The makings of an army.

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(Stop at 1:25)

Within space, the rouge shadow can be seen flying towards an all water planet, named kamino, within the ship is the betrayed sith apprentice, star killer, or Y/N. He can be seen sitting in the cockpit, wearing his armour, his helmet planted firmly on his lap. His eyes are shown to have the e/c colour instead of the usual sith yellow. In the co-pilot seat is his best friend and mandolorian bounty hunter, Shea Vizla, wearing her armour proudly, her helmet planted on her lap as well, her personal blaster on the left side of her hip and the lightsaber that she was given by starkiller on korriban on the right side of her hip. The bounty hunter and sith were enjoying the quite atmosphere within the ship when they suddenly come upon kamino. Shea tapped some buttons on the panel next to her, causing the ship to come to a halt.

Shea: how are we doing this?

Y/N Doesn't answer, instead he merely stares at the water filled planet. He leans back into his seat before exhaling air.

Y/N: the empire either knows that I'm either dead or a traitor, or maybe they think I haven't done either of them, so I'm possibly safe for now.

Shea: so what's the plan?

Y/N grabs his helmet and puts it on before facing shea.

Starkiller: activate the comms, let's find out if I'm right with the third option.

Shea merely nods before flicking 2 switches and flying the ship closer to the planet. Once they were within range, a squadron of tie fighters fly out of a star destroyer and approach the ship. The comms suddenly activate and immediately hear the admiral abroad the destroyer.

Admiral Galen (comms): unidentified vessel, this is admiral Galen of the 7th defence force of kamino, you are approaching a planet protected by the empire, state your intention of being here, failure to comply will result in your immediate destruction.

Shea and starkiller look at eachother before starkiller speaks on the intercom.

Starkiller (comms): admiral Galen, this is starkiller, I have orders from lord vader to come to this planet and collect samples of jango fetts DNA.

Admiral Galen (comms): m-my lord! I d-did not realize it was your ship! My apologies! You have permission to land lord starkiller, shall I inform the cloning station of your arrival?

Starkiller (comms): yes, make sure that the station knows of my presence. Tell the station that I have someone with me and that they should be treated with the same respect as me, is that understood?

He asked the last part firmly.

Admiral Galen (comms): o-of course my lord! I'll have the station know, I'll also have inferno squad escort you down to the planet and act as your body guards.

The tie fighters fallback to the star destroyer and for their replacements was another set of tie fighters but these ones were slightly more advanced and had a bit of red on their ships.

Inferno 1 (comms): my lord, we shall be escorting you down to the planet, please follow us.

The tie fighter squadron descend with the rouge shadow following them. Once they go past the planets atmosphere, they fly straight to the landing pad abroad the kamino cloning facility. The rouge shadow sloes down and descends on the landing pad, within the ship, shea powers down the engines and puts on her helmet, both her and starkiller leave their seats however before they do, starkiller turns to a door on his left and opens it and sees a droid that is shutdown.

This is ZOE3, but starkiller just calls her Zoe. Starkiller opened her chassis and hit a few switches and used a bit of sith lightning, he then closes the chassis and watches as ZOE3 comes back to life.

ZOE3: ugh..... I feel like my circuits are about to explode.

She says before looking at who was in front of her and gasped in shock.

ZOE3: Y/N! How've you been? How long have I been asleep? What's bee-

Starkiller: calm down Zoe, let me explain.

So starkiller gave a brief explanation of what happened and to say that ZOE3 was disappointed was an understatement.

ZOE3: those good for nothing imperials!!

Starkiller: calm down Zoe, right now me and shea are pulling something dangerous and stupid, if things go south, I need you to prepare the ship, understood?

ZOE3 merely salutes and says enthusiastically.

ZOE3: you got it captain!

Starkiller nods his head and both he and shea head to the cargo bay doors, once they open, the greeted with inferno squad standing in front of them.

(They have their helmets on)

The one in the middle walks closer to the duo and speaks.

