[ 11 ] first aid for broken hearts

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HE KEPT TELLING HIMSELF THAT SHE WAS STILL ALIVE. But, it still took everything within Bruce Wayne to not run after his wife, being forced to silently watch as the paramedics placed her on the stretcher. They were too rough, ripping her dress open to access the wounds further as they worked on her whilst taking her to the ambulance. Her blood stained his gloves and coated parts of his armor, but most of it had either soaked into her white dress or pooled on stage. It was a deadly reminder of how much blood she had lost. Bruce had seen people die from lesser injuries. After all, human beings were too fragile. His Anastasia had always been too fragile, his mind corrected. Everything he did was to protect her ━━ keeping the role of Billionaire Playboy, the constant lies, the long nights as Batman. He would endure every pain if it meant she was safe. He kept her away from the darkness that threatened his life, but he couldn't stop it from sinking its claws into her too.

It was all his mind kept repeating, barely able to hear a word that Lieutenant James Gordon said to him. He counted his breaths, blinked, and put on the mask of Batman. His thoughts of Anastasia were pushed to the back of his mind, assuming the role of the Dark Knight that Gotham needed. Catwoman stood behind him, nonchalantly watching as an unconscious Harvey Dent was taken away. Yet again, it was another example of his failure to protect the people he cared about. Bruce hadn't been able to save his best friend. Batman hadn't been fast enough. After he had cauterized Anastasia's wounds, he was faced with a choice to defend either Selina or Harvey.

Ultimately, he had chosen to protect his ally Catwoman. She had been standing too close to Anastasia, leading the Children of Arkham to the two of them. If they had fired, his wife would have been caught in the crossfire. It had influenced his decision, reacting before he could think of what would become of Harvey. It had allowed Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot, to attack Harvey. Batman had been able to stop Penguin from killing Harvey, but the damage had already been done. He could only hope his friend would recover.

"Jim, I need to go," Batman interrupted, facing the Lieutenant's dejected expression. His tone was sharp, holding an edge that could be seen as weakness if they dwelled too long on it. But as quickly as it had come, it had faded as his face remained emotionless. "You can handle it from here."

Gordon sighed, slowly nodding his head. He took a step back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trenchcoat. His eyes scanned the scene, watching as his officers took statements from the surviving victims. Most of the Children of Arkham involved had been arrested, but the Penguin was still unaccounted for. He had managed to disappear in the scuffle, but it wouldn't be long till Batman caught up with him. It seemed that even Gordon could sense the emotions hidden behind Batman's cowl. But, if had noticed them, he didn't say anything. But, it was something everyone had seen when Batman had dropped everything to help Anastasia Lovejoy-Wayne. They had all seen the tender way he held her hand, the soft spoken words between them, the tears he had shed. It made him uncomfortable, feeling the dread start to build up within his chest. The cameras had long since turned off, being destroyed in the scuffle when he and Catwoman dropped down from the rafters. Still, he could almost feel all the eyes in the room on them.

"Thanks for the assist, Batman," Gordon said, drawing Batman's attention back to him. It was all he said before he wandered off in the direction of a few detectives. It would be a long night for everyone involved.

Batman walked off stage, heading toward the exit as he passed by the chaos left in Penguin's wake.

Catwoman followed close behind, clicking her tongue as shook her head. "If I'm being honest," she began, walking beside him, "I thought the outcome was going to be much worse than this. All this being said and done, I think we did a good job."

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, trying to ignore her comment. It was as if Anastasia and Harvey hadn't suffered. As if multiple people hadn't been gunned down in front of them. She looked at him, immediately sighing when she realized what she had said. Batman kept walking, sparing a glance in the direction of Anastasia's car. It stayed parked, untouched. He would send someone later to pick it up, perhaps he and Alfred would come themselves. He approached the Batmobile, listening to the engine purr at the touch of a button.

"You don't mind if I tag along, right?" Catwoman asked, hands brushing against the hood of the car as she spared a glance at the policemen who watched them intensely.

"Get in."

The two of them took a seat in the car, Bruce immediately driving out of there as he headed toward the direction of the manor. His hands gripped the steering wheel, thoughts drifting back to Anastasia. He breathed slowly, barely aware of Selina's hands that dug through the things Anastasia had left in the passenger side components.

She whistled, holding up a diamond bracelet she found. He watched her from the corner of his eye, watching her eyes light up as she examined it. "Being married to a billionaire has its perks, huh?"

"Put it back," he said, knowing that Anastasia must have left it there for some reason. He didn't want to mess with anything that belonged to her, knowing how much stress it caused her when she misplaced something.

"Fine, I won't steal your wife's jewelry. I promise," Selina teased, playfully punching his shoulder to get some reaction out of him. "It's not like you invited a thief with you, Bats."

When he stayed quiet, Selina rolled her eyes as she tossed the bracelet back into the center console. She leaned back in the seat, watching as the buildings zoomed by. It wouldn't be long till they were back at the manor, considering the Batmobile was giving them an ETA of four minutes. Bruce was grateful that Selina had come to help, knowing a lot more lives would have been lost if she wasn't there. Her nails tapped against the center console, something similar to what Anastasia did when she was nervous. After what felt like eternity to Bruce, they had made it back to the manor. The exterior of the Batmobile had returned back to its red, returning to play the part of a sports car that belonged to the elusive Bruce Wayne.

The door opened, revealing Alfred Pennyworth whose anxious thoughts were written all over his face. He allowed Bruce and Selina to enter the manor, shutting the door behind them. Bruce looked back at Selina, ripping his cowl off to hand to Alfred. "You can stay at the manor for the night if you need to," He told her, keeping his eyes on Alfred instead. "There's guest rooms on the second floor, choose whichever you want."

"Thanks..." Selina said softly, nodding her head as she regarded both Bruce and Alfred. Her eyes scanned the decor, taking in the sights of the manor that she had yet to see. Perhaps, it wasn't the wisest idea to have someone he barely trusted to have in his home. But, Bruce didn't have time to worry about what trouble Selina could get into. The worst she could do was steal things that he could easily replace.

"Master Bruce," Alfred interrupted, forcing Bruce to look at him. He could see how deep Alfred's worry lines ran in his forehead as his hands had turned white from how tight he held his cowl. "I... I heard what happened," he continued, voice wavering as he tried his best to keep his composure. "Lady Anastasia and Mr. Dent have been taken down to Gotham General. I received the call earlier, told them we'll be there as soon as we can."

"How is she?" Bruce asked softly.

