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(1st POV)

The galaxy is such a wonderful place...... from afar it looks peaceful..... but only when you look deeper do you see the horrors of it.....

...... korriban..... the ancient birth place of the Sith..... a group that held a power that was only use by them and another group.... the jedi, these 2 groups have been in battle for centuries..... wielding a powerful energy field known as the force......
This energy field is connected to all living things, it penetrates us, binds us to the galaxy..... the Sith weild the dark side of the force to do whatever their rotten hearts want..... it's a shame though.....

A place so deeply connected to the dark side.....

.... will be left destroyed again.

(3rd POV)
Near korriban's destroyed academy, a Sith lord wearing armour similar to that of a certain dark lord, combating against a jedi, his red lightsaber  combating against that of a blue one, every swing creating sparks around them, bodies of dead rebel troops and stormtroopers surrounded the battlefield, the 2 duelists clash their blades against eachother, both attempting to get the upper hand on eachother.

Jedi: it didn't have to come this sith!!! You could have avoided all this blood shed!!!

Sith: this could have been prevented if you just surrendered yourself and your lightsaber.

Jedi: I would never!!! To surrender my freedom would mean death!!

Sith: then you will die here and now on this wasteland!!!

The 2 break away from the clash and begin to combat more.


hen the sith parried the attack, the sith force pushed the jedi.

Making the jedi go flying and losing his lightsaber in the process. The jedi turns and begins to crawl to his lightsaber, the sith slowly walks up to the jedi, his saber in reverse grip, once he's close enough he raises the saber over his head and brings it down and then quickly pulls out and deactivates it, once he does he puts it back on his belt. Looking down at the jedi, he feels no emotion for the foolish jedi and uses the force to levitate the jedi's lightsaber to his hand and walks away to his troops, when he gets there, he can see his stormtroopers taking rebel prisoners and putting them on their knees and aiming their blasters at their heads and some were overseeing the battlefield. The sith continues walking passed his troopers who salute when in his presence, the sith stops in front of a bounty hunter wearing mandolorian armour.

Sith: you have done well Shea Vizla.

(What the bounty hunter looks like)

Shea: I did my end of the bargain lord starkiller, I believe I can collect my payment now, correct?

Starkiller: yes of course, (gives jedi lightsaber) I believe this is sufficient payment?

Shea takes the lightsaber and observes it before turning it on and giving it a few swings, satisfied with it, she turns it off and holsters it.

Shea: it is perfect, pleasure doing business with you my lord.

Starkiller: you have serve-

Starkiller is interrupted by a stormtrooper walking up to starkiller.

Stormtrooper: sir, lord vader is requesting your presence back on Mustafar.

Starkiller: as he wishes, gather the troops, tell them to pack up any artifacts they have found for research.

Stormtrooper: and the rebels?

Starkiller: show no mercy.

The stormtrooper merely nods his head and heads to send the orders to the others, starkiller looks back at shea, who's face is emotionless but if you could look into her eyes, you could see that they hold sadness, starkiller nods his head to her and attempts to walk passed her only for shea to grab hold of his hand, starkiller stops and looks down at his hand, feeling shea tighten her grip on it, he turns to her and see her move close to her. It is silent between the 2 before shea spoke.

Shea: do you remember?

Starkiller: remember what?

Shea: don't act like you don't know what I'm referring to, I'm talking about corrusant.

Starkiller:.... yes, I remember.

Shea: we had such a good time together, until we became what we are now..... do you wish we could go back to the way things were?

Starkiller:.... I..... yes, sometimes I wish we could go back to the way things were, but we are living 2 different worlds, you're a bounty hunter and I'm a sith, it is too late for me.

With that, starkiller turns and prepares to board his personal ship,

The rouge shadow.

Starkiller boards his ship and prepares to take off while shea is watching the ship leave, she then lifts her right wrist and a hologram appears on it with the rouge shadow moving out of korriban's orbit and going into space.

Shea: (whispers) it is never too late for you.... or an us, and if I remember how you were like when we were kids....

.... you always seemed to attract some bad attention.

(With starkiller)

Starkiller is currently sitting in the cockpit looking at his fleet, going through hyperspace after he gave the order for them to head to mustafar with him, he typed in the coordinates and went through hyperspace. Once he's out of it, he descends down to Mustafar and docks his ship in Vader's castle, he then leaves and heads to where he can sense his master.

(Mini timeskip)

Starkiller is walking into a dark room with barely lit lights, there are windows looking outside, showing ashes and hot lava, in front of those windows is a tall man, wearing what looked like heavy black armour and mask, his respirator was the only noise that was being made, starkiller goes on one knee, his head bowed down as well.

Starkiller: I have done as you requested my master.

Darth vader doesn't answer as he keeps looking out into the distance, after some time, he finally speaks, his voice booming in the room.

