[ 01 ] the rich and their boring parties

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ANASTASIA LOVEJOY SWIRLED THE CHAMPAGNE IN HER GLASS as she tapped her foot against the marble floor, scanning the crowd for her husband. It came as no surprise that he was late to a party held at his own house, leaving Anastasia to mingle with his rich friends and make up excuses for his absence. It was something she was, unfortunately, used to since Bruce always had other priorities. If it was any other party, Anastasia wouldn't have cared but this was no ordinary party. The Waynes were endorsing Harvey Dent, the District Attorney, as the next mayor of Gotham. His blue banners with his face were plastered everywhere, reminding the crowd to vote for him. There was a glass sculpture in the middle of the room in his honor ━━ an angel with its wings spread. Anastasia had done everything in her power to make sure the party went perfectly, making sure that Harvey would receive as many donors as he could. She tapped away at her phone, sending another angry message to Bruce. Next, she proceeded to check the eight new emails that had come in since the party had begun.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, forcing the blonde to face the distressed Harvey Dent. She sighed, taking a sip of her champagne before she raised a brow. "What?"

"Where is Bruce?" he asked, speaking in a low whisper to make sure none of the guests would overhear his panic. Though, it seemed the others were too preoccupied with their own musings to pay attention to the two of them.

Anastasia shrugged, waving hello to a woman that walked too close to them. The redhead had her eyes narrowed, watching them closely and Anastasia could hear the woman's thoughts. She faced Harvey, taking a step back to create a respectable distance. "How should I know?"

"Can't you call him?"

"I've tried. It goes straight to voicemail." She hadn't called, actually. Instead, she had left text after text pleading with him to show up to avoid making a mockery of the party and herself. She knew better than to call, knowing he rarely answered. She had his voicemail memorized by now.

"Please, try again," Harvey hissed. "He needs to be here."

Anastasia sighed, unlocking her phone as she pushed away all the notifications that popped up. She dialed Bruce's number, putting it on speaker as she stared at Harvey. And like she said, the call went to voicemail before it could ring. "Happy?"

Harvey huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes to calm himself. But, his anger faded as quickly as it had come. A smile replaced his frown as he shrugged his shoulders. "At least, one Wayne is here and you look beautiful, Ana," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder before he squeezed. "It's time for the big speech."

She returned the smile, glancing at the top of the stairs where the podium was set up for Harvey to give his speech. The rounds had already been made, reminding everyone to vote for Harvey Dent in the next election. Personally, Anastasia didn't care much for politics. But, the two companies ━━ Lovejoy Corp and Wayne Enterprises ━━ she ran required her to keep an eye on the lawmakers of the city. "Good luck, Harv."

"I don't need it," he said, shooting her a wink as he began to walk off. "I have you here as a good luck charm."

Harvey stood at the podium, tapping on the microphone to get everyone's attention. Anastasia stood straight, making sure she would be seen as an attentive host. All at once, the sea of voices quieted as they gave their attention to him.

"Good evening, everyone. It is a pleasure to see so many of you turn up to a party in my honor," he began, sparing a glance in Anastasia's direction. She raised a glass, silently encouraging him to keep going. The crowd clapped in greeting, listening intently. Harvey smiled. "A humble District Attorney like myself is not used to such a ringing endorsement. Even one who cut Gotham's crime rate in half!"

Anastasia felt an arm snake around her waist, causing her to jump before she came face to face with Bruce. She narrowed her eyes, scoffing as she returned her gaze to Harvey who continued his speech. "You're late, Bruce."

He kissed the side of her forehead, keeping her close to him. The faint scent of his cologne flooded her senses ━━ a scent she had picked out for him some years ago. "Sorry," he said quietly, watching Harvey as well. "I was... busy."

"Late to a party held in your own house," Anastasia scoffed, nudging him gently in the ribs. She didn't see him wince, rubbing the injury he had harbored during his nightly activities. Something Anastasia was still oblivious to. She glared back at him. "Care to tell me what was so important?"

"For too long," Harvey continued to speak and Bruce pretended to listen, ignoring Anastasia's question. "This city has burned with corruption and greed under Mayor Hill's authority. I promise you, a vote for Harvey Dent is a vote to finally put your foot down."

