew raises an eyebrow, not believing my excuse.

"Cause she's going to my game, she always does." JT chuckles.

"That's actually right, I always go to the games to see my brother." I grin. "I'll pay anyone who can get it back, I promise."

"Nah I got it, I'm just playing with you." JT laughs and gets back to his work. We've been working on making a vase on the computer, using different tools and shape things I would never be able to put a word on.

"Nicole do I get a pun today?" Matthew asks me. I've been telling punny jokes everyday for a straight week and now Matthew never stops asking me for more of them.

"Let me think... Oh! Why was the egg sad?"

"Why?" He grins, already happy by my untold joke.

"Cause he wasn't being egg-knowledged"

"Why do I talk to you?" Jasper sighs, walking past my table.

"Cause you know I'm a million times better at you in monopoly!"

"You won 3 weeks ago! Let it go for the love of God!"


"Onto the fourth quarter here, Vail Oak is really hurting this game, falling behind by 21 points. There's twelve minutes on the clock with three touchdowns to tie."

"C'mon!! Let's see some offense out there!!" I yell at the players below, getting more frustrated at our team by the second. 

"Okay Nicole! Let's see some peace and quiet right here!" Michael yells in my ear.

"You can't see quiet Michael!" I scream, my excitement and anger pumping.

"Out of all the people, Bella chose you. Why? I still don't know."

"Shut up, you love me."

"I think he loves you more than I love One Direction." Maya laughs, towering over my left side. She's a gentle giant that one.

"Sadly, I think that's true. But, you love me too Maya. It's okay, you don't have to lie to yourself."

"Hey, Bella's waving you down." Michael points to her little sister sitting in the band section.

"Save my spot. If anyone takes it, I'm not giving you any of my Twizzlers for Halloween." I glare at him. He stands straight, saluting me as I bump into a countless amount of my peers. "You waved?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you were going to leave early?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Cause I think we're going to lose this one.." Bella frowns. She's probably just sad since she hasn't been able to play the victory song very many times this game.

"Hey, keep up a good attitude we can still win this!" I cheer.

"Touchdown Central High School!"

"Aw c'mon!"


I hear the blinds scream open as the bright sunlight rushes into my room, the warmth protruding onto my skin. "Bella, it's Saturday.." I sigh, throwing my sheets over my face. We had a pretty bad loss yesterday so there was no celebratory pizza with Bella and Michael. We'll get them next time anyway. 

"Yes it is Saturday, but what Saturday is it exactly my amazing friend?"

I throw my blanket off of me instantly, "One Direction Saturday!" 

"Damn right it is!"

"Oh my god we have to get ready! I need to get dressed and find my sign and make sure I have sunscreen! And and and-!" I breathe, trying to catch up with my own words. 

"Slow down! If we leave in two hours we should be there around 3 and the concert starts at 7! We'll be okay!"

"Right.. Thanks Bella. But hurry up! Let's get ready! I need to hear the people who will never know I exist!" 

"You're such a handful..." She sighs. 

"Where's the sunscreen?!"

"God knows you need it." Bella laughs, getting the sunscreen out of the one of the cabinets. She tosses it to my bed and we continue to get ready.

After about two hours of getting ready, making breakfast, and screaming the lyrics to their songs we finally make it out of our dorm and into our jeep. "Are you sure you wanna drive? You look like you're about to pass out." Bella chuckles, putting on her ray-bans.

"Let's hope we make it." I tease,  putting the vehicle in reverse and making our way to Anaheim. The drive was full of small dance moves and loud music. 

"We're almost there!" I grin, bubbling with excitement.

"How are we going to get our signs in exactly?" Bella questions, shifting in her seat.

"We hide them? Duh."

"Oh shut up." She lightly shoves my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll get in with no problem." I continue straight for several minutes until I finally find a parking spot. "This'll be a nightmare to get out of."

"Isn't it in all concerts?"


We grab our bags and posters, shoving the posters to the bottom of our bags. "You wanna grab merch?"

"Yeah let's get rid of all the money we've worked so long for." She laughs.

"You know what, it's totally worth it." I shrug, making my way to the merch line, sweat already tricking down my neck. "How hot was it supposed to be today?" I sigh, fanning myself.

"Let me check.." She grabs her phone out of her pocket, switching to her weather app. "Oh my god."

"Oh no, what is it?"

"113 is the high of the day.."

"At what time?"

"Now to 6." She groans, slipping her phone back into her pocket.

"We're gonna die."

"We will with that attitude!" Bella exclaims.

"Thank you Bella, for your never ending positive attitude."

"You're welcome." She smiles, walking up to the merch stand. She buys a white One Direction shirt while I buy a black one with a glowing stick thing that changes color's when you press the button.

"Let's go grab our seats." I smile, already feeling like death from the heat.

"Alright, dude it's so hot outside... There's a sign that say's we can't bring in water!"

"No! You're kidding!" I almost scream in agony. "113 degrees and we can't bring in water!"

"Drink while you can." Bella sighs, grabbing her water from her bag. She opens it and chugs down the entire bottle. I do the same and throw the other bottles away. "We're in a drought this is not good for the environment."

"Try telling that to the big security guards 50 feet away from us."

"I see your point." She shrugs.  We wait for about twenty more minutes until we finally reach the front of the line. Bella walks in with no problem, scanning her ticket while security checks her bag. She walks past the security officer and waits for me.

I scan my ticket and wait for the guard to check my bag. He shuffles through and looks up at me. "Excuse me ma'am. What's at the bottom here?"

Crap. "It's a poster.." I frown, trying to figure a way to keep it.

"You'll have to throw that away."

"But I worked so hard on it." I look up at the officer, giving him the most innocent look I can muster, trying to signal him to make an exception.

