Ch. 5- No One Likes Monday

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Nicole's POV

Monday. No one likes Monday. However, Monday is the day everyone talks about the game that we had the previous Friday. It's basically because everyone's too busy working on their homework or trying to have a social life on their weekends. We may go to a boarding school, but we don't tend to talk about school related topics on our weekends.

In math everyone seems be to talking about our amazing 56-21 victory, not that I could judge. My brother caught one of the passes and made one of those outstanding touchdowns.

Gotta love being related to a Jacobs.

"Nicole.. Pst.." Bella whispers.


"What did you get for number 5?"

"The square root of 23?"

"I give up.." She sighs.

"You got a whole year to figure it out." I chuckle and get up to turn in the worksheet that was given to us. We were almost late due to my.. Snooze button accident? Well okay I might've turned my phone off after the first 4 alarms. I really wasn't feeling it today. What would I do without Bella?

Not make it to class on time, that's for sure.

Lucky for me it's only Monday and people don't care if I'm having a lazy day. So a grey tank top and yoga pants is okay. In my opinion, everyone should dress like this. Just saying, It's so comfortable!


"Wow video is a lot more work than I thought it would be." Bella sighs throwing her rainbow Galaxy Jansport backpack onto red lunch table.

"Isn't this like your first day of actual work?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I just realized how many things actually go into the dumb announcements." She replies digging for her lunch inside of her backpack.

"Hey everyone will come up to you since you'll be on 'TV'." Alexis laughs.

"Very true... Is that Parker?" Bella asks, pulling on her sun glasses. Lucky me, my glasses are transitions and turn into sunglasses in the sun. They look pretty lame though..

But sure enough there was my older brother with all of his jock friends. I only knew a few of them, but they didn't treat me like I was just his younger sister. Thank god.

"I'm going to go see if he wants to buy me coffee."

"But you had some this morning?" Alexis questions me.

"Graphic Design requires a lot of energy okay.." That and I just really like coffee.

"I'll take your word for it."

"If Maya comes by, tell her I said I'll be back soon." I announce getting out of my seat.

Maya is one of my closest friends. She's a Cross Country and Track runner so she's SUPER skinny. Along with the fact that she's 5'10", she's one of the nicest people I know. Her brown hair and blue eyes are to die for, I don't know how she's still single. Too bad she's not on the basketball team, she'd be a great center.

"Hello Parker Jacobs." I smile giving him a little hug.

"I'm guessing you want coffee.." He sighs.

"Yes please. Graphic Design is really tiring."

"I would, but I'm actually out of cash right now."

So much for that. "That's fine, see you at your prac-" The bell rings before I can finish my sentence. Oh yeah. Shorter periods on Mondays. School starts an hour later on Mondays.

I groan while grabing my backpack from the table and make my way to Graphic Design. We'll be presenting on Thursday so that means career dress again... Yay.

Note the sarcasm.

I make my way to my seat and as usual, everyone in my row is there before me. I have to awkwardly shuffle between Ms. G's desk and Matthew's seat to be in the middle of Matthew and JT... I usually accidentally end up hitting Matthew with my backpack..


"Hey you went to my game on Friday right?" JT says shifting towards me.

"Oh yeah I sit right in the middle every time."

"You see me tackle that guy!? Number 32?" He replies excitingly.

"Just say you did or he'll get sad." Mrs. Larson, the autistic student assistant, giggles. JT was partnered with an autistic kid named Adam Grimshold. He just looses his temper easily and interrupts from time to time. I can't say much about him since I haven't really had a conversation with him even though he's in my physics class as well since we're in the same grade.

"Yeah I saw you. You did great." I smile. I actually did see him, it was a great tackle. There would be no point in lying to him.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"Hey lions! Announcements. Club rush this Wednesday, home football game on Friday, and basketball tryouts are in a month! Be sure to print out your athletic packet then report to the gym when it's filled out. Have a magnificent Monday!" The PA system clicks off.

"Woo basketball!" I cheer.

"You play?"

"Yeah, since 7th grade." I grin.

"Good luck on your try out."

"Thank you." I nod.

"Nicole I'm done with my slide." My partner speaks up, poking my arm.

"Matthew oh my god delete the magicarp.." I was a huge Pokemon fan as a child so there was no hiding it. The magicarp was tiny but it's bright orange... Hard not to see.

"But it really ties the presentation together. Why would I delete it?" He frowns.

"We're going to fail.." I sigh putting my head onto the table.


When the bell rang for school to be over I found Maya and 'requested' her to buy us coffee and go to my brothers practice. As usual, we sat directly in the middle and did our homework. She doesn't like coffee but she likes tea so it works out.

I have so much physics homework I cannot describe the mountain of equations and theorems. Then AP English, Bella and I have gotten at least 3 essays.. They said junior year was a breeze! Ha! In my dreams maybe.

"So how was your first week of school Nicole?"

"Oh it was pretty good." I smile.

"Mine has been pretty stressful.. Being a senior is fun but they really don't give you much leg room for error anymore."

"Well you're in HL math, all AP classes, and you're in varsity XC and Field.."

"But still!" She groans.

"Yeah I'm sorry, but it's your fault."


"Cause you're so smart."

"Thanks Nicole, you really know how to cheer your best friend up.." she rolls her eyes.

"I know, I'm the best." I grin. Most, if not all of my friends, know I'm sarcastic and 'sassy' but I mean well. Most people find it entertaining.

"Was that your brother that just got tackled?!" Maya stands up trying to see the field better,

"What why? He catches the ball so it's normal for him to get tackled?"

"That one looked like it really hurt.." She replies, looking concerned.

"I'm sure he's fine. I mean it's football after all.."

He's used to taking blows to the head or the chest. I remember him coming home covered in bruises and he couldn't even lay down it was so painful. But it's what he loves. I can't prevent him from doing what he loves.

The whistle blows, signaling that practice is now over. Parker gets up just fine and I let out a small breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I see Bella with her small flute case, walking across the field, talking to some guy. He looks familiar, but I can't really put my finger on it.

But all I can really think about is how basketball tryouts are in a month and I cannot wait.


Thank you for reading!

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What classes are you taking in school? Cause as you can see, AP isn't the easiest haha. What do you think of Michael and Parker now that you've seen both of the brothers? What about Matthew and his constant nonsense :p


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Lot's of love!



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