"They're still treating Ana..." Alfred answered, wetting his lips as he took a shaky breath. His hands trembled, Bruce noticed. "She is in critical condition. I think... I think they mentioned something about having to do emergency surgery and uh, blood transfusions. She lost too much blood, Bruce. They... They think..."

"It will be okay, Alfred," Bruce reassured, placing a hand on the older man's shoulder. It was no secret that Alfred cared deeply for Anastasia, taking on the role of a father for the woman.

Alfred cleared the throat, nodding his head. "I'll be in the car, Master Wayne."

Bruce was quick to change out of the Batsuit, leaving it under the bed in case one of the cleaners made their rounds while they weren't there. He headed back to his car to drive down to Gotham General with Alfred, trying to keep his mind blank. Yet, his hands shook the closer they got to the hospital. He parked the car, rushing inside with Alfred hot on his heels.

They headed to the receptionist desk, seeing most of the employees with visitors or patients. But, fortunately one woman was free as she typed away at her computer. Bruce could tell she immediately recognized him when she looked up, urging them to come over so she could help. She opened her mouth to speak, but━━

"Bruce Wayne," he said, clenching his jaw as she clicked on her computer. Her eyes scanned the screen, too slowly for Bruce's liking. "I'm here for my wife, Anastasia Lovejoy-Wayne. She was brought here about half an hour ago."

"IDs?" She asked softly, looking up at him with tired eyes. Her badge said her name was Florence. "I need them to make visitor passes."

Bruce sighed, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket. He took out his ID, putting it on the counter. Alfred did the same, giving his ID to the woman. He anxiously waited as he watched her scan the IDs, listening to the machine beep. She created sticker visitor passes for them, sliding them across the counter.


"The system says your wife is still in emergency surgery," the woman replied, clicking away at the computer again. "But, there's a waiting room upstairs for that department." She pointed to an elevator behind her, down the hall. "Take it to the eighth floor. It's our floor designated for these kinds of surgeries and our ICU patients. It's likely your wife will be staying there after surgery until she heals."

"Thank you, Miss," Alfred replied for the both of them, nodding at the woman. He took their things, leading Bruce toward the elevators.

Bruce tried to remain calm, feeling his right leg bounce as they waited for the elevator to take them to the eighth floor. Once they were there, they checked each door that were labeled with the patients' last names. Most of them were 'Unknown' but eventually they came across the one that said 'Wayne' to their relief. There was a window that looked into the room, but the curtains were drawn. Yet, Bruce was able to peer inside through the slits as he caught glimpses of what was happening inside. His vision was overwhelmed with the blue of the doctors' uniforms and the red that stained their clothing. Bruce stumbled back, taking a seat on one of the plastic chairs as he placed his head in his hands.

"Have faith in the doctors, Bruce," Alfred said, peering into the room as well. He was able to stomach the view for a few moments before he took a step back, approaching him. The older man took a seat, placing a gentle hand on Bruce's shoulder. This time, his voice didn't shake. His hands didn't tremble. "She will be okay, I'm sure of it."

"I... I didn't realize the bullet hit her lung," Bruce whispered, keeping his eyes focused on the tiled floor beneath their feet. His mind repeated the debate, seeing the events play out over and over again. "I should have been faster, gotten her out of there."

"You did the best you could do," Alfred reassured, understanding Bruce's guilt. His words provided Bruce with some comfort, but it did little to take the pain away. No matter what someone said, it was still his fault that Anastasia was in the hospital. Alfred sighed, drawing Bruce's attention. "I heard her words over the comms. Do you think she knows you're... Batman?"

For a moment, he thought about the possibility. When she had said his name at the debate, he did think she had figured it out somehow. But, she had begun to ramble incoherently as the blood loss caused her to lose her connection to reality. "I don't think so," Bruce mumbled, facing Alfred. "I think the injury was making her imagine something else."

Alfred hummed, nodding his head. "You should tell her the truth, Bruce."

"I want to..." Bruce confessed, thinking back to all the times he had almost let it slip that he was Batman. For a while, he thought Anastasia already knew since he would blatantly be too suspicious. "It'd feel like a weight lifted off my shoulders, trust me. But, I just... I can't... I feel like something is stopping me. Every time I try to tell her, something... compels me to not say a word. I don't fight it."

"Well, I'm sure you'll find the right time to tell her," Alfred sighed, sitting straight as he glanced in the direction of Anastasia's hospital room. "It saddens me to keep such a truth from her, constantly having to keep up with the lies. Poor thing thinks you're off with other women."

"What?" Bruce asked softly, feeling guilty at the stress and heartache he put his wife through. But, it was safer than telling her that he was Batman. "When did she say that?"

"Asked me at breakfast the other day if you were having an affair ━━ the slip-up with Lucius only helped to fortify that assumption," Alfred informed, causing a sigh to leave Bruce's lips. "I told her that the secret you're hiding isn't an affair. I couldn't lie."

"It's a surprise she hasn't figured it out," Bruce chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he clasped his hands together. There had been too many slip-ups from both him and Alfred, but Anastasia never put the dots together. Or, it seemed as if she never noticed until she was faced directly with them.

"All your newfound injuries should have given it away," Alfred added, pressing his lips together. He was never pleased when Bruce came home with injuries, always worrying.

The night of the robbery at City Hall, Bruce had been shot. The injury still ached since it had yet to heal. Anastasia had noticed, but didn't connect it to what happened. His lie about a botched robbery in Wayne Enterprises parking lot was what she had bought. It made Bruce frown, realizing how gullible his wife was. She believed every word that left his lips. She never doubted him, always trusted him. It was strange to see how much went over her head. Bruce knew his wife wasn't stupid, far from it. But, she seemed as if she wore a veil when it came to the rest of the world.

"I think..." Bruce mumbled, chewing the inside of his cheek. "I think something is wrong with Ana."

"What do you mean?" Alfred asked, confused by Bruce's words.

"She's always been... strange," Bruce confessed, leaning back in his seat which caused the plastic to dig into his back. "And, I love her for it, but this is different. It's not normal." His eyes flickered to Alfred, noticing how intently the older man listened. "The other night, she had gone into the bathroom to take a shower and then... She comes into the room, leaning against the wall. I didn't think anything of it at first since she seemed deep in thought."

Bruce reaccounted the night, remembering how normal things were at first. He had even started a conversation with Anastasia, albeit it had been one-sided since she didn't answer. Her skin had paled and her eyes were glazed, staring at seemingly nothing.

