56. It's a Trap

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"Oh so that was important work Sanskar".. both heard a voice and look at that direction only to get shocked..

Sanskar:( shocked) KAVITA!!!!!

Kavita: yes me.. what happened ? Shocked?? But that should for me right? isn't it?and what is she doing here?

Swara was shocked. She look at Sanskar who was equally shocked and look at her. She was afraid as whatever Sanskar had planned is going to spoil..

Sanskar assured her through eyes and immediately composed himself.
Sanskar: Kavita.. listen.. it's not like what you see..
Kavita: then what it is Sanskar? My husband is coming to meet some other girl at this late night and u r telling me.. it's not like what I see? Tell me Sanskar.. since when it's going on..?(with tears.. oviously it's fake😏😏)

Sanskar coming toward Kavita..

Sanskar: Kavita pls listen to me.. you know na I love you..

Kavita: lie.. it's all a lie. I get it.. you did all this in my absence na.. how could u do this Sanskar.. I loved u so much.. and in all these days I lived with illusion that u r stressed out and need some time to believe that finally ur love come back to u but here u only betrayed me. I always loved u Sanskar and u did this to me.. did you married her?

Sanskar: Kavita pls try to understand.. u r not well.. your health will be get affected..  pls listen to me...

Kavita: ( shout) NO... I WON'T LISTEN ANYTHING NOW.. ALL BECAUSE OF THIS GIRL.. I WILL KILL HER.. (move toward Swara and try to slap her) YOU BLOODY BITCH....

But a strong hand held her and slap her hardly that she fell on floor.
" DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH MY WIFE..." Sanskar roared at Kavita. Swara shivered to see his anger.. Sanskar sees this and held her in side hug.

Kavita:( Shockedly whispered) wife??

Sanskar: yes, she is my wife...

Kavita: SWARA  GADODIA.. OOPS, SWARA SANSKAR MAHESHWARI ... RIGHT?(her shocked face turned to smirk now. She stand up straight and look at Swara)..
Really smart Swara, I thought your chapter is finished two years ago but looks like some people don't learn from their past mistake... Why you always come between me and Sanskar when you know it will always give you pain..

To Sanskar: what??? don't tell me you are shocked.. you already know that I m not suffering from any memory loss..then why should I do drama .. let's face it na.. enough of this hide and seek game.. now let it be face to face..

Sanskar:(attitude) right, enough of this hide and seek.. why to hide when I know everything, how selfish you are..

Kavita: oh come on Sanskar.. I m not selfish.. I m much more than that.. don't underestimate me.. especially when I know everything about YOU AND YOUR PLAN..

Sanskar ( confused) what?

Kavita: ( smirked) what do you think if u will trap ragini.. u will trap me..  haha.. it's not that easy..

Sanskar look at her shocked as how she come to know about it.

Kavita: you got to know the truth that I tried to kill you but Mr. Maheshwari .. do you have any proof about it.. because as if I see.. that contract killer was also killed. So no one knows it was me.. and Mr. Maheshwari do you know who killed him.. well .. I don't like to praise myself but it was also done by me..  in short.. whatever happening in ur life since these months.. it was all done by me..
I knew that you are married to Swara.. but I needed to remove her from your life for my purpose. I came back to mm.. and u acted that u still love me . I actually believed you. I thought you are still emotional fool so I could continue my work and Swara was also not there but here you are ahead of my plan.. I came to know you are already against me. And you know what I would have not known it if ragini would not have run away from ur clutch as u had kidnapped her. But she ran way and told me everything..
Again a shock.. right? What? u don't believe.. check .. ragini has ran away?

Sanskar look at her then Swara.. he took his phone and call Karan..
Kavita: put it on speaker...
Sanskar: hello Karan.. where is ragini..
Karan: actually sir , she hit me on head and then ran away .. the guards were out.. I m sorry sir..
Sanskar: it's ok u take care urself..
Sanskar cut the call and closed his eyes in frustration..

Kavita: tch.. tch.. tch.. bad luck.. how can you trust ragini that she will be ur proof against me. When she can spoil her sister's life.. when she only want to destroy you and Swara..
And now when I know everything.. I was keeping my eye on you and followed you. Now that we are here.. I m thinking why not kill u both and my work will be more easy...
( Saying this she take out her gun and point toward them)

Swara hugged Sanskar being scared. Sanskar also hugged her back.
Sanskar: Kavita.. I swear I will kill u..
Kavita: for that you need to be alive Sanskar..( saying this she was going to press the trigger but stopped..)
Wait... You wanted to know my purpose of my come back. How can I kill u in suspense.. I should reveal it so that u can die in peace. So , Sanskar.. you were right.. I m here for money. I wanted to get all ur property. Then only I came to know that ur company got very big project that u r going to get profit of billions but I thought why I should leave it. Let's take that too.. and I hacked ur company account.. not once but twice as first time ,. I wasn't succeed so I tried another and then all ur money was transferred in my accounts.. so there's is no use to live Sanskar as u r going to come on road.

