51.The dance on call

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Swara and Sanskar had their dinner happily,. Sanskar was very happy to get this surprise from swara. It was very special for him. Swara was wrapping up everything after dinner when Sanskar get call,.nd he went aside to attend the call,.

Sanskar; yes Lucky,
Laksh; happy birthday bro,.
Sanskar; thank you,.but why are u calling me now..if Kavita comes to know...
Laksh; chil Bhai,. I know how to handle these things after all I m ur brother only..so don't understimate Laksh maheshwari..
Sanskar; yeah,. whatever,.
Laksh; by the way,,. Swara wished u ?
Sanskar; yeah,..nd he told about the surprise she planned..
Laksh; oh so romantic Bhai,.( Teasingly)
Sanskar; shut up lucky,.
Laksh; yeah,..I know who will care about me... You are busy with ur wife,..
Sanskar smiles at his dramatic tone,.he can never change..
Laksh; but on serious note.. I have news for you,.
Sanskar; what?
Laksh; someone tried to hack maheshwari accounts..nd no doubt,.it's Kavita,.
Sanskar; but how she did that,. It's only we know the password,.
Laksh; yeah,. I know,.nd she tried to  see the tenders information we got in last few months,.but thank god Karan immediately handled ,.he was monitoring it. I have sent you something, please check now only,..
Sanskar; ok wait,.
He connect the call to Bluetooth nd then on his laptop..nd check the details Laksh has sent..
Laksh; Bhai did u get that..
Sanskar; hmm yeah Laksh,.
Laksh; so what now?
Sanskar; ( thinking something)so she want information of tenders,. Ok so let's give her.
Laksh; Bhai.,.what are u talking? It's confidential,.it may cause us loss,.
Sanskar; wait,.. who said,. It will correct info..
Laksh; you mean fake info..
Sanskar; you got me,.
Laksh; perfect plan Bhai...but now u enjoy yourself,..we will see it later,..I hope you get what I mean...bye bhai
Sanskar;( smile) I know,. bye.