"I know I'm really sorry.. There's trash cans up there. I'm sorry sweetheart."

I  nod, keeping my head down. I slowly grab my poster out of my bag, walking with Bella to the entrance to the stadium. We pass the trash cans as I whisper, "Run Bella, run!"

She glances at me, laughing. We book it like robbers at a diamond store, making it inside with no further problems.  "I can't believe you just did that!" She laughs, shaking her head at me.

"I worked hard on this! I'm not just gonna give it away!"

"True, I wonder how he didn't see mine.."


"Nicole, you're literally the whitest person I know."

"Shhh, that's not important. Let's go grab our seats and see One Direction!"


"Totally worth ditching Homecoming."

"Oh totally worth it."


11 P.M strikes the clock and the concert comes to an end. I look around the stadium to see 70,000 girls and their parents making their way through the exits. Everyone looks sad, exhausted, and covered in sweat and tears. We are also those people.

"Okay we need to hurry up, we haven't had water in 8 hours and it was 113 degrees. I don't know how we're still standing." Bella comments, walking ahead of me.

"We need to find the car first and good luck trying to get out of here. Concert's are nightmares, especially One Direction Concerts. This isn't my first rodeo."

"I'm so happy we packed extra water in the car."

"It's probably boiling but any water is good enough for me right now."

"Agreed. We we're actually swaying back and forth on the bleachers. There's no way that that's okay."

We finally find our car after searching for half an hour. I quickly unlock it and dive straight for the cooler. I open it as fast as I can and throw the waters and Gatorades into Bella's seat. We open the Gatorade and chug the entire bottle down. The bottle starts to cave in from the suction and temporarily get's stuck to my face. I finish it and throw it in the side door. Bella finishes soon after but struggles to get the bottle off of her face. "You good there?" I laugh as she rips the bottle of her face making a loud 'pop' noise.

"Ow!" She groans, licking her top lip.

"Smooth. Buckle up we're going home." I sigh, clicking in my seat belt.

"I wanna go back.." Bella frowns.

"Me too.. Even though we're still in the parking lot."

"Doesn't mean I still don't miss them!"

"Say goodbye." I sigh, putting the Jeep into reverse.

Bella waves goodbye as we go into the never ending line of traffic exiting the stadium.

Through the endless hours of traffic (aka 30 minutes) Bella turns on the radio and we listen without saying a word. Post Concert Depression is actually the worst thing ever.

After a complete car ride full of silence and sadness we pull into the school parking garage and unload our car. "My lip still hurts.." Bella groans, slightly poking her upper lip.

"So you're poking it?"

"Oh like you would do anything different."

"Touché." We walk to our dorm room in practically just darkness and silence. It's 3 A.M. so I didn't exactly expect anyone to be walking around campus. Well, unless it was for party or drug purposes, then that's completely understandable.

I unlock the door and throw my merch onto my bed. "I'm so sad!" I exclaim, laying down in the middle of the room on the floor.

"I am too, but c'mon we gotta get changed and get some sleep."

"But I'm not tired mom!" Loopiness coming over my brain from an exhausting day.

"Well too bad!" She yells, trying not to laugh.

"Uhh.. Bella?"

"Yes, Nicole?"

"There's something on your lip."

"What?!" She rubs her face, nothing coming off of her. She runs to the mirror and grabs a bottle of water. She drenches a towel and tries to clean what ever is on her face. "It isn't coming off!!"

"Come here.." I sigh. She walks over to me and I look at her upper lip. "So.. It hurts when you touch it?"


"And it's black and purple..."


"Bella! You got a hickey from a Gatorade bottle!" I burst into laughter and lay back on the floor, unable to stop.

"No! My first hickey is not from a Gatorade bottle! Are you kidding me?!"

"Oh my god! I can't stop laughing!"

"It's not that funny!" She pouts, covering her lip with her hand. 

"Yes it is! If this happened to me you'd be dying." I cry out, holding my stomach from the pain of laughing so hard.

"This is so embarrassing.."

"Oh I'm sure pretty boy won't notice. Unless you kiss him. Then he'll definitely notice."

Her cheeks go red as she turns around, trying to ignore me and get changed.

I change into my pajamas and lay down in my bed, exhaustion taking over me.

Bella lays down and shuffles around. "Hey Nicole?"

"What." I whine, dragging out my vowels.  My eyes feel heavy and soon begin closing themselves.

"Do you like anyone?"

"I like you." I giggle, playing with my blankets.

"I know that, but like a boy?"

"Parker is lovely."

"That's not related to you.." She sighs.

"I love Michael, but he's like my other brother.."

"Nicole.. I know.. Do you like a boy that I don't know about?"

"JT is really funny. I like him, he make's me happy." I grin, giggling like there's no tomorrow. I'm so sleepy I wish it was this easy to fall asleep everyday.

Bella mumbles something that I can't decipher.

"Bella! You'll need to speak up! I've lost my hearing in my old age!" I groan.

"Nicole, you're seventeen?"

"You're seventeen."

"No Nicole, I'm sixteen."

"Out of ten!"

"Thank you. Nicole we need to sleep, you're speaking nonsense like you do after every concert."

"Fight me! You're nonsense!" I yell, punching the air above me.

"Goodnight nerd." She slightly laughs.

"Night loser." I smile, tucking my head under my blankets. 


Yeahhhh I'm a little late this time. AP classes take over your life, take it from me.

BUTTTT! Thanks for reading! (I almost put watching)

I hope you enjoyed! If you did, vote/comment/ and share with your friends!

I'm sorry the updates are kinda slow, Lex and I are super busy with school and stuff.

We love you guys and thanks for all of the reads!!



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