Darth vader: did you collect the sith artifacts that I required?

Starkiller: yes, my master.

Darth have done well, my apprentice..... tell me, what is the sith code that we follow to this day?

With a bit of confusion starkiller raises his head.

Starkiller: master?

Darth vader uses a bit more force in his voice.

Darth vader: RECITE the sith code.

Starkiller turns his head back down, cursing himself for questioning his master, he does what his mater requested and starts reciting the sith code.

Starkiller: peace is a lie, there is only passion, through passion, we gain strength, through strength, power, through power, victory, through victory -

Starkiller/darth vader: my chains are broken.

Starkiller looks up to see darth Vader, who is still facing the destroyed land slowly turn around to face starkiller.

Darth vader: finish it.

Starkiller slowly nods his head but doesn't look down at the ground, instead levels his stare with his masters.

Starkiller/darth Vader: the force shall set us free.

A moment of silence is between the 2, the breathing from their respirators is the only noise that is being made, Vader then finally speaks.

Darth vader: arise my apprentice.

Starkiller rises to his feet.

Starkiller: what is thy bidding, my master?

Darth Vader: you're training is complete my apprentice, however there is one final lesson that you must learn.

Starkiller: what is this lesson my master?

Darth Vader: i have already given you the lesson, it is up to you to find out what that lesson is.

???: such a shame that he won't live long enough to find out.

Starkiller turns around to see an elderly man in black robes.

Starkiller: the emperor!

Before starkiller could ignite his saber, he jerks forward feeling something penetrating his chest, he slowly looks down to see what it is and sees a red glow belonging to a lightsaber, slowly turning his head he sees vader with his lightsaber ignited.

Starkiller: m-master..... w-why?

Darth vader: you were nothing but a pawn to me.

Vader disables his saber making starkiller fall to the ground, gasping in pain.

Emperor: (laughs maniacly) good lord vader, good....... kill him (vader looks at him) kill him now.

Starkiller looks at vader and speaks, almost begging.

Starkiller: m-master, don't do this, (grunts) t-together, we could kill the emperor!!!

Vader who is still holding onto his lightsaber looks down at starkiller, not saying a word, vader then holsters the lightsaber, the emperor notices this.

Emperor: what is your hesitation lord vader?! Strike him down!

Darth Vader: I...... I shouldn't.

Saying that made vader have a sudden flashback..... about his time as anakin skywalker.


Anakin Skywalker is standing before a downed count dooku, who's hands are both cut off, anakin has the counts lightsaber in his right hand and his own one in his left, holding them as an X sign near dooku's neck, palpatine is laughing in amusement at the display before him.

Palpatine: (laughs) good anakin, good..... kill him (dooku looks at him), kill him now.

Dooku slowly looks back at anakin, his eyes showing fear, you can see that he is begging that he is spared.

Anakin: I...... I shouldn't.

Count dooku slowly relaxes but palpatine has other ideas.

Palpatine: do it.

A/N: dew it.

Anakin keeps his eyes locked with dooku who's eyes show fear once again, anakin remembers how he lost his right hand to dooku, with that in mind, anakin slashes dooku's neck, making his body drop, he then disables the lightsabers.

(Flashback end)

Back to the present, the emperor slowly scowls but pushes on.

Emperor: do it.

Darth Vader looks at the emperor before looking back at starkiller, he then raises his right hand and uses the force to lift up starkiller and then tosses him into the wall, then to the other, then the ceiling, this makes the emperor laugh in delight.

Emperor: (laughs) YES, YES, KILL HIM!!! KILL HIM!!!

Lord vader slowly lifts starkiller's motionless body and brings it close to him.

Darth vader: there is no escape.

And with that, vader tosses the body of starkiller out the window. He stares out of it for a moment before turning back to the emperor, who is standing there, his face emotionless. The 2 stare off before the emperor turns and leaves.

(With starkiller)

Starkiller is near a stream of lava, his body motionless, however there is a slight twitch in his left hand. In the air the rouge shadow slowly descends down to the ground, footsteps can be heard approaching starkiller before said sith is picked up and carried to the rouge shadow. The ships cargo bay doors close and the ship takes off into the atmosphere, vader sees the ship and asks for one of his troops to come up, a minute later an imperial officer comes up.

Imperial officer: lord vader (salutes)

Darth Vader: starkiller's ship, the rouge shadow was just seen leaving the atmosphere, that man is a traitor.

Imperial officer: I see, shall I warn the fleet?

Darth Vader is about to say yes but stops momentarily, and begins contemplating before making his decision.

Darth Vader:...... no.

Imperial officer: my lord?

Darth vader: I said no.

Imperial officer: my lord, you just said he's a traitor, and imperial law dictates that all traitors must be killed, I apologise but I must- gah.... i must-ack!!!!