"Bruce..." Anastasia continued, looking up at him. She barely reached his shoulders, reminding herself to wear heels more often to rival his height. "You should have been here. Harvey almost had a heart attack."

"You had it handled, didn't you?" He asked, looking down with the same blue eyes she had fallen in love with many years ago. Though, their marriage was on questionable terms during their current days.

"That isn't the point."

"Together, we can stomp out the fire and save our great city!" Harvey boasted, nodding his head as the crowd gave their applause. Anastasia sighed again, clapping her hands the best she could with her glass and phone. "If only, Mr. Wayne, my campaign's largest backer, could have heard that applause, he━━"

Harvey paused, spotting Bruce standing beside Anastasia. His smile spread further, lifting in his glass in their direction. The spotlight left him and fell to them, making the blonde sigh.

"Well, there he is! Fashionable and fashionably late as always," Harvey joked, causing the crowd to laugh like a broken record. Harvey knew how to play them well. "Say hi, Bruce."

Bruce held up his spare hand, waving to his guests. "Hi, Bruce."

The others chuckled, but Anastasia fought the urge to roll her eyes. He was almost two hours late, yet the crowd did not seem to care.

"I tee 'em up and he knocks 'em down. That's how Mr. Wayne and I do business," Harvey continued, earning another round of laughter from the crowd. There were too many people in the room and all Anastasia wanted to do was go up to her office and finish her work. Then, she wanted to get as much sleep as she could. After all, she had a long day scheduled at work while Bruce... Well, she wasn't too sure what he did during the day but she doubted it was productive. "Thank you, thank you again, everyone, for your unwavering support. Together, we will change Gotham."

She looked back up at him. "Bruce, I'm glad you're here... even if you are late. I feel like I'm suffocating here."

He smiled, rubbing her back as he met her gaze. "You're doing great, Ana. I doubt any of the guests even realized I wasn't here."

"Mr. Wayne, thank you for opening your house to us!" Harvey said, leaving the podium as he began to walk toward the corner they occupied. He wore his signature smile, nodding at the people that scattered to make a path for him. Harvey patted Bruce's back, moving him away from Anastasia. "Now, I know this is the biggest mansion in Gotham, but I don't think you got lost on your way here."

Anastasia laughed, enjoying that someone else was calling Bruce out too.

Harvey spoke in whispers now, not wanting any potential donors to see the cracks in his facade. "Where were you?"

"Yeah, Bruce, where were you?" Anastasia asked, but her attention had fallen to her phone as it buzzed in her hand. She went straight to her messages, replying back to one of her assistants about a meeting that was taking place in a few days. Her question was what kind of pastries Anastasia wanted for the shareholders ━━ bagels, donuts, and croissants were her reply.

"We know you prefer the 'brooding billionaire' angle," Anastasia snorted at the comment, earning a smile from Harvey. He continued to speak, staring at Bruce who was examining the crowd. "But the sooner we make nice with the donors, the sooner everyone will leave."

"Relax... Both of you..." Bruce said, sighing. He leaned against the pillar behind him, readjusting his cuffs as his gaze flickered between Harvey and Anastasia. "It was important."

"Not more than this," Harvey scoffed, shaking his head. "I know you despise these things and truth be told, I do too."

"What?" Bruce teased, raising a brow. He took the chance to nudge Anastasia's arm, stealing a glance down at her phone that held her attention. She lowered the brightness, not wanting him to see the contents of her phone. "A chance to show off your teeth and talk about yourself to a room full of money? Say it ain't so."

"It's called playing the game, Bruce. And tonight, if you haven't noticed, I'm playing for City Hall," Harvey reprimanded, trying to explain how important the night was to him. A heavy sigh left his lips as he allowed his shoulders to fall. "No one came here tonight to see me. They want to see the Bruce Wayne."

Bruce shrugged, blue eyes sweeping the crowd again. "Anastasia was here. She is the one who controls all the money, anyways. I left her in charge."

"Yes, but... no offense, Ana," Harvey said, stealing a glance in her direction. At the sound of her name, she looked up from her phone. She had been in the midst of replying to the emails, trying to do as much work from her phone as she could. "But, no one wants to talk to her. They'd rather speak to Mr. Wayne. Not his wife who they... Well, a lot of people in this room don't have the nicest things to say about her."

