58. Culprit behind the bars

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Kavita: yeah I m defeated but what do u think.. if u will get arshit custody he will be ur son.. no .. hahaha.. HE IS NOT UR SON , SANSKAR MAHESHWARI..
That child whom u think and treat as ur life depends on him.. is nothing but an orphan.
What Happened , shocked? Hahahaha...
Do u remember Sanskar, you come to know about my pregnancy oops sorry fake pregnancy , it was third month.. and after that I told u that my aunt and uncle calling me to leave with them in my pregnancy. U didn't agreed but little bit emotional blackmail and u agreed. And you know there is no uncle and aunty of mine.. I was with Rahul only in those months.. I was with him for four months in London only.. then I came back to you with that baby whom I adopted from an orphan who was born just a week before.. and told u that I had an immature delivery.. co incidently arshit was also immature baby.. so it wasn't a big problem for me to lie.. And as u were a big fool.. u believed everything I told u.. and yeah u r right after that I went to Rahul and did that accident drama.. haha Sanskar.. you won but still u r defeated.. that child whom u think ur family is not even URS and this girl Swara.. I m sure she will also not care for him now.. and who will care for that child who is not their blood.. he is just an orphan..

Sanskar: NO.. HE IS NOT AN ORPHAN.. and I knew it from before that HE IS NOT MY BLOOD but he was and always will be my son.. what do you think Kavita.. if I can know about Rahul then can't I know about it.. I came to know about it the day u entered mm and then I decided I will not let even ur shadow fall on my son.. and about Swara.. ( look at her who was having tears in her eye) I know I hide it from her because I never wanted her to get hurt..

Swara look away and go to their room.
Sanskar look at her going and felt bad for her.
Kavita:(smirked) see.. I told u..

Sanskar: (stern) I don't need ur suggestion Kavita. I know her.. she is not like you that If she doesn't find any profit from a person , she will leave them.. that's the main difference between u and her.. she can do anything for her loved ones and you can stoop so low to any level for ur profit..
( To inspector) now pls take her away from me, before I do something to her which is against law.

Inspector nods and then lady constable drag Kavita with her.

Kavita: this is not the end Sanskar.. I will see u..

Sanskar:( to inspector) wait..

He go close to her and whispered in dangerous threatening voice: don't try to do that.. otherwise next time you won't be lucky enough to go to jail.. may be you will loose ur life..
Kavita look at him shocked to yet scared.
( To constable) take her away..
And they take her with them..

( Kavita chapter finished.. 😂😂)

Laksh: Bhai.. why did you hide it?
Sanskar: I didn't want her to get hurt . She loves arshit as her own child.. I couldn't...

Laksh: ( kept hand on his shoulder) it's ok.. she will be fine.. go to her..

Sanskar: hmm.. you also go to mm.. it's going to be morning now.. I will come in some hour with swara and tell everything to all .

Laksh: yeah.. okay..
Sanskar: Arjun , Karan.. u both also go.. thnku so much.. without u both I can't say how would have this happened
Laksh: true Bhai..

Arjun : no sir.. i told u already.. u r our idol so pls don't thank us.
Karan nods..

Sanskar: Laksh , take ragini with u..

Laksh:( stern) sorry Bhai.. but I m refusing to do this. I don't know any girl named RAGINI in my life. She is no one.. bye..

Saying this he was about to go but stop and said without turning: and yeah if she come to mm then I will leave that house.. so decide it either her or me..

Ragini got shocked to see this much hatred for herself.

Sanskar: Laksh!!..

Laksh didn't listen anything and go out. He sat in his car and drove away..

Ragini was blank. She always saw a loving and caring laksh. He was angry but never this much that he will refuse to know her.. he hate her..

Karan was already gone.
Arjun see this . He felt sad for laksh but he was also right at his place.

Sanskar: Arjun can you pls drop her to mm.. cause if she go to Gadodia,then it will difficult to make them understand for now so..

Arjun: but Laksh sir..

Sanskar: Don't worry.. I will talk to him and make him understand..when everyone will know reality then i will respect whatever decision he take but for now she have to be there..

Arjun: ok sir.. let's go RAGINI MA'AM.. ( Little bit angry tone ).

Arjun go out.
Sanskar: ( to ragini) once I thought that Swara betrayed me but i wasn't betrayed by her. It was her who was betrayed by u.. and now , because of you my brother is suffering. You have hurt two important person of my life so never expect that I will ever forgive u or even try to convince Laksh to forgive u. Some people need second chance but u need some sense to know what's wrong and what's right. Get lost!!..

Ragini look at him then blankly go out and sat in the car. Sanskar sighed and sees toward the room then move toward it.