"Then, she panics and starts to sob," Bruce continued. "She was terrified... Stuck in some kind of PTSD-induced flashback, begging for me to not hurt her. She clutched her head with blood dripping from her nose. It was as if she had been struck by someone, but it was just us there."

Alfred frowned, watching Bruce with a narrowed gaze. "You don't think she would hurt herself?"

"She kept begging me to not hurt her," Bruce said, shaking his head. He had never hit Anastasia in his life, never thought about it nor could he ever bring himself to hurt her. It had shocked him greatly to see her so scared of... him. Unless in her eyes, she hadn't been seeing him before her. It was the only explanation in his mind. "I didn't know how to help her."

"Perhaps, it was a panic attack?" Alfred suggested. After her father had died, Anastasia had a difficult time coping. She was engulfed by depression, barely leaving her room as she spent most of her days crying. It took a long time for her to get used to the absence of his presence. "Lady Anastasia may have forgotten to take her medication."

"No, this seemed different," Bruce countered, knowing the difference between his wife's attacks. She usually had signs before everything became too overwhelming, something both he and she had learned to notice. "I know this sounds crazy, but the lights went out for a brief moment. If I had blinked, I would have missed it. Then, she began to cry."

"Perhaps, the blackout triggered something," Alfred pointed out, letting out a heavy sigh. "After her father's death, Anastasia isn't the same. You and I both know that. She had witnessed his death. It... It traumatized her."

"I saw my parents die too," Bruce reminded. It was something he had gone through, knowing how painful it was to lose your parents. He had done his best to help Anastasia through her depression, staying strong for her.

"Everyone grieves differently," Alfred added softly. "Anastasia still can't remember properly how her father died. Some days, it's a car accident. Other days, he was shot. William Lovejoy has been poisoned, drowned, killed by disease, and who knows what else. The strangest thing I've heard her say is that he was torn apart by some interdimensional portal and continues to live in a world upside down from ours."

Bruce paused. It was something he had never heard Anastasia say. "When did she say that?"

"I believe two years ago on the anniversary of her father's death," Alfred recalled, tilting his head as he remembered the memory. Bruce could only frown, wishing that Anastasia still came to him if she wanted to talk. He supposed it was his fault for being so distant as Batman slowly took over his life. "She was on the patio, drinking. I suppose being drunk influenced that idea, but it stuck with me due to how strange it was."

"It is strange..." Bruce parroted, mulling over Alfred's words. Such an outlandish theory wasn't something he was used to hearing from Anastasia. Sometimes, her stories wouldn't line up but he had always chalked it up to her terrible memory. It had all started after her father's death. "I wish we knew what killed William Lovejoy. To know what Ana had seen to have affected her in such a way. I feel terrible that I can't help her."

"Most days, she is fine, Bruce," Alfred reminded, not wanting Bruce to worry too much. "She just needs to regularly take her medication. Perhaps, I can make sure she takes it every morning and night again. It helped for a while, remember?"

"Yes, but her memory is worse this time around," Bruce added, feeling his leg begin to bounce as his mind wandered. "She doesn't remember her childhood anymore, even when there's proof that her father did know Falcone. I saw the photographs of them. Ana must have been eight or nine, but it's still at an age most remember."

"Bruce, it was a long time ago," Alfred frowned, not following the same train of thought that he did.

"Nor does she remember the year we were married," Bruce confessed, frowning. "She thinks we got married after her father died. To her, we've only been married a little less than five years. It's been almost six."

"Yes, William Lovejoy was alive for the wedding," Alfred added, agreeing with Bruce. He sighed. "Have you never tried to correct her? You shouldn't feed into her delusions, Bruce. The doctor warned against that, remember?"

Bruce shook his head. "I suppose I didn't want to upset her."

"Her mind is rewriting the memories she shared with her father," Alfred suggested, trying to think of a logical explanation. "It must be the trauma, nothing else."

"But, that doesn't explain anything else," Bruce countered, remembering the first time he had come across his wife as Batman. It was so surreal to see her in a place he never expected her to be. Bruce Wayne and Batman felt like two different entities. He couldn't regard her as his wife in that situation. She surely didn't see him as her husband, being afraid as she watched him fight. "At Falcone's club, Ana almost killed him. It was like... like she wasn't there as she aimed the gun at him. I've never seen her like that before."

"Batman may be accustomed to seeing people die," Alfred tried to rationalize, knowing what Bruce thought about guns. Their mission as Batman was to bring justice, not to murder. To any other person, self defense in the form of murder was reasonable. "Anastasia is just like everyone else. She hasn't seen people be gunned down inches from her. Her coat was covered in blood that day and had to be thrown away. It must have been too much."

"Too much has happened in a short amount of time," Bruce said, considering it had only been a day and half since that night at Falcone's club. Now, Falcone was murdered. Hill was murdered on live televsion at the mayoral debate. Anastastia and Harvey damned to a hospital, fighting for their lives.

"Both of you need time to recover━━"

Their conversation was cut short as the door opened, allowing them to look inside to see a small corridor that led into the sterile operating room. A nurse stood, pushing out a cart of used supplies. It was covered by a tarp, hidden from view of anyone in the hall. She stepped out, blinking at the bright light as she pulled the tray with her. She hadn't noticed them.

Bruce immediately stood, stopping her in her tracks. "Excuse me," he said softly, making her look at him with a small frown. "But, uh, my wife is in there. Is there any update you can provide?"

The nurse hesitated, glancing between him and Alfred. She sighed, biting her lip as she looked down at the cart. "I don't have all the information," She began. But, Bruce didn't care. Any update was helpful to him. "Doctor is still doing surgery, trying to get out all the bullet fragments displaced in her right lung."

"How bad is it?"

"Again, I don't have all the details," the nurse reminded them. "But, it's complicated since there's so much damage. They're trying to get it all fixed at once, so they can get her stable."

Bruce took a sharp breath, realizing that Anastasia was still in critical condition. One wrong move meant she could be taken from him forever, making him take a small step back from the nurse. "How long do you think?"

"The doctors are doing the best they can," the nurse told him, forcing a smile to her lips. "I'm sorry, I need to go. But, the doctor will be out after the surgery to explain everything."

Alfred came up next to Bruce, giving him a nod as they watched the nurse around the corner at the end of the hall. "It's only a matter of time, Bruce."

However, patience was one thing that Bruce couldn't conjure. Yet, he had no choice in the fate of his wife's life.