Inferno 1: my lord, welcome to kamino, we are under your command.

Starkiller: good, follow me.

Starkiller and shea walk past the team who follow behind them closely in silence. Shea looks around and sees stormtroopers placing turrets and explosives in different areas of the facility.

Shea: lots of turrets being placed around here, how come?

Inferno 1: the empire recently captured rebels and interrogated them, according to command, the rebels are planning an assault on this base.

Hearing this made starkiller think, if the rebellion come here right now, then he, shea and ZOE3 will be caught in the crossfire, but he figures he shouldn't panic, he doesn't know when they'll attack, now thinking about it, he really should know just in case.

Starkiller: when will they attack?

Inferno 1: sometime today.

Shea: (sarcastic) wonderful.

As they were walking into the facility, starkiller could feel negative emotions coming from the inferno squad leader.

Starkiller: I can feel your hate through the force commander. Tell me, why is that?

Inferno 1 is slightly startled that he could feel her emotions but decided to answer her lords question.

Inferno 1: I recently found out that my home planet is being bombarded with multiple satellites that are creating powerful storms.... my people are struggling over there while I'm over here.

Inferno 2: we have our orders, we live for the cause that is the empire and we will die for it.

Inferno 3: how can you say that? That's our home!

Inferno 2: the empire is our home! (Looks at inferno 4) you agree with me right?

Inferno 4: I'm with 1 and 2, the empire may be our home, but it can never replace where we truly came from.

Inferno 2: the fact that you think that shows weakness.

Inferno 1: if showing concern for my home is a sign of weakness, then I'll gladly have that anyday.

Inferno 3: second it.

Inferno 4: agreed.

Inferno 2: I can't believe this, (looks at starkiller) what do you think my lord?

The rest of inferno squad pay rapt attention to what he thinks, shea included.

Starkiller: you are correct about the fact that the empire is your home and that you live for it's cause....

He says, causing 1,2 and 4 to have negative feelings about it.

Starkiller: however....

He says causing the mentioned 3 to perk up.

Starkiller: you're only true loyalty is to yourself, your home planet and your comrades.

Inferno 1,2 and 4 are internally agreeing while inferno 2 was disagreeing with him, starkiller notices this.

Starkiller: everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Tell me what are your names?

Iden: commander Iden Versio, callsign, inferno 1 and my personal droid dio.


Hask: second in command, agent gideon Hask, callsign, inferno 2.

Del: agent del meeko, callsign, inferno 3.

Seyn: agent seyn marana, callsign, inferno 4.

Iden: may I ask why you wish to learn our names lord starkiller?

Starkiller: I just wish to know the names of the possible candidates that could possibly join my ranks.

Inferno squad was shocked, starkiller knew it, he could feel it in the force, he could also feel someones eyes on him, turning to his left slightly, he could tell that shea was staring at him, silently asking a question. Starkiller knew what that question. While they were travelling to kamino, the 2 had a conversation of possible candidates who they could convert to their side, there were very few that would join and those were people who would possibly crack under pressure, starkiller would know this, considering that during his time as Vader's apprentice, he was ordered to kill an admiral who didn't capture a rebel spy, when he got to the admirals location, he saw the ship being bordered by fire from rebel ships, and alien creatures destroying the ship. The ship itself was a complete wreck, the weapon and shield systems were completely disabled due to the incompetence of the admiral, when he entered the ship, he the admirals crew suffocating and attempting to escape. Now as a sith, starkiller should've left them to die but starkiller never was a full sith and decided to let the crew live another day, he had ordered the survivors of the crew to board a shuttle that was arriving to the destroyer and to make sure know one was left behind. The crew were really grateful that the lord of the sith was doing this. Once the ship was clear, starkiller went to the bridge and saw the admiral, using a respirator only to grow stiff when he heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting. Starkiller ignored his pleas of mercy and killed him mercilessly and left. It was that day that the survivors were very grateful and joined his ranks. Starkiller made a note to never have someone like that idiotic general in his ranks. The group eventually make it to the room that contains the DNA of the stormtroopers, the clones, and an unknown bit of DNA.

