49. The one hidden behind

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Sanskar entered inside and sees everyone having dinner,. everyone sees him but ignored him accept sujatha. She come toward him to ask for dinner.

Sanskar sees everyone and made his way toward his room with blank face. He knew their anger. Then sujatha call him..
Sujatha; Sanskar,. You also come for dinner,..
Sanskar; I m not hungry Chachi,. I have some work. How is Kavita?
Sujatha; she is fine.. she wanted to meet you,.ragini went to her room with dinner.
Sanskar; ok...
He put the bag and went to guest room to meet Kavita.
Kavita sees him and get happy...
Ragini went out leaving them alone.
Kavita; finally you came,. Where were you whole day,. You know how I felt when I didn't find you?

He sighed in his mind seeing her acting skills.

Sanskar; I m sorry Kavita,.all of the sudden work comes up,. Nd I had to go for a meeting,.but I already told Chachi ji and ragini to take care of you,.. didn't they...?
Kavita; relax Sanskar,..I was just kidding,. They took care of me,.but I wanted to see you. It's ok I know ur work must be important otherwise you can never leave me... But where you went,.. I mean office meeting doesn't take so much time,..
Sanskar;( monologue) like she doesn't know,. She already called my p.a. to know my whereabouts still asking me,.?
Sanskar ( fake smile) it was out of town,. So it took time. You say,. How are you now?
Kavita; I m fine,.but so many things changed na,.
Sanskar; what ?
Kavita; I mean,.. Laksh got married,. Ragini is nice girl,.she became my good friend now. Even that girl was good,.she must have take care of arshit in my absence..
Sanskar ( confused) which girl?
Kavita; arey that girl ,..who brought me here yesterday,..what was her name,..yeah swara,.ragini told me,. She was care taker of arshit..
A sudden anger raised in Sanskar listening" caretaker" word for his swara,. How dare she to call her that,.he wanted to burst out on her,but he can't,.he grip his fist tight to control himself..
Kavita; I know Sanskar it must be tough for you to handle him,so maa appointed her,.but now I came na,.. everything will be fine,.
Sanskar; (things were alright when you were not here,.but you spoilt it,.nd about arshit,.I won't let even ur shadow fall on him")

Sanskar; sure,.but before that you have to be fine..nd take care of urself,.and maa will take care of arshit.
Kavita; maa also said the same,.nd smiles..
Sanskar; she is right,..you don't take stress,. If you won't be alright then how will you face your coming future...

Kavita;( confused) what?
Sanskar;( realized) ah.. no .. I was saying,. You have responsibility of this house,.ur arshit and your husband,.how will u face that in ur future,.
Kavita smiles..
Sanskar; achcha..it's getting late..u take rest ,.
Kavita; won't you be here with me?
Sanskar; Kavita,.I have some office work,nd after accident it increased a lot,.so I have some pressure. I may be busy these days.,
Kavita; what accident..?
Sanskar;( monologue) the same when you tried to kill me.
( To Kavita) nothing it was jus small accident,. Then I got bed rest for some days nd then office work stop a bit.. secondly I need time,.. I was thinking all the while that you left me forever ,nd all of sudden I got u back. I was living with no hope to see u again,..but now u r here with me,. I was fearing that I will lose my love but now I have my love of life with me,. I can't ask for more ,.just some days then we will again live like we were,.infact more than that..( he was talking about swara,..which Kavita interpret for herself)

Kavita; it's ok Sanskar,. I understand

Sanskar; but I promise once I comes out of this mess,.nd settle this account ( Kavita account) then all problems will be solved..
Kavita; ok..
Saying this she ly on bed,. taking comforter,.. Sanskar also come out of room , switching off the lights. He went to his room.

After Sanskar went, kavita open her eyes and take out her phone that was below the pillow.
And call someone,.
Kavita; yeah,.he don't have any suspicion about me,. Nd Seriously he is such a fool,he still trust me and love me the same,..I mean who cares how much time he take.. I have my own motive..nd this belief and trust for me will really will cost him so much.

Kavita; yes..we have to do it fast..don't worry I will take care of it.
She talk for sometime and cut the call nd put the phone back.nd sleep unknown of the fact that someone had heard her. The camera zoomed to bed side table on with a flower bass was kept,. there we can see small transmitter.
Sanskar was sitting on sofa on his room with a smirk ,he listened her conversation.

Sanskar ( monologue) I want that only Kavita,that u believe that I still love you,. I m waiting for your one mistake ,so that I can reach that person who is helping you..just once spill his name,. He will be dead by my hands..

After that he calls Arjun and tell him something,.
Then he left to farmhouse,.

Swara was in room,.she was reading book. She sees the time,.it was two hours since he left but still not come,. She go and stand near window,.cool wind was blowing,her hair was floating in air.. she thinks about her moment with Sanskar,.today was the most beautiful day of her life,. She rubbed her arms for warmth as she was feeling cold due to wind. Suddenly she feels herself wrapped in two protective arms nd sudden warmth. Her smile grew wider knowing the person,. She hold his hand nd let her head relax on his chest,. closed her eyes.