"Nice, Harvey..." Anastasia muttered, rolling her green eyes. She had heard it all, knowing what the elite of Gotham had to say as they branded her as the woman who tricked Bruce Wayne into signing over his company. Leech, Golddigger, Parasite, and the list went on for miles. She had heard it all from the mouths of people around her and every tabloid found in the city, but she had learned to live with the insults.

"She is the one funding most of this, Harvey," Bruce defended, wrapping an arm around Anastasia's waist again. He stole a peek at her phone again, watching her send out another email. "The money is coming from Wayne Enterprises and Lovejoy Corp."

"Hey, I'm not the one saying those things!" Harvey said, raising his hands in defense when he realized there had been a line he had crossed. "Look, this shouldn't be painful. It's not a kidney stone. It's only a little face-time with potential donors. Your face, specifically, Bruce, with a mouth saying Support Harvey Dent!"

Harvey needed to calm down. Or, at the very least, have a few drinks to take off the edge. If things didn't go well, they could always throw another campaign party.

"We're the grease, they're the wheels," Harvey continued. "They're rolling in enough cash and votes to help make Gotham a place for families again."

"I'll do anything for Gotham," Bruce interrupted. His voice held a stern tone, making it known that he understood how important the party was for Harvey's campaign. "It's my home."

"It's our home," Harvey corrected, including Anastasia into the conversation too. "This'll help the two of you too. Once I've turned this city around as mayor, you two will be branded as heroes for funding my campaign."

Anastasia's phone began to buzz, signaling a call from Wayne Enterprises. She recognized the extension as her main assistant, Laura. "I need to take this," she said, looking at Bruce and Harvey. "I'll be back."

"Okay, don't stray too far," Bruce said, nodding at her as he offered a warm smile. She couldn't help but notice the sharp scratches against his right cheek, but she didn't ask as she walked off. She tried to remind herself to ask him after the phone call.

Anastasia placed her drink down on one of the tables, taking a deep breath as she walked through the crowd. Most spared a glance in her direction, but they didn't attempt a conversation when she kept walking. She didn't mind, knowing that Harvey was right when he said everyone came to see Bruce. Despite all the work she put in over the years, it was still considered Bruce's company ━━ even when he made her acting CEO.

There was a chill in the air, but it felt refreshing to be away from all the different scents of cologne and perfume mixed with the alcohol they were serving. She enjoyed parties, but they took a toll on her mental health when she was already so preoccupied with work. She took a step on the stairs, calling Laura back after the call had been sent to voicemail. It was quiet outside, but the classical music drifted in the air.

"Mrs. Wayne?"

"Yes, Laura, what is it?" Anastasia closed her eyes, rubbing the temple of her forehead to soothe the headache that was forming.

The conversation went on for about ten minutes, going back and forth about the materials needed for the meeting. Eventually, Anastasia told Laura to stop the conversation and go home. It was something they could deal with tomorrow, considering the meeting was still a few days away. Plus, the shareholders met often enough that every meeting had begun to blend together. After she had hung up, she placed the phone in her lap. She should silence it, wanting to take a break from everything. But, she didn't want to miss a call or email. Anastasia rested her head in her lap, closing her eyes for the briefest moment.

"Is it that boring of a party, sweetheart?"

Anastasia jolted awake, staring at the older man towering over her with wide eyes. She could see the car he arrived in drive toward the makeshift parking lot in the back of the manor, but six men remained with the man. He held out his hand, waiting for her to take it. Her eyes glanced around at the men, noticing the not-so-hidden pistols attached to their hips. She took his hand, allowing him to help her off the stairs. "Hello..." she greeted, quickly pulling her hand away as she took a step back. "Carmine Falcone... I did not see your name on the guest list. I'm afraid this is a private event."

"I was personally invited, Mrs. Wayne," Falcone replied, shaking off the ash at the end of his cigar. She waved away the smoke, trying not to cough at the bitter taste that lingered in the air. He smirked, shooting her a wink. "Be a sweetheart and go announce my presence to your husband."

"Sure..." she mumbled, taking another step back to create as much distance between the two. Weapons weren't something she wanted at the party, but it wasn't as if she could tell Carmine Falcone to leave when he showed up on their doorstep. But, who had invited him? She didn't think Bruce would allow a mobster to enter their home, but she didn't know much of what he did these days. "If you will excuse me."