Starkiller: what is this DNA?

He asked as he pointed at a terminal that had some unknown DNA signature.

Hask: that DNA belongs to a jedi, that we captured a while back.

Starkiller: a jedi?

Seyn: affirmative, she was captured about 2 months back, we've kept her secured in a cell here. We've also been taking some of her DNA and using it to make new clones, however all entries of creating new clones with her DNA were cleared as failure.

Starkiller: I see.

He walks to a terminal and starts tapping on it, hask had someone communicating through his comm link, looking at the sith, bounty hunter and his fellow teammates, he slowly backed away and answered it. With satekiller however, he managed to collect the DNA of jango fett, well what was left of it as the empire were planning to terminate the rest of it, once he collected it, he felt hostile intent coming from behind him, so with quick thinking, he used the force to reach for the lightsaber on his hip, ignited it and deflected a blaster bolt heading for him. Inferno squad were startled and turned and aimed their weapons at the culprit, being none other than agent hask.

Iden: Hask! What were you thinking!?

Hask: I'm dealing with a traitor!

Del: what are you talking about?!

Hask: every single imperial was given orders by the emperor himself, starkiller is a traitor and is to be killed on sight.

Seyn: why weren't we notified of the order.

Hask: how am I supposed to know?! Take it up to the admiral! Right now we have a traitor to deal with!

Seeing the hostility, shea grabbed her blaster and aimed at inferno squad, seyn turned and aimed at both starkiller and shea.

Seyn: captain, what are your orders?

Iden stayed quiet, trying to figure everything out. Hask's recent behaviour regarding their home and the empire has been nothing but hostile, and now he was being contacted and the rest of the squad wasn't notified, she eventually makes sense of everything, but she wanted something cleared up.

Iden: starkiller, (he looks at her) theres more to you than being a traitor, (he turns around and faces him, blaster aiming at him too) isn't there?

A chuckle escapes the sith lords lips.

Starkiller: impressive iden versio, most impressive, yes there is more, I was never a traitor, I was betrayed first and it was with that betrayal that my eyes were opened to all the evil the empire hides, that is why with the DNA of jango fett, I will create my own army and wipe out the empire and remake the galaxy in my image.

Iden: that's why you said you were considering having my team join your ranks, you were gonna try and convert us to your ranks.

Shea: (sarcastic) congratulations, you figured it out, want a medal?

Iden ignored her and continued speaking.

Iden: now it all makes sense, my father couldn't trust me after I saw what happened to my home planet. He made sure to keep me out of the loop, and the second you ask why I'm angry you saw an opportunity.

Starkiller: an opportunity that can be useful to you, join my cause and I will ensure that your planet and people shall be free from it's oppressors.

Iden keeps her blaster trained on him, her stance is stiff, contemplating the offer. After a few tense seconds that felt like hours, she finally speaks.

Iden: weapons down inferno squad.

Del and seyn eyed their captain before conceding and dropping their weapons, except for hask. Iden walks over to starkiller and stands next to him.

Hask: you can't be serious iden, are you really gonna do this? Turn your back on the empire?!

Iden: my home is being destroyed by the people I served under, I refuse to have it be destroyed any longer. You all can have a choice in this as well. If we do this, the cause will be for the greater good of our planet. Please join me, I don't want to fight you all in the future.

Its quiet within the room, hask has his sights trained on starkiller and shea however del and seyn and contemplating the offer, it was until 5 minutes later that seyn and del and walk over to iden and stand next to her, they all looked to hask who hasn't said a word.

Hask: are these your orders captain?

Iden:...... hask i-


Iden:..... yes.

Hask:..... then I'm going to deny that order.