━━ ━━ ━━

BRUCE WAYNE HAD ONLY FELT HELPLESS ONE OTHER TIME IN HIS LIFE ━━ the death of his parents when he was eight years old. He had been unable to protect them. He had been unable to save them. Now, history repeated itself with his wife laid out on the hospital bed with countless machines doing their best to keep her alive. Again, he had failed. Again, he felt helpless. It was quiet in the room, except for the constant beeping of the heart monitor. He glanced around the room, noticing all the flowers and cards. It had been roughly ten hours since he had seen Anastasia get shot on that stage. He had held her in his arms as she sobbed. He held her as she slowly bled out. But, he had to remind himself that he stopped the bleeding. He had saved her life.

Alfred told him it would only be a matter of time before things settled back into normalcy, a few months at most before Anastasia healed. Yet, Bruce knew that nothing would ever be the same. After Alfred had left a few hours ago to check on Selina Kyle, Bruce had too much time to think. He had tried to sleep, but he couldn't get his eyes to close. Instead, he just watched the machines. The ventilator was the most daunting, helping his wife breathe. The doctor said they would only need it for a day or two at most, making sure her lungs were working properly before they let her breathe on her own. The sooner it was out, the better.

There was a knock at the door, snapping Bruce out of his thoughts as he straightened. He looked back, seeing the comforting face of Clarice Abbott. She smiled, holding up two bouquets of flowers in her hands. His sister always had impeccable timing.

She took a step inside, closing the door behind her. Looking around the room, she found an empty spot to put down the sunflowers. It was by the window, the sun slowly coming back up after the long night they had endured. Clarice approached, tilting her head. Her black hair fell from her shoulders. "You're looking a bit pale."

Bruce could only sigh, feeling a sting at the injection spot from the nurses. "I'm fine." He shrugged it off, allowing his shoulders to drop as he relaxed again. "The doctors had to take some blood for the transfusion. There was a shortage."

"Not surprised," Clarice said, placing a hand on her hip. "They said the hospital's almost at ninety-eight percent capacity because of all the mayhem that happened last night. The Children of Arkham attacked all over the city to enact justice, targeting high-profile people. Too many people were hurt in the crossfire."

Bruce hummed, feeling guilty once again. He had heard the nurses mention something similar, but he had been too lost in his thoughts. He should have been out there, working as Batman to protect the city. But, he feared leaving Anastasia's side. He wasn't sure if he had made the right decision, knowing people had gotten hurt. He could have protected them as Batman. But, Bruce Wayne needed to be there for his wife.

"How much blood did she lose?" Clarice asked, looking over Anastasia's machines. Her eyes lingered on the ventilator, face twisting when she noticed the tube that went down her throat and into her lungs.

"Close to forty percent is what the doctors are saying," Bruce answered, closing his eyes for a moment as he recalled the long and painful conversation with the doctor. Thankfully, Alfred had been right there with him. "She flatlined twice on that table. The doctors almost gave up."

"Jesus..." Clarice muttered, crossing her arms.

"They did the blood transfusion first. Then, the surgery," Bruce informed, watching his wife's pained expression that lingered even in unconsciousness. Her eyebrows knitted, sweat beaded her skin, and her hands trembled every so often. "The bullet exploded inside her, breaking the lower three ribs and hitting her lung. They managed to extract most of the bullet fragments, saying it was a miracle her organs seemed to be intact. She lost so much blood during the surgery itself; they had to do another transfusion. Now, she has a fever. Her body is just fighting off the infection caused by the bullets. She'll be stable once it breaks."

His words sounded rehearsed. It was exactly what the doctor had told him. His mind had been repeating it over and over again for the past few hours.

"You saved her life on that stage, Bruce," Clarice reminded, placing a hand on his shoulder. "If it wasn't for you, she would have died within minutes. You're a hero."

Seeing his wife cry in her sleep didn't make him feel like a hero. Seeing her bed bound and on the brink of death wasn't how heroes treated their wives. If anything, it only worked to show him how dangerous his life as Batman and Bruce Wayne was. He needed to keep Anastasia safe, keeping her far away from the horrors of his life.

When he didn't respond, Clarice continued. "Shouldn't you be in a hospital bed too?" the dark-haired woman teased, trying to lighten the mood. "You took quite a beating on live television."

Bruce shrugged off her concern. "I'm fine."

"Sure," Clarice said, clicking her tongue in disappointment. "You look terrible, worse than Ana does if I'm being honest."

"It's not like it matters, Clar," Bruce said, letting out a heavy sigh as he ran a hand across his face. Closing his eyes, he could feel how they burned from the lack of sleep. His body was fighting off exhaustion, but it was nothing a cup of coffee couldn't fix. "I'm in a hospital. If I pass out, someone's out there to help me."

"I suppose you're right." She chuckled. "Still, you should take care of yourself."

"That's funny coming from you," Bruce added, knowing his sister had even worse coping mechanisms than he did. Still, the two had a routine where they would give each other advice that they should be following themselves.

"Yeah, yeah," Clarice said, brushing off his words. "Have you slept yet?"

"I can't," Bruce said, shaking his head. "I... I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Nothing's going to happen, Bruce," she reassured, giving him a smile. "I get that these machines can look scary, but she's recovering. She'll be fine."

"I know..." Bruce sighed, feeling his eyes focused on his wife's expression for any changes. "It's just that she has woken up a few times already."

"She has?"

"Yeah, but I don't think she knows where she is," Bruce confessed, remembering back to earlier in the night when she had opened her eyes. It had been only an hour or so after the surgery, Alfred had still been here too. "I tried to talk to her, but she just cries and cries. We needed to have the doctors come in and sedate her. I don't want her to be alone when she wakes up again."

"Well, I'm here now," Clarice reminded, giving him a nod as she took a seat at the edge of the bed. "You should get some rest. I can watch over her for a few hours."

"No," Bruce immediately said. "I'm not tired."

"Yeah, bullshit," Clarice scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Your dark circles look worse than usual."

"I'll rest when she wakes up, Clarice," Bruce said sternly. He didn't need rest, wanting to be awake if something happened to Anastasia. He didn't dare take his eyes off her, afraid she'll slip through his fingers.

Clarice sighed, knowing there was no convincing Bruce. She decided to change the topic, much to Bruce's relief. "How's Harvey?"

Bruce spared her a glance, noticing how she avoided his eyes. For a moment, Bruce wanted to ask how she was feeling. His sister had a rough couple of months, keeping secrets that only a select few knew. It made Bruce angry to know how Harvey treated his sister... and now what he had done on stage with his wife. Still, the man didn't deserve what had happened to him.

"He's out of surgery, recovering in the ICU."