He cut the call,nd look for swara..
She was standing near the table nd was arranging things. When he sees her in dark brown colour saree,.  She was looking beautiful as always, her open hair till her waist,her eyes lashes movement,her lips,. everything about her is so perfect,. Swara was doing her work unknown of the desirous gaze of her husband,she switched off main light after completing work,nd on dim lights. She was about to move when she felt a sudden pull. She gasped as she fall on his chest. She gripped on his shoulder in fear nd then look up into his eyes. Sanskar look at her face  that was glowing in faded light. He hold her by her waist by one hand ,nd put her hair strands behind her ear moving hand on her face,.swara blushed with the proximity nd his intensive gaze..her hold tightened,.
Sanskar;( lovingly) whenever I think ,I can't fall for u more,.why do u always prove me wrong,.?don't u think it's unfair with me?
Swara looks down in shyness,.nd try to free herself but Sanskar hold her more tight nd pulled her more closer,. bringing her face close to his..
Sanskar;( whispered) u can't go like that,.first give my answer,.
Swara didn't say anything,she just avoid to look at him.
Sanskar;fine,..but u know what swara,.I love this feeling,I love to love u. I love to fall more and more for u. ( Swara look at him and smile, Sanskar cups her face) U r the most special person of my life, nd I can proudly announce that I m luckiest person that u r in my life,. with u all moments are special,.nd I can never in my life forget today, cause u made it special for me..thank you so much swara,..( saying this he kissed her forhead)..
Swara feel happy nd hug him..he also reciprocate the hug passionately..
They were hugging when Sanskar says; waise swara,..wont u gift me something?
Swara broke the hug nd sign ; what do u want?
Sanskar; a promise .. a promise to be with me always,.even if I do mistake,.u will slap me,.angry with me but never leave me pls.. I can't imagine how will I live without u,.I..
( Interrupted as swara took his lips in hers,.nd began to kiss him,. Sanskar was shocked first but he also hold her close and responded,)
They break the kiss,. nd swara look at him,.; I m always with u.. just never say that,.
Sanskar joined his forhead with hers nd say; I promise,.... But I never knew that u can approach first to kiss,.
Swara shied,..
Sanskar; I loved it and I love you,.
Swara;( sign) I love u too,.
Sanskar; can I ask one more thing,.
Swara nods..
Sanskar; can I have pleasure to dance with the most beautiful  woman of this world.?( Forwarding his hand)
Swara nods with smile giving her hand in his.
He hold her taking her one hand in his nd by her waist.. they move slowly,. looking into each other's eyes..
When swara remember something and smile,.
Sanskar; what are u thinking wifey?
Swara nods no.
Sanskar; our first dance?
Swara look at him shocked,.she was thinking about the same,.but she was hesitant to tell this to him as he didn't loved her that time.
Sanskar; I can never forget that dance,.cause it was my first dance with u,.nd was special,.may be that time I didn't love u,.may be my mind thought that,..but my heart was falling for u,.nd heart can never be wrong... So don't hesitate to share what you feel,.
Swara nods with smile,.she can't believe he is same Sanskar who don't wanted to see her face but now he care for her the most. He care for her feelings,.what more can she ask to God..
They were dancing slowly,when Sanskar move closer to her face,.the shine in her eyes,nd face was pulling him toward her,. swara closed her eyes in anticipation, feeling his hot breathe in her face,nd within a moment she felt his lips on her  eyes ,then nose,.,.he was kissing her face lovingly nd then her jawline,.she was feeling herself weak,so she held him tight to support,.she hug him feeling a different sensation, keeping her head on his shoulder,. Sanskar bent down nd hided his face in her hair. They were lost in each other when suddenly phone ring resulting them to come back to their sense,. Sanskar get angry on the person who became the source of spoiling this moment,. They break the hug,. Sanskar sees the caller ID nd get irritated. It was non other than " Kavita".. she must have called to wish him. Swara also sees the caller ID, she was a bit uncomfortable to see it's Kavita,.
Sanskar cut the call but she again called,. Sanskar get more angry,.
He was about to cut,.but swara stopped him,. Telling him,to be calm and take the call,.it will make her suspicious if he cut her call again and again. It's his birthday,.nd she may called to wish,.
Sanskar; swara but..
Swara look at him,.
Sanskar; fine,.
Swara nods but her smile fake as she was feeling insecure due to Kavita, she didn't wanted to hear their conversation. So she start to go..
Sanskar; wait ,.where r u going,. I m not going to talk to her if you will go,.( Sensing her feelings) so just be here,( pulling her again in his arms) he took the call by Bluetooth,nd keep the phone back,.nd  circled her arms around her, taking swara in back hug,.; Yes Kavita,.
Swara was surprised but a smile appeared on her face as he sense her insecurity  nd made her feel better. She also keep her hand on his nd let her head rest on his shoulder.
Sanskar take the call nd talk; yes Kavita..
Kavita; hello Sanskar,where r u? Laksh told me u r not coming home,why?
Sanskar; Kavita,.if Laksh already told u this,.then he must have told that I have some work of tomorrow meeting..( anger can be felt in his word, but swara rub his arms to be calm, looking at him, Sanskar nods ok)
Kavita; Sanskar,I mean today is ur birthday,.
Sanskar;(fake sad) I know baby, but what to do,.I have works,.u know na,. I had already told u that I will be busy..
Kavita; but Sanskar... I had planned so many things with family,.I was already away from u since long time nd now when I got u,.u are not giving us time,.it's not fair Sanskar,.....(bla bla)
Kavita was saying all that but Sanskar was least interested in hearing her,he was busy in his own work of teasing swara with his sweet torture, kissing her on her neck,hiding his face in her hair,his hands were roaming on her belly making her breathless. Swara was trying to stop him but couldn't as she was melting in his touch.
Kavita was continuously talking about her so called plans,.nd her care toward him,.nd Sanskar just hmmed in between making her feel that he is listening her,.
He move toward her shoulder nd kiss her,nd bite her making swara to breathe heavily,.nd uneven,.
Kavita; Sanskar,.why are your breathe so uneven?.
Sanskar chuckled as it was swara,.but still he said; I was running..
Swara look at him like what?
Kavita; why are u running in office,.
Sanskar; Kavita,.I was searching for a file, it was on next floor of mine,.so I was running on stairs,.
Swara just smile at his stupid explanation.
Kavita; oh ok,.take care ..
Sanskar; yeah,.
Kavita; when will u come?
Sanskar; I really don't know Kavita,.u know na,how much work important for me,.I m so busy right now in preparation for meeting,.it's very important(twirl swara, leading her to face him,nd kissed her cheek,.nd bite earlobs romantically),.sorry Kavita,.I spoiled ur plan,.but I promise I will make it up nd u will get so many surprises from me very soon..( saying these lines,he smirks,while swara give him unbelievable look)
Kavita; it's ok Sanskar,.bye. I love you..
Sanskar; bye,.I love you a lot sweetheart.( Looking at swara,nd take her lips in his once again in passionate kiss, to which swara responded, ruffling his hairs with one hand nd another on his shoulder,while his hand roaming around her waist)
Screen blurred on Swasan kissing each other.

Next morning;
Sanskar was ready,.he was sitting on the sofa and looking at his laptop,.he was damn serious and in tension,. He sees the person who was doing something with his laptop nd it was non other than swara,. Suddenly she smile in relief,.
Sanskar;( smile) is it done swara..
Swara nods,.;( Sign) now ,.if Kavita try to hack ur or Maheshwari account,u will instantly get notification on ur phone nd then u go to account on same time nd track her through this software and she will see only what u want her to see,.nd get that Info only,.( Showing him through the laptop,what should be done)
Sanskar immediately hug her; oh God.. I love u swara.. u r simply best,.(peck her lips)
Swara smiled at his happiness.

Sanskar ; now things will be in control,..
Swara nods but she think something and ask; Sanskar, did u get to know about the person who is helping Kavita?

Sanskar face turned serious nd he went into his thought,.
Swara put her hand in his,nd..ask what?
Sanskar; I don't know swara,. May be I m wrong but.. ( stopped as he don't know how to say)
Swara squeeze his hand and assure him to continue...
Sanskar; ( taking sigh) RAGINI..
Swara grip loosen,.
Sanskar; I know,.it's really not believable,.but i got proof against her,. I do not know but why will she do that nd why will she try to hurt laksh nd prove Laksh guilty for my accident,. I m really confused,.
He was saying all this but he got shocked to see swara in tears,.she was lost in her thoughts,..
Sanskar; swara,..
She didn't look at him,.
Sanskar;swara,.he shook her,..nd she look at him,.
Sanskar; is there anything,I don't know? Tell me swara..

To be continued....

Precap; revelation by swara nd Swasan arshit moments...

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