Hask turns his sights on iden and prepares to shoot her until starkiller uses force lightning on hask, causing him to yell in agony and get sent flying away and hitting the wall making him go unconscious. Starkiller disables his lightsaber and puts it back on his waist. Iden looks at hask and let's out a disappointing sigh and turns to her new leader.

Iden: what are your orders sir?

Before starkiller can speak, the base alarms go off.

Shea: what's happening?

Del: the rebels are here, they're attacking the facility.

Starkiller: this is perfect, we can use this to make our escape, captain versio (she looks at him) return to your fighters, it is unlikely that they know you and your teammates have turned traitor, once their you will provide a distraction that will allow my ship to escape.

Iden: yes sir! (Turns to her teammates) you heard him, let's move!

With that they leave the room and head to their fighters.

Shea: what are you gonna do starkiller?

Starkiller doesn't answer, he heads to the console and taps on it, the vile of blood comes out, starkiller grabs it and crushes into pieces using the force. He turns to shea.

Starkiller: can't have any jedi clones now can we?

Shea merely shakes her head and the duo begin to leave, along the way they encounter stormtroopers who open fire, with the raise of his hand, starkiller stops the blaster bolts in mid air, shea uses her blaster to open fire on the troops, taking them out flawlessly, starkiller reflects the bolts at the remaining troops once they're outside, they look into the sky and see imperial and rebellion vessels opening fire upon eachother, looking ahead of them, they see the infamous ghost squad, well most of them, and with what was assuming the jedi prisoner.

(Just ezra, kanan and sabine)

(Art is not mine)

Ezra: is that another inquisitor?!

Kanan: no that's-

Ahsoka: starkiller?!

Starkiller: ah, ahsoka tano, such as pleasure to see you again, we never did get to finish what we started back on Engora.

???: you have strayed from your master sith, I can sense it.

Starkiller: oh? You're so clever.

Ahsoka: step aside starkiller, we got what we wanted, you're not with the empire anymore right? You don't have start a fight.

Starkiller: (laughs) oh ahsoka.... (grabs lightsaber and ignites it) I'm pretty sure I do.

Seeing no other way out of it, ahsoka steps forward and ignites her lightsabers, ezra, kanan and sabine following, the jedi begins to grab hers, ahsoka notices.

Ashoka: kida you don't have to fight.

A/N: kida is pronounced key-da.

Kida: your concern is appreciated but unnecessary.

She says as she grabs her double bladed lightsaber and ignites it, a blue blade appearing. Shea stands next to starkiller and grabs the lightsaber starkiller gave her and ignites it. A tense silence sets in, with only the rain, thunder and lightning and blaster fire filling it. Without a moment's hesitation, starkiller rushes at ahsoka and strikes down only for it to be blocked by kida, kanan attempts to swing at starkiller but misses as the sith leaps back with ahsoka giving chase. Ezra and sabine attempt to give chase but are interrupted by shea firing her blaster at them, ezra deflects it while sabine fires back. Shea uses her jetpack and flies upwards and fires her wrist mounted missiles, sending them down to another platform, she descends down and runs at sabine and swings her lightsaber down, sabine quickly brings her dark saber up to defend herself. The clash becomes difficult for sabine as she slowly becomes overpowered by shea only for said bounty hunter to get sent flying by a force push by ezra.

Ezra: you ok?

Sabine: yeah I'll manage.

Shea gets up and readies her stance.

Shea: you're good with a blade, but I'm better.

Ezra: will see.

Ezra charges at shea and begins to throw multiple swings.

Shea deflects them and with quick thinking, uses her jetpack to veer to the right and swings at ezra who attempts to deflect but fails to realise that it's a fake out and is helpless as shea spins and kicks him in the stomach sending him flying back to sabine.

(With starkiller)

Starkiller is deflecting swing after swing from the 3 jedi, he uses force lightning on kida who deflects it. Kanan charges at starkiller who attempts to slice him in half however starkiller deflects it effortlessly.

And strikes back, pushing him back.

The 2 clash their Sabres, starkiller gaining the upper hand. Ahsoka rushes in and swings at starkiller who backs away and runs further into the facility, the 3 jedi following.