"That's good to hear," Clarice mumbled, unconsciously placing a hand on top of her stomach as a heavy sigh left her lips. She let out an awkward chuckle, looking at the other bouquet of flowers she still held. "I brought flowers for him too. You know? I thought... I thought it was the right thing to do."

Bruce nodded, knowing the long history between Clarice and his best friend, Harvey Dent. The man seemed to get around, Bruce couldn't help the bitter thoughts. First, he had messed around with his sister, then he had used Selina, and now, he confessed love for his wife. Though, a part of him had always thought Clarice and Harvey would eventually find their way to one another. If there was one person that Harvey Dent truly loved, it was Clarice Abbott. But, he always ran from his emotions and found whatever distraction he could.

"Are you going to go visit him?" Bruce asked softly.

"I think I have to," Clarice sighed, shaking her head. "I just... I don't know, Bruce. It feels like the right thing to do, but at the same time, I don't want to see him."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Bruce asked, seeing the relief on Clarice's face when he had asked the question. She would never outright ask for help, but he had learned when to extend his hand and when to let her figure things out on her own.

"I can't force you to come," Clarice sighed, sparing a glance in Anastasia's direction.

"I'll come," Bruce said, standing to his feet. He looked at Anastasia again, leaning down to place a gentle kiss against her forehead. For a moment, he swore he saw her expression soften. But, it must be his lack of sleep that made him see things. He looked at Clarice. "Only for a moment, though. I don't want to leave Ana alone for too long."

"Of course."

Bruce looked back, making sure nothing was out of place with Anastasia's machinery and that she was still breathing. He feared that one look away and it would mean her death. He slowly closed the door, a habit he was used to since his and Anastasia's sleeping schedules rarely lined up. Clarice waited for him, offering him a warm smile. She allowed him to lead the way to Harvey's room, staying quiet as they passed by the nurses. They whispered about the events that happened at the debate mixed with what they were going to have for breakfast. Bruce had listened to the nurses talk all night, occasionally watching them bring in more flowers for Anastasia. Everyone had been turned at the door, except for Clarice, Alfred, and Laura who he had put on the list.

"Have you seen Harvey yet?" Clarice asked softly, stealing a glance at Bruce. "I... I saw what happened... I couldn't stop watching the footage. It's... It's horrifying..."

Bruce looked at her, letting out a small breath. His older sister had been through a lot, especially with everything that had happened with the Falcones. But, she never let that stop her. She had thrown herself into work, cutting all ties of her relationship with Harvey Dent. It was how Bruce had originally met Harvey, through Clarice. "I haven't left Ana's side," Bruce confessed. "Both of them were in surgery for so long, then Ana was cleared first. I've been with her since."

"Harvey confessed his love for your wife on live television," Clarice added, tilting her head as she tried to catch Bruce's expression. But, he kept his eyes low as he remembered the events at the debate. It had been... strange to see his closest friend confess love for his wife. But, a part of him had suspected that Harvey held some sort of feelings toward his wife. It was the lingering glances, the constant hovering, and how he always seemed to want to know about Anastasia.

"I've been so focused on Ana," Bruce said, shaking his head. They paused in the middle of the hall, a few feet away from Harvey's door. The nurses were far away, unable to hear their conversation. "I haven't had a chance to process that yet. I should have known, especially when I had to pick her up from his apartment."

Clarice frowned. "What was she doing there?"

"I suppose they were having dinner," Bruce said, shrugging his shoulders.

Clarice snorted, raising a brow. "Harvey sucks at cooking."

"Apparently not for my wife. She said she loved his spaghetti," Bruce huffed, remembering the night. Though, he had been more concerned with her safety than to think about why she had been there at Harvey's. He also reminded himself that his wife wasn't a picky eater, so she enjoyed almost anything she ate. It shouldn't be too suspicious that she enjoyed Harvey's cooking. "It was after Falcone's arrest. She... She was there too, having a drink with Falcone. She said he wanted to talk after threatening her and her assistants. He almost killed her. I... I saved her."

"Falcone causes trouble for everyone," Clarice said softly, unconsciously brushing her hands against scars that had long healed physically. Though, the mental toll they left had yet to fade. She cleared her throat, forcing a smile. "So, how'd she end up at Harvey's?"

"I honestly don't know," Bruce confessed, "but I had a feeling then that Harvey's got a thing for my wife. I always thought you and him would end up back together, despite how you always say you've moved on. Then, he behaved strangely around Anastasia and she was always too nervous around him. I was somewhat relieved when Selina showed up, but then he pulled that stunt at the debate. And now, I'm not too sure what to think."

"Damn..." Clarice mumbled. "What a whore, huh?"

"Hey," Bruce said softly, shaking his head. "Don't talk about Ana like that, please."

Clarice laughed. "Bruce, I was talking about Harvey. I wouldn't call Ana that. You know me better than that." She shook her head, knowing he was stressed. It was written all over Bruce's face. "So, what are you going to do about it? Talk to Ana?"

"Yeah, I suppose so," Bruce nodded. "I'll bring it up to her when she's feeling better. I can always tell when she's lying."

"Is it a Batman thing?"

Bruce couldn't help but chuckle, knowing it was rare someone could look into the eyes of Batman and still find the courage to lie. "No, it's an Ana thing. I don't think she knows how to lie," Bruce confessed, considering that his wife rarely ever lied to him. When he had asked her about Falcone, she had immediately told him everything. There were times where she had tried to lie, but he could always figure her out. "She fiddles with her hands, presses her thumb into her palm. She avoids eye contact and fumbles on her words. If it goes on for too long, she'll start to scratch at her skin."

"You're attentive then. She's lucky to have you as a husband, Bruce, and not Harvey," Clarice said, smiling at him. She looked at the door, sighing. "Well, we're about to see Harvey. Do you want me to behead him?"

Bruce paused, looking in her direction. "What... Clarice... no," he stuttered, shaking his head. "What?! You're a cop━━"

"━━detective," Clarice corrected, "but please continue."

"You shouldn't say things like that."

"See, I can plea for insanity" Clarice pointed out, hitting him in the chest with the bouquet of flowers. The smell of the sunflowers flooded his nose for a moment, immediately waking him up. Bruce chewed on the inside of his cheek, watching as Clarice knocked.

"Come in!"

"Just... be nice," Bruce reminded. He wanted to confront Harvey, but he was also worried for the man's wellbeing. "We can ease into the topic."

"Whatever you say, Bruce."

