[ 14 ] a series of unfortunate events

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IT HAD BEEN MORE DIFFICULT TO ESCAPE THE MANOR THAN ANASTASIA HAD THOUGHT, considering Alfred and Bruce had not left her side. Bruce had been with her for a few hours, making sure she took her medication and had her breakfast. But, eventually, something called him away and he had to leave. Bruce had yet to return, leaving Alfred in charge. She had waited for the right moment, coming up with the perfect excuse so Alfred couldn't help but reluctantly allow her to leave. With the promise she would be home within two hours, Anastasia had gotten into her car and started her drive to Wayne Enterprises.

She had parked her car out front and could only hope she wouldn't run into Bruce, knowing he would immediately make her go home and rest. Laura had texted her, telling her that she was coming down. Still, Anastasia felt nervous as she fiddled with her new phone. A relieved sigh left her lips, locking eyes with Laura who waved as she approached. Anastasia unlocked the door, letting Laura take the passenger seat. "Hey," Laura greeted, giving her a nod as she shivered slightly. The heater was blasting, but it was still freezing outside. She held out a sticky note, showing her an address written. "I got the address. It's on the other side of the city, the outskirts."

"I can take the back streets," Anastasia reassured, putting the address into the car's GPS. It was giving them an ETA of twenty minutes if they didn't hit any red lights. "We won't hit traffic."

They began their drive down the streets, following the directions given. She cleared her throat, sparing a glance in Laura's direction who was digging through her purse for something. Eventually, she pulled out a tinted lip balm before applying a liberal amount to her lips.

"Did you see Bruce?" Anastasia asked, wanting to pinpoint Bruce's location to avoid running into him. If he was still at Wayne Enterprises, then she should be able to return home without him ever knowing she had left. She didn't want a lecture from him, especially since she was feeling fine after whatever medication he gave her in the middle of the night. And, she didn't want to see the reaction she would get if she ran into him out in public. Disappointment, most likely. But even that, Anastasia wanted to avoid.

"Mr. Wayne wasn't at work today," Laura said, earning a frown from Anastasia since Bruce said he had a meeting to attend. Perhaps, it was happening off-site. It could be another meeting about the new hospital since it had run into a few complications after what had happened at the debate with the Children of Arkham. "Does he know you're out and about?"

Anastasia's frown deepened, facing Laura's raised brow and curious expression. "No, he doesn't. And, please, don't tell him. He'll only worry."

"For good reason," Laura pointed out, letting out a small chuckle as she shook her head. "You were literally in the hospital yesterday and now, we're going on a mission together."

"It's not a mission," Anastasia smiled, shaking her own head as she kept her eyes on the road. Though, the thought of going on a top-secret mission did sound like a lot of fun. She was glad to have Laura by her side, knowing the woman was more resourceful than most. "We're just checking up on Eric and getting the files."

"And then, we're using the files to figure out the mystery behind the Lovejoys," Laura hummed, keeping her brown eyes focused on Anastasia as she smiled. "I think that sounds like a mission, especially one out of a crime novel or a superhero comic!"

"Superheroes, huh?" Anastasia mumbled, knowing that she was the last person worthy of such a title. She was looking for the truth for selfish reasons. She wanted to know if the 'hallucinations' she had were memories from the past or if she was truly losing her mind. There must be a reason she couldn't come to terms with the past. She feared the truth. But, she was more fearful of what would happen to her if she never found out. If the Wayne's history could be so vile, she could only imagine what horrors the Lovejoy history held. She forced a smile to her lips, hoping that Laura didn't notice her lapse in attention. "Well, in that case, I suppose we're going to be the ones who save Eric from his illness. I can only hope he isn't too sick."

Laura nodded, agreeing. "He's been out for a week. I'm thinking, it has to be the flu that's been going around. I think Monique had it last month too."

She sighed. With the weather dropping, sickness tended to go around and infect anyone it could get its hands on. Every year like clockwork, Anastasia would find herself ill too. She was barely able to get out of bed when she got sick. "I just wish he would return our calls, so we'd know he was alright."

"Yeah, especially since I have easily left over a hundred texts and four voicemails" Laura mumbled, taking a glance at her phone. It made a chuckle leave Anastasia's lips, making her realize how alike she and Laura were. She had done the same to Bruce countless times over the course of their marriage, especially when he was late. Laura sent another message, smiling. "There, I just sent him a text saying that we're showing up to his apartment whether he likes it or not."

Anastasia nodded. "Perfect."

It was quiet between the two of them for a moment, allowing them to focus on the music. They stopped at a red light, causing Anastasia to focus on all the people that roamed the streets of Gotham. She spotted parents with their children, groups of teenagers, and a plethora of joggers. A part of her missed living in the busy streets of Gotham, always being able to find something to do. She loved the manor, of course. It made her feel safe and it was where Bruce and Alfred were. But, sometimes, she missed the ordinary life she used to lead with her parents.