"Go on," he said, nodding his head as he took a drag of his cigar. "It'll take a few minutes to burn this completely."

Anastasia headed back inside, hoping her distress wasn't written across her features as she scanned the crowd for her husband. It took a few moments of walking around before she spotted him near the staircase, speaking to the Zellerbachs ━━ Regina and Robert. She didn't know Robert, but she knew Regina all too well due to her being one of the Chairwomen of Wayne Enterprises' board.

"━━the Waynes and Zellerbachs are reminders of the golden age of Gotham," she caught the tail end of what Harvey was saying, flattery by the sounds of it.

She took Bruce's hand, catching his attention. He gave her a brief smile, but not much acknowledgment other than that as he faced the Zellerbachs. "Bruce..." she hissed, tugging on his hand to get his attention again. "I need to tell you something. There's someone waiting━━"

"Mrs. Wayne," Regina interrupted, causing Anastasia's attention to snap toward the older woman. She pursed her lips, raising a brow when she caught Anastasia's disheveled appearance. "How good of you to join us. You haven't made your presence known all night."

"Oh... I..." Anastasia tried to find an excuse, but her brain didn't seem to be functioning correctly as it remembered Carmine Falcone and his armed goons were outside. "I must have been preoccupied."

"With the champagne and your phone, maybe," Regina said, smiling when she noticed the furrow of Anastasia's eyebrows. "I am only teasing. I know you must not have much experience with parties of this caliber. When did the Lovejoys come into wealth? It was only fifteen years or so ago, right?"

She felt Bruce squeeze her hand, but she hadn't been able to process it as flashes from her childhood came to mind. It was pure luck that her father had been able to make enough money to buy a neglected hotel and made it shine. Through the money he had earned, he had been able to buy more hotels around the city and created Lovejoy Corp. Somehow, they had earned enough money to build hotels all over the United States and their company had expanded. Eventually, they partnered with Wayne Enterprises. It was how she had met Bruce and he had been there for her when her father had died. She had inherited the company and he had shown her how to run the company. From there, they had fallen in love and somehow ended up married.

"Well, this party is for Mr. Dent, Mrs. Zellerbach," Bruce replied when Anastasia had stayed silent for too long, holding the woman close to him. She snapped out of her thoughts, meeting Regina's narrowed gaze. Still, Bruce continued to speak. "We're working to make Gotham a better place for everyone."

"Please, this city's luster faded years ago. Look at Gotham now!" Mr. Zellerbach grumbled, rolling his eyes as he held his glass of bourbon close. "Murder in the streets, corruption in City Hall, and that caped bat-freak dealing out vigilante justice like it's the wild goddamn west!"

"Well... it is certainly strange to have a man dressed in a costume defending Gotham," Anastasia chuckled, earning a glance from Bruce at her comment.

"Oh, Bobby, regarding the golden age, it seems you're getting cranky in yours," Regina said, dismissing her husband's angry comment. She smiled at them. "There's always hope."

"Forgive me for being blunt, but... one man can't save this city. And, it's a dangerous mentality to think so," Mr. Zellerbach continued, taking a sip of his drink. "That's how you get creeps like this Batman."

"I have to say I side with your wife on this, Mr. Zellerbach," Bruce said, squeezing Anastasia's hand to stop her from squirming in her spot. But, she was restless as she kept tugging on his hand. "Even a spark of hope can light the darkness."

"An idealist with a bank account," Mr. Zellerbach scoffed, clearly displeased with Bruce's response. "He'll be broke before election day."

"I know Bruce would gladly spend every penny he has to fix this city," Harvey added, patting Bruce's back as he smiled. He spared Anastasia a glance, raising brow at the panic written across her features. He cleared his throat, smiling at the Zellerbachs. "I don't doubt that for a moment."

"Bruce?" Anastasia shook Bruce's hand, causing him to look down at her. He wore a small smile, waiting for her to continue. But, she could tell that he was surprised at her dismissive treatment of the Zellerbachs. After all, she had been the one texting him about how important it was to make sure Harvey gets as many donors as he could.

"It seems that your wife needs your attention more than us, Mr. Wayne," Regina chuckled, causing everyone else to look at the blonde too. It was a tactic she used during board meetings too. Anastasia knew Regina had nothing against the company but everything against her. "What is it that you need to say?"