Sanskar was shocked..

Sanskar ( angry) how could you do this kavita??
Kavita: wait wait.. one more thing.. u don't want to know how I transferred ur property on my name..
See this( she show him papers which was stating that all his property belongs to her now)..
I got this sign when I told you that it's my hospital formalities.. but you being a fool signed this paper..  and ur office and bank balance will be also mine as it's stated that if anything happens to you , your everything transferred to your wife who is me. You know na Sanskar, if you marry without divorcing ur first wife then ur second marriage is not considered.. so I m still ur wife..not Swara..

Sanskar was listen all this with anger. He just wanted to kill her right now. Swara was shocked to see Kavita. How can she do this to Sanskar.. she told she loved Sanskar but no she is such a disgusting woman..

Swara move toward her and slapped her hard with anger that her corner lips started bleeding while Sanskar look at swara with proud and anger at Kavita.

Kavita: you ... How dare you to slap me..
She point gun at her forhead. Swara flinched with fear but Sanskar hold her and pushed her behind him.. and directly look at Kavita eyes..

Sanskar:(arrogance) shoot...

Kavita:( smirk) weird.. you are going to die.. still so much arrogance..

Sanskar: cause I m not coward like you Kavita.. shoot..
( Swara tried to stop him but he hold her.

Kavita: ur wish..

Swara eyes filled with tears.. she nods no at Sanskar telling not to do this.)

Kavita press the trigger.. but nothing happened..

Kavita get confused.. Swara was also confused but a person was smirking. He was none other than Sanskar..
Kavita again press trigger but still nothing..
Sanskar take out his hand from pocket..
Sanskar: ( smirk) I think you need this Kavita..

Kavita: ( shocked) how??
Sanskar: weird na.. guns can kill a person but it's no use when it's not having bullets..

Kavita( anger) Sanskar!!!.. ( she tried to snatch the bullet..

Sanskar: guards...
And within a second they were surrounded by 5-6 guards with loaded guns pointed toward Kavita..

Kavita get scared.
Sanskar: ( forwarding his hand toward gun) can I  have pleasure to take this?
Kavita give the gun to him. And he loaded it.

Sanskar: ahh.. Now perfect..so  Mrs. Kavita Mahesh... Oops miss Kavita.... No no.. Mrs. Kavita Rahul singhania.. right???

Kavita look at him shocked.

Sanskar: I know u must be confused so let's start from the beginning..
So the story is u never loved me.. it was only me who loved you. And you saw my richness.. family background, business.. then it will be really stupid to leave a guy like me.. so u also played along. But I must say that was really nice acting.. you are a cheap girl Kavita.. you can stoop so low that no one can imagine.. when we married, dad was angry with so he took my shares even changed his will.. so u left with no profit from me still u tried to be a good dil and thought one day ur plan will execute but much to disappoint u that day never come.. and it goes a year.. ur patience broke and you wanted one chance to run away from me. And you get that when u met Rahul singhania, my rival in a business party.. unfortunately our business fell down that time and Rahul was on top , so he was ur target.. u met him again and again without even letting me know.. and finally he fell in ur trap.. and what u left with all that accident drama and married Rahul... Wait wait wait..... Am I missing something? Yeah, the DIVORCE, ur marriage will be illegal if u marry without divorcing ur first husband ,right? But u were smart, u already divorced me, taking my signature fakely.. but you know what that's the only thing u did good for me..

After that you shifted to London with Rahul but as the day passed Rahul get to know intensions and   divorce u but u failed his break and killed him showing it's an accident.. after his death, his business gradually fall down and u needed an strong project to hold ur company ,as Maheshwari was top in market and you knew that I still love u, u thought why not use ur so called acting skills again.. and u came back but you got to know that I m married to Swara.. and even if you come back you will get nothing. So u tried to kill me.. so that in my absence, you could easily show ur right of being my wife and holder of my property according to my will.. but what should I say, ur unfortunate luck or Swara's unconditional love that I survived..
I was shocked to know that it was u who tried to kill and u r alive but now u were going to Target Swara, because u knew that she is making her place in my heart.. but before u tried to do something, I showed u that I m separated from Swara but I was always with her because I LOVE HER.. and after that I was keeping eye on each and every moments of URS.. I wanted to know ur intentions and I came to know u r behind my property.. and yeah, these property papers  are as useless as you,..

Kavita: what are u talking Sanskar, it's ur sign only.. and now I will get ownership..

Sanskar: really? You re right, it's my sign but it doesn't my sign , u needed Swara's sign. I had already transferred my everything on Swara's name when u came back. And about my company account hacked ,and transferring money.. u r not that smart Kavita.. you are STILL NIL.. you just see what I show u... U r still  ZERO...

Swara look at him shocked..

Screen splits on Swara's shocked face, Kavita confused and Sanskar smirking..

To be continued....

Some more twists and revealation.........

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