"So," Laura started as the light turned green, making Anastasia drive forward as they continued to Eric's apartment complex. "Did you hear about the animal attacks?"

Anastasia paused, sparing a glance at Laura. "Animal attacks? Here? In Gotham?"

"Yeah, the attacks started about a week ago. The new mayor, Harvey Dent, is convinced that it's coordinated attacks from the Children of Arkham instead," Laura informed, shrugging her shoulders. She stared out the window, people watching as Anastasia had done moments ago. Her voice was soft, letting out a heavy sigh as she shook her head. "It's... It's terrifying. People have been found mangled in their homes, cars, and in alleyways. These animals rip people into shreds. Only two people have survived the attacks so far and they both had different versions of how this animal looked."

Anastasia tightened her grip on the steering wheel, feeling sick to her stomach. She took deep breaths, hoping the oxygen tank in the back seat was still properly supplying her with oxygen. She didn't want to pass out. "What have they said?"

"Well, both accounts said this animal looks humanoid," Laura replied, leaning back in the seat. "One of the victims said that it walks on its hind legs, has sharp razor teeth, and screams loud enough to deafen someone. The other victim said that it looks like a fungi-formed monster, hunting on all fours and it makes a clicking sound."

Anastasia wrinkled her nose, not wanting to know what these people encountered. It sounded like a creation that would be cooked up in Ace Chemicals in Gotham's industrial district. "Jeez," she mumbled, sparing Laura's solemn expression another glance. She decided it would be best to lighten the mood. "Maybe it's time to think about moving out of Gotham."

It seemed as if the attempt had been successful as a chuckle left Laura's red lips. "I heard Metropolis is beautiful and safer than Gotham."

Anastasia smiled, nodding her head. She had heard the same things about Metropolis and seen it with her own two eyes, considering there were three Lovejoy hotels in the city that had been opened about eight years ago. "Have you heard about Superman?"

"I heard he's a myth," Laura added, tilting her head. "There's only ever been eyewitness accounts of Superman, but never any concrete evidence. I'll believe in him when I see a photograph."

"You know, everyone thought Batman was a myth at first too. He was just a name that petty criminals would mention in fear," Anastasia said, remembering when rumors of Batman first started about three years ago. No one believed it at first, even Anastasia thought it was a bogus tale made up by the GCPD to scare criminals. "Now, everyone in Gotham fears that Batman lingers in every shadow."

"I suppose you're right," Laura hummed, giving her another smile. "Perhaps, I'll take a vacation to Metropolis and see whether I can prove Superman is real or not."

"I approve of the vacation time," Anastasia chuckled, checking the ETA again when they came to another red light. There was minimal traffic, fortunately, but it was still their bad luck that gave them almost every other red light. "You work too hard, Laura. Seriously, you need a vacation. You have thirty weeks of paid vacation."

"Believe it or not, I enjoy working."

Anastasia scoffed, looking in Laura's direction. She had to admit that throughout all the time she had known Laura, the woman had always been one of the best employees that Wayne Enterprises had ever seen. Anastasia sighed, shaking her head. "No one likes working."

It was Laura's turn to scoff. "Says the workaholic."

"Well, almost dying has changed my perspective," Anastasia said honestly, considering each breath reminded her of the damage done at the debate. The thought of dying scared Anastasia. She had spent her whole life doing nothing. She never had the chance to, considering she felt as if she had spent her whole life locked behind a room. She needed to get out. She wanted to be free. She cleared her throat, smiling at Laura. "We shouldn't spend our days trapped in an office. You should go on a vacation."

"I'll think about it," Laura reassured, returning Anastasia's smile. She fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist, humming for a moment before her eyes slowly drifted to Anastasia again. "So, you've seen Batman up close."

"Twice, actually."

"What was it like?" Laura asked curiously. Her soft eyes remained focused on Anastasia, watching the small changes in her features. "All of Gotham saw the live broadcasting of the debate. Batman... He held you so... intimately. But, then the cameras cut out."

"Intimately?" Anastasia asked, eyes widened as she looked at Laura's giddy expression. She had almost forgotten that the cameras must have been rolling when Batman had saved her life. She wondered if she should go looking for the footage of the debate, wanting to see what it had looked like herself. But, it would only trouble her to see it ━━ even thinking about the debate saddened Anastasia. "So, what else is the media saying?"

"Quite a bit," Laura laughed. "Some of them are conspiring that you and Batman are secret lovers. While others are also convinced of that, but they've also added a footnote that Batman is... Wait for it... Your husband, Bruce Wayne."

"Bruce? Batman? Yeah, right." Anastasia laughed, realizing this was another stupid rumor that the media was spreading around. It was only recently that the vampire rumors had stopped. But, she supposed the media needed something to talk about. "Batman was trying to save my life, nothing else. I'm grateful because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. It was nothing intimate at all. I swear the press have nothing better to do than spread rumors."