She couldn't blurt to them that there were goons outside smoking cigars, knowing that more than enough time had passed. "Nothing..." Anastasia said, letting go of Bruce's hand as she shrugged. "It's something that Alfred can handle, actually. So, do excuse me."

Anastasia rolled her eyes, walking away from them as she weaved her way through the crowd. She found Alfred in the corner, overseeing the party and making sure all the guests were enjoying themselves. Alfred Pennyworth was someone who Anastasia considered a close friend, family. He was the closest thing she had to a father-in-law, after all. And, he was easier to talk to than Bruce.

Alfred smiled upon seeing her, nodding his head as she stood beside him. It took him one glance to know that something was wrong. "Lady Anastasia, is everything alright?"

"Alfred, we have literal goons outside," Anastasia breathed out, stealing a glance toward the front door which was closed to keep the cold air from coming inside. She tried to keep her composure, thinking of the worst-case scenario as everyone being gunned down flashed in her mind. "He said he was invited, but I definitely did not put him on any guest list."

"Breathe, my Lady," he said, still calling her that after years of her telling him to call her Anastasia. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. "Who is it?"

"Carmine Falcone," she replied, looking up at him. "I know he can't do anything at a party with a hundred or so people, but his men had guns. How would the guests feel if we allowed them to come in?"

"I suppose it's too late to kick them out..." Alfred muttered, watching the man in question enter the mansion. His men walked in behind him, staying close as they kept people away from their boss.

The mob boss walked in as if he owned the place, causing all nearby heads to turn in his direction. Anastasia could hear the whispers begin, making her wince as their reputation started to dwindle. Rumors were just as dangerous as the truth. Alfred urged Anastasia to follow, leading her to where Bruce and Harvey stood. They had left the Zellerbachs and were speaking to a woman ━━ someone Anastasia didn't recognize.

"Do excuse me, Master Bruce, but..." Alfred began, clearing his throat. He had better luck at getting Bruce's attention. "Another... guest... has arrived."

"I'm sure they'll find the bar," Bruce said dismissively.

"You may want to greet this one personally, Sir."

"Carmine Falcone?" the other woman scoffed, raising a brow in surprise. It was then when Bruce and Harvey looked back, spotting the mob boss and his goons. "Is the Dent campaign soliciting votes from Gotham's biggest crime family?"

"Falcone's never been convicted of anything except being a businessman who loves this city," Harvey defended. Ah, so it had been Harvey to invite him. The woman scoffed at his words, not impressed. "Excuse us, Ms. Vale."

Harvey walked off, moving in the direction of the bar. Bruce followed him close behind, leaving Alfred, Anastasia, and Ms. Vale. Anastasia told Alfred to distract Falcone and his men, anything to keep them from speaking to the other guests. She faced Ms. Vale, noticing the pensive look she wore. "Hi, I'm Anastasia," she greeted, not wanting to be rude. "You're..."

"Vicki Vale with the Gotham Gazette," she replied, giving Anastasia a playful smirk. Great, a reporter was exactly what this party needed. It was as if Vicki could tell what Anastasia was thinking. "Mr. Wayne said I could stay."

"Right, enjoy the party, Ms. Vale," she said, giving her a nod before she walked off in the direction of Bruce and Harvey.

They stood by the bar, speaking quiet enough that she couldn't hear them until she was right beside them. She could see the annoyance on Bruce's face as he watched Harvey gulp down a drink. She slammed a hand on the table, narrowing her eyes at Harvey. He faced her, placing his empty glass down on the table.

"You invited a mobster here?" Anastasia snapped, ignoring the look she got from the bartender. After all, they signed NDAs when they were hired by their company. Since dealing with the elite meant there were a lot of secrets one may overhear. "I don't want him in my house."

"This is the necessary evil of politics. It's in service of a better Gotham, for all of us," Harvey retorted, shooting a glare in Anastasia's direction. "At least hear him out before you kick him out. Falcone requested to speak with the Waynes directly."

"Bruce," Anastasia huffed, looking at him instead since Harvey wasn't too perplexed by Falcone's presence. "You need to ask him to leave, please. This isn't a good look for the company either. I don't want people thinking we're in bed with these people."

