Ch. 4- The First Big Game

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{Bella's POV}

"TODAY'S THE DAY! FIRST VARSITY HOME FOOTBALL GAME! You excited?" Nicole exclaimed while slamming her teal Jansport backpack down on our circular lunch table.

I chuckled at her excitement, "Stoked, but for much different reasons than you I'm sure."

"Ah right, you've got your first marching band performance and Mr. Fringe is coming."

"Well that and unlike you I have no interest in football players and their booties."

"HEYYY!" she shoved me, "I'll have you know even though they've got some nice butts, I still enjoy watching my big bro dominate."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Whatever."

The rest of my classes felt like a total drag as expected; it usually always happened when I was excited for marching band. I have my class with that Jasper guy right before lunch and let me tell you, I have never seen someone so excited for a performance in my life. Marching band must be what he lives for because he was just as excited to perform as Nicole was about the football booti- I mean "watching her brother dominate." Finally the bell rang after what felt like centuries and I was free. I stopped at my locker on the way back to my dorm to drop off a few things.

"Hey Bella!" I was startled by the sudden hello until I realized who it came from.

"Oh hey Wyatt, how are you?" I quickly hugged him before shutting my locker. Wyatt has been my best guy friend since I was in 5th grade, we use to be neighbors before we started going to Vail Oak. He's a year younger than me, a little less than average height, blonde hair, brown eyes, freckles, and spent all of his time playing football or video games. Everyone thought we were either dating or related when we were kids.

"I've been good, haven't seen you much since school started though."

"Yeah, we've both been crazy busy. How's JV football going?"

"Great! What about marching band?"

"Pretty awesome, we've got our first performance at the game tonight. You going?" I nudged his shoulder.

"Of course! I'll wave to you from the stands."

"Alright," I laughed, "Catch ya later."

Once 5:00 rolled around, I decided to head over to the field a little early knowing Nicole would be there. Making my way across campus I mentally thanked 6th grade me for choosing to play the flute, I couldn't imagine having to lug around a tuba. As I approached the feild, I saw my roomie in the stands just as I suspected with bright red lipstick on and coffee in hand.

"You know I'm surprised they let you sit out here all the time, shouldn't be considered loitering by now?" I asked as I slowly approached her.

"Ha-ha." She replied clearly not amused, "the coach actually loves that I'm here so much. He said he's never seen such a strong brother sister bond before."

"Pffttt, oh yeah, that's rich. Guess he doesn't know the real reason you enjoy coming so much."

"No, that would be you."

"Let me ask you something. Why do you sit in the exact same middle row every day?"

"Well you see, if I sit too close the players will be able to see where my eyes are looking and if I'm too far back they're too tiny to- wait a second."

I started cracking up louder than a hyena.

"That's not fair! I got it down to a science and you know how much I love to sound smart," she pouted.

Through my laughter I managed to choke out, "You're just mad I got you to admit why you're really here."

"I think it's time for you to go."

I heard the band major's whistle indicating it was time to line up, "You're lucky it is."

After our extensive warm ups and run through, I can't even tell you how many times I've heard the word reset, we all got suited up and relaxed waiting for the big performance.

I was having a nice conversation with my friend Alex when I heard a certain saxophonists' voice call out my name from behind, "Bella! Hey! Over here!" I turned around and saw Jasper awkwardly jogging towards me with his sax clunking around his neck.

"Hey Jasper, what's up?" I smiled at him.

"Who was that guy you hugged earlier today?"

Well someone's not into beating around the bush, "Excuse me?"

"The blonde by your locker..."

"Oh you mean Wyatt. He's my best guy friend. Why?"

It was dark out but I could have sworn in that moment I saw his cheeks redden, "Just wondering, I uh thought I knew him but I guess I don't." Just then our band director called us to attention and I thanked the lord because it could not have been a more perfect moment.


In unison we all lined up and got ready to march. I was surprised with how well I kept my composure; my adrenalin was probably pumping faster than the Energizer Bunny's. As we strut across the barely lit campus I could clearly see the shinning stadium causing my excitement to grow even more with each passing second. Suddenly the crowd was within earshot and I could hear the roar of the attenders and the rattling of the steal stands. This was my passion. We finally made it to the field, leaving the dark of night being engulfed into the bright lights of the stadium. After playing our intro, and killing it might I add, we found our way to our seats and removed our shakos, aka the funny hats we wear with the feather looking thing sticking out of it. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from Michael and sure enough I did.


Where are youuu?






I didn't drag my butt back down to my old high school just to be haunted by old memories, come give your idiot brother a hug.

He's certainly something special that man-child. After asking Alex to watch my flute I snuck away and headed over to the snack bar where we always met up so he could stuff his face with cheap high school football game food. I immediately spotted out his dirty blonde fringe in the crowd of more clean cut academy kids. As tradition I ran up and jumped on his back purposely dropping all my weight to make it harder on him.

"Jeez Bella, lay of the chilly cheese fries."

I hopped off his back and glared at him, "I don't even like chilly cheese fries, that's you."

He looked up in the sky as if he had to remember, "Oh yeah that's right," he smirked as he shoveled a nacho into his mouth. "Why are you just standing there? I believe when you see your favorite person on the planet the appropriate response would be to hug them."

"Yes, and when I meet Demi Lovato I will do just that."

"Just shut up and give me a hug." We giggled as I embraced him praying he wouldn't get any ideas with that nacho cheese of his.

Then out of nowhere, Michael pulled me close and began to whisper, "What's up with Nicole and her starring problem there?"

I hadn't even realized Nicole was here she had been so quiet. I was use to her starring, but never this intently.

"Uh Earth to Nicole?"

She shook her head, "Huh what yes?"

"You got the hots for one of them jocks out there?" Michael winked.

"Psh what no!"

"Nicole," I scolded, "You will tell me who this boy is."

"It's nothing I promise."

We all started to laugh at her denial. I was just so happy in that moment. I was with my favorite people in one of my favorite places. Life was actually pretty amazing. ____________________________________________________________________

Hey loves! I deeply apologize for not updating in so long :( But we promise our updates will be closer togther from now on!

Thank you so much for 200 reads!!! It's mind blowing and we're so greatful.

I hope you enjoyed the update :)

Feel free to like and comment!

Until next update xx- Lex

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