Laura hummed softly. "Kind of like the rumors about you and Mayor Dent."

She gulped, feeling the sense of dread return. It still hurt to lose a friendship like Harvey's, considering how close they were. "I still can't believe the things Harvey said."

"I suppose it was kind of obvious," Laura pointed out, shrugging her shoulders. "Every time he came by the office to see you and Bruce, it was so apparent that the man liked you... more than a friend. It was in his eyes. He was in love with you."

"Whatever it was, I shut it down," Anastasia said softly, knowing she must have broken Harvey's heart. But, she loved Bruce and no one else compared to him. "I'm happily married to Bruce."

"Who may or may not be Batman," Laura teased, hitting Anastasia's shoulder.

It made Anastasia playfully roll her eyes, watching Laura giggle from the corner of her eyes. "Bruce is not Batman, please," She retorted, shaking her head. "Trust me, I would know if my husband was Batman."

Laura nodded. "Plus, I don't see that being a secret you can hide."

Anastasia agreed, considering she would have never even put Bruce and Batman on the same wavelength. "Exactly."

They reached Eric's apartment complex, noticing how the streets had quieted down to a murmur compared to the roar of downtown. Anastasia parked the car, taking off the nasal cannula before tossing it in the backseat. It would be easier to get out without it. She used the car for support, opening the backdoor to take out the cart that held the tank. She put the tub around her nose again, taking in a deep breath. She locked the car, facing Laura who shivered. It was nearly the winter season, only another three weeks before temperatures dropped completely. Laura walked over, asking if she needed help. Anastasia smiled, shaking her head.

"I've only had this tank for a day and half, but I've grown used to it," Anastasia mumbled, lifting it up to place it on the sidewalk. She could tell that Laura wanted to help, but she genuinely didn't need it. Fortunately, the small cart was silent as it rolled effortlessly on the concrete. She would have died from embarrassment if it constantly squeaked.

"How long do you need it?" Laura asked quietly as they made their way to the steep staircase that led into the apartment building.

"Only a few months," Anastasia replied, shrugging her shoulders. She ignored the tug she felt against her stitches, reminding herself to be more mindful of her actions. The last thing she wanted to do was rip open her stitches, causing yet another problem for herself.

They entered the building, saying hello to the security guard. He didn't pay them much attention, barely looking up to see who had entered. It was close to seven o'clock and the sun had set a while ago, plunging Gotham into darkness. Anastasia hoped Bruce hadn't come home yet, but she supposed she would have gotten a call from him if he had. They headed into the elevator, taking it up to the sixth floor.

"What's his apartment number again?"

"602," Laura replied, looking down at the sticky note she had stuffed into her purse.

They were able to find the apartment easily, noticing the small plant sitting by the side of the door. It was a pink lily flower, but the petals were starting to decay and the dirt looked dry. Someone hadn't watered the plant in a while, causing a heavy presence to be welcomed into Anastasia's heart. They rang the doorbell. However, there was no response. They waited for a few minutes, ringing the bell a few times. But again, there was no response. So, Laura decided to give Eric a call.

Anastasia frowned, listening to the phone ring on the other side of the door. She half expected to hear shuffling or hear someone turn the phone off. But, the ringing continued until the voicemail began to play. It made Anastasia and Laura share a look, both of their minds going to the worst-case scenario.

"Do you think he's okay in there?" Anastasia asked quietly, tightening her grip on the cart's handle. She didn't know Eric too well, but it would break her heart if anything had happened to him.

"Maybe he's sleeping?" Laura said, biting her nail as her eyes drifted to the door and then back at Anastasia. "What should we do?"

"Call the police?" Anastasia suggested, trying to think what the most reasonable solution would be in a situation like theirs. They didn't have any proof that something had happened to Eric, but doing a wellness check was still a valid route. But, she immediately shook her head since she heard how busy the GCPD was with the Children of Arkham. "I doubt the police will be much help, considering how spread thin they are. It may take them hours to show up. We need to do this on our own."

Laura hummed, looking down at the lock. She shrugged her shoulders. "I can always pick the lock?"

Anastasia's eyes widened as she stared at Laura's nonchalant expression. "You know how to pick locks?"

"Kind of?" Laura mumbled, pulling up a video on her phone. It was a twenty minute video with the title being 'How to Pick Locks for Dummies' and the comments were reassuring as they commended the video. "I thought it'd be a useful skill to have, you know? All I need is a lock-picking kit, but I'm sure two bobby pins will do the trick."

"Better than nothing." Anastasia nodded, smiling at the woman as she took the phone to hold it for her. She only hoped that no one would catch them trying to break into Eric's apartment. "And, if he's fine in there, I'm sure he'll open the door before we unlock it anyways."

Laura pulled out two bobby pins from her hair, making her curls bounce as she did. She slowly kneeled before the doorknob, taking a deep breath as she looked up at Anastasia. "Here goes nothing."