Bruce sighed, realizing he was caught in the middle of the two. Anastasia's lips were pursed, waiting for him to make a decision. Her husband sighed, looking at Harvey. "Jesus, Harvey, inviting a known criminal to your fundraiser? Doesn't exactly look good for your squeaky clean image."

"Let me worry about that," Harvey said, shrugging his shoulders. He gulped down the rest of his drink, narrowing his eyes at both Anastasia and Bruce. "Word of warning? Play nice."

They began to approach Falcone and his men, but Anastasia lingered behind. She was a few steps behind Bruce, trying to ignore all the eyes that were on them. Bruce and Harvey were much better at hiding their emotions than she was.

"You know, I've been in the market for a new house..." Falcone's voice reached her ears. "Decent walk up, sky-high ceilings, plenty of room for my cars..." He turned, smiling at Bruce. They stopped a few feet away, watching the man speak about their home. "I think I'll take it."

Anastasia frowned. For once, she was glad the men were talking and she was expected to be the pretty side piece of Bruce Wayne. Normally, Anastasia would never allow anyone to push her to the sidelines. But, she was willing to make an exception this time. She stood by Bruce's side, glancing around to see the room nonchalantly watching the interaction. The elite of Gotham will know that the Waynes were friends with mobsters. And, with a reporter at the party, the news would spread like wildfire. She sighed, wishing that Harvey had asked her before he invited his own friends.

"Though the decor offends my eyes," Falcone mumbled, scoffing as he looked around. Anastasia took personal offense to that since most of the decor had been picked out by her and Alfred a few months ago. Bruce had pitched his thoughts in, but let them do most of the work. "Oh, man..." Falcone laughed, "All flash and no class."

"Well, you couldn't afford it," Bruce said, linking his arm with Anastasia. She tried to hide her amusement. Bruce, however, didn't show a hint of emotion as he regarded Falcone. He had always been good at hiding his emotions, using a mask whenever he was around others.

Falcone scoffed. "Yeah, right." His face showed his disdain at Bruce's comment, but his sour expression was replaced by a smile as he faced him. He held out his hand. "Carmine Falcone. Thank you for welcoming me into your home."

Bruce looked down at his extended hand, ignoring Anastasia's nails that were unconsciously digging into his arm. He shook Falcone's hand. "Bruce Wayne and this is my wife, Anastasia Lovejoy."

"We met outside." Falcone's eyes flickered to Anastasia, giving her a smile. "Lovely woman, wouldn't mind having a wife half as pretty as yours."

Anastasia forced a smile to her lips. "Thank you."

Her eyes swept the crowd, realizing that everyone was watching them. It's just a handshake, she reminded herself. It didn't mean anything other than Bruce being polite. But, she still had to think of the reputation of the family and the company.

"Gentlemen, Mrs. Wayne," Alfred greeted, approaching them with his hands behind his back. "Perhaps, we'll be more comfortable in the parlor. Follow me, if you will."

They followed Alfred. Harvey wasted no time in schmoozing as he walked ahead, trying to speak to Falcone about the campaign. Though, the older man was not listening. He was stopped at the door by one of Falcone's guards. Harvey frowned. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Sorry, private audience."

"Aw, come on, guys," Harvey scoffed, clearly offended. He turned his grievances to them, making Anastasia frown. "Bruce? Ana?"

"You'll be fine out there, Harvey," Falcone said, waving him off without so much a glance in his direction. "I saw plenty of skirts to keep you busy for a few minutes."

Bruce narrowed his eyes. "Harvey stays with us."

Anastasia let go of Bruce's arm, taking a seat at one of the couches by the fireplace. She had no desire to be part of the conversation, staring up at the painting of Bruce with his parents. Harvey entered the room, glancing at the man who closed the door behind him. Bruce and Falcone stood around the pool table, located in the middle of the parlor. She reached out to the fireplace, warming up her hands as the fire illuminated her features.

"A man's home is his castle. I respect that," Falcone said, tilting his head at Harvey. He gestured to the spot where Anastasia was sitting. "Seen and not heard."

Harvey took a seat beside Anastasia. They shared a look and she silently told him that he was an idiot for inviting Falcone. He sighed, shrugging his shoulders as he mouthed sorry. It made Anastasia chuckle, turning her attention to Bruce and Falcone.