Sanskar smiles nd kisses her hair,.
Sanskar; waiting for me?
Swara nods still closed eyes.
They stay like that,.
Sanskar; swara.. see I don't have any problem to be like this whole night but don't u think we may caught cold like this.
Swara chuckled and broke the hug, turned toward him,.
Swara; (sign) did u get anything about her?
Sanskar; not really,.but I m sure I will get something soon,.nd that person too..who is helping her,. She talked to him today,. I don't know much but one thing is clear that she won't have doubt about me,. She thinks me as a fool that I still love her..( laughs)..
Swara ( sign) are you okay?..
Sanskar look at her. She knew that he loved her,.nd it's hurt when that person betray you.

Sanskar; I m fine swara..nd now I m not hurt,. I was hurt when I got to know the truth of hers but now I know her ,.but she is right in one thing that I m fool ,I m fool that I let her come in my life instead of you.. now I don't have any feelings for her.. we get hurt by our loved ones but she is no one to me. She is not that important that I will think what she did to me ,all the time..
Nd she is not that important that you are raising her topic in our beautiful moment..
Swara smile at his last line,.nd nods..
Sanskar; ok,.so let's go to sleep,.
They went to bed and sleep together embracing each other.

Next morning;
Everyone is having breakfast, Sanskar also join as he already came back from farmhouse before anyone wake up..He wanted to join swara in breakfast but she denied him saying Kavita will get doubt nd he knew she was right so he reluctantly agreed. Kavita also come nd sit beside Sanskar. Sanskar pass a fake smile. But in all this one person was observing Sanskar,.

Everyone were eating when sujatha say; Sanskar where were you last night?
Sanskar; what? I mean what do you mean Chachi ji,.. I was here only..
Sujatha; woh,. In morning when kaka went to ur room for tea,.u were not there,.nd last night I woke up to get water then also no one was in ur room.

Sanskar got shocked,.he didn't know what to say at that moment,.
Laksh; he was in study room,.he was working on the the project that was discussed in yesterday meeting .
Dp; but yesterday, there was no meeting?
Laksh; it was dad,. Woh Surya &co. project,. . Bhai got sudden information that's why he went informing his p.a.
Dp; ok..
Sanskar was shocked to see Laksh supporting him,
Sujatha; but where was he in morning.
Sanskar; I was in study only,.as I slept there itself,.
Laksh; yeah,.by the way ..why are you so curious,.like you are detective,..are you stalking Bhai,.?
Sujatha; hayy..ram ji. See what he is saying..
Ap; Laksh,. Stop it.
Laksh; yeah,.. whatever,.nd even I m not interested in this house drama,. One side ur son nd other chachi ji..I m sick of it.
Saying this he rushed out.
Sanskar also finished breakfast,
Sanskar; maa,. I may get late in returning,. Due to project work,. We have final meeting after a week,.
Kavita; it's ok Sanskar,. I m here na,. I will see arshit.
Sanskar ( monologue) seriously good ,.. I will kill her if she goes near him,.
Ap; no kavita.. you should take care of urself. U are not totally fine..
Sanskar; thanks maa,. She is right Kavita,.
Kavita; ok..
Sanskar kissed arshit forhead and went out.
He sat in his car when he got a message
" Need some answers... Meet me"
Sanskar sigh nd start the car ,.knowing where he must be..
He stop the car at cliff,there he was sitting on top of car, waiting for him.
Sanskar comes out of the car,..nd goes to him,.
Sanskar; Laksh,..
Laksh; oh..here u r,. Now will u pls care to explain me,.what's going on,.nd pls don't lie .
Sanskar; lucky..
Laksh; truth,..
Sanskar; kavita is back with a motive,.I knew that she will come before only..
Laksh; what?
Sanskar; yes,.
Then he explained him ,how he got to know that Kavita tried to kill him,the accident truth,. His behaviors right before Kavita come,.was all just a drama,. About the person who is with Kavita in all this..
Laksh;oh God all this happened and u didn't told me anything,. one sec,. Arjun and Karan..they were transferred to Mumbai right?.....
Sanskar smiles,.. Laksh knows this smile.
Laksh; you are such a devil...but why you hided all this from me,.and swara,..what's her fault in all this. Whatever Kavita did,is not her mistake,..why are punishing her,.she was so broken,.nd she left........(suddenly he realized something) wait she is also here,.and that message what was all that " I m leaving,final bye ........" .. it was also sent by you,. Wasn't it?

Sanskar smirked with smile,.

Laksh; ok I understand everything but did you get to know who is that person... With Kavita..?
Sanskar ( smirked); ..YOU....!!!

To be continued.....

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