It took Laura close to fifteen minutes, but she eventually unlocked the door for the two of them. She smiled brightly, standing to her feet as she slipped the bent bobby pins into her purse. She gave a slight bow, shooting Anastasia a wink.

"I think you should add 'can pick locks when needed' to your resume, Laura," Anastasia teased, clapping her hands together. Again, she was finding more and more reasons why she was grateful for Laura. If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have gotten nearly as far as she was.

Laura chuckled at her words, entering the apartment behind Anastasia. They closed the door behind them, settling in the eerie silence of the apartment. It was too cold, making Anastasia wrap her coat tighter around her. The wood floor creaked underneath their feet as they wandered into the apartment. "Eric?" she called out, looking around the living room that connected to the kitchen. "You there?"

With all due respect, Anastasia had to admit that the apartment looked like a tornado had gone through it. She wasn't one to judge, knowing she wasn't the neatest person in the world. But, the apartment felt untouched. It felt as if Eric had rushed through the apartment in a hurry, knocking things over as he stumbled throughout it. If she was being honest, it looked as if there had been a struggle. Broken flower pots were everywhere with dead flowers decaying into the wooden floors, the TV was knocked down as it hung off the wall by cords, and the coffee table was smashed into two. Something terrible had happened, causing a bitter taste to linger in the air.

"Ana, there's blood here," Laura pointed out, causing Anastasia to approach to see what the brunette was talking about. In the kitchen, there was a pool of blood but nothing to indicate who it belonged to. She hoped it wasn't Eric's. The blood was dried up, but it still stained the kitchen tiles. Laura let out a shaky breath, gulping. "I think... I think something bad happened to Eric."

Anastasia frowned, trying to keep a brave face for Laura. "But, who could have done this?"

"Maybe it's about the files," Laura whispered, crossing her arms over her chest. Her hands shook, but she did her best to hide them from Anastasia. It made the woman feel guilty for bringing Laura into this mess, wishing she had come to Eric's apartment alone.

"Only the three of us know about them," Anastasia mumbled, chewing the inside of her cheek as she wondered who could have done this. "Perhaps, Dr. Franklin found out that I stole them off his computer. But, he would have no way of knowing I sought out your and Eric's help."

"I know, but the files that Eric and I peeked at," Laura mumbled, turning paler as the seconds ticked by. She leaned against the kitchen counter, keeping her eyes away from the pool of blood. "It was something that could get a lot of people in trouble, especially everyone at the top of Gotham's hierarchy."

"I still don't understand how someone like Dr. Franklin could have access to files like that," Anastasia muttered, wondering if she should give the doctor another visit. But, she still wasn't sure what had become of the man since it had been more than a week since he had tried to stab himself to death. The whole situation was too strange to ignore, especially since her family was involved.

"He was a part of it," Laura said, shrugging her shoulders. She looked at Anastasia, with wide brown eyes that looked for a sign to relax. "His name was signed on a lot of the Arkham Asylum files. He worked there for the majority of his career before opening Franklin Crematorium."

Anastasia nodded, wishing she had the full story. "We should see if we can find Eric's laptop and any clues to where he could be. If he's not here, then that could be a good sign."

"He better be alive," Laura whispered, sniffling. The two of them began their search of the apartment, making sure not to touch anything they didn't need to. If the police were to get involved, they didn't need their fingerprints contaminating everything.

The apartment wasn't too big, considering it was a two-bedroom apartment with only one bathroom. There was nothing else to see in the living room, kitchen, or bathroom. So, they wandered into his spare bedroom which Eric had turned into an office space. The office had been trashed, considering so many of his electronics were broken. She noticed a bat sitting in the corner, realizing that must have been the weapon of mass destruction. Anastasia frowned, noticing the wall of evidence that Eric had. It felt like something straight out of a crime television show, red string and all. She moved close, taking in the details of what he had pinned.

"He's trying to figure out what happened to his father and sister," Anastasia mumbled softly, mostly to herself as she read over Eric's notes. His evidence went back decades, almost everything pointing to Carmine Falcone and Salvatore Maroni. Anastasia didn't know much about Maroni, other than what she had read in the news. She did know Falcone, considering it was said that he was "Uncle Carmine" to her but she had no recollection of those memories. But, the photo evidence that Falcone provided was enough to have her believe that she knew Falcone better than she remembered. "He has a whole case built up against Falcone. The files would have truly helped him too."

"Yeah, Eric mentioned them to me too," Laura whispered, approaching the wall of evidence as she looked it over. She took out her phone, taking a few pictures. She had taken photos of the pool of blood in the kitchen and the state of the living room too. "He said they had gone missing when he was very young, but his family never gave up trying to look for them."