"Mr. District Attorney here wants to make sure the rules are followed," the man muttered, reaching for some of Bruce's most expensive liquor that was sitting on the table behind them. It was saved for the most special occasions, but no one stopped Falcone. He poured himself a glass. "But in my experience, there's the law and there's doing what's right. You understand?"

"Unlike most people I've met, Harvey actually has integrity," Bruce said, defending his friend. Anastasia didn't miss the small smile that appeared on Harvey's face. "He's trying to make Gotham a better place."

"So am I. So are you and your wife. We all carry this city on our broken backs," Falcone countered, glancing at Anastasia and Harvey. She felt her phone buzz in her hand again, but this time, she ignored it. "Might lighten the load if we do so together."

Falcone finished the rest of his drink.

"I ain't here to chin-wag about politics, Mr. Wayne. Gives me indigestion. I got enough of that as if," Falcone chuckled, placing a hand against his stomach. One of his men handed him a cue stick. "So... let's talk relationship."

Anastasia looked at Harvey, raising a brow. "Is this what you wanted? Us to become buddy-buddy with the mob?"

"What? No, of course not!" Harvey whisper-yelled, raising his hands in defense as he met Anastasia's angry gaze. "Just... Just hear him out. He may be able to help all of us."

Falcone tossed Bruce chalk, holding out the cue stick. Anastasia scoffed, trying not to get worked up with the disrespect in their own house. "Chalk this for me," Falcone said, smirking. "Be a pal, why don't you? I can get Harvey the Mayor's seat... or I can pull it out from under him."

Bruce picked up the chalk, throwing it back at Falcone who caught it before it hit his suit. From her spot, Anastasia could see the anger flash across the older man's face as he chalked the stick himself.

"Whatever happened to being a gracious host," Falcone gritted out. He picked up the white billiard ball, setting it down in place. "Okay, imagine this is me," he said, pointing to the white ball. He gestured to the other billiard balls set up in a triangle. "And these are all my friends in Gotham. The businesses, restaurants, clubs, docks, unions, and politicians."

He hit the white billiard ball, watching the rest scatter from the impact. The sound echoed in the otherwise quiet parlor, making Anastasia gulp. It was suffocating in the room and Anastasia felt herself overheating, fanning herself to provide some relief. Perhaps, it was the fire. Or, perhaps, it was the fear of being shot.

"I make them all move. And, I want to keep everything moving if Harvey gets elected as mayor," Falcone said. "That's why I came here tonight, to your lovely home, hoping to make a new friend. One who can help Mr. Dent see the light, if need be. Between the businesses that the Waynes own and mine, I bet we employ half the city. We've got a good thing going, so I don't see why we shouldn't team-up. For Gotham. For our city."

Anastasia watched Bruce, meeting his eyes from across the room. Again, his expression gave no indication of what he was feeling. She waited for his answer, much like everyone else in the room. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah..." he said, shaking his head, "that's not happening."

Falcone scoffed. "This isn't a deal with the devil."

Bruce didn't budge.

Falcone slammed the cue stick against the table, making Anastasia flinch. "You listen to me, kid," he spat out. His tone had completely changed, but Bruce didn't falter. He stood his ground, staring down at Falcone as he got into his face. "I know, somewhere inside that tuxedo, you understand the situation. Money gets money. The risks, the alliances, the hidden costs. Wayne Enterprises and Lovejoy Corp, companies that massive don't just build themselves."

"Mr. Falcone, he said no," Anastasia stated from her spot, narrowing her green eyes at him. She didn't need to look at Harvey, sensing the stress that was coming off him. Instead, she focused on Bruce's calm demeanor.

"Mrs. Wayne, I know you're a sensible woman," Falcone started, spinning one of his rings on his fingers as he met her eyes across the room. "Perhaps, you can... convince your husband. After all, an empire isn't built alone. Right? How did your family come into wealth again?"

She stared at him, unblinking. "Lovejoy Corp was built by one man, my father. He never needed any help from... the likes of you."

Falcone tsked, chuckling as he shook his head. His gaze returned to Bruce, noticing the slight anger that had made itself known. He gestured to the painting of Thomas Wayne. "Your father knew which hands to shake."