(With shea)

Shea is pushed into some crates, but quickly gets up and aims her blaster at both ezra and sabine.

Sabine: surrender, your outnumbered.

Shea steps back and is near the edge, she looks behind and down before looking back at the 2 rebels. She disables her lightsaber and puts away her blaster.

Shea: you 2 have much to learn.

She then falls down to the sea, the 2 rebels run to check and see if she really disappeared, only to see the rouge shadow rise, with shea standing at the cargo bay doors.

Shea: it's been fun, but I've got places to be.

She walks back into the ship as the doors closes and the ship takes off.

Ezra: we were so close!

Sabine: let's forget about it for now, let's report to hera.

(With starkiller)

Kida and starkiller are clashing with their lightsabers, each trying to get an upper hand on the other.

When kida tried to attack again, starkiller saw a weak point. He jumped over the swing swung at her leg, bringing her down, as hes about to end her, ahsoka and kanan use force push and send him skidding back.

Ahsoka: kanan, take kida back to the ghost, I'll handle him.

Kanan: but-

Ahsoka: don't argue, just go!

With hesitance, kanan grabs kida and leaves.

Starkiller: and then there was 2 of us, just as it should be, I've enjoyed our little dance ahsoka, but it ends here.

Ahsoka: I couldn't agree more.

The 2 force users charge at eachother and engage in lightsaber combat once more but with ahsoka pushing the sith back. The duel wielding jedi force pushes the sith into a door. Starkiller uses force lightning on the panel next to him, making the doors open. Ahsoka rushes the sith and the duo continue their clash there as the elovator rises.

As the duo continue their duel, ahsoka swings vertically to which starkiller dodges which gives ahsoka the opportunity to roundhouse kick him in the head, knocking his helmet off. Ahsoka stares at starkiller who hasn't turned his face, after a minute of silence, starkiller turns himself fully to ahsoka, showing his sith yellow eyes. Ahsoka gasps in shock and horror as she sees who it is, a sudden memory comes to her and she calls out a name she hasn't said in a long time.

Ashoka:....... Y/N.

Y/N: hello ahsoka, it's been a while hasn't it.

Ahsoka: but h-how?! W-why?! What did they do to you?!

Y/N: me?! (Luaghs mockingly) that's funny, it should actually be what (points saber at her) YOU did to me!!

Ahsoka: what are you talking about?!

Y/N: you abandoned me Ashoka!! You left me behind just so you could fulfill your dream of being a "peacekeeper."

Ahsoka: I didn't have a choice Y/N! You know that I wouldn't leave you!!!



Y/N: SHUT UP!!!!

he yells as he charges at her and swings downwards at her. Ahsoka moves to the right and blocks another attack from starkiller. She swings her saber from left to right, one at a time before swinging to the right with both. Starkiller ducks and uses force lightning and sends flying and falling flat on her back. Starkiller runs and jumps high in the air and with the swing of his saber, attempts to end her life. Unfortunately ahsoka manages to block the strike but barely. She kicks him away and quickly stands up. The 2 continue their fight, neither giving up, both drawing from their respective sides of the force. Starkiller ducks from a swing and grabs ashoka by the neck, choking her, starkiller brings his saber close to her neck, ready to end her life, ahsoka kicks him from behind, making starkiller stumble and fall, ahsoka does as well, attempting to get her breath back, once she stands up, starkiller shoots lightning at her, making her scream in agony, using the light side of the force, she fights through the pain, slowly but surely moving towards starkiller. Once shes close, starkiller tries to force push her back with ashoka using the same force technique. Both were not moving, each adding more and more power, desperately trying to overcome the power struggle. With both the light and dark colliding, the 2 powers react negatively and force them away from eachother however, instead of landing on their backs, they land on their feet, reigniting their lightsabers, they rush in again and clash the Sabres, both struggling to overpower the other.