Clarice smiled at Bruce, noticing his pained expression. It wasn't as if he hated Harvey, but after everything, he wasn't too keen on seeing the man. After all, Harvey had been planning to denounce their friendship to save face and then said he loved his wife to all of Gotham. Clarice was the one to open the door, revealing Harvey who sat at his hospital bed. He was dressed in a similar gown to Anastasia's, but one side of his face was completely wrapped up. Bruce remembered how it had looked at the debate, making him take a deep breath.

"Clarice, Bruce! Finally friendly faces," Harvey greeted them, giving them both a smile as they entered. Bruce closed the door behind them, giving them some privacy. Though, he was anxious to get back to his wife. He feared to see her heart monitor flatline again, but the doctor repeatedly had reassured him that she was stable. Fighting a fever, but stable enough that she won't die on them. "I wasn't expecting you two, but it's good to see the two of you."

"Brought you flowers too," Clarice said, setting down the bouquet of sunflowers at his bedside. While Anastasia's room was filled to the brim with flowers and cards, Harvey only had a few. She gave him a nod. "How're you doing?"

"I've been better," Harvey nodded, forcing a smile. "They've got me on so much morphine that I can't feel a thing, actually."

Bruce stared, standing off to the side as he crossed his arms. His eyes flickered to the television, playing news about how Harvey had won the election by default since Hill had been killed by Penguin. He had always assumed Harvey would win, but not like this. He looked at Harvey, decided it would be best to be cordial. "Harvey... I'm sorry that this happened."

"Hey, come on," Harvey said, waving his words off. "It isn't your fault."

Bruce looked at Clarice, noticing the saddened expression that lingered upon her features. In a way, it was Bruce's fault. He hadn't been fast enough to save Harvey. Bruce cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, anyway."

"Have you seen it yet?" Clarice asked, taking a seat at the edge of Harvey's bed. Bruce had come closer, but he still kept his distance.

"I haven't," Harvey said truthfully, shrugging his shoulders. "They've had me wrapped up from the moment I woke up and won't let me take a peek. It can't be that bad. My family, we heal quickly."

"I'm sure it'll heal up nicely," Bruce reassured, nodding his head. "You'll have some scarring, but it won't be that bad."

"Optimism, right?"

"Where would we be without it?" Clarice chuckled, helping Harvey sit up when he began to move.

"Exactly," Harvey smiled at Clarice, gaze lingering for too long. It made Bruce clench his jaw, trying to control his bitter thoughts toward the man. "Scars are cool. Rugged. Manly."

"Sure, Harvey," Clarice said, playfully rolling her eyes at his words. She looked around the room, spotting the flowers and teddy bear that sat on a table. "So, I see we weren't the first to bring you flowers."

"Yeah, well, my mother and my secretary," Harvey shrugged, chuckling. "Every sick boy's dream."

"Not to rub it in," Clarice started, raising her hands in defense. "But, you should see Ana's room. It's full of flowers, balloons, and cards."

Harvey sighed, looking uncomfortable at the mention of Anastasia. He quickly changed the topic, something both Waynes had noticed. "The one woman I thought would visit... or at least call... hasn't," Harvey confessed. Bruce and Clarice shared a look. "Selina's been a no show. I thought she'd at least come by to congratulate me, if nothing else. Guess we weren't as close as I thought. Guess I can't blame her, the way I look now."

"I guess it's best to forget about her then," Bruce said. It was a surprise that Harvey would still mention Selina, especially after everything that had happened with him, Clarice, and now, Anastasia.

"God, it's been... infuriating," Harvey gritted out, sparing a glance at the television in the room that was playing the news on mute. The debate was still the most talked about event, considering it had only happened less than twelve hours ago. "Just sitting here and having nothing but time to think about what happened. I wish I could make myself turn it off completely. Watching footage of the debate over and over... Look at me, preaching at what a great guy you are while I go and get... my face bashed in."

"I think all of Gotham must have watched the debate," Clarice mumbled, shaking her head. It was unfortunate what Gotham had become, a frightening place to call home. Still, Batman did his best to keep it safe.

"What they did to Hill. To the moderator... To Anastasia... I have to live with that..." He sighed. It made Bruce clench his jaw, hearing his wife's name leave Harvey's lips. Still, he allowed Harvey to continue speaking. "But, we all heard them up there. The Penguin and that maniac on the screen... This isn't over."

"GCPD is swamped," Clarice mentioned, fiddling with her hands. "There's too much mania all over the city with the Children of Arkham. It's what they're calling themselves, saying that they're seeking justice in the name of everyone who was wronged."

"We need to stay ahead of them," Harvey added, thinking about what their course of action should be. Despite Bruce's current grievances with the man, he had to admit that Harvey Dent as mayor should be good for Gotham. "They're trying to cause discord. That stunt at the debate was just the first step. They killed so many people. Hurt all of us."

"Yeah..." Bruce whispered. His wife still hadn't fully gained consciousness, drifting in and out of a restless sleep. After he was sure she was safe and recovering, Batman needed to put an end to the mayhem. "Gotham is in danger."

Harvey sighed, remembering more details of the debate. "The tape they played... I know how much you loved your father, Bruce. I know that debate was hard on you too. For both of you. Finding out your dad drugged Esther Cobblepot... and who knows how many others to get what he wanted. Hill admitting to having both Thomas and Martha Wayne killed..."

"Harvey, this isn't the best time," Clarice pointed out, shaking her head. It was the last thing that either Bruce or Clarice wanted to think about.

"Everyone hates the Waynes, I'm sure," Harvey added, shaking his head.

Bruce scoffed at the man's words, sparing Clarice a glance. He knew that the news of Thomas was affecting her as well, even if Gotham nor their closest friends knew of her true lineage. It made Bruce angry to know what a monster his father was. It tainted the memory he had of him. It tainted everything he had done for the city as both Bruce Wayne and Batman. "My wife is fighting for her life a few rooms over, Harvey," Bruce reminded. "I can worry about the crimes of my father later."

"I... I know..." Harvey sighed, clenching his hands into fists as his eyes flickered from Bruce's angry expression to Clarice's pensive one. He looked uncomfortable, paler than before. "Look, I, uh, I realize what a terrible friend I've been to you. I was so focused on the campaign. I thought distancing myself from you was the only option.

"It's a bit late for apologies. Isn't it, Harvey?" Bruce muttered, not in the mood to hear a sugared apology that Harvey had for him. It truly was too late for an apology after all the mistakes that Harvey made. Now, Bruce only wanted him to be the best mayor that Gotham had ever seen.

"Bruce..." Harvey mumbled, drawing the man's attention again. Here it was, the confrontation. Bruce was sure he knew exactly what was going to come out of Harvey's mouth. Even Clarice listened closely, knowing the direction the conversation was going to go. "The things I said about Ana at the debate..."

