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Story Opening

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Chelsea POV:
"manjil suga eobseodo dwae
aneul sudo eobseodo dwae Lonely love
Yes I love you nae unmyeongcheoreom
geudael neukkil su isseoyo"
"What a beautiful voice? What language is that?" The man who's driving the Taxi asked
"Thank you, it's Korean" I answered
"let me guess? just arrived from Korea?" He asked looking at me from the front mirror
And I nodded.

Few minutes later the taxi stopped and man turned around smiling
"Look like we arrived! Is it the right address?"
He said I opened the door and walked outside looking at the house in front of me smiling
"Yup! It is " I told the driver he then got out and helped me with the bags then I payed him
And he left.
I grabbed the keys and opened the door dragging the bags inside I placed them in the living room until I figure out how to get them upstairs.....
I walked back outside to look around at the house and the neighborhood I'll be living in
"Hmm the neighborhood looks quite, where are all the people?" I said wondering around the house, Well I guess I'm still used to Korea crowded streets ~
Still wondering I heard view voices in the backyard
"Hello ~ anyone there?" I yelled but I got no response maybe I should cheak it out?
I was about to walk to the voice direction but then I thought....HELL NO?!!
"I'm not going there?! I'm still unfamiliar with the area! Beside it can be a stray cat or dog?! i don't want to have rabies?!!!" Then I remember something important, My DOG Suja!!
I wonder when will he arrive? They said he'll be here tomorrow....I really miss him, I wish I could've took him with me, but because of the airport policy in Korea animals must be transferred in another plane.
I turned around to walk back inside only to ALMOST have a heart attack because of the Stupid Phone that's ringing inside my Pocket OH MY GOODNESS!
I pulled out and the answered it
"HELLO!" I said
"-------" Huh ?
"Hellooo?" I was getting uncomfortable, it's like there's no one in the other side of the phone ? I was about to hung out tell I heard
"OH Hello! Honey ~ how are you?" And I immediately knew who it was ....
"MOM?! You scared me why didn't you answer?!" I asked
"Oh sorry dear I was putting the the chicken in the oven ~" yup that's my mother....
"Say honey, Did you arrived?! How's the house?! the neighborhood?! Did you met anyone?! How's the neighbors?! Did you met any GUYS?!!!"
"AND GU-" I cut her off  "AND GUYS NEITHER" I said
"Oh Okay ~" she Said, I swear she love to tease me "Honey I have to go! Your father need me in the garage!"
"Okay! Told him I said hi ~"
"K goodbye Love Ya ~" with that she hung out
I let out a sigh and walked back to find a little surprised on my doorsteps ?
"Huh? Where did this came from?" its a Fire truck, a kids toy ? I was about to pick it up then someone spoke
"Hello" I looked to see its a little kid
"Hi!" I said smiling at him oh he's SO Adorable!! He looks 4 years old? He has a blonde short hair and a cute little green eyes
"Are you the new neighbor?" He asked
"Yeah, you are?" I asked with a smile
"I live next door! My name is Max "
"What a cute name Max!" I said then I looked back at the toy "max is this yours?" I asked him
pointing at it, he nodded then picked it up
"Miss what's your name?" He asked
"My name is Chelsea  ~" I said
"Ok, miss Chelsea I have to go now! My mom well be home soon! Bye!" With that he start running to the house besides mine
"What an adorable kid!" I said then walked inside the house.

The company that moved the furniture seems to put everything in it place! Awesome!
I start drugging the HEAVY BIG bags upstairs
After a while i finished and I was ready to go to bed because it's like 8:44 and I really need to sleep after the flight today and I did, I laid down on the comfortable bed and closed my eyes ....my eyes opened wide at the fact that I DIDN'T LOCK THE DOORS AND THE WINDOWS?!!!
I jumped out of the bed and went downstairs to lock the doors and the windows then went back upstairs to close the other windows then GO back to my room and Closed the Only Window in it "if Mom was here she would've give me a lecture ..." I said laying back down
"I really miss them..." I mumble under the covers ...BUT IM 19! I must rely on myself !!
I've thought of many things before falling asleep but the only thing that was really in my mind is What's in store for me tomorrow.

End Of The Chapter

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