48. Difficult being away

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Flashback continued...

Sanskar stopped the car,. Swara look at him,.
Sanskar; we reached,.. come.
Swara nods nd they come out of car,. She sees a farmhouse,. It was looking beautiful. Sanskar take her bag out,.nd stand beside her taking her hand in his, entwined their fingers,.swara smiled,..
They entered inside but it was dark,. Sanskar switched on the lights,. It look like.. no one came to live here for months,.
Swara was confused about this farmhouse, Because she don't know whose this..
Sanskar; it's my farmhouse,.. oh sorry our,. Before kavita died.... ... sorry faked her death,. All family members used to come here on weekends nd enjoy but now....it remain closed..
Swara put hand on his shoulder,..
Sanskar ( smile) don't worry I m okay,.. specially when you are with me.. I m superb,..
Let's go to room,.
He put the bag on side,. They go to a room,.
Sanskar; you go and fresh n up,.. I will arrange this room till then,.

Swara tried to say she will do that but Sanskar refused. She went to washroom,.after sometime swara come out,.nd sees everything is properly arrange,. He had arranged bed,. The room was looking much better,..
Sanskar; finally done,.. now I m going to sleep,..( saying this he jumped on the bed)
Swara look at him with wide eyes..
Sanskar; what happened,. ?
Swara nods nothing,. She goes near bed,.to put her watch on table,.nd take her phone,.when Sanskar snatch it,..
Swara look at him like what?
Sanskar; nothing.. I just forgot one thing,..
He typed something nd send it,.nd then give her phone back..
She got shocked to see the message was sent to Laksh saying that she is leaving,..
Sanskar; it's needed swara,..
Swara;( sign) but he will get angry on you? why are you hiding from him,.
Sanskar; ( serious) I know,. Not angry,.he may hate me.. nd even my family members,.but it's needed,. There is someone between us who is with Kavita,. Nd I can't take risk,. I trust Laksh but not that person.. I don't want to put him in danger..

Swara sit in front of him,. taking his hand in her,. Assuring him to say what is he want to,..or hiding,..

Sanskar; kavita is back with a motive swara,. Nd I m not sure what,. For arshit or for my properties,.
Swara; how can you be so sure? It may be misunderstanding..
Sanskar; i can never repeat my mistake,.. I Know I did mistake by accusing you in past but not this time,. I m sure then only I m saying that,.. she never met with any accident,.. her each and every word is lie,. Nd she was the one who tried to kill me,. I could not believe when I came to know about it,.when I saw her alive..  nd then when I come to know that she will even try to kill u ,. As I m married to you,. Nd I m moved on,..U r coming in her way,.I could not let that happen that's why I did all that drama,. avoiding you,. regretting for the moments I spend with you,.
But  tell me Swara did you ever thought that why I didn't said sorry for my closeness to you,.., about that kiss,..about Holi day,.. I didn't because I was never sorry for those moments,.. I never regret any moment that I spent with you... You heard what I wanted you to,. I knew you were listening to me that night,.nd when I was talking with Laksh,. I never told you anything directly cause I knew that I will never able to lie for the moments which are my most precious moments,.. the kiss that I shared with you was not a mistake,.it was most special moment of my life,. I know I gave you much pain saying all that but trust me swara,. I knew that everyone will hate me for what I was doing,. I was feeling much more pain in my heart doing that,. I had no choice,... trust me swara..

Swara put her hand on his mouth to stop him,. understanding his pain..

Swara; I trust you,. You don't need to explain urself,. If you did it for a reason,.  I m sorry I misunderstood you..( holding her ear)

Sanskar;( hold her hand, nd cup her face) cause I wanted you to do that,.  So Don't be sorry okay,.

Swara nods,.
Swara look at him lovingly,he was looking tired,. He was handling so many things,. She moved a bit close to him , cup his  face,.nd made him ly on bed . She kissed him softly on his forhead,. Sanskar feel himself relaxed with that kiss,. He closed his eyes,. He open his eyes feeling her moving away,.. he hold her hand,.she felt his fear,.nd she sit beside him taking support of bedpost assuring him that she is with him,. She caress his face nd hair,. Sanskar was looking at her without blinking his eyes,. He was feeling blessed when her fingers were moving through his hairs,. Swara move her hand through his eyes making it close,. Sanskar put his hand around her belly nd hugged her tightly,.. pulling her close,.swara shivers when she felt a kiss on her belly.. Sanskar felt her shiver nd smiles..
Sanskar;I think it's not first time   when I hugging you like this,.then..
Swara get shocked as she realized what he was saying,.he knows it,. That means he was in Sense when he hugged her when he was suffering from fever,.
Sanskar ( look at her) I told you na swara,. All my moments that I spent with you are special to me,..then how can I forget it,. I was not in complete sense but I can feel your presence even in that state..

Swara blushed,. And hugged him,.while Sanskar nuzzles more and hugged her tightly,.she gripped his shirt,.

They slept hugging each other..

Next morning;
4; 45 a.m;

Sanskar open his eyes,..nd sees his angel sleeping,. looking the most beautiful girl, he was out of fear now,. she was with him,. She won't leave,.she is his,. He caress her face,. She was in deep sleep,. She was also tired,. He sees the time,. Nd then think something,.
He slowly separate himself from swara,.nd kissed her forhead,.
He right something on a note and then left,. locking the main door,..