"We were friends, Harvey," Bruce interrupted, shaking his head. He didn't want to listen, knowing it would only make him angry. It would be impossible to continue being his friend, especially with what he had done with Clarice and Anastasia. "I understood why you distanced yourself publicly. I was willing to forgive you for still wanting to use my money to fund the campaign. But then, you confessed to being in love with my wife? You were a close friend and... you were Clarice's..."

He trailed off, noticing the flash of hurt that appeared on Clarice's face. But, her emotions were quickly hidden behind a mask as her face hardened. She stood still, staring off at the ground instead as she wrapped her arms around her stomach.

"I don't understand why you would do anything like that," Bruce huffed, finishing his thought as he focused on Harvey again. His friend looked guilty, unable to look him in the eye.

Harvey stuttered, keeping his head turned. "I... Look... I never... I never meant for it to go this far..."

Bruce frowned. "What?"

"Ana and I..." Harvey began slowly, pressing his lips together as he clasped his hands. He still kept his face turned, forcing Bruce to stare at the bandages that covered one half of his face.

"There is no Ana and you, Harvey," Bruce scoffed, crossing his arms. He didn't want to entertain whatever Harvey was insinuating, knowing it was far from the truth. "It's always been you pining after my wife. Do you think I can't see what you've been doing? That I don't notice how you look at her? How you talk to her? Ana may not notice these things, but I see them clear as day."


"I thought we were friends so I was going to let it go, Harvey," Bruce continued, not allowing the man to talk. His anger was making itself known. It was empowered by how protective he felt over Anastasia, Clarice, and his lack of sleep. "When you showed up with Selina, I thought it might be a step in the right direction. But then, the debate?"

"I protected your wife at that debate," Harvey spat out, standing to his feet. He towered over Bruce, but it didn't scare him one bit. He had taken town foes much worse than Harvey Dent. Yet, he noticed the change in his posture, the change in his tone as it became something dark. His lips forced into a snarl as his hands clenched into tight fists. Bruce remained calm, watching the man. "At least I was there to do something. Where the hell were you, Bruce?"

"Hey, that's not fair," Clarice interrupted, shaking her head. She stood close, ready to get in the middle of them if the need arose. But, that was the last thing Bruce wanted. He didn't want her getting hurt. "Harvey, you were the one who told Bruce not to come. You should have told Ana the same thing, considering she's his wife."

"If he knew the debate was going to be attacked, why'd he let his wife go?" Harvey asked, raising his hands in defense. His eyes focused on Clarice, letting out a heavy sigh. For a moment, guilt flashed across his face but it quickly vanished when he looked away. "I didn't lie on that stage. I physically could not have. I... I must love Ana to some extent to have said the things I did."

Bruce rolled his eyes, unable to face Harvey.

"Really, I don't know how I feel," Harvey confessed, placing his hands in his lap. He drummed his fingers against his thighs. "Perhaps... Perhaps, it was all the time we spent together and I suppose, I must have gotten attached to her presence. And truly, I'm sorry."

"I don't know what you expect, Harvey," Bruce said, shaking his head. It was ridiculous to hear the words leave Harvey's lips, considering it felt like cheap drama. His sister had been too quiet, but he didn't blame her for the silence. She kept her eyes away, not looking at Harvey. "You've put us all in such an... uncomfortable situation. I don't want you around my wife anymore."

Harvey stayed quiet for a moment, keeping his gaze focused on the floor. It was as if he was debating within himself, having a private conversation as his eye darted back and forth. Finally, he looked up with a narrowed gaze at both Bruce and Clarice. Something had changed, Bruce could tell as he stared at his former friend.

"I didn't want you finding out this way, Bruce," Harvey sighed, standing to his feet. His tone was more on the quieter side, repeatedly stealing glances in Clarice's direction. "Ana and I..." He took a sharp breath, causing Bruce to hold his breath as he waited for what Harvey had to say. "We've been seeing one another. It was only supposed to be a fling at first, just for fun. But, it escalated into something more. Something serious."

Bruce couldn't find the words. It was a blatant lie that Harvey had told, trying to save his own skin and throw the blame on someone else. Still, he waited for Harvey to finish his explanation. Clarice stood close by, crossing her arms as her eyes narrowed into daggers.

"What the hell are you trying to say, Dent?" Clarice asked, venom dripping from her words.

"Look, Ana started it all," Harvey defended himself, keeping his eyes low as he stayed at his empty hands. He shook his head. "It was late at night, many months ago. Ana... She gave me a call, said something was going on at home and she was upset. I told her to come over, so we can talk it through."

Bruce had a feeling he knew where this was going, barely listening as Harvey continued to speak. His mind kept telling him that his Anastasia would never, considering she had never shown any signs that she was drifting from him. But, perhaps, he had been too distracted by Batman to notice what was going on with his wife. He could feel a pit start to manifest deep within his chest, but he tried his best to ignore it.

"She kissed me that night..." Harvey took in a shaky breath, gulping as he forced himself to look at Bruce. "And, I'm sorry but I kissed her back, Bruce. It was a stupid mistake. But, we... We slept together that night. And, it became a routine over the next couple of months. I'm sorry, but Bruce, you were never there for her. All you do is ignore her, so of course this happened. Ana needed comfort and she came to me."

Bruce almost didn't feel Clarice's hand on his arm. His jaw was clenched and his hands had balled into fists. It was a rage familiar to him, one he only ever felt as Batman.

"I wanted to stop it, Bruce. I did! I started seeing Selina and I really like her. I tried to cut things off with Ana," Harvey said, clasping his hands together. "But, it sent her over the edge. I'm sure you've noticed how erratic she has been lately! She... She threatened me! Said she'll expose me and that she'll ruin my reputation. I was scared, Bruce, because I did love Ana. And, maybe, I still do. But, this has gone on for too long. I'm done." For a moment, he paused and watched the anger that radiated off Bruce. "I'm the mayor now and I need to focus on Gotham."

"You have some nerve, Harvey," Bruce spat out, narrowing his eyes. "Sleeping with my wife?"

"Bruce, she started it!" Harvey retorted, crossing his arms. His voice was louder, shouting. It was a surprise none of the nurses had come in to check on then, "I know I've betrayed our friendship, but shouldn't you be having this conversation with Ana?"

"Keep her name out of your mouth," Bruce spat out. For a moment, he only saw red as he shoved Harvey back. He fell back, hitting the bed. But, Harvey didn't flinch as he stared. He waited for a fight.

