38. Accident or Attempt of murder??

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Swara was not listening to Sanskar and keeps on moving backward. Sanskar was having enough of it. He couldn't see her blaming herself for something which she was not responsible for. He felt pain to see her like that. He was hurt to see her in tears. She was looking at that memory card continuously. He swiftly move toward her and hold her by her arms and shouted.

Sanskar (shout): SWARA!!!

He shakes her little.

Sanskar: Swara, come in Sense. You are thinking wrong. There's nothing like that. Listen to me, please.

Swara calmed a little but her tears were not stopping. She was still looking down. Sanskar sees the memory card in her hand and snatched it harshly from her and threw it away.

Sanskar (slowly): Look at me Swara. Please.

Swara slowly lift her face up and look in his eyes which was showing a different emotion.

Sanskar (looking into her eyes): It was not your fault Swara. There's nothing you could do with it. Please Dont blame yourself. It was my mistake. I was driving rashly. (Calmly but it can easily guess through his voice how much worried he was).

Swara suddenly jerk his hand off again thinking about his accident and take a step back.

Swara (sign): No, it was my mistake.(pointing herself) Because of me, you come to know about Kavita and got stressed and that accident happened. I tried my best, to never let you know about it because I knew how much it would have hurt you and I only made a way for you to know this.. How can I? Why you did that? Why did you tricked me to open that file? It was my mistake. Because of me, your life was in danger.(Broke into tears).

He moves toward her and cups her face gently with both hands.

Sanskar: Tell me something Swara. If I would have asked you to tell me the actual truth. Would you have ever have told me?

Swara looked at him.

Sanskar: No right? I Knew that you will never let me know anything. But it was important for me to know about it, to know reality. I kept on blaming a pure soul and innocent person like you since two years because of that one misunderstanding. I accused you calling a selfish girl and what not! Totally unaware about how selfless you are. When Laksh told me that it was your friend who did that. I went to baba to apologize to him and from there I came to know that there was no such friend of yours. Swara, I did worst mistake of my life by blaming you, accusing you and you had to face so much just because of me. I couldn't let it go like that. You  had forgiven me but I couldn't. I wanted to know who was that person who played such disgusting game with our lives. So, I got determined to know about that person. I didn't let you know about it because I knew you would again stop me. Swara, truth can't be hidden so long. It find it's way somehow to come out. You never wanted to see me hurt. so, you did what you thought was right. I couldn't stayed calm without knowing anything. So, I did what I thought was right. I never thought in my my worst nightmare that it will be Kavita and I was  very hurt. I couldn't handle myself. I can't tell you what I was going through that time and then that accident. It was never your fault. You can never hurt anyone even unknowingly. Please don't blame yourself because if you do that I will again feel guilty. Swara, remember in hospital, it was you only who told me to get over past and live in present. So, why are you only drowning yourself in past? Whatever happened, just forget it thinking it as nightmare.

Swara looks down and nods no.

Sanskar cups her face and says: I m fine Swara. I m alright and it's all because of you. You gave me strength to handle myself rather you handled me when I was going through worst phase of my life, betrayal but you made me get over it and move on. Then tell me, how can you break like that? You took a promise that I won't think about past. So, now you have to promise me that you will never blame yourself for anything. will you?

Swara looks at him. He wipes her tears away with his thumb.

Sanskar: Promise me Swara. (giving his one hand)
As Swara didn't show any movement, Sanskar says: Think wisely Swara, if you won't promise then I will also break my promise.

Within a sec, Swara put her hand in his. Sanskar smiles. Swara also smiles a little through tears. He gets happy that he succeed in taking her out of her guilt for which she was not even responsible. He instantly pulled her into hug and hug her tightly. She also didn't back off and also responded him equally. She was crying overwhelmingly. Sanskar caressed her hair and back, hugging her tightly. She gripped his shirt tightly in her fist hiding her face in his chest.

Sanskar: Relax Swara, calm down.

After sometime Swara calm down and then she realized their position. She broke the hug and avoid eyes contact with him but Sanskar was not affected by it. He looked okay like it was so normal. He was calmed and he leaned toward her and kissed her forhead and says: Keep smiling Swara. Your eyes are beautiful. Don't stress it with tears. I like it's glow when you smile. So, now give me your beautiful smile. (Wipes tears from corner of her eyes)

Swara smiles.

Sanskar (smile): That's my Swara.(didn't realize that he just called MY SWARA) and as promised don't think about it. okay?

Swara nods.
Saying this he left her and went out taking his files.

Swara was feeling so light but she thinks about their recent closeness. She touched her forhead where Sanskar kissed and blushes.

Sanskar comes downstairs with smile on his face. He went out and looked upward to the room window unknowingly with the hope that Swara may be there but got little disappointed not finding her there. He shakes his head smilingly and sit in the car.

She rushed to room window and sees Sanskar sitting in the car. He started the car and was going then only Sanskar noticed Swara through rear view mirror and smiled with satisfaction to find her smiling.