Vader slowly raises his right hand up making the officer rise up a bit, his hands around his neck, gasping for ear. Vader closes his fist and a snapping sound is heard, the officer falls to the floor dead. 2 stormtroopers walk in and see the officer on the ground.

Darth Vader: dispose of the body, that man was a rebel spy.

The 2 stormtroopers nod and carry the body away, leaving vader to look back out of his castle window alone.

(Mini timeskip)

Starkiller groans in pain, when he opens his eyes everything is bright, he realises his helmet isn't on, and slowly moves his head around before slowly sitting up, blinking his eyes a bit to get used to the brightness, he sees that he's in his ships medical wing and sees his helmet next to a mirror, revealing his reflection, getting a good look at himself, he sees his (h/c) hair is still the same as he left it and his (e/c) eyes are no longer the sith yellow it should be.

Starkiller: who the hell saved me?

???: it was me.

Starkiller turns his head to see his friend and bounty hunter, shea vizla.

Starkiller: how did you find me?

Shea point to her right hands open palm which makes starkiller look at his, he notices a small circular device on it.

Shea: I placed a tracking beacon on your hand when I grabbed you, I knew you would get into trouble and I was right on the credits.

Starkiller:..... thank you.

Shea: don't mention it, think of it as a way of making us even, from the time you helped me kill my target back on tatooine.

Starkiller: don't lie to me shea, we both know that you didn't do it to get even.

Shea: you know me so well........ well enough about that, what do you plan to do now, I doubt the empire will want you back.

Starkiller clenthes his fist and inhales deeply and then exhaled.

Starkiller: I plan on getting my revenge, I will not rest until both the emperor and vader are at my feet, begging for mercy while I make them watch as their entire empire is wiped off the face of the galaxy!!!

Shea doesn't say anything but goes and sits next to starkiller, she grabs his hand and intertwined her fingers with his, starkiller makes no attempt to remove it.

Shea: Y/N listen to me.... I know you're hurting and while I can't tell how it feels, I just want you to know that I am here for you, just like you were there for me from the beginning.

Y/N:....... I haven't heard that name in a long, long time.

Shea: (slightly smiles) yeah..... hey, if you'd like, I could offer my services again, we could work together like we did on corrusant.

Y/N: I don't want to drag you into this.

Shea: you're not dragging me, I'm dragging myself into this..... (puts hand on shoulder) for you.

Y/N:..... you're services will be very much appreciated shea vizla.

Shea: don't go all starkiller on me now Y/N, anyway, I'm going to be in the cockpit, let me know if you need anything.

With that, shea stands up and leaves Y/N to his own devices, Y/N stands up and picks up his helmet before going back and sitting down, he stares intently at his helmet. Y/N starts to lose himself in his memories, memories of serving the empire, memories, of the harsh training he underwent and memories of serving darth vader, before he suddenly understands what the lesson vader wanted him to learn was. Y/N slowly puts his helmet next to him and begins to meditate, however he can hear Vader's voice in his head reciting the sith code when he took Y/N as his apprentice.

Darth vader: (echo) peace is a lie....

Y/N begins to concentrate as he remembers back on corrusant, the time the empire said they'd bring peace but they brought chaos wherever they went.

Darth Vader: (echo).... there is only passion.....

He remembers all the pent up rage and hate he had when going through torturous training and barely containing it.

Darth vader: (echo).... through passion, we gain strength.....

He then remembers how that rage and hate gave him the necessary strength to survive and overcome any challenge.

Darth Vader: (echo).... through strength, power.....

He remembers how he converted that strength into unlimited power and remembered the great feeling of releasing everything he had against his enemies, while he's meditating, objects in the room begin to levitate and float around him.

Darth Vader: (echo).... through power, victory....

Y/N clenthes his fists as force lightning begins to cackle around his hands, he remembers when he became starkiller and how he gained numerous victories in the name of the empire.... only to have it all taken from him.

Darth vader: (echo).... through victory, my-

Y/N: chains are broken.

He then focuses on how vader stabbed him in the back and how he got thrown out the window, he can feel his rage increasing, feeding more power from the dark side of the force, suddenly a force pulse pushes all the object in the air away from Y/N and hitting the floor or the walls, the lightning in his hands calms down as he inhales and exhales, he moves his head up and opens his eyes, he sees his reflection in the shattered mirror when he force pulsed and sees that his (e/c) eyes are replaced with the sith yellow, he then stands up and picks up his helmet before taking it with him, as he leaves the room he finishes the code.

Y/N: the force shall set me free.

His sith eyes slowly revert back to (e/c) as he exits the medical wing.

A/N: hope you enjoyed!!! May the force be with you and as always..... PEACE✌✌

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