Her eyes widened, spotting a candid picture of someone familiar to Anastasia. She pointed to the picture of the dark-haired woman, looking at Laura with wide eyes. "Erina... I know her..." Anastasia whispered softly, reading the notes next to the picture. Eric had narrowed down the possibilities of his missing sister to three women and Erina was one of them. "Well, I met her. She worked for Falcone, saying that she was working off a debt."

"When did you meet her?" Laura asked.

"Remember when Falcone's men showed up at the office," Anastasia muttered bitterly, still remembering how disrespectful the men had been to herself, her assistants, and her office space. "Well, all that drama was for a meeting that Falcone wanted. I met him the next day and... Erina was there. She took me to Falcone herself, so she's clearly someone he trusts... trusted if she worked that close."

"Did you know a few months back, an officer went on a killing spree and systematically started killing off Falcone's men?" Laura added, noticing that there were notes about that on the wall too. "They thought another serial killer had emerged in Gotham, but then it became related to gang violence when they realized all the victims worked for Carmine Falcone."

"It was an officer?" Anastasia whispered, raising a brow. She never used to read the news, knowing how much it stressed her out and she was constantly on edge whenever she left the manor. Sometimes, ignorance was bliss. But, ignorance had caused her life to derail. "So, the person responsible was arrested?"

Laura shrugged her shoulders. "It was a cold and calculated series of murders. At least, that's how the media described it," she pointed out, pointing to the list of men that were murdered. Eric kept track, probably making sure his sister's name hadn't made it on the list. "They never released the identity of the cop who did it."

Anastasia nodded. "Well, I'm sure they deserved it. Falcone's men... They're vicious. I can't even imagine what they had done to drive that officer to do the things they did. Those men had it coming."

"The meeting you had with Falcone was on the news too," Laura's words were hesitant, sparing Anastasia a nervous glance. It made a sigh leave the blonde's lips, remembering that the media had begun to believe that the Waynes and Lovejoys had ties with the mob. Then, the allegations were reinforced after all the new information had come to light. "A lot of Falcone's men were killed, shot by Falcone himself. It's what the police report said. But, of course, the media only focused on the fact that Gotham's princess was there too."

"Yeah, he was trying to kill Batman," Anastasia mumbled, hearing the ring of gunshots echo in her mind and the manic laughter that had left Falcone's lips. He had enjoyed his little game with Batman. Until he lost, of course. "I know Erina was there, but I don't think I saw her among the corpses. Everything had happened too fast for me to remember."

"Then, we have to assume she's still alive. It's possible that Eric had narrowed his search down completely to Erina," Laura whispered, looking at the photo. It was taken at a diner called Over Easy as she drank from a flask outside, dressed in a waitress' uniform. "He found Erina. But, he still doesn't know what happened to his father."

"He needs the files too," Anastasia sighed, shaking her head. She spotted his cell phone, sitting next to his desktop computer which was shattered too. It looked as if someone had punched their hand through the monitor, making her wince. The computer, itself, had been ripped from the wall and shattered into a million pieces on the floor. But, there was still no sign of his laptop which held the files. She picked up his phone, looking at all the missed calls and unread text messages he had from his friends and family. "Where could Eric have gone?"

Deep within the apartment, there was a sound. It made both of them pause as they stared at each other with wide eyes. They weren't alone.

Laura gulped, standing close to Anastasia. "Maybe he's still here."

They exited the office, following the noise that led them toward the bedroom. The door was closed, hiding whatever hid inside. The two clung to one another, listening to the racket coming from the other side. Anastasia could hear her heart beating in her ears as she tried to catch her breath, feeling her hands tremble as she held onto Laura. There was a bang, almost as if something had been dropped.

"So," Laura began softly, looking down at Anastasia, "who's going to open the door?"

Anastasia volunteered, not wanting Laura to get hurt because of her foolish decision to come looking for Eric alone. Despite her being the one chosen to open the door, Laura stood close behind with an old chemistry textbook she found on Eric's shelf in the living room. Anastasia took a deep breath, holding the cold door knob in her hands as she worked up the courage to open the door. Finally, after counting to ten, she slowly pushed open the door.

The sight was... appalling. Anastasia stood rigid, staring at the hunched-over figure of who she could only assume was Eric. Blood was speared against every surface, painting the once beige-colored walls into a bright crimson. The smell hit Anastasia next, making her nauseous as she took a step back. She had assumed they had found Eric's corpse from the state of the room, but he still twitched as a growl left his lips. He was kneeling on the floor, facing away from them. He moved erratically, swaying back and forth as he chewed on something. Moving a bit closer, Anastasia could tell it was some kind of animal. But, it was too mangled up to be recognizable. She could feel her heart clench as another wave of sickness overwhelmed her senses.

Laura reacted better than Anastasia, but she still gripped the textbook tight in her hands. With wide eyes, she began to approach him. "Eric?"