"Bruce, don't..." Clarice warned, shaking her head. She held out a hand, keeping Bruce at bay. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down before he hurt Harvey. "He really isn't worth it."

Harvey hummed. "For what it's worth, I am sorry for my role in this. But, if it wasn't with me, I'm sure Anastasia would have found someone else. You should talk to her."

"Harvey, enough," Clarice spat out, sending him a glare.

Bruce scoffed, still finding it hard to believe Harvey's words. He still trusted Anastasia, knowing it wasn't something she would do. Still, if he thought about it, his wife and Harvey had been spending too much time together. Harvey's story wasn't something outlandish, but it was something Bruce didn't want to believe.

He pointed an accusing finger in Harvey's direction, trying his best to stay calm. It wouldn't be wise to lose his temper. It was the last thing he wanted to do, considering no one was in the right state of mind. "You are going to stay away, Harvey," Bruce warned. "Away from me, away from Clarice, and especially away from Anastasia."

"I think... I think it's a little too late for that, Bruce," Harvey pointed out, a dry laugh left his lips as he shrugged his shoulders. Bruce couldn't recognize him anymore. "Ana... Well, what can I say? She plays the role of devoted wife easily, good enough to fool you."

"I don't fucking believe this," Bruce spat out, taking a step back to create distance between him and Harvey. He turned to look at Clarice for a moment, knowing she was hurt by Harvey's words too. Her lips pressed together, brave enough to face Harvey. Her eyes darted between them, but Bruce couldn't find the strength to look at the man. Deep down, he knew Harvey must be lying. But, even the tiniest possibility of his words being true were about to send him over the edge. Still, he wanted to trust his wife. It wasn't real till he heard it from her lips.

"Ask her about it then," Harvey said simply, shrugging his shoulders. Bruce turned to look at him, trying to find the tells of a liar. But, it was difficult as Harvey continued to hold eye contact. His gaze did not drop, but not once did he look over at Clarice. She always knew when he was lying, but even she seemed unsure. Harvey clasped his hands together, letting out a laugh. "Watch her lie to you again, Bruce! She'll say nothing happened because she doesn't want to lose you. But, listen to me, I'm telling you the truth as your friend. I don't want to keep this secret anymore."

"You're not a good friend, Harvey," Clarice spoke, forcing him to look in her direction. For a moment, hurt flashed across his face but he nodded slowly as if he agreed. She stood by Bruce, taking his side. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have slept with Anastasia. You know how much this would have hurt Bruce. You're... You're disgusting."

"I only ever followed Ana's lead," Harvey huffed. His dark eyes followed Bruce, tilting his head as he shrugged. It was a version of Harvey that Bruce had never seen before ━━ uncaring, selfish, nothing like the man he had befriended. "She told me that she wanted a divorce, that you didn't satisfy her anymore. And, I was willing to wait till she served you the papers. I waited everyday, but she never did. She continued to cling to you and that's when I knew she was playing us both."

"Go to hell," Bruce spat out.

He didn't want to believe it. In his mind, it didn't make sense. He kept track of Anastasia. He always knew where she was. Her car was paired with the Batmobile, it tracked her everywhere she went. Her phone pinged to the Batcomputer, her location always monitored. Bruce had never noticed anything off before, but he never truly looked. He trusted Anastasia. He still wanted to trust his wife. His wife who never left the house without a kiss goodbye. His wife who couldn't sleep unless he was beside her at night. His wife who looked at him only love and adoration. They had been married for almost six years. Yes, their relationship had its ups and downs but the two of them would always be loyal. Bruce couldn't believe Harvey. He didn't want to believe Harvey.

"Bruce, all the signs were there!" Harvey scoffed, sighing as if he was tired of the conversation. "Or, at least, you're never around to notice them."

"Yeah, because I trust my wife, Harvey," Bruce said, prepared to leave. He didn't want to see Harvey ever again, wanting to wait for his wife to wake up so he could talk to her. If she did cheat, Bruce wasn't sure what he would do. He needed to think. But, he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Nor did he want to trust anything Harvey Dent said.

"I'm truly sorry, Bruce," Harvey said. "I really didn't want to hurt you. That's why I'm telling you now."

"Harvey, you goddamn━━"

The door burst open, causing both Bruce and Harvey to lower the fists they had raised. Clarice was in the middle, prepared to stop them. The nurse watched them all with wide eyes, definitely not expecting to walk into a fight. "Uh, Mr. Wayne?" She started off softly, clearing her throat. "It's... It's your wife. There's a problem."

SO, THIS HAS BEEN THE HARDEST CHAPTER TO WRITE SO FAR. I obviously don't know how to write Bruce and I feel like he was very out of character, but I am just going to let it go. It was very confusing and there's a lot of versions of Batman, especially in the Telltale game alone. So, I kind of went with what I thought might fit this situation best. I may go back some time in the future to make further changes, but for now, this is it! Somehow, this chapter is over 10,000 words and I think it's my longest one yet. I really don't know how that happened. It was longer, but I cut out Anastasia's scenes and am saving them for the next chapter.

Speaking about Anastasia, I want to say that she never cheated on Bruce. Harvey is 100% lying because he's trying to shift the blame from himself to Anastasia. Thought, in doing so, he is burying himself in a deeper hole. I feel like Harvey is gone and it's just Two-Face now. And, I don't think he has the best feelings toward Ana. So, it'll be very tense and things will be rough for a while between everyone.

ALSO, A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO RIPLEY FOR ALLOWING ME TO INCLUDE CLARICE IN THIS CHAPTER TOO. They helped so much when it came to this chapter and I appreciate it so much! I adore Clarice more than anything and it was so much fun to write her! Her dynamic with Bruce is so much fun and I love her and Harvey. Though, they are not in the best place in this book, sadly. I have written the worst version of Harvey because he is just terrible in this book. And, I feel bad for putting Clarice through sadness. But, my heart will always belong to HarveyClarice. And, thank you again, Ripley, for giving me the honor to include her!

Hopefully, the next chapter will be out soon! It'll be back in Anastasia's POV and we'll see her recovery process because it'll be for a few chapters! I am a bit lost on what to do now since I never thought I would actually get to this part. But, I have ideas / concepts and I will do my best to convert those into chapters! I might try to write another Bruce POV, but it'll most likely be him as Batman and then Ana will be there too. We'll see, not too sure yet!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! It was a bit all over the place and I feel like I dumped a lot of information, but I might come back one day to fix it!

[ PUBLISH DATE ━━ 07.16.2022 ]

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