10. The Never Ending feelings for him

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Gadodia house:
Same morning,

Swara wakes up but today was something different in her. Today, she was not sad. She was smiling. She did her pooja then have her breakfast. Shekhar sees her and he also smiled. Shomi was also happy to see her.

Shomi: I m so happy beta. You thought absolutely right and I m proud of you.
Swara smiled.

Ragini who heard shomi gets annoyed and ask: Now, what so great work she had done That you are so proud of her?
Shomi:(rude) What is your problem Ragini? Why do you always taunt her? You can ask it politely also.

Ragini (uninterested): Yeah, but I don't think it is necessary and another thing is that I love to talk to her like this only. And Swara also don't have any problem, right Swara?

Shomi was about to shout on her but Swara keeps her hand on her hand and calm her.
Shekhar was also angry on Ragini but seeing Swara pleading look he ignored her.
Ragini left after having her breakfast.

Shekhar: Swara, why did you stop me?
Shomi: Yes Shona, She should understand. This is not the way to talk.
Swara gives them smile.

Swara: She will understand when time will come. Don't worry maa and baba.
Shekhar: Ok leave it. Shomi, be ready in evening. We have to go to mm for Sangeet. Now, I have to go.
Shomi nods.
Shekhar: Bye shomi, bye beta. See you.
Swara smiling nods.
Shekhar left.
Swara also had her breakfast and was going to her room shomi stopped her.
Shomi: Shona..
Swara turn and nods.
Shomi: Shona, lets go to my room. I want to talk something with you.
Swara nods and followed her. They entered the room and sat on the bed. Shomi takes her hand on hers.

Shomi: you are happy na beta?
Swara ( confused): Why are you asking like that maa?
Shomi: you are getting married to Sanskar tomorrow, are you happy for that?
Swara didn't give any reaction.

Shomi: See shona, if you are not happy then we will cancel this marriage. You are not burden on us that we will...
Swara keep her hand on her mouth and stop her. Swara nods no.

Swara: No maa, I never thought like that. You both are my parents and no daughter is burden on her parents.

Shomi (smiles): That's why I m so proud to be your mother. Now, tell me clearly are you happy with this marriage?
Swara smiles and nods. Shomi smiles at her.
Shomi: Okk, so are you doing this marriage for Arshit only or...?

Swara didn't look at her eyes nd bows her head down.
Shomi: Shona, you don't need to hide anything from me. I m your mother. You can share anything with me.

Swara nodded and looked at her.

Shomi : Now, say you are doing it for Sanskar also na? You still love him right?
Swara look at her shocked that how she knows this, it's the same thing her baba asked her last night.

Shomi: You are shocked that how I know it, because your baba will never tell me this. So, your answer is your eyes. Your eyes are evident of your heart. It can never lie. So, tell the truth only.

Swara nodded in yes.

Shomi: Did you forgive him?
Swara look at her for sometime and then gestured through hands.
Swara:( sign) Dont know, I don't know maa. I can forget everything in this world but not him. I tried a lot to hate him but I couldn't. The more I try the more I find myself trapped in his thoughts. My mind knows that he had done wrong to me but heart still beats for him. I don't know maa what happen to me when he is near me. I know that he hates me. I also want to hate him but can't. I can't maa because this heart holds the feelings for him that can never end.

Shomi: So whom you want to listen? your heart or your mind.?

Swara didn't say anything.
Shomi continued.

Shomi: I know Sanskar was wrong. whatever he has done was wrong, may be that's why god snatched Kavita from him and punished him for his...
Swara stopped her from saying further and nodded no.

Swara: No maa, Don't say like that. However Kavita was, She was his love. I never wanted him to get punished like this. He is not the same guy once I saw. He is changed maa. I can feel that he is living only for Arshit.
Shomi: That's right, He loves Arshit a lot.
Swara nods yes and: Yes maa but at the same time he has fear. Fear that he may loose him too like Kavita. I noticed everytime Arshit was with me. He was angry but at the same time he was scared to loose him. Arshit is his everything and now for me, he is special part of my life.

Shomi smiled.
Shomi: Hmm, but what if Sanskar never realize your love for him. If he never love you back?

Swara: I never loved him so that he should also love me back and About realization of my love. I have left it on destiny but I also know that one day because of this destiny only, Sanskar will know the truth. Then he may realise his mistake.

Shomi kept her hands on Swara's hand.

Swara continued: I don't know why but I don't want him to know the truth. It will hurt him.

Shomi (smile): Shona, it doesn't matter how deeply we burry the truth, it always find its way to come out one day. Everyone has to face it whether it is sweet or bitter. Sanskar will also have to accept it whether it will hurt him or not.( Sighed) And now no discussion over it. We will see it when he will know. Okk?

Swara nodded.

Shomi: Swara, Ap ji called me and said that your and Sanskar's marriage will be done tomorrow only. I have tell this to your baba also. He don't have any problem. Do you have any problem? Then, We will postponed it.

Swara nods no.

Shomi (serious): Shona.. actually Sanskar.. ( she paused)

Swara assured her to continue.