Ahsoka: it doesn't have to be like this Y/N!!! Come with me!!! We can free the galaxy from the empire together!!! No one has to suffer!!!

Y/N: I suffered ahsoka!! I watched as you left me alone to fend for myself, did you ever think of me?! Of all the good times we had?! Or was I just forgotten?! WHICH IS IT ASHOKA?! TELL ME!!!



This momentarily shocks ahsoka which gives Y/N to push further, making ashoka nearly lose the clash but she quickly regains focusness and pushes back.



as he says that, the elovator reaches its destination, ashoka and Y/N back away from the clash. Ahsoka looks at Y/N with shock.

Ahsoka: w-what did you say?

Y/N: what are you deaf? I said I loved you! When you left, I never stopped loving you, I looked for you, hoping to confess to you about how I feel! But then I see you playing jedi. And I knew right there and then, that there was no future for us.

Ahsoka: that's not tru-


He glares at her with so much hate that it could freeze hell.

Y/N: (mutters) I can't believe I fell for you.

It wasn't quiet enough as apparently ahsoka heard him and is greatly saddened. In truth, she actually loved him too, even though she was a jedi and knew what the code entailed regarding relationships, she still thought of him and would one day find him and hopefully find the courage to confess to him and be with him, but it seems the cold truth has shown itself and ahsoka will never get to be with the one she loves the most. Her thoughts are cut off when the duo are surrounded by stormtroopers, without thinking 2 get back to back, watching the stormtroopers aim their weapons at them.

Y/N: there will be temporary truce between us, once these fools are dead, we are enemies again, agreed?

Ahsoka: (saddened) agreed.

The stormtroopers aim their weapons and open fire at them, both sith and jedi effortlessly deflect the bolts, ashoka force pushes a few away off of the platform, the stormtroopers continue to keep rushing forward almost completely surrounding them. Having enough, Y/N floats in the air, bringing his arms and legs together and then with a yell releases a big force push that disintegrates the troopers, ahsoka looks in awe at the display of power with starkiller staring back with respect for a fellow force user however their stare off is suddenly broken when a tie fighter crash lands at a part of the factory and pieces of debris begins to fall, ahsoka uses the force to levitate them, however she is shot from a nearly dead clone who finally succumbs to his injuries after he shot her, the debris begins to fall and without thinking, Y/N rushes towards ahsoka and shields her from the falling debris with his body. After a few moments no movements were made until the debris begins to levitate.

Y/N moves away from him and ashoka and then drops it.

Once its moved, he looks at ahsoka who is looking back at him in surprise. Y/N reaches his hand out for her to take it, ahsoka looks up at Y/N's and sees that his eyes are no longer, Sith yellow, instead they were the same e/c eyes she loved. She hesitantly takes his hand and he pulls her up a bit too quickly as she collapses on his chest. Suddenly feeling hostile intent, she reaches for one of her lightsabers and activates it and presses it to Y/N's neck, noticing that he was doing the same with his. The 2 intensely stare at eachother until a thought enters ahsokas mind, this is her moment, she stared at Y/N with more intensity that it actually unnerved him a bit. With one quick motion, ahsoka leans in and catches Y/N's lips with hers. The action shocked Y/N, here was the woman that he previously loved kissing him, and in a battle zone no less! He should be angry at ahsoka, she left him behind but yet.... it felt so right, he didn't understand why, he thought he had buried his feelings for her when he was trained by his former master, but seeing her again, having their little spat and even saving her. It clearly showed that he could never really bury his feelings for her and that no matter what, he still loved her and she loved him, if the kiss and her emotions that he could feel through the force was any indication. He slowly dropped his lightsaber, ashoka doing the same. With great vigor, Y/N wraps his arms around her waist and brings her in closer and kisses back, holding nothing back, everything that he held for ahsoka was released to her and she felt every bit of it. The 2 slowly separated from eachother, ashoka puts her head under his neck while Y/N strokes her head tails.