Mm industries;
Sanskar stopped the car at entrance. He cane out of the car and enters inside. He was coming office after 12 days. Everyone greeted him to which he also replied with smile. Everyone got confused. Laksh just came out of his cabin and sees him smiling. He smiled too but knew that reason of this smile is Swara. He went from there. Sanskar also went to his cabin.
Then Arjun came and told him about some file to be signed.

Sanskar got busy in looking at files but didn't stressed himself much. It was 11 am. now, Sanskar was looking at some contract details. A knock on the door disturbed him.

Sanskar: Come in.

A staff person came and put a juice glass on his table.

Sanskar (confused): What is this? I didn't ordered anything.

St; sir, Laksh sir told to give you.

Sanskar: Laksh sir?

Then only his phone beeps. He take the phone and checked the message. it was from Swara.

" Its time for your juice. Take it and don't stress yourself about work."

A smile appears on his face. He got that Swara must have told Laksh to do it.

St: Sir if you don't want it then should I take it back?

Sanskar (smiles): No let it be, I will have it. (Monologue) she is so much understanding and caring.

The staff person left.

Sanskar also typed something and sent her. Swara's phone beeps.
"Okay ma'am, I won't take stress and thanks for juice."

Swara smiled shyly but didn't replied anything. Sanskar sees the message was read by her but not replying. He smiles at her.

Sanskar drinks juice and get back to his work.

It was lunch time, Sanskar wrapped up his work and thought to go back home soon. Then only Arjun came there.

Arjun: May I come in sir?

Sanskar: Yes Arjun.

Arjun come inside. He was looking serious.

Sanskar: Yes Arjun, is there anything?

Arjun: Actually sir, I m here to talk to you about something.

Sanskar (confused); What?

Arjun: Sir,  It's about your accident.

Sanskar: My accident.??(confused)

Arjun: Yes sir, Your accident was not just an accident.

Sanskar (getting serious): What do you mean?

Arjun: Yes sir, it was pre- planned. It was an attempt to kill you.

Sanskar (angry)v What are you talking about Arjun? Are you alright?

Arjun: Yes sir, I m saying correct. I m sure about it. Otherwise, I would not have told you this.

Sanskar: Say clearly Arjun.

Arjun: Sir, on accident day, Didn't you notice anything in your car that was unusual?

Sanskar thinks a bit and then he realized.

Sanskar (shocked): THE BRAKES!! The brakes were failed. Oh God!! How can I miss this??

His car breaks were failed. He didn't remember it due to sudden accident and after getting fine he didn't think much about it as he thought he met with accident due to his mental stress and rash driving.

Arjun: Exactly sir, your car brakes were failed and it was not suddenly. It was done by someone purposely.

Sanskar: But how do you know about it?

Arjun: Sir after your accident when you were admitted to hospital then Laksh sir was not in condition to look at other formalities. So, he told me to do it and I met with inspector in charge of your case. He told me that your car brakes were failed and it was done by someone. I wanted to inform Laksh sir about it but after your accident situation were not like that. So, I thought may be they will get more worried. So, I didn't tell them. Next day, when I came to office and told Karan about it, we checked the CCTV footage of parking. Everything was fine since the time you came by your car and then we got shocked to see the that there was no footage between 5:04 to 5:30. Then Karan went through other footage that is from entrance and we found something really unusual.

Sanskar: What? And where is Karan ? Call him.

Arjun: Yes sir. I will show you.

Karan also comes.

They show him the footage of entrance camera and it was showing a person in blue dress entered inside. He was having some bag in his hand.

Sanskar: Who is he?

Arjun: Sir, he is contract killer. Someone had given him money to kill you. He is under police custody now. We just got news from inspector that he was caught from city skirt area. He was planning to escape but he was under arrest.

Sanskar: Hmm, does Anyone in my family know about it?

Karan: No sir, actually we couldn't tell anything without any proof and that criminal was Also not arrested. So, We thought it won't be good for them to know about it and even it will be disclose in media and then problem may increase so, we thought to hide it for the time so that we may get some clue to find the real culprit as everyone must be thinking case will be closed stating accident. Arjun and me were on leave since five-six days as we had to co-operate with police to get clues. So, today Arjun decided to tell this to Laksh sir but you came. So, we thought to tell you about it firstly.

Sanskar: Hmm, it's good that you didn't told them. They would have been more worried and now also don't tell anyone.

Arjun: But what's next sir?

Sanskar: We will see it. Anyways thank you. You both did so much for me and handled everything.

Arjun: No sir, We works for you and you are our inspiration. We learnt so much from you.

Sanskar smiles.

Karan: Sir, but still police didn't find the actual culprit behind it and that killer is also not opening his mouth.

Sanskar heard him then thinks a bit and smirked. Arjun and Karan understood that something was going in Sanskar's mind.

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