Anastasia stood, moving to stand beside Bruce as she took his hand. His parents were always a topic she liked to avoid, knowing that it hurt the man to speak about them. But, he stood straight as he glared at Falcone. "I think it's time for you to leave, Mr. Falcone," Bruce said. "I'll have someone see you out."

"So, that's how it's gonna be," Falcone said, shrugging his shoulders as he took a step back. His eyes darted to his goons, making Anastasia nervous.

Her hands trembled as her foot tapped against the wooden flooring of the parlor. Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm. Her mind repeated, shouting at her as they watched Falcone. She wondered if Bruce could tell how clammy her hand had become.

"People don't say no to me," Falcone rebuked. He spared a glance in Anastasia's direction. "Not for long."

The parlor doors opened, revealing Alfred as he walked inside. Behind him, Anastasia could see people making their way toward the exit. "Master Bruce, your guests are leaving," he informed. "I recommend seeing them out. You wouldn't want to be rude."

"Heed your butler's advice, kid," Falcone muttered, making his way toward the exit as the rest of his men followed. "Oh, and I'm no longer interested in buying the house. The owner's a prick... and he's going to get what's coming to him."

Harvey cleared his throat, standing to his feet as he brushed the dust off his suit. Both Anastasia and Bruce stared at him, feeling the same emotions toward the man at the moment. "I should head home," he said awkwardly. "Sorry... about all of this. I'll see you two at the press conference?"

Bruce forced a smile. "We'll see you then, Harvey."

With that, Harvey left the room as he said goodbye to the guests too ━━ still reminding them to vote for him in the next election. With the stunt pulled by Falcone, it was likely that Mayor Hill would be reelected.

"Well, that was a threat," Anastasia mumbled, looking up at her husband.

"I'm not afraid of him," Bruce said, leading her toward the doors of the parlor where they waved goodbye to their guests.

"But... he's Carmine Falcone," she reminded, scoffing at him as he only smiled. "He brought armed men into our house."

"And, I'm Bruce Wayne," he said, looking down at her as he squeezed her hand. "What was he going to do? Shoot me when we have all of Gotham's richest on the other side of the door?"

"I suppose you're right..."

"You worry too much, Ana," he reassured, placing a kiss against her forehead. "Relax, darling."

Anastasia sighed, nodding as she watched the last guest leave. She needed to learn how to relax, considering that she seemed high-strung at every moment. "Well, I am tired... and I assume you are too," she whispered, smiling up at him as she placed a gentle kiss at the edge of his jaw. Her eyes flickered to the scratches again, causing her to run a thumb against them. It made Bruce stiffen, taking her hand in his own as he held it close. "What do you say? A hot bath, dinner, and I promise to turn my phone off for the night━━"

"I can't," he said softly, avoiding her gaze to pretend he didn't see the hurt flash across her face. "I have work to do."

"Oh..." she mumbled, pulling her hand out of his grasp as she took a step back. "What work?"

"Just work," he shrugged, not going into detail. When he met her gaze, he tried to smile. "I'll ask Alfred to prepare your favorite meal. All you've had is champagne this evening, right?"

"No, don't bother him," Anastasia said, walking toward the staircase to head upstairs where their bedroom was. "I have a lot of work to do, too. So... don't disturb me."

Bruce nodded. "Goodnight, Ana. I love you."

Funny way of showing it, Bruce. But, she didn't say that. Instead, she smiled and nodded. "Goodnight, Bruce."

THE FIRST CHAPTER IS HERE and it does closely follow the plot of the game, especially the scene where they were having Harvey's party. I think up to chapter three, it'll follow the plot of the game! But, then it'll slowly start to divert into more of the plotline I have for Ana! I'm super excited to share everything I have for this book! Also, Ana and Bruce's relationship is a bit complicated at the moment! Some days are better than others for them while some days, they're just grumpy to one another. But, there's still love there and they'll be cute moments between the two in the next chapter and I am so excited!

We're still slowly setting up the book and I think I will have to expand the plot to add Ana in! Only because, I planned up to chapter 10, and that's already on episode 4. So, either this book is going to be extremely short, or I will have to add AU chapters. But, I am so excited for this book!

Since I do have a few chapters pre-written, I think I'll update this book weekly! So, the next chapter should be out next Friday! Unless something comes up!

[ PUBLISH DATE ━━ 04.08.2022 ]

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