He froze, not moving a muscle as he waited for something. She could see him watching them from the corner of his eyes. Slowly, he turned around as a snarl left his lips. He dropped the animal he had been holding, barely acknowledging it as another growl left his lips.

Both Anastasia and Laura screamed, stumbling back as they faced the man. It was Eric, but he looked... different. His eyes had become a milky white as his teeth had elongated into sharp canines. Strange fungi-like stems erupted all over his skin, but they mostly sprouted at the sides of his head. It almost seemed as if the stems had grown through his skull, causing them to notice the dry blood that coated his hair and skin. He trembled in his spot, watching them with wide white eyes. A scream erupted from his lips as he rushed toward them, prepared to attack. But, Laura moved fast as she hit him across the face with the textbook.

"Stay back, Eric!" Laura warned, watching him struggle to regain his balance. He moved too fast, twitching as he tried to get his vision to focus. His eyes were still bloodshot, dripping red down his cheeks. Anastasia wondered how he could still see, but he still managed to stare straight at them. "I don't want to hurt you! But, I will if you keep this up, Eric."

Eric didn't heed her warnings, running forward to attack once again. Anastasia stumbled back, almost tripping over the oxygen tank as she tried to get out of his way. He tripped over the couch, snarling as he quickly regained his balance. His eyes focused on Anastasia for a moment. She braced herself for impact, knowing she wouldn't be able to overpower Eric in her state. But, he did not attack her. Instead, he looked at Laura and charged toward her. It made Anastasia frown, staring with wide eyes.

Why hadn't he attacked her?

She tried not to think about it, removing the nasal cannula from her nose to make sure she wouldn't trip over it again. While Laura kept Eric at bay, Anastasia rushed back into the office to grab the bat she had noticed earlier. She rushed back into the living room, raising the bat to hit Eric hard against the head. He howled in pain, clutching his head as he stumbled away from Laura. Still, he did not attack her as he backed away in fear. They watched as his frantic eyes darted between the two of them. He ran back toward the bedroom, moving inhumanely fast. He smashed through the glass window, jumping onto the fire escape. He began to rush down the escape, causing both of them to panic.

"We can't let him get away in his state!" Anastasia shouted, rushing toward the window as she held the bat close. In her state of adrenaline, she was forgetting that she couldn't physically handle all the exertion.

Still, she didn't notice as she climbed down the fire escape. Laura was close behind. Their heavy footsteps caused the fire escape to rattle and groan in protest, but it still seemed stable enough to allow them safe passage into the alleyway below. They were able to corner Eric, approaching him slowly as he glared at them.

"Eric, stop!" Laura shouted, holding out her hand. Anastasia wasn't sure if Eric could still understand them, watching him twitch. His actions seemed to be pure instinct, animalistic. It made her think back to the animal attacks that were happening all over Gotham. Had Eric been a victim of that?  Laura took a slow step forward, despite Anastasia's warning. "Let us help you!"

Anastasia tightened her hands around the baseball bat, unable to stop her vision from swimming as she tried to focus on the scene in front of her. She gulped, trying to keep it together as she took slow breaths. But, she felt as if her heart was going to jump out of her chest. She couldn't breathe, feeling something claw deep inside her chest. She swayed, but still held her ground.

Another snarl left Eric's lips, backing away from them as they approached. He trembled, almost as if he was terrified. Laura seemed to notice too, slowly approaching as she let her guard down. She extended a hand, hoping that Eric would take it. However, he took the chance to attack instead. He tackled Laura to the ground, trying to sink his sharp teeth into her neck. A scream left her lips, causing Anastasia to rush forward to help. She tried to swing the bat, but Eric grabbed it out of her hands. He tossed it to the side, screaming at her. She felt the newfound pain vibrate within her ears, causing her to cover her ears to block out the sound. Her distraction allowed Eric to pick her up by the throat, throwing her back. She fell several feet away, hitting the ground hard. She wasn't aware that Eric had that much strength, but that creature wasn't Eric anymore. She slowly tried to get up, wanting to help Laura. But, she could barely find the strength to do much other than sit up. Her hands shook, blood seeping from the new cuts and scrapes. Her eyes widened as she watched Eric go to hurt Laura, but he never got the chance.

A black shadow fell from above, ripping Eric off Laura before throwing him a few feet away. Anastasia waited for her vision to adjust, noticing Batman's outline as he tackled Eric to prevent him from attacking again. Laura scrambled away, rushing toward Anastasia. She kneeled beside her, holding her close. Other than a few cuts and bruises, Laura seemed fine. Thankfully. They both watched as Batman sedated Eric before slowly lowering him to the ground. He stood tall, staring at Eric for a moment. Then, he turned to look in their direction. With Laura's help, Anastasia stood to her feet. He stood tall, terrifying to look at in the dim light of the closed windows. It was a miracle that no one in the apartment complex had cared enough to look at the scuffle. Anastasia held onto Laura's arm, barely able to stand.