Sanskar reached mm,.nd entered his room through balcony,. Arjun sees him,.
Arjun; thank God ,. U back sir,.
Sanskar nods,.
Sanskar; did you notice anything? Did Kavita came here to check on me,..?
Arjun; yes sir.. u were right,. She came but she don't came to know that it was me not you,..
Sanskar smirked,.
Sanskar; okay Arjun.. you can go now,. Nd do what I said,..okk?
Arjun nods,..; sir.. did you stopped ma'am?
Sanskar; I m doing all this for her then how can I let her go,.
Arjun smiles nd was happy for him,..he  also went out.
Sanskar goes to washroom,..he got ready,..but it was only 6; 00 now,. He take his laptop and do his work,.

Swara woke up,.she didn't see Sanskar around and she got afraid,.but then her eyes caught a note on the table..
Swara take it and reads" gd morning angel,. I m sorry I m leaving without telling you but I have to go to mm,. If Kavita find me out,..then everything will be messed up,.. pls understand,.nd I LOVE YOU,.
yours and only yours
Swara smiles..
She take her phone,nd typed something and send him..
Sanskar who was doing something on his laptop sees a message in his phone,.
He smiled to find it's swara,.
"I understand you,. No need to request,.nd I LOVE YOU TOO,take care,..
Forever yours
Sanskar" you are there for me to take care,.then why should I do it myself"
Swara  blushed,..nd got another message,
" I m coming in one or two hour,."
Swara" okk, will wait for you"..

Swara put the phone back on the table nd ,.she comes out in hall nd sees everything,. She put her hair in bun and then got busy in arranging everything,. After sometime she took bath and prepare breakfast for both of them as Sanskar said he was coming..

Sanskar complete his work and sees the time,.it was going to eight now"..
He shut his laptop..
Sanskar ( mind) get ready Sanskar to face taunts and anger..
He sighed and Come out of room ,his expression was totally change to blank,.
After that he came downstairs and when Laksh got angry on him saying that swara left,.he acted as he didn't know nd have no affect.,.nd why he will have when he knew that swara is with him,.."
He come out of mansion and make a call to his p.a. that he is going to meeting so that if kavita asks or try to enquire,. He got saved..nd then left to farmhouse,.

Sanskar reached,nd swara saw him from room window nd hide herself from Sanskar,.till he find her,........

Flashback ends.....

Sanskar come out of his thought,.nd sees her lost ..

Sanskar; what happened swara..?
Swara nods no..
Sanskar; tell
Swara;( sign) I m worried for arshit,..he will be okay na?
Sanskar; he is fine,. Maa will take care of him,. I seen him in morning,.he was sleeping,. Don't worry I will soon bring him here to meet u,..
Swara got Happy,..
Sanskar ; I know everything is not good for now,.but soon will be fine.. once kavita drama over,. Then all will be happy and together,.. I promise,.
Swara gives assured smile,. Holding his hand,.
After that she was about to get up from bed but Sanskar stopped nd ask.; Where are you going?

Swara ( sign) nothing.. just going to prepare lunch,.
Sanskar; fine,.. I will also come,.
Swara; you know how to cook?
Sanskar; who said that,.. I will cook,. I will just sit and admire you,.( Coming close to her)
Swara blushed and pushed him,.she went out of room,. while Sanskar laughs,.

Swara made lunch,.while Sanskar was all the while busy in admiring her making her blush,. sitting on the slab,.
They ate lunch together,..nd spent whole day together,.swara was so happy,. She was missing everyone but Sanskar always make her feel happy,.she dreamt a day like this,.to spend whole day with her love nd today he made it,.
It was night,.they have dinner,..
Sanskar; okay swara.. I m leaving now,.
Swara got sad,.she doesn't wanted him to leave,. But still nods with smile,..
Sanskar smiles nd goes close to her,. pulled her toward himself by waist,.swara look in to his eyes,.
Sanskar; I will be back in an hour,.
Swara look shocked,..
Sanskar; so what you think,. I will leave you alone ,. Just going to show myself that I m present in mm,. Someone must be dying to see me till now,. Her wait or should I say drama should not be go waste.. right?

Then only his phone vibrate,.
Sanskar ( showing his phone); see,.again it's her,. She knows that I m out for a meeting but still,. She is impatient..
Swara nods unbelievably,.

Sanskar; so I have to go..
Swara nods okk,with smile...
She tried to break the hug..but Sanskar gripped tightened,. leading her skip her heartbeat,.he move close to her face.. her heartbeat raced nd breath go uneven,.
Sanskar smilingly caress her face, putting her hair strands back ,.swara closed her eyes,. Sanskar move bit more closer,. to her face,..to her lips,..nd slowly captured it, leading her to hold him tightly,.. he kissed her slowly yet sensously,.expressing his love nd passion,. He was holding her tightly,.while swara hand reached on his hair,. ruffling it,.she also responded it making him smile in between kiss,.
They break the kiss ,.
Sanskar;( smile) bye swara..
Saying this he was about to go but swara hold his hand,.
Sanskar look at her as what?
Swara come closer nd wipe lipstick that was on corner of his lips,.
Sanskar; why are you doing all this,. It's making me difficult for me to leave you even for an hour,..( mischievously)
Swara understand him nd pushed him,.
Sanskar; ( laughs)bye,..
Saying this he goes out,.swara sees him off..nd came back to her room,.she sees books,.nd started to read it,.nd wait for Sanskar,.

Sanskar reached,.he parked car nd entered inside..

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