He go inside and look at swara who was standing at the window looking outside. She was facing her back.. her hair was floating due to cold wind. He sighed and move toward her and stand just behind her then slowly slide his one hand around her waist and hugged her from back.. his another hand wrapped around her shoulder. Swara closed her eyes. She fist her hand.. she wasn't angry but hurt that he hided this truth from her..
He nuzzle in her nape and whispered: I m sorry Swara.. pls.. once again I hurt you.. I m really sorry.. I didn't want to hurt you..

A tear from her eye fell on his hand.. he get concerned and immediately broke the hug. He turned her around and cup her face..
Sanskar: Swara pls don't cry.. I m sorry pls.. I know you have every right to know about arshit and I shouldn't hide it from you but I didn't want that you get hurt as i was when I got to know that he is not my....

Before Sanskar complete Swara put her hand on his mouth. Sanskar looked at her.

Swara( sign) He is my son.. I don't know anything else. I don't care what Kavita did.. I don't care he is not ur blood but he is and always will be my son and this truth can't be denied by anyone.. not even you.. he is my son..

Sanskar smiled and wipes her tears.. he kept his forhead on hers.
Sanskar: not yours only.. he is our son. Understand.. so am I forgiven?
Swara nods no..
Sanskar pull her close ,he moved her hair strands behind away from her face: so I m not forgiven?
Swara look at him and nods no.. and pushed him ,she was about to go but Sanskar instantly cage her between himself and the wall..

Sanskar: u can go but not till u forgive me..

He smiled and leans toward her face.. he was about to lean more but Swara keep her hand on his chest creating some space between themselves.

Sanskar: so angry? But you know na... You are not stronger than me... ( saying this he still move close as Swara tried to push him little.., Sanskar smilingly hold her hand and entwined it with his pinning to the wall.

He whispered: u can decide now also.. u forgive me or not?

Swara nods no..
Sanskar: ok, I love to do tough works as it's not gonna easy.

Saying this he leans more toward her that his face was too close to her, Swara nervously down her eyes but still try to free herself showing that she is still angry on him..

He was just inch away from her lips and he leans toward her, Swara breathe heavily due to proximity. He leans toward her to kiss her but Swara instantly turned her face and he kissed her on cheek but he didn't left her and leave trailing kisses on her face and then move toward her neck..Swara wiggles to go away or push him but his hold was strong and secondly she was also loosing in his touch.. She closed her eyes in pleasure.. Sanskar move toward her ears and bit her earlobe.. Swara shivered..

Sanskar:( whispered) so m I still not forgiven sweetheart?

Swara know that he was scared about her. He didn't want her to get hurt but she also know that he was more hurt to know this.. still he love arshit and accept him as his son.

Sanskar kissed her forhead.. And then leans toward her lips , cupping her face. He placed his lips on hers and started kissing her.. Swara's hand move toward his hair and she started responding after few minutes. Sanskar smiled between kiss and cage her into his arms and deepen the kiss..

After few minutes they broke the kiss..
Sanskar: I think I m forgiven now..
Swara blushed and nods shyly..

Sanskar: I m really happy Swara. finally everything is going to be all right..
Swara nods smilingly and hugged him. He also hugged her back..

after few minute of hug Sanskar took her into his arms and go to bed. He hugged her and slept. Swara was still awake and ruffling his hair. She was thinking about recent incident.. she knew that kavita's game going to over but today .. she didn't have any idea. She was really shocked to know some new reveletion about her. How can she play with his heart just for property and money. She killed someone just for her obsession of money.. how can be someone so heartless. When she got to know about arshit, she was too shocked then what he must be feeling.. what would be the feeling of a father to know this? But Sanskar's love for arshit didn't change a bit. He still love him as his own son. She remembered their day out on his birthday when all three were really happy. Sanskar knew that truth that time then also he didn't shown it and enjoyed full day with them. He really doesn't not care about this blood relationship thing.
She always thought that she got betrayal from her Destiny but Sanskar got betrayal from the person whom he loved the most. And arshit, what was that small child fault.. how can she do this . She used a small baby for her selfish motive.. that was really so disgusting.
And secondly her own sister, she always think she can't stoop low to next level but no, ragini always prove her wrong. This time also she did something which broke someone. And it's none other than Laksh..
Swara silently prayed for her best friend who was always there for her.
For a min ,if she feel bad for ragini that Laksh is angry on her then more than that she is angry on her as friend and she is not gonna do anything for her. As Sanskar said Laksh will decide what he wants.

As she was lost in her thoughts she felt Sanskar grip tighten around her belly. She smiled and kissed his forhead, then slept hugging him.

To be continued....

Precap: Swara back to mm with Sanskar.

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