Shomi: Shona, Sanskar has said that there will not be any other function. Only marriage will be done. (sad for Swara)

Swara (chuckles sadly hearing it and then signed) How does it matter maa? When all functions were done, then marriage didn't happen. Now, when marriage is going to happen, no functions will be done. Account settled!!

Shomi put hands on her shoulder. Swara hugged her.

Shomi (break the hug): I am very sad Shona.
Swara: Because functions are not going to be done?
Shomi: No, because you will leave me and go. Now, who will make my favourite dishes for me?

Swara: No worry, kaka will make it for you.
Shomi: I know he will, but not like you, with lots of love and your perfect recipe.
Swara (keep her finger on chin and think) okk.
Shomi: So, tell me how will I eat my favourite dum aloo?

Swara: okk, I will come nd make it for you whenever you want to eat that.

Shomi: Will you have that much time for me?
Swara: Why not, you are my maa nd I will be happy to do anything for you.

Shomi: you are very nice beta. I don't know why I never see this in you before only. If I had then, I would have never wasted my time in ignoring and taunting you. I would showered all my love on you.

Swara (smile) don't think like that maa. you are my maa and will be always and I don't have any complaints from you. You love me very much and I don't need any proof for that.
Shomi smiles with tears.
Shomi: See, you made me cry. Now lets go.
Swara: Where?
Shomi: Shopping, I have to buy so many things for you. After all, its my daughter's marriage. Ap ji and Uttara are also coming directly to mall. So, get ready fast.
Swara: but....
Shomi: no no .. No but ... We Will discuss later but for now go and get ready, hurry up.
Shomi pushed her toward her room. Swara also took her dress and went to get ready.

After sometime:

Shomi: Shona, come fast beta.
Swara comes.
Ragini who heard her voice also come and ask: Where are you going with her mom?
Shomi: We are going to buy some dresses and jewellery for Swara.
Ragini: Don't she have enough and AP aunty also bought new dress for her that day. Now what does she want?

Shomi: I should say this to you Ragini you have enough dresses and accessories then why do you go for shopping in every two days and Swara buy anything occasionally only. So, better keep your mouth shut.

Ragini: For once, can you please stop comparing me with this Swara?

Shomi: Ragini, I have no time to debate with you. I have to go. Let's go Swara.

Ragini fumed in anger.

Shomi and swara left for shopping.
They went mall where Ap and Uttara were already waiting for them. Sujata could not come as she was not feeling well. They completed their shopping and were about to go.

Ap: Shomi ji, we bought everything na?
Shomi: yes ap ji.
Ap: My daughter will look so beautiful in wedding dress.
Shomi: But when is Uttara's wedding.

Swara was also confused.

Ap: I m talking about Swara only. She will be my daughter not daughter in law.
Shomi eyes filled with tears. Swara smiled.
Shomi: Thanku ap ji. You are really a nice woman. I m so proud that Swara will get you as mother in law.

Ap: Mother in law? If she is my daughter then I m her maa.

Shomi nods with smile.
Ap: And don't you dare to say that she is my daughter in law again.

Shomi: ( smiled) ji, now we should go.

Ap: Oh yes yes, you all have to come for sangeet also. let's go.

Then AP and Uttara left to mm and Swara and Shomi went to Gadodia house.

In office:

Laksh reached office late and the meeting was just about to start so, he rush to his sit without anyone notice. But he don't know that he was already noticed by DP and Sanskar. Dp gives angry glare but continued meeting.

After meeting,
Dp: (angry) Laksh, you are again late for meeting.
Laksh: Sorry dad, this is last time.
Dp: better be.
With that DP and Ram left the meeting room.
Sanskar gives " you will never change look to Laksh. Laksh give him sheepishly smile.
Laksh: bhai, I want to talk to you.
Sanskar: Yes say.
Laksh: Are you really ready to marry Swara?
Sanskar: Yes but I don't want to discuss about it right now. Why, how and all. We will talk about it later.

Laksh: (understand) hmm ok but
Can you pls do one thing?
Sanskar: Hmm say.
Laksh: If you are ready to marry Swara then don't behave with her like she is your enemy and try to stop your shooting gaze when Arshit will be with her.

Sanskar (shocked): you noticed?
Laksh (chuckles): why I won't? Don't I have eyes?
Sanskar didn't say anything.
Laksh: Will you do that?
Sanskar: ok, I will try.
Laksh (rolling his eyes): I excepted this only. Can't you make it simple by saying yes?
Sanskar ( smile): okk, I will do this.

Laksh hugs him excitedly. Sanskar also hug him back. They broke the hug.
Sanskar: Okk, I m going to my cabin. I have to meet a client.

Laksh: okk.
Sanskar leaves.
Laksh (monologue): you dont want to talk now. That's okk bhai but one day you will have to. I have to find out about past before everything again messed up this time also. There's lot of questions and no answers. But for now I m happy that you will behave politely with her. Laksh beta, go back to work you have to do so many things.

To be continued...

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