Ahsoka: I never forgot you Y/N, I love you, I always have, (tears up) please, don't do this, come with me, we can stop the empire together, we can be together, I don't want to lose you.

Hearing this, Y/N felt his heart crack he so wanted to, but he had a job to do.

Y/N:.... I'm sorry ahsoka, but I have to go.

As he prepares to let go, ahsoka grabs him and doesn't let go.

Ahsoka: no! I'm not letting you! I already walked away from my master and it broke me when I found out what happened to him! I won't leave you too, (cries) not again.

Y/N flinches from her cries but he still had a mission to do.

Y/N: ahsoka I love you-

Ahsoka: and I love you! So why are you leaving m-

Y/N interrupts her by kissing her quickly.

Y/N: ahsoka, I love you and I won't leave you, I'll always be with you, but I have to do this.

Ahsoka: do what?! What could be so important?!

Y/N: I can't tell you ahsoka, not yet anyway, here (gives a holo communicator) if you want to contact me use this, but make sure you do it privately, I'm not sure the rebellion will be happy that you'll be speaking with me.

Ahsoka seems hesitant to let go, so Y/N holds her face with both of his hands.

Y/N: do you trust me ahsoka?

Ahsoka stares at Y/N for a moment before nodding her head.

Ahsoka: yes, I trust you.

Y/N: thank you, don't worry, we'll meet again, I promise.

Ahsoka is about to let go but stops and asks one more question.

Ahsoka: can you at least give me an idea of what your doing?

After some contemplation, Y/N speaks.

Y/N: let's just say.... there's a making of an army happening.

And with that, Y/N gives ahsoka one last kiss to which ahsoka recuperates, making sure to savour it. The 2 split away.

Ahsoka: it's funny, we were trying to kill eachother, then you tried to kill me and then we fell in love. It went kinda fast didn't it?

Y/N smirks a little and kisses her forehead, he then uses the force to reach for his helmet and puts it back on, he grabs his saber and holsters it and begins to walk away, however he stops and slowly turns to his lover.

Starkiller: until we meet again soka.

Ahsoka: (smiles) until we meet again n/n (nickname).

And with that, starkiller runs to his ship, ahsoka keeps looking until he was out of sight, she looks at the holo communicator he gave her and pockets it and grabs both of her sabers before running to regroup with her team.

(Major Timeskip)

Starkiller can be seen in a room meditating with his mask next to him, in front of him are some lightsaber parts and a Kyber crystal, using the force he levitates the parts and the crystal and begins to construct his new lightsaber, once it's done, he grabs it and ignites his new saber. Pleased with it he disables it and puts it on his waist. The door behind him opens to reveal a trooper wearing red and white armour.

Sensing the clones presence, starkiller grabs his helmet and puts it on. He turns around and faces the soldier.

Starkiller: ah, captain Ace, what brings you here.

CT-01, or as starkiller called him, captain Ace. Ace was the very first clone trooper to be born into the sith's personal army, he gained high scores in all tests and was never one to break easily, Ace's primary loyalty is to his brothers and that was firmly stated when meeting the sith, if starkiller was a tipical dark lord, he would have killed him, but he could respect the clones will to say that to him and not show any fear. He gained the rank of captain due to his amazing planning and ingenuity in battle simulations. Ace was a cut above the rest and starkiller would make sure that not only Ace, but the entire clone army will show it to the galaxy.

Ace: general, the 502nd is ready and at your command.

Starkiller: good, (walks passed him and down the hallway) walk with me commander.

Ace: yes sir.

As they begin to walk down the hallway, Ace starts going over a fee things.

Ace: the clones are at the ready as I stated, the cruisers are functioning and our fighters are 100% operational.

Starkiller: impressive, and what of our.... other pet project?

Ace: unfortunately, it is still under construction, if we had the better material and more scientists and engineers, it would've been done much sooner.

Starkiller: how long would it take at our current capacity?

Ace: if I had to guess, I'd say it'd be done in the next few months.

Starkiller: unfortunate, but we will manage with what we have.

Ace: I have no doubt about it sir, us clones will be too much for those cheap knockoffs to handle.

Starkiller: do not get cocky now, captain.

Ace: it's not cockiness if it's true general.

Once they reach the end of the hallway. The doors open to reveal a hangar. Both the general and captain walk through all the commotion, a few clones in red and white armour like ace would see the 2 and salute to them before returning to their duties. The 2 go up some stairs that leads to a another platform, there they see shea and inferno squad, each of them unmasked, when inferno squad sees starkiller, they stand at attention, and salute.

Starkiller: at ease.

Inferno squad: yes sir!

The team drop their hands and move back slightly, shea walks up to him and speaks.

Shea: the army is ready.

Starkiller merely nods to shea, before she too moves back slightly. Ace walks passed his general before standing near the railing looking down at clone army. He stands straight, hands behind his back and yells.


The yell echoes through the hangar, the clone army all line up, weapons at their sides and standing straight.

(They're wearing red and white armour)

Ace: you have been bred to fight a war that has us at a major disadvantage, the empire has 85% of the galaxy at their mercy while the rebellion only has 10%, we have the remaining 5%, we have remained anonymous to our enemies and this has given us the chance to plant our spies into both the rebellion and empire. Now men listen carefully to what I say, look to your left! (They do so) now look to your right, (they do so) remember, your are not just numbers, you are more than that, the men you see around you, they are your brothers in arms, you are to look out for one another! If one of you falls, be sure to take out twice the amount of men!! Remember, we all have a sole mission, and that is to rid the galaxy of the empire!

502nd: HOORAH!!!

Ace: now! Without further ado, I give you, our leader, general starkiller!!!

Ace steps aside as starkiller walks up to the railing, the army cheer and tant his name, without a word, starkiller ignites his black lightsaber and raises it in the air.

Starkiller: let us rise from the shadows!! And rid the galaxy of the filth that is the empire!!!

With that, the 502nd start mobilising themselves, troops go to the transport cruisers and are taken to the cruisers, so are the fighters. A new army has entered the game, and it is a game that starkiller intends to win.

A/N: and done!!! This chapter would've been done and published earlier but I was feeling so goddamn ill, I still am, but I'm slowly getting better, anyway, I'll try and show what your army is in 2 pics because I've almost reached the limit of pics allowed in 1 chapter.

Order: top left to bottom right.

Republic cruisers: 1000.
Republic bombers: 3500.
Republic assault fighters: 4000.
Standard Republic fighters: 3750
Republic walkers: 7536.
Republic tanks: 8000.
Republic land cruisers: 8435.

For the top part from left to right.

502nd assault clone troopers: 20000.
502nd heavy clone troopers: 19500.
502nd specialist clone troopers: 19570.
502nd pilot clone troopers: 11250.
502nd ARC clone troopers: 12300.

That's the army so far, now theres going to be a decision, would you rather:

1) have your army attack an imperial vehicle depot on tattoine and kill all the hutts in order to take control of the planet.

Rewards if choose this:
1) Better materials and schematics to speed up the process of your pet project.
2) Control of a planet which can allow you to set up bases of operations.
3) access to the black market on tatooine.
4) access to mercenaries, bounty hunters and smugglers.
5) allows you to train sandtroopers.
6) take away 5% of the imperial grip on the galaxy.


2) intercept an imperial shipment containing experimental equipment and prisoners.

Rewards if you choose this option:
1) raid all the knowledge, schematics, credits and bounties on the ship.
2) prisoners will join your cause and fight for you.
3) allows you to train shock troopers.
4) experimental equipment will be used to upgrade and speed up the process of your pet project.
5) depending on the number of ships will be confiscated and used for your army.
6) access to plans that can be used to counter attack the empire and plant more spies in the empire.

These are your choices, you have until this Sunday, so choose wisely, anyway thanks for reading this chapter, and as always.... PEACE✌✌

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