Batman slowly approached. His eyes seemingly focused on Anastasia, blue eyes narrowed as his jaw clenched. If she didn't know any better, she would assume that Batman was disappointed with a dash of anger. His voice was deep, frightening. "What were the two of you doing here?"

"We came here to check up on a friend," Laura immediately said, eyes flickering to Eric's slumped figure. His skin looked pale in the moonlight with all his veins visible underneath his skin. They looked a mixture of red and black, instead of the usual blue and green. "We, kind of, broke into his apartment when he wasn't answering. Then, we found him hunched over in his bedroom. We tried to speak to him, but then he attacked us. Somehow, we ended up here."

Anastasia nodded her head, backing up Laura's words. She didn't dare complain about the pain she was in, considering what was happening to Eric was a lot more important. Her hand was pressed against her side, making her pray she hadn't opened any of her stitches. However, Batman seemed to notice. His eyes never left her.

"Where's your oxygen tank?" Batman asked, ignoring everything that Laura had said about Eric.

It made Anastasia frown. She hesitated, but she pointed up to the sixth floor. "It's still in the apartment."

"I'll go get it," Laura whispered softly, helping Anastasia lean against the wall. Batman watched carefully, standing close enough to help if they needed it. Still, he didn't say a word as he watched the scene unfold.

Laura rushed off, heading back up the fire escape. It still creaked, but it was much quieter than before. She disappeared inside the bedroom window that belonged to Eric, but she didn't come back out that way. Anastasia could only assume that Laura was going to come out through the front of the building, considering the tank might be too heavy to bring down the fire escape.

She frowned, hesitantly looking at Batman. He stood close by, typing away at his gauntlet. She stared at him, wondering who was behind that mask. Taking deep breaths had helped her calm down, alleviating most of the pain she felt. But, it was a deadly reminder that she needed to be more careful to prevent hurting herself even further.  She cleared her throat, earning his attention. "How'd you know I was on oxygen?"

"One of the bullets hit your lung," Batman said calmly as if he had been expecting her question. He was much taller than her, making her look up at him. Up close, he didn't seem too frightening. He looked like the man who had saved her life, twice. In the shadows, it was a different story. "It's not unreasonable to assume you would be on oxygen, especially with the indention the tube leaves against the skin."

"Oh..." Anastasia mumbled, nodding her head. She continued to focus on her breaths, balling her hands into fists against the hem of her jacket.

"How could you do something so reckless?" He suddenly asked, making her look up at him again. His question had shocked her, not expecting Batman to care so much about two citizens stumbling upon an unfortunate event. After all, they lived in Gotham. It was a guarantee that, at least, one bad thing would happen each day. "You could have been killed. You could have gotten your friend killed."

"I... I didn't mean for all this to happen," Anastasia whispered, avoiding his stern gaze as she focused on the ground instead. A heavy sigh left her lips, facing him as she tried to come up with some kind of explanation. "We were only checking up on our friend, Eric. We thought he was sick."

"You need to focus on recovering," Batman's voice was stern, sharp enough to hurt Anastasia's feelings. Still, his words themself weren't harsh. He seemed to have noticed her shift in emotion, letting out a small sigh as he took a step back. "Stay home, allow yourself to heal after what happened at the debate. You almost died. Please, take care of yourself."

"I'm fine," Anastasia reassured, dismissing his concern.

"You are not fine," he said, narrowing his eyes as he shook his head. "You are on the verge of passing out, barely able to stand. If I hadn't shown up..." he trailed off, huffing. "The two of you could have gotten killed. Gotham has lost too many people to these attacks already."

It was quiet between the two of them. Anastasia felt guilty for risking Laura's life by bringing her here. She should have gone on her own, but there was no way she could have handled Eric in his state. Despite his scoldings, she was grateful Batman had showed when he did.

"I wanted to thank you," Anastasia said quietly, meeting his eyes. For a moment, his blue eyes softened as he stared at her. But, then his mask was back up as he regarded her with no emotion. Still, Anastasia continued. "You saved my life at the debate. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

Batman nodded slowly. "No need to thank me."

She smiled. "Saving people is what you do, I get it."

"It doesn't change the fact that you need to be more careful," Batman scolded, earning a chuckle from Anastasia. It had taken a minute or two, but her breathing had returned to normal. The pain had mostly subsided, making her think she had simply overworked herself. "This is the third time I've saved your life. You're still injured. You need to go home and rest."

"And, I will," Anastasia reassured, crossing her arms. She couldn't tell Batman the real reason she and Laura were there, considering they needed to find the files. But, it still didn't explain what had happened to Eric. It must have been related to the animal attacks happening around the city. "As I said before, we were only checking up on a friend. He had been radio silent for about a week. Now, we know why."

"I'm back!" Laura shouted, rushing toward Anastasia with the cart in hand. She helped Anastasia put it on, making sure the tank was supplying enough oxygen. She placed a gentle hand against Anastasia's cheek, giving a warm smile. "You okay?"

