Chapter Sixty Four

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One grey, dreary Saturday in November they spent the day together. They lunched at the pub and sat in the park, briefly during the afternoon and Clare had her usual jog.

That evening they were sitting in Clare's lounge on the sofa together, holding hands and watching television. Alan held her hand on his knee. Clare happened to say "I really love you" and for some reason, Alan took this as a green light. He kissed her passionately and she kissed him back then his hands started to wander here and there and she pushed him away.

"Please don't, not until we're married."

"But it's only natural. Please let me stay the night, you've got that lovely big bed. I bet it's comfortable" Alan rubbed her nose with his and crossed his eyes.

"Oh, you. I'm not going to change my mind."

"Everybody does it, of course they do! Matthew and Angie lived together before they were married."


"Well, if they did it, it can't be wrong."

"I've told you before. There was a racist guy living in her flats, he threatened her. It was very frightening at the time. After she left he murdered someone and went to prison for twenty years. Matthew was right to take her away. She did say she knew it was a sin, but well...they both confessed it."

"Well, we could confess it too!" said Alan, raising his voice. "Wouldn't that make it all right? After all, we're not teenagers we're thirty one years old for goodness sake."

"No, of course not. You don't sin on purpose and then confess – don't be ridiculous. God isn't stupid and He mustn't be treated like that. And, it has nothing to do with age!"

"No Clare, you're the one being ridiculous. What are you worried about? You want a baby, so if you get pregnant that's not a problem. I'm not going to dessert you. I want a baby too! So what is the problem? You tell me, because I don't understand!"

"I've heard people say before "we're not doing anything wrong", about sex before marriage, but it is wrong in my eyes. It's not against the law of the land, but it is against God's laws. I happen to care about God's laws. I am one of his children and his children keep his laws. And what's more, people take drugs, get drunk, swear and curse and make fraudulent claims on their insurance, and "everybody does it" so that makes it right does it? That's a stupid argument! If I was the last person on earth, I still wouldn't do it! You have to draw the line somewhere and that is where I, personally, draw the line."

"If you were the last person on earth, there wouldn't be anyone to do it with!" shouted Alan, determined to get the last word.

They continued arguing, Alan pacing up and down the lounge and Clare sitting on the sofa trying to get him to understand. Eventually, she jumped up from the sofa, removed the diamond ring from her finger and thrust it at Alan shouting, "If you don't love me enough to understand, take your ring and go."

Alan shouted, "Have it your own way, you always do!" He took the ring and marched out of her lounge, slamming the door behind him.

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