Anastasia smiled at the woman, nodding her head. "I'm fine, Laura. Thank you," She said, raising a brow at the backpack she was wearing now. She didn't comment on it, not wanting Batman to know any more of what they were doing. Laura looked as if she was itching to say something, clearing her throat as she looked at Batman.

He towered over the both of them, watching them silently with narrowed eyes. He suspected something but didn't comment on it.

Laura frowned, looking behind Batman into the alleyway. "Where'd Eric go?"

The spot where Eric had been was empty, leaving no trace that he had ever been there. He was gone, making Anastasia frown as the thought of Eric wandering the city in his state filled her mind. He could hurt himself or hurt someone else. Batman approached the spot, looking around the alley to make sure he wasn't hiding somewhere nearby. But, Eric had seemingly disappeared.

"Get home, both of you," Batman ordered, looking back at them. "It isn't safe to wander the streets anymore."

"Does this have anything to do with the animal attacks?" Anastasia asked, stepping forward before Batman could grapple away. She wanted to know more, unable to shield her mind from the mystery. "Is it some kind of virus? Is he sick?"

"I don't know yet," Batman said softly, looking in her direction. "But, with the Children of Arkham and these animal attacks now, it's best to stay home."

He grappled away, leaving the two women alone in the alleyway. Laura hummed, facing Anastasia with a playful expression. "He's kind of hot."

Anastasia's eyes widened. "Laura!"

"What?" Laura chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "I, also, don't think Batman is Mr. Wayne anymore. Looks like Batman is much taller than Mr. Wayne, but it's still suspicious that they both have blue eyes."

"Yeah, so does ten percent of the population," Anastasia mumbled, shaking her head. She looked at the gray backpack that Laura wore, along with her purse that she carried. "So, what's in the backpack?"

Laura smiled, shrugging the backpack off so she could unzip it. She showed off the contents to Anastasia. "Guess what I found in Eric's bedroom?"

She peeked inside, feeling a sense of relief overwhelming her. "Eric's laptop!" She smiled, meeting Laura's brown eyes. "You found it!"

The other woman nodded, zipping the backpack back up. "It's broken, but it's better than nothing," Laura said, gesturing for Anastasia to start walking toward the car. "I'm sure we can still be able to get the information off it."

It felt as if things were finally starting to work in their favor. But, her mind still wandered to Eric. She wanted him safe. She wanted him there when they uncovered the files. He deserved to get justice for his sister and father. "While we get the laptop repaired, we need to find out what's going on with Eric. We need to help him, especially when he's done so much for us. For me."

"Unless Batman finds him first," Laura pointed out, helping Anastasia put the cart back into the backseat. Once all their stuff was settled down, the two took a seat inside.

"Right," Anastasia mumbled, buckling her seatbelt as she started the car. It hummed, welcoming them back. The navigation immediately started up, showing the way back to the manor. But, first, Anastasia needed to drop Laura off at her home. "Okay, so, we'll look for Eric, just in case. We can't put all our faith in Batman."

"Exactly," Laura agreed, nodding her head. She imputed her address into the navigation for Anastasia, showing that she only lived a twenty-minute drive away. It was close to Wayne Tower, considering Laura lived within walking distance. "Where would we start?"

Anastasia thought about it for a moment, pulling the car out of the parking spot as she began to drive down the street. "I suppose we can try to find Erina Sato," she suggested, shrugging her shoulders. "If Eric is any bit lucid, it's possible he would try to look for his sister or the rest of his family."

Laura smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

LAURA MORETTI OWNS MY HEART. I am so excited to write more scenes with her because she's just a fun character tbh! I think most of the next chapter will be Ana and Laura centric too, but I'm not too sure yet! I still have to write it, so it might be a while till it is out. A lot was revealed this chapter and there's a lot more going on with Eric than meets the eyes. If anyone wants kind of a visual of what he kind of looks like, think about the stalkers from The Last of Us! I will reveal more as I write, but for right now, that's all we're getting hehe!

This chapter isn't exactly how I envisioned things to go, but I think I wrote it close enough to portray what was going on in my mind! I think I need to slow scenes down and write more in depth! I feel like sometimes I write in "summary style" where I kind of am telling what is happening rather than showing. So, I'll try to slow down the scenes in the next chapter to focus more on the characters and what's going on!

We will most likely see Erina again in the next chapter! I still need to look at my outline, but she should show up! I am so excited to write more of her in this book too because I just love Erina with all my heart. I promise I will work more on her book one day, but right now, I am lacking inspiration and motivation for Identity Crisis. But, soon!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though! I want to thank you all for all the support that you've been giving me! It truly means a lot and it makes me so excited to write for this book. Thank you! 🥹🫶🏽

[ PUBLISH DATE ━